2. Mutual Trade.
The interests of both countries are answered with magnifying of mutual trade. Russian Federation traditionally occupies the first place among the basic trade partners of Kazakhstan both on export, and on import.
It is necessary to mark, that last years the growth of a share of Russian Federation in import and reduction in export is watched. The specific gravity of Russia in total amount of the Kazakhstan export is sequentially reduced and is augmented in import. Within several last years Kazakhstan has negative trade balance with Russian Federation.
Considering structure of export and import on groups of the commodity spectrum, it is possible to select the following characteristic features.
Export. Structure of export Republic of Kazakhstan in Russian Federation for the last few years has varied, the separate commodity groups have occupied a leading position.
Now on four commodity groups (fuel mineral, oil and petroleum; products of inorganic chemistry; grain bread and ores) are necessary about 80 % of the Kazakhstan export in Russia, whereas in 1994 on the pointed groups it was necessary 53,3 %. In 2001 as contrasted to 2000 the separate outbound delivering tended to lowering, so, for example, the specific gravity of export of a grain was reduced from 12 % up to 6 %; the export of products of inorganic chemistry was reduced from 14 % up to 13 %. Certainly, on lowering of export in Russia renders influence a variance between the in-house prices and prices of outbound delivering.
At the same time it is necessary to mark, that the reduction of export has taken place not on all basic groups of the commodity spectrum. The specific gravity of export of ore has increased from 8 % up to 10 % and export of fuel from 46 % up to 47 %.
Import Republic of Kazakhstan goes into first five of the countries of the basic trade partners of Russia in import. The specific gravity of import of Russia has increased in total amount of the Kazakhstan import from 36,7 % per 1999 up to 45,4 % per 2001. There were insignificant variations in groups of imported commodity production. So, the volumes of import were reduced
The analysis of export and import displays, that in structure of import as against export there is no predominance of separate commodity groups at the same time a specific gravity of articles of food, products of processing ready articles grows.
From 89 regions of Russian Federation 72 have trade - economic links with Republic of Kazakhstan.
Feature of transport -geographical interregional links of regions of Russia with Kazakhstan is the directedness mutual goods traffic primarily with Ural, Western and East Siberia, and also with Moscow and Moscow region.
The important place in the Russia -Kazakhstan links occupies frontier cooperating, on which share it is necessary 71,5 % from common commodity circulation. In export of many frontier subjects of Federation significant volume is necessary on production of a petrochemical industry.
The significant experience of mutual economic cooperating with frontier regions of Kazakhstan accumulated in the Orenburg region, and also Pavlodar region of Kazakhstan with frontier regions of Russia. Now 18 % of the Orenburg export and more than 40 % of import have on Kazakhstan.
As a whole before Kazakhstan in mutual trade with Russia there is a series of perspective tasks, which decision will influence definitely on a common economic situation in the country.
One of the important tasks is the variation of trade balance of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation from negative in positive. Besides the gradual variation of structure commodity circulation in favorable for Republic of Kazakhstan direction is desirable.
Radiating from interests of two states, it is expedient in the nearest perspective to consider a complex of measures on hardening links of frontier regions. The necessity of creation of legal fundamentals of a development of frontier regions does not call doubts. On our sight, it is necessary to speed up development of the defining laws. Among them there are Laws About state support of a socio economic development of frontier territories of Republic of Kazakhstan, About free economic regions, About frontier trade.
Obvious presence of potential and mutually advantageous opportunities of Russia and Kazakhstan also is of use of the optimum shapes of specialization, density of the industrial and financial capital, use of effective financial instruments, architecture of optimum commodity, financial and transport streams. In this connection special urgency in a development Kazakhstan – Russia links was got with problems of a synchronization of legislative and normative basis of the countries.
Not less important the coordinated marketing strategy of Kazakhstan and Russia in the international markets is represented, where the saving and hardening of common positions is quite possible. The priority direction represents perfecting the organizational shapes of activity Kazakhstan and Russian suppliers in the world markets. They can become cartel of the agreement.
аллы, а также от курса национальной валюты по отношению к американскому доллару. Так что, именно российско-казахстанская экономическая интеграция сейчас наиболее реальна и актуальна. Без российской помощи Казахстану трудно рассчитывать на успешное решение задач в сфере безопасности и укрепления своей обороноспособности. В свою очередь, Россия заинтересована в надежном союзнике для обеспечения ...
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