The Higher school and the ways to science


Student participation in research is one of the most effective methods for training highly - qualified specialists capable of taking part in the rapidly developing scientific and technological revilution.

Students are encouraged to participate widely in research while still at college. the programmeof studies is designed in such a way as to draw students ever deeper into scientific research.

Research enables the students to improve their knowledge and put to practical use the things they learn at lectures, seminars and laboratories. Furthermore, it enables them to realize the practical value of their knowledge, to master the basic experimental techniques, to learn how to handle the modern equipment and analyse the results of experiment.

Such students graduate as highly - skilled specialists. And this actually is one the most important tasks facing college.

There are student research societies at every univesity and institute. Contests,

competitions ans exhibitions, based on student research have become an established tradition.Every year a country-wide student contest is held for the best research project, the winners being awarded special medals and diplomas.

Students are engaged in research under guidance of professrs, instructors, engineers and post-graduates.As a rule, students write their term papers and graduation theses on problems of their research work. They operate experimental and industrial installations, conduct theoretical investigations, read scientific literature on their speciality.

Many term papers and graduation theses include elements of research done at some higher school department on contract with industrial enterprises. Term papers, research work, graduation theses of practical importance to industry - such are the stages of turning students into highly-skilled thinking

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