2. Презентация проекта 1 группы.
Generally, we think that it is not easy to choose the right occupation in life in which a person can best develop his or her talents and be successful. We feel very strongly that it depends on many things: on a person’s ideas, what the job is like, on qualities and skills needed for the job and his / her personal abilities. For example, a businessman is a very popular profession, but it requires a person to be energetic, confident, clever, ambitious, strong, friendly, firm, self-restrained, initiative. He / she must have administrative skills and work under pressure. Here you can see job requirements for professions of a journalist and a militiaman / detective. (Приложение 2, которое находится на доске).
We also have written a list of personal abilities and skills and tried to see what kind of person we are. (Приложение 3, находится на доске).
We matched these characteristics and job requirements. As you can see my characteristics matches the requirements for a job of a journalist or a tour guide. And Ilya’s personal qualities and skills suit the profession of a businessman. Well, listen to Ilya, please. He’ll tell his story about this profession.
(Илья выступает с сообщением. Его сочинение на доске. Там есть ещё одно сочинение о профессии журналиста). (Приложение 3 а,б)
Any questions ?
(Ученики из других групп задают вопросы, на которые отвечают члены 1-ой группы)
1 – Alyona, has your personal attitude to the problem changed ?
2 – Yes, it has. I’m absolutely convinced that a person should think hard to decide what profession to choose.
3 – And my question is to Ilya. What are your expectations of a future job ?
4 – I’d like to get satisfaction of the job. It will help me to express myself.
3. Презентация проекта 2-ой группы.
Учитель: Now, participants of the second group are to report the results of their group discussion to the class. Listen to them carefully and put down the questions that come into your mind while listening.
Ученик: A bright and happy road lies open before every school leaver. It’s up to us to decide what profession to choose. It is important to choose the right occupation that suits our interests. And we think that a talk with our parents, friends and teachers can help young people to decide what to be. An interview with a psychologist is also of a great importance. Our group prepared a list of questions for a job Interview that applicants may be asked during an interview for a job. Here they are. You can look through this list of questions to prepare yourself for a job interview. Below it there are some tips on how to behave during interview. (Приложение 4).
During our discussion we had to answer some questions on the choice of the future profession. We can give an example of such conversation.
Ilya and Vera will role-play it.
- Ilya, have you made up your mind what to be in the future ?
- No, I have not yet.
- When did you begin making plans for the future ?
- I began doing it at the age of 10 or 11.
- Have you changed your mind since that time ?
- Certainly, I have.
- What did you want to become ?
- I wanted to become a doctor.
- Why ?
- I thought it was a noble profession. I was good at biology. I wanted to help people who had problems with health. I knew that a doctor should be kind and attentive to people, responsible and reasonable, honest and prudent.
- Do you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come ?
- Yes, I do. But it is not an easy task to make the right choice of a job.
- What did your wishes depend on ?
- It depended upon my parents, my friends, my parents’ friends, my teachers, of course/
- How can it be ?
- It is up the personality of the teacher. If the physics teacher is skilled and clever I wanted to deal with physics and to become an engineer, and so on.
- Now it seems to me you have already decided what to do. You’d like to be an engineer. Am I right ?
- You see, I have not decided yet. I’m not sure. I like the profession of a programmer too. I’m interested in computers. We are living in the age of information. Programmers are in great need now. So, I’m not sure yet what profession to choose.
- Well, I wish you good luck. Try to do your best to develop good traits in yourself. And you’ll be good at your profession.
Ученик: Thank you. Do you want to ask them any questions ?
- My question is to Ilya. What factors do you take into account choosing a future career?
- In my opinion, important factors are job satisfaction, money and friendly atmosphere.
- What personal qualities should a person develop and be good at in order to be successful in your work ?
- It depends on particular field of work. But everybody prefers to work with hard-working and sensible person.
Ученик: we also have written two essays about the professions of a programmer and economist. They are on the blackboard and you can read them here. Thank you. Any questions ? (Приложение 5, 6 )
- Do you find the tips which are below the list of questions for interview useful ?
- Oh, yes. They give applicants some advice how to behave during interview.
- I have a question to Nina. Which job may suit your personal qualities?
- Well, I’ll have to think about that. In my case several professions suit me. I’d rather choose the profession of a sales manager.
... психолого-педагогического сопровождения могут способствовать решению проблем учащихся в профессиональном самоопределении. При внедрении предложенной нами модели психолого-педагогического сопровождения профессионального самоопределения в систему школьного образования мы полагаем, что образ современного выпускника должен несколько измениться. И в связи с этим предлагаем свою схему направленности ...
... и доминирующими ценностями. Задачи II этапа: 1. Экспериментально изучить доминирующие группы ценностей старшеклассников 2. экспериментально изучить профессиональную направленность старшеклассников. 3. Изучить взаимосвязь ценностных ориентаций и профессионального самоопределения старшеклассников. Для изучения особенностей профессиональной направленности нами были использованы ...
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... разрешения внутриличностных конфликтов: самодетерминация и помощь значимых людей; помощь квалифицированных специалистов; эмоциональный толчок. 6. Заключение Было проведено исследование особенностей внутриличностных конфликтов в процессе профессионального самоопределения у школьников, в ходе него выявлены факторы формирования, особенности протекания и способы разрешения этих конфликтов. ...
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