On Visual Basic


Source Code:

Dim EraserColor As Long

Dim EraserSize As Integer

Dim PencilSize As Integer

Dim BoxInversed As Boolean

Dim GradationChanged As Boolean

Dim XX As Double, YY As Double

Dim XX2 As Double, YY2 As Double

Dim CurrentChoice

Dim TheColor As Long

Dim Red As Long

Dim Green As Long

Dim Blue As Long

Dim SecondColor As Long

Dim FirstColor As Long

Private Sub BoxOptionInterior_Click (Index As Integer)

BoxOptionSample. BackStyle = IIf (Index = 2, 0, 1)

If Index = 0 Then BoxOptionSample. BackColor = FirstColor

If Index = 1 Then BoxOptionSample. BackColor = SecondColor

If Index = 3 Then BoxOptionSample. BackColor = &HFFFFFF

End Sub

Private Sub ColorBoard_MouseMove (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

On Error GoTo 10

TheColor = ColorBoard. Point (x, y)

If Button <> 1 And Button <> 2 Then Exit Sub

If Button = 1 Then ForeColorSample. BackColor = TheColor: FirstColor = TheColor: g = 0

If Button = 2 Then BackColorSample. BackColor = TheColor: SecondColor = TheColor: g = 3

Scroll(g).Value = TakeRGB (TheColor, 0): Scroll (g + 1).Value = TakeRGB (TheColor, 1): Scroll (g + 2).Value = TakeRGB (TheColor, 2)

10 End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

f$ = InputBox («Input the size of the eraser», «Drawer V1.0», EraserOptionText. Text)

f$ = RTrim$(LTrim$(f$))

If «» + f$ <> Str$(Val (f$)) Then MsgBox «Input error!», vbOKOnly, «Drawer V1.0»: Exit Sub

If Val (f$) <> Int (Val(f$)) Then MsgBox «Input error!», vbOKOnly, «Drawer V1.0»: Exit Sub

If Val (f$) > 500 Or Val (f$) < 100 Then MsgBox «Input error!», vbOKOnly, «Drawer V1.0»: Exit Sub

EraserOptionText. Text = f$

EraserSize = Val (f$)

Shape3. Width = Val (f$): Shape3. Height = Val (f$)

Shape1. Width = Val (f$): Shape1. Height = Val (f$)

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

f$ = InputBox («Input the border of the line or pencil», «Drawer V1.0», LineOptionText. Text)

f$ = RTrim$(LTrim$(f$))

If «» + f$ <> Str$(Val (f$)) Then MsgBox «Input error!», vbOKOnly, «Drawer V1.0»: Exit Sub

If Val (f$) <> Int (Val(f$)) Then MsgBox «Input error!», vbOKOnly, «Drawer V1.0»: Exit Sub

If Val (f$) > 10 Or Val (f$) < 1 Then MsgBox «Input error!», vbOKOnly, «Drawer V1.0»: Exit Sub

LineOptionText. Text = f$

PencilSize = Val (f$)

Line2. BorderWidth = Val (f$)

End Sub

Private Sub DialogBox_Click (Index As Integer)

Static coloring As Long

On Error GoTo 100

CommonDialog1. ShowColor

coloring = CommonDialog1. Color

Scroll (Index * 3).Value = TakeRGB (coloring, 0)

Scroll (Index * 3 + 1).Value = TakeRGB (coloring, 1)

Scroll (Index * 3 + 2).Value = TakeRGB (coloring, 2)


End Sub

Private Sub EraserOptionColor_Click (Index As Integer)

EraserColor = IIf (Index = 0, SecondColor, &HFFFFFF)

End Sub

Private Sub EraserOptionText_GotFocus()

Command1. SetFocus

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

EraserColor = &HFFFFFF

PencilSize = 1

EraserSize = 300

CurrentChoice = 1

FirstColor = &H0

SecondColor = &HFFFFFF

End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseMove (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

Shape1. Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub GradationColor_Click (Index As Integer)

GradationChanged = True

End Sub

Private Sub GradationDirection_Click (Index As Integer)

GradationChanged = True

End Sub

Private Sub LineOptionText_GotFocus()

Command2. SetFocus

End Sub

Private Sub MainPic_MouseDown (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

If Button <> 1 Then Exit Sub

Select Case CurrentChoice

Case 1

Line1.X1 = x: Line1.X2 = x

Line1.Y1 = y: Line1.Y2 = y

Line1. Visible = True

Case 2

XX = x: YY = y

Case 3

MainPic. Line (Shape1. Left, Shape1. Top) – (Shape1. Left + Shape1. Width, Shape1. Top + Shape1. Width), EraserColor, BF

Case 4, 5, 8

XX = x: YY = y

XX2 = x: YY2 = y

Shape2. Shape = IIf (CurrentChoice = 5, 2, 0)

Shape2. Visible = True

Shape2. Left = x: Shape2. Top = y

Shape2. Width = 0: Shape2. Height = 0

End Select

End Sub

Private Sub MainPic_MouseMove (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

If CurrentChoice = 3 Then

Shape1. Left = x – Shape1. Width / 2

Shape1. Top = y – Shape1. Width / 2

Shape1. Visible = True

End If

If Button <> 1 Then GoTo 10

Select Case CurrentChoice

Case 1

Line1.X2 = x: Line1.Y2 = y

Case 2

MainPic. DrawWidth = PencilSize

MainPic. Line (XX, YY) – (x, y), FirstColor: XX = x: YY = y

MainPic. DrawWidth = 1

Case 3

MainPic. Line (Shape1. Left, Shape1. Top) – (Shape1. Left + Shape1. Width, Shape1. Top + Shape1. Width), EraserColor, BF

Case 4, 5, 8

XX2 = x: YY2 = y

Shape2. Left = IIf (x > XX, XX, x)

Shape2. Top = IIf (y > YY, YY, y)

Shape2. Width = Abs (x – XX)

Shape2. Height = Abs (y – YY)

Case 6

Scroll(0).Value = TakeRGB (MainPic. Point (x, y), 0)

Scroll(1).Value = TakeRGB (MainPic. Point (x, y), 1)

Scroll(2).Value = TakeRGB (MainPic. Point (x, y), 2)

End Select

Exit Sub

Информация о работе «Creating graphic editor»
Раздел: Информатика, программирование
Количество знаков с пробелами: 12266
Количество таблиц: 0
Количество изображений: 6

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