English writer: William Shakespeare


I would like to tell about a writer who became a symbol of the English literature.

William Shakespeare, the greatest English poet and dramatist, was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon in England. When he was 13 he left school and began to help his father in the trade. He was glad when groups of actors visited Stratford. William watched them and decided to become an actor.

William went to London when he was about 21. He began to work in London holding the horses of those people who came to see the plays at the theatre.

Later he became an actor and then he began to write plays himself. Very many of his plays were performed in a London theatre called The Globe. Life itself was shown in his plays. Shakespeare’s heroes are still on the stage in his plays Othello, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet and other.

William Shakespeare died at the stage of 52 and was buried in fine old Parish Church in Stratford-upon-Avon.

His plays and poems were translated into many foreign languages. People all over the world enjoy them. As for me, I like Shakespeare’s sonnets very much. They tell about great love and beautiful dame and a man is a knight. They are ordinary people but great love makes their feelings beautiful. Maybe, that is why I like the sonnets. I hope someday to read his poems and plays in English and enjoy them in the original.

Perform – выполнять

Globe – земной шар

Dame – дама

А man is a knight – человек – рыцарь

They are ordinary people – Они обычные люди

Plays – пьесы

Список литературы

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