3. Staying at the hotel. Speak about everyday services available at the hotel.
When you come to another country or city you can stay at your friend’s house or flat. But if you haven’t got any relatives or friends you may stay at a hotel. There are 2 sorts of hotels: at the seaside and in city The hotels at the seaside usually occupied big territory . And the services and facilities are usually better there then in city hotels. You can get more things free. Also at the seaside hotels food is served usually 2 of 3 times a day and in city hotels you can get only breakfast . Before you arrive somewhere you can make arrangements about a room of the hotel you’ll choose. You can call at the hotel of send them a fax or telegram which numbers you can find in the advertisement. If you haven’t done it , when you arrive at the hotel it is necessary to come up to the reception desk .There a person can order a room. First of all you must fill in an arrival card. In this card you must gave information about yourself. Your name and surname, telephone number and address besides it is necessary to point out how long are you going to stay here. Also among the seaside hotels the best with club system . Usually on the territory of such hotels there are 4-5 storied building with single rooms, double rooms, and suites and separate there are family cottages. The area of such hotels is usually very big about 50hectores . Club system allows to take free any , soft drinks, food 24 hours a day, because everything is included into the price of the tour. There are all day room services , dry cleaners, laundries. In the rooms there is a refrigerator, bathroom, a satellite TV and direct dial phone. Also such hotels have their own place on the beach with comfortable sun beds .You can spend time riding horses, playing tennis, golf, polo, visiting shops, which are usually situated in the territory of the hotels. In the evenings you can go to the disco or to the restaurant . The menu in the restaurants including different cuisine’s such as :French, Spanish, Chinese, Turkish, Russian and so on. You can order a yacht tour to some historical places (if any) or something like that. After visiting such hotels you’ll return home happy and refreshed.
5. Pop and classical Music.
Music always been an integral part of human life. In ancient times it accompanied the ritual ceremonies later it began to occupy more important place. Then it transformed in a means of passing time. It reached the highest development only in 20-th century . new directions appeared in music such as jazz, disco, rock-and-roll , rock, pop and so on. The music which was composed from 17 till 20-th century is usually calls classical. That were a sumphonies, ouvertures, suits, sonnats. The most famous classical musicious were: Bach, Bethoven, Gaiden, Shopen, Rohmaninov and many others. In 20-th century it was not so popular any more, her the place was occupied by other genres, such as fate, рор, jazz, and last years became very popular folk songs.
As for me i neither like classical nor pop music. If we are compare them I’ll prefer the classical As the songs consists not only of music, not an unimportant role plays lyrics. In pop music there isn’t both these making elements.
There are a lot of people who enjoyed by classical music, they usually visit concerts of different symphonic and chamber archers. It is often people over 30. They like and admire this music and consider it genius. Some compositions ( works) is really charming( восхитительны) for example the Moonlight sonnat and «to Elise» by Bethoven, and «In cave of the mountain king” by The music is wonderful and you can listen it for many times. And a lot of generations admired and will admire with it. As if to pop music it is very hard to tell something similar about it. I am very doubt that in (через) 50 years the people will listen to what have the pop singers composed. Because the music is very primitive , and the lyrics are stupid. The y sing only about love and some problems which connected with it. And I can’t listen to it at all.
I’ve chosen a rock music. Nowadays it isn’t very popular among young people. They prefer to listen pop. Rap and so on. The main advantage of rock music above all others is lyrics. Rock singers write music and texts them selves and for it i respect them more . the most famous rock group are : Kino, Alisa, Nau, Krematorium, DDt, and many others. Most of them appeared 10-25 years ago , but still fortunately there are people who fond of such music. Rock singers write about eternal (Вечный) problems. In their lyrics reflects their fillings . And each of us can find something close only for him. And that is what rock music about. And that’s why I like it so mach .
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