William Shakespeare


William Shakespeare.

William Shakespeare was born on the 23rd of April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. Father of William Shakespeare, John Shakespeare, was a merchant. He sold leather gloves and was rather successful. He was even going to be become the Head of Stratford-upon-Avon. Shakespeare got his education at local grammar school. There he studied English, Latin, and Greek. Actors often came to Stratford-upon-Avon. S. often admired their performances.
When William Shakespeare was 18, he married Ann Heathaway. He had three children: Susan and twins Judith and Hamlet. After some years Shakespeare had to go to London and leave his family. Somebody say that it is because once he killed the dear, which belonged to the judge, others that he decided to connect his life with theatre. When Shakespeare came to London, he connected his life with the theatre. At first he looked after the horses of rich man. Then he started to write plays. His place became popular and were performed in many theatres. By 1590 Shakespeare had become famous at the Berbedge’s theatre. When in 1599 open the Globe theatre Shakespeare became of its owners. When Jakov Stuart became the King of England, the
Globe theatre became the “servant” of the King. However, S. did not want to, so in 1612 he returned to Stratford. There he died on the 23rd of April
1616 (on the date of his birthday 52 years later). Shakespeare’s most famous works are “The Comedy of Errors”(1593), “Romeo and Juliet”(1595), “A midsummer’s night”(1596), “Merchant of Venice”, “Julius Ceasar”(1599),
“Twelfth Night ”(1600),“Hamlet”(1601), “Othello”(1604),“King Lear”(1606),
“Macbeth”(1606). His works are translated in many languages and are popular all over the

Информация о работе «William Shakespeare»
Раздел: Иностранный язык
Количество знаков с пробелами: 1716
Количество таблиц: 0
Количество изображений: 0

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