13.  I know many American and English holidays but I want to tell you about Russian ones.

 There are plenty holidays in Russia, but my favorite one is New Year’s Day. The celebration of the holiday begins at 12 o’clock AM on 31st of December.

First of all, I like it because it is celebrated during winter vacations and when I think of this holiday, I always remember all the things that I^ve done during this time. I have a lot time to sleep and to walk with my friends. There are a lot of interesting and funny programs, famous comedies and concerts on TV on the New Year’s Eve.

We always begin to celebrate New Year’s Day in a very good mood. First of all, we light colored lamps on our decorated New Year’s Tree and have a late dinner that usially consists of very delicious courses like salats, fried fish or meed, cakes, and, of cause, champagne.

Sometimes we just watch TV till the clock strikes 12, and then we go out for a walk to visit our friends and relatives and to watch beatiful fireworks in the centre of our town.

On New Year everybody gives and gets presents, and like this tradition very much. People become very kind and friendly on this day, because it is a great holiday. Everything outside seems very nice, every home, every shop and building becomes beautiful because, people want to make their home and place of work more bright. At home we all stay up until midnight and much later.

On the next day after the celebraton of New Year people can sleep very long, because they don^t need to go to work.

It is very important to celebrate New Year very well and funny because it is believed that you will pass a new year in the same way as you have met it.

14. I have studied a lot about different famous Americans and British, so I would like to tell you about some of them.

A lot of famous writers and poets were born in America. For example, Jack London, a writer well- known all over the world. He is best known for his book « The Call of the Wild», the story about adventures of a dog in frozen north.

Mark Twain was born in Missouri and he is famous forsuch his masterpieces as «The Adventure of Tom Sawyer» and «The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn».

My favorite science-fiction writers are Ray Bradbury and Robert Shaklee. Ray Bradbury wrote «the Marsian Chronicles». And Robert Shaklee is known for his very interesting short stories about aliens and space adventures.

American animators and illustrators are aslo world-famous. For example, Walt Disney who created such cartoon-heroes as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Pluto. He is the founder of the Disney Park. Chuck Jones is also a popular American animator famous for his Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote.

Many american inventors became famous all over the world for their inventions. Wright brothers are known for their invention, building and flying the first airplane. Henry Ford is known like father of automobile powered by a gasoline engine. Alexander Bell created the first telephone.

I also know some famous architects who lived in America. For example, Thomas Jefferson who is best known as the first president of the USA and the author of Declaration of Independence. But he was also a self-taught architect who designed the Virginia State Capitol Building.

As for actors, directors and singers, America and the Great Britain stand on the first place. Elvis Presley, the king of rock’ n ’roll, was born and lived in America, but the most popular group for all the times and nations, the Beatles, began their career in Britain. Movie- Actors like Al Pachino, Robert De Nero, Tom Cruise, Arnold Schwarzneger and many others live in USA and play in Hollywood blockbasters. The most successful Hollywood film-directors today are Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and James Cameron. Their films are very popular all over the world and in our country as well.

And of cause I can say something about famous politicians who lived in English-speaking countries. Sir Winston Churchill was the prime minister of the United Kingdom in a very difficult period – during the World War II, but he managed to make England a strong country.

George Washington, who was the first president of the United States,

is probably the most famous man in America. There were also such great presidnts as Abraham Lincoln, Teodor Roosewelt and Franclin Roosewelt that did their best to make the USA a leading world-power ( ведущая мировая держава).

15. TV has good and bad sides. First of all it keeps people informed, we can learn a lot of information watching TV. We can choose from a lot of channels, and TV offers programs for all the interests and tastes. Sometimes we can relax and entertain ourselves by watching TV when we are tired. TV advertisement gives us information about different products and it makes it easier to make a choice as to what things to buy. When we watch TV we learn about the world, famous people and recent global or our home-country news.

But watcing TV also has a lot of disadvantages.

First of all, it’s quite bad for our health, especially for eyes.

Violence on TV has become a vital problem. Some programs and films with violence and murders make people cruel and affects their psych (психику).

Often there is too much advertisement on TV that encourage us to buy things we don’t need at all.

Watching TV occupies all the leisure time of the majority of people. We just watch it, not concentrate, and waste time.

So, to sum up, it can be said that it can be useful and interesting to watch TV, but in reasonable limits.

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