3. Vocabulary


1)         Coastline – берегова лінія;

2)         to jag – батувати; робити зазублини, вирізувати зубцями;

3)         inlet – вузька морська затока; фіорд, невелика бухта;

4)         to occupy – займати;

5)         border – межа, кордон;

6)         to separate – відокремлювати, розділяти; роз'єднувати;

7)         to wash – омивати;

8)         the Highlands – високогір'я; нагір'я, гірська місцевість;

9)         the Central Lowlands – центральні низовини;

10)      the Southern Uplands – Південне нагір'я, Південне плоскогір'я;

11)      barren – малородючий, неродючий;

12)      range – ланцюг, гряда;

13)      moor – ділянка, що поросла вересом; торф'яниста місцевість, торфовище;

14)      heath – пустир, занедбана ділянка землі;

15)      Highlander – горець, житель передгір'я;

16)      coastal plain – прибережна рівнина;

17)      Edinburgh – Единбург;

18)      to comprise – включати, містити в собі;

19)      to traverse – перетинати, проходити переборювати, проїжджати;

20)      chains of hills – гірське пасмо;

21)      rocky cliffs – скелясті стрімчаки;

22)      pasture land – пасовища;

23)      sheep – вівця; баран;

24)      cattle – велика рогата худоба;

25)      moderating – пом'якшуючи; робити помірним;

26)      surrounding – навколишній;

27)      outstanding – видатний, знаменитий;

28)      to sail up – тут підніматися/плисти вгору річкою;

29)      to flow into – впадати;

30)      eastward – на схід, до сходу, у східному напрямку;

31)      bay – бухта, затока;

32)      the Hebrides – острови Гебриди;

33)      density – щільність, густота;

34)      inhabitant – житель;

35)      the House of Commons – палата громад;

36)      peer – пер, лорд;

37)      the House of Lords – палата лордів;

38)      widest – найширший;

39)      narrowest – найвужчий;

40)      Glasgow – Глазго (місто Шотландії);

41)      highest peak – найвищий шпиль;

42)      Ben Nevis – Бен Невіс (гірський шпиль);

43)      The river Clyde – річка Клайд.

4. Questions


1.         Is Scotland a big country?

2.         Is it easy to get far from the sea in Scotland?

3.         What part of the islands of Great Britain does Scotland occupy?

4.         How many main land regions does Scotland have?

5.         What is the Highlands?

6.         What is the highest peak of the British Isles?

7.         What is the Central Lowlands?

8.         What climate does Scotland have?

9.         What is Scotland's most important river?

10.       What is the population of Scotland?

11.       Where is the highest density of population located?

12.       Where is the lowest density of population located?

13.       What is the most populous city in Scotland?

14.       Scotland is the northern part of Britain, isn’t it?

15.       How many Soots speak the Scottish form of Gaelic?

16.       Is Scotland an integral part of Great Britain or an independent state?

17.       How many representatives does Scotland have in the House of Commons and in the House of Lords?

18.       What is the capital of Scotland?

19.       What is the population of Glasgow?

20.       What do you know the rivers of Scotland?

21.       What length of Scotland?

22.       Who manages the affairs of Scotland?

23.       Where do most rivers of Scotland flow and does fall?

24.       Do the rivers of Scotland flow in what direction?

25.       Is the Highlands a barren region?

5. Answer the questions


1)         Scotland is a very small country.

2)         It is hardly possible to get far away from the sea.

3)         Scotland occupies the northern third of the islands of Great Britain.

4)         Scotland has three main land regions. They are, from north to south, the Highlands, the Central Lowlands and the Southern Uplands.

5)         The Highlands is a barren region that covers the northern two thirds of Scotland.

6)         The highest peak on the British Isles is 4406 feet (1343 meters). It is Ben Nevis.

7)         To the south of the Highlands lies the Central Lowlands, a narrow belt comprising about one-tenth of the area of Scotland, but containing the majority of the country's population.

8)         Scotland is subjected to the moderating influences of the surrounding seas. As a result of these influences, extreme seasonal variations of climate are rare and temperate winters and cool summers are the outstanding climatic features. Low temperatures, however, are common during the winter season in the mountainous districts of the interior.

9)         The river Clyde is Scotland's most important river.

10)      Population of Scotland was about 5 million people.

11)      The highest density of population is in the Central Lowlands, where nearly three-quarters of the Scots live.

12)      The lowest density of population is in the Highlands.

13)      The most populous city in Scotland is Glasgow.

14)      Scotland is the northern part of Great Britain.

15)      Fewer than 100,000 Scots, who are mainly inhabitants of the Highlands and island groups, also speak the Scottish form of Gaelic.

16)      Scotland is an integral part of Great Britain.

17)      Scotland is represented by 72 members in the House of Commons and by 16 Scottish peers in the House of Lords.

18)      Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.

19)      Glasgow has the population of about 655 000 people.

20)      Scotland has the river Tweed and the river Cheviot Hills.

21)      Scotland is 274 miles (441 kilometres) long.

22)      Scottish affairs are administered by a British cabinet ministry, headed by the secretary of state for Scotland.

23)      Many of Scotland's rivers flow into wide bays called firths.

24)      Scotland's longest rivers flow eastward into the North Sea.

25)      The Highlands is a barren region.

6. List of books

1.         Chystyuhina N.S. "World countries". Kharkiv, 2005

2.         "Britain 2005", an official handbook. Lviv, 2005

3.         Kosarin L.O. "This is Scotland". Donetsk, 1999

4.         "English-Ukrainian dictionary". Kyiv, 2002

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