1. There is a large University computer center at Irkutsk State University.
2. It was set up in 1959.
3. First, the computer center had only one machine.
4. It was an electronic computing machine of the first generation the "Ural 1".
5. The staff of the computer center was 20 persons.
6. Now, the computer center is a large educational and scientific center.
7. We can find many specialists working there.
8. There are many operators, engineers, programmers and research workers there.
9. At the center there are seven departments. Internet center; Computer publishing and systems; Automatic control systems; Management of locally oriented computer systems; Mini and microcomputers laboratory; The laboratory of quantum chemistry; Software laboratory.
10. Now the new name of the computer center is new information technologies center.
11. Our computer center is equipped with modern electronics machines.
12. There are personal computers of the last generation.
13. All the computers are foreign made.
14. The computer carries out scientific and practical researches.
15. University students have their computer practice at the center; they also operated person computer in computer classes.
16. They learn to operate modern computers, to read and compile programs to debug and analyze them.
17. The Internet center was set up 1997.
18. University students have a free access to Internet and World Wide Web.
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