2.1 Features of Resident
Residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan are individuals who reside permanently in the Republic of Kazakhstan, or whose center of vital interests is located in the Republic of Kazakhstan. An individual shall be considered to reside permanently in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the current tax period if he spends at least 183 calendar days in any consecutive 12-month period ending in the current tax period in the Republic of Kazakhstan. An individual shall also be considered to reside permanently in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the current tax period if the number of days spent in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the current tax period and the preceding two tax periods, determined by applying the following coefficients to each tax period, is equal to at least 183 calendar days:
1 – the number of days spent in the current tax period;
1/3 – the number of days spent in the tax period immediately preceding the current tax period;
1/6 – the number of days spent in the tax period before the one immediately preceding the current tax period.
If an individual has lived in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the current tax period for fewer than 30 calendar days, said individual shall not be considered to reside permanently in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition, an individual shall be considered a nonresident for the period following the last day spent in the Republic of Kazakhstan, unless said person becomes a resident in the year following the year in which the person’s stay in the Republic of Kazakhstan ended.
An individual’s center of vital interests shall be considered to be located in the Republic of Kazakhstan if the following conditions are met simultaneously:
1) an individual is a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan or has a permit to reside in the Republic of Kazakhstan (residency permit);
2) an individual’s family and/or close relatives reside in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) real property owned by an individual and/or members of his family or held by them on some other basis is located in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the individual has access to it at any time for use as a residence for himself and/or members of his family.
Individuals who fall into the following categories and who are citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan or who have filed an application for citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan or for a permit to reside permanently in the Republic of Kazakhstan without becoming a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, shall be considered resident individuals, regardless of the time spent in the Republic of Kazakhstan and any other criteria provided below:
persons sent abroad on official business by government agencies, including employees of diplomatic and consular institutions and international organizations, as well as family members of said individuals;
crew members of means of transport belonging to legal entities or citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which make regular international trips;
military and civilian personnel at military bases and those serving in military units, groups, contingents, or formations deployed outside the Republic of Kazakhstan;
persons working at facilities located outside the Republic of Kazakhstan which are owned by the Republic of Kazakhstan or constituent territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan (including on the basis of concession contracts);
students and persons undergoing on-the-job and practical training outside the Republic of Kazakhstan for educational purposes or to gain practical experience, for the entire period of instruction or practical training;
teachers and scientific personnel located outside the Republic of Kazakhstan for the purpose of teaching, consulting, or performing scientific work, for the entire period they are teaching or performing said work.
Also legal entities established in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and/or other legal entities whose effective headquarters (or actual administrative offices) are located in the Republic of Kazakhstan, shall also be considered residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Effective headquarters (or actual administrative offices) shall be understood to mean the place where the principal management takes place and where strategic commercial decisions are made which are necessary for the performance of a legal entity’s entrepreneurial activity.
2.2 Permanent establishment of a nonresident
A permanent establishment of a nonresident in the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be defined as a place of business through which the nonresident performs all or part of its entrepreneurial activity, including activity performed through an authorized person, and specifically:
1) any place of doing business related to the production, processing, assembly, packaging, delivery, or realization of goods, regardless of the duration of the activity;
2) any management office, branch, division, representative office, bureau, office, agency, factory, workshop, production shop, laboratory, store, or warehouse of a nonresident, regardless of the duration of the activity;
3) any place of doing business related to the extraction of natural resources, including the extraction of hydrocarbons: an underground mine, a quarry, an oil and/or gas well, an open-pit mine, land-based or offshore derricks and/or wells, regardless of the duration of the activity;
4) any place of doing business (including monitoring or supervisory activity) related to a pipeline, gas line, the exploration and/or development of natural resources, the installation, set-up, assembly, start-up, adjustment, and/or servicing of equipment, regardless of the duration of the activity;
5) any other place of doing business related to the operation of slot machines (including accessories), computer networks and communications channels, amusement parks, the transportation or other infrastructure, regardless of the duration of the activity.
A construction site, an installation or assembly project, and the performance of planning work shall constitute a permanent establishment regardless of the duration of the work. In this context a construction site (project) shall be understood to mean specifically the place where work is performed to erect and/or renovate real property, including the construction of buildings and structures and/or the performance of installation work, the construction and/or rebuilding of bridges, roads, and canals, the laying of pipelines, the installation of power engineering, industrial, and other equipment, and/or the performance of other similar work. A construction site (project) shall cease to exist as of the day following the day on which the operating certificate for the project (or the acceptance certificate for the work performed) is signed and the construction has been paid for in full.
A nonresident shall also create a permanent establishment in the Republic of Kazakhstan if the nonresident:
1) collects insurance premiums and/or provides insurance or reinsurance coverage for risks in the Republic of Kazakhstan through an authorized agent;
2) provides services on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan continuously for more than 90 calendar days in any consecutive 12-month period ending in the given tax period, through employees or personnel hired for these purposes;
3) is a participant in a simple partnership (joint operating agreement) created in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and operating on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4) holds exhibitions in the Republic of Kazakhstan for a fee and/or at which goods are sold;
5) on the basis of a contractual relationship grants a resident or nonresident the right to represent its interests in the Republic of Kazakhstan, or to act or conclude contracts (agreements, accords) on its behalf.
A nonresident engaged in entrepreneurial activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan through an independent intermediary (a broker and/or other independent agent acting on the basis of an agency, commission, or consignment agreement or another similar type of agreement), who is not authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the nonresident, shall not be considered to be creating a permanent establishment. An independent intermediary shall be understood to mean a person operating within the context of his usual (principal) business, who is both legally and economically independent of the nonresident.
... курсовой разнице. Статья 103. Вычет налогов. Статья 104. Расходы, не подлежащие вычету. 2 Действующий порядок учета на предприятии ТОО «Жалыкпас» 2.1 Документальное оформление доходов и расходов Особенности бухгалтерского учета рассмотрим на примере организации ТОО «Жалыкпас». Это частное предприятие. ТОО "Жалыкпас" зарегистрировано в 1993г., является малым ...
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