Phase of quality management


3. Phase of quality management

This phase begins with 20th XX ages as attempt if not to settle, or weaken contradiction in a form, peculiar previous phase. The point of counting out is consider works, executed in Department of technical control of firm Western Electrician, USA. In May, 1924 employee of department doctor Shukhart passed to the chief a short message, which contained the method of construction of diagrams, known now all over the world as check cards of Shukharta Statistical methods, offered Shukhartom, gave in the hands of instrument, which allowed to concentrate efforts not on that, how to discover and withdraw worthless wares to their shipping a buyer, but on that, how to increase the output of suitable wares in tekhprocesse.

One of remarkable achievements of practice of quality management was become by creation of public accountant service in quality, which unlike the departments of technical control was engaged in not products, but by control of small selections from parties of wares checked up the capacity of the system of providing of quality on a production.

On this phase became the kernel of conception of providing of quality:

“A primary objective is saved – an user must get suitable wares only, I.e. wares, to the standards.

Introduction of conception of providing of quality in practice allowed considerably to promote efficiency of production at high enough quality of wares and services, that created terms for forming of global market of commodities and services. At the same time, understanding grew that the certain limit of output of suitable wares has every production process, and it a limit is determined a not process in itself, but system, that by all aggregate of activity of enterprise, organizations of labour, managements, which this process flows in. Under reaching this limit that contradiction operates with a new sharpness, what on the previous stage, – the aims of increase of efficiency of production and upgrading wares become contradictory.

4. Phase of management of quality it is accepted to count

Beginning of phase of management of quality with 1950 years. A turning event was become by appearance with lectures before the leading industrialists of Japan of doctor Edvardsa Deminga, American. For 12 lectures doctor Deming met with hundreds of leading managers of the Japanese firms. By him, and also by Joseph M. of Dzhuranom, other American, also invited in order of governmental technical help to Japan, the program the basic idea of which was developed: "Basis of quality of products is quality of labour and high-quality management on all levels, that such organization of work of collectives of people, when every worker enjoys the work".

The program was based already not on perfection only of production processes, but on perfection of the system on the whole, on the direct participating of top management of companies in the problems of quality, teaching of all employees of companies from top to bottom to the basic methods of providing of quality, support on motivation of employees on high-quality labour. Place of conception of non-admission of marriage to the user and conception of increase of output of suitable wares was taken the by conception "0 defects".

Exactly due to successive realization of ideas of Deminga, Dzhurana and Kaori Ishikavy Japan, country, more than poor natural resources and broke war, became one of the richest countries of the world.

Basic contribution to development of both this phase and to subsequent, brought in

Krosbi (Crosby, Philip B.) – in 1964 offered the program "0 defects"; it was during many years the vice-president of company ITT, was the president of American society on a quality (ASQS) management, presently consultant of many companies all over the world, heads a consulting firm Philip Crosby Associates, Inc.

Deming (Deming W. Edwards) – being one of leading specialists on the statistical methods of providing of quality, in 1950 got invitation from the Japanese union of scientists and engineers (JUSE) to take part in a salvager Japanese industry. There he and offered the program of management of quality from 14 points, developed principle of permanent improvement qualities which produced revolution in Japanese industry. In his honour of JUSE in 1951 founded the very prestige annual bonus of his name – prize for the Japanese firm, bringing in a most contribution to development of ideas of management of quality, analogical prize for a foreign firm and individual prize. With 1980 the American association of statistics awards the bonus of the name of Deminga also. Deming was one of the consultants most known in the world in area of management of quality, author more than 200 books in this area, honoured doctor of ten of the American universities. In 1987 got the personal congratulation of president of the USA. Died in 1995.

Feygenbaum (Feigenbaum Armand V.) – developed principles of total quality management and parallel (simultaneous) engineering; more than 10 years worked in General Electric, after founded an own consulting firm General Systems Company, Ltd, the president of which is to the present tense. This firm – one of world centers of consultations in area of management of quality.

Ishikava (Ishikawa, Kaori) – thought of the "circle of quality", offered the diagrams of "reason is investigation" (diagram of Ishikavy), developed conception management quality all collective of enterprise participates in which. From the beginning of 50th of more active participating in the program JUSE in quality. one of developers of new conception of organization of production, incarnate on a firm "Toyota" (production system of "Toyota", TPS).

Dzhuran (Juran, Joseph M.) – developed principle of "triads of quality"; it is one of anchorwomen business – consultants in area of quality.

Mesing (Masing Walter) – offered a reference "book in quality" as a basic document of the system of providing of quality of enterprise.

Maybe, that exactly on this phase of providing of quality there was a management of quality in his modern understanding. Contradiction between upgrading and growth of efficiency of production in his former forms was overcame – application of new ideas of management allowed simultaneously to promote quality and reduce production inputs. An user practically in entire countries began to get goods and services of the highest quality at moderate price – the idea of “society of consumption» realized. At the same time, conception of the standartized quality, in obedience to which under high-quality good is understood, to which defined requirements and fixed in norms producer, and an user is right either to purchase the offered product or reject it, resulted in intensifying of contradiction between quality and efficiency in a new form, – at an error in determination of queries of users on leaving of suitable, from point of producers, wares to the market of expense extraordinarily great.

This phase began to be engendered in the middle 60th as development of ideas of previous phase in the direction of more complete satisfaction of queries of users. The necessity of development of this phase is related to world market of commodities and services development, sharp intensifying of competition at this market and policy of state defense of interests of users.

All of it resulted in a situation, when placing to the market of products, having “child's illnesses» or satisfying the queries of user in less degree, what wares of competitors, CPLD from one side, with development of theory of reliability of wares, and de autre part, with wide introduction of the computing engineering and CADD in a development of products process. Basis of conception of new phase was become:

1.  idea, that greater part of defects of wares is mortgaged on the stage of development from insufficient quality of project works;

2.  transfer of centre of gravity of works on creation of good from the model tests of pre-production models or parties to the mathematical design of properties of wares, and also design of processes of production of wares, that allows to discover and remove designer and technological defects yet to beginning of the stage of production;

3.  place of conception "0 defects" were occupied by conception of the "satisfied user";

4.  high quality must be given an user for an affordable cost which goes down constantly, as a competition on markets is ever-higher.

The basic ideas of new phase are outspoken in works of Geniti Taguti, doctor Micuno, in scientific developments of companies "Toyota" and "Micubisi".

Taguti (writing of Taguchi is sometimes used – Taguchi, Genichi) – offered the function of losses of quality, developed the method of planning of industrial experiments.

Within the framework of phase of planning of quality it is succeeded practically to overcome contradiction between quality and efficiency of production in his existing forms, and a new phase arises up at the display of new form of this contradiction. For example, requirements of user, that not only products but also production process would be esuriently, I.e. would not do damage an environment. This phase is only engendered presently, and its conception yet finally was not formed.

List of literature

1.  Nothing superfluous. Philosophy of conduct of business from SEO Gillette: James Kilts, John Manfredi, Robert Lorber: God "send, Ivanov and Ferber", – 2008.

2.  "The Ultimate Book of Business Thinking: Harnessing the Power of the World's Greatest Business Ideas" by Des Dearlove.

3.  "Gemba Kaizen: A Commonsense, Low-Cost Approach to Management" by Masaaki Imai.

4.  "Harvard Business Review On Innovation" by Clayton M. Christensen, Michael Overdorf, Ian MacMillan, Rita McGrath, Stefan Thomke.

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