2.5 Подготовка и проведение экспериментельно-опытной работы
Исходя из всего перечисленного мы разработали свою систему упражнений для обучения аудированию на коммуникативной основе.
Основным средством для овладения иностранным языком является естественная языковая среда со всеми лингвистическими и экстралингвистическими составляющими, ее мы и постарались воссоздать во время нашего эксперимента при помощи магнитофонных записей материала для аудирования. Все упражнения были разработаны нами с целью развития коммуникативных умений и навыков. Нашей задачей было доказать, что результатами постоянных и систематических заданий для обучения чтению, говорению и письму, как видам деятельности, основанные на аудировании развивают мышление учащихся, на основе которого развиваются память, воображение, восприятие; а знания, приобретенные таким путем, запоминаются надолго.
С помощью возбуждения центров головного мозга ответственных за память, при помощи аудиовизуальных средств, мы добились улучшения не только количества запоминаемых единиц, но и качества их запоминания. И таким образом аудирование переросло из отдельного вида деятельности во вспомогательный, из цели в средство совершенствования ранее приобретенных навыков и умений.Нашей целью в ходе эксперимента было доказать рабочую гипотезу: увеличение объема аудирования и использование этого вида деятельности одновременно в качестве средства обучения чтению, письму и говорению делает процесс усвоения и освоения языка, неотрывно от его речевой стороны, более эффективным. Мы разработали 14 уроков, входивших соответственно в шесть различных тем (см. Приложение с.69). Настоящая методика была разработана нами путем качественного изменения уже известных способов и методов обучения аудированию. Далее она была использована нами непосредственно в процессе преподавания иностранного языка во время педагогической практики (c 11 по 23 февраля 2002 года) в 8-м классе средней школы «Йоварю» г.Клайпеды, Литовской Республики.
Система упражнений для обучения аудированию:
1) перед представлением материала для аудирования, дается мотивационная установка в виде наводящих вопросов, беседа по заголовку текста (например, см. Приложение с.80);
2) непосредственное прослушивание материала, в зависимости от цели (основная цель-обучение аудированию):
- с паузированием (при повторном прослушивании-обучение устной диалогической речи) (например, см. Приложение с.83, (урок3, тема1)):
- без паузирования (обучение непосредственно аудированию) (например, см. Приложение с.90 (урок 3, тема 2)):
- прослушивание материала с одновременной его записью во время пауз (обучение письму) (например, см. Приложение с.82 (урок 2, тема 1)):
- прослушивание с опорой на текст, представленном в раздаточном материале (обучение чтению) (например, см. Приложение с.80 (урок 1, тема 1)):
- прослушивание материала с последующим выполнением заданий (обучение устной монологической речи) (например, см. Приложение с.85 (урок1, тема 2)):
3) непосредственная проверка понимания, то есть работа над обучением аудированию (см. Приложение с.107 (урок 2, тема 5)).
2.6 Анализ результатов экспериментально-опытной работы
В данном параграфе мы проведем оценку результатов эксперимента с последующими теоретическими выводами.
Перед началом эксперимента мы провели контрольный тест (см. Приложение с.69), целью которого было исследовать уровень владения учащимися коммуникативными навыками и умениями. Диагностирование проходило следующим образом. Учащимся был представлен текст с заданиями (см. Приложение с.69), с помощью которых мы смогли определить уровень владения той или иной речевой деятельностью.
1) Чтобы определить уровень владения чтением учащиеся должны были прочитать текст, записав неизвестные им слова, затем они должны были ответить на вопросы (см. Приложение с.72), так определялся уровень глобального понимания. Результаты показаны в таблице №1(см. Приложение с.77)
2) Чтобы определить уровень владения устной диалогической речью учащиеся должны были составить диалоги на основе данной ситуации и списка активной лексики урока (см. Приложение с.73), работа проходила в парах. Результаты показаны в таблице №2 (см. Приложение с.78)
3) Чтобы определить уровень владения устной монологической речью учащиеся должны были пространно высказаться по отдельному вопросу (см. Приложение с.73), используя как можно больше новых слов. Результаты показаны в таблице №3 (см. Приложение с.78)
4) Чтобы определить уровень владения письмом учащиеся должны были написать небольшое соченение объемом в 100 слов(см. Приложение с.74), используя как можно больше новых слов. Результаты показаны в таблице №4 (см. Приложение с.79)
5) Чтобы определить уровень владения аудированием учащиеся должны были прослушать текст (см. Приложение с.74), затем выполнить задание, с помощью которых определялись уровни понимания: 1-глобальный(см. Приложение с.75); 2-детальный(см. Приложение с.75); 3-критический(см. Приложение с.76). Результаты показаны в таблице №5 (см. Приложение с.79)
Результаты высчитывались следующим образом:
1) Чтение.
· определение уровня глобального понимания по формуле:
L = RA / GQ. 100%, где
RA (Right Answers-правильные ответы)-количество правильных ответов
GQ (General Quantity-общее количество)-общее количество вопросов
L (Level-уровень)-уровень глобального понимания
· диагностирование количества незнакомых слов по формуле:
QUW= QW / UW. 100%, где
QW (Quantity of Words-количество слов)-общее количество слов в тексте
UW (Unknown Words-незнакомые слова)-записанные неизвестные слова
QUW (Quantity of Unknown Words-количество незнакомых слов)-процентное выражение неизвестных слов
2) Устная диалогическая речь.
· диагностирование уровня овладения учащимися новыми словами по формуле:
L=QUS / PQ. 100%, где:
PQ (Proposed Quantity-предложенное количество)-количество предложенных слов
QUS (Quantity of USed words-количество использованных слов)-количество использованных из них
L (Level-уровень)- уровень использования в процентах
3) Устная монологическая речь.
· диагностирование уровня овладения учащимися новыми словами по формуле:
C = QW / NW.100%, где:
C (Correlation-соотношение)-процентное соотношение
QW (Quantity of Words-количество слов)-количество слов в высказывание
NW (New Words-новые слова)-количество новых слов
5) Аудирование.
· диагностирование глобального уровня понимания, по формуле:
L1= RA / GQ.100%, где:
L1(Level -уровень)-уровень глобального понимания
GQ (General Quantity-общее количество)- общее количество заданий
RA (Right Answers-правильные ответы)- количество правильных ответов
· диагностирование детального уровня понимания, по формуле:
L2= RA / GQ.100%, где:
L2(Level-уровень)-уровень детального понимания
GQ (General Quantity-общее количество)- количество заданий
RA (Right Answers-правильные ответы)- количество правильных ответов
· диагностирование критического уровня понимания, по формуле:
L3= RA / GQ.100%, где:
L3(Level-уровень)-уровень критического понимания
GQ (General Quantity-общее количество)- количество заданий
RA (Right Answers-правильные ответы)- количество правильных ответов
Таким образом мы получили следующие результаты (средний показатель), которые выражены в процентах для большей наглядности:
1) Чтение.
Уровень глобального понимания составляет 64%.
Процентное соотношение новых слов к общему количеству слов составляет 4%.
2) Устная диалогическая речь.
Уровня овладения учащимися новыми словами равен 42%.
3) Устная монологическая речь.
Уровня овладения учащимися новыми словами равен 8%.
4) Письмо.
Количество новых слов составляет 8.
Количество грамматических ошибок составляет 3.
Количество орфографических ошибок составляет 7.
5) Аудирование.
Глобальный уровень понимания составляет 30%.
Детальный уровень понимания составляет 25%.
Критический уровень понимания составляет 18%.
Затем мы провели эксперимент (см. Приложение с.80) по обучению аудированию, схема проведения которого описана выше.
По окончанию эксперимента нами был предложен заключительный контрольный тест (см. Приложение с.113), необходимый для проверки эффективности предлагаемой нами методики. Окончательные результаты его таковы (см. Приложение с.122):
1) Чтение.
Уровень глобального понимания составляет 90%.
Процентное соотношение новых слов к общему количеству слов составляет 1.8.
2) Устная диалогическая речь.
Уровень овладения учащимися новыми словами равен 80%.
3) Устная монологическая речь.
Уровень овладения учащимися новыми словами равен 13%.
4) Письмо.
Количество новых слов составляет 11.
Количество грамматических ошибок составляет 1.
Количество орфографических ошибок составляет 3.
5) Аудирование.
Глобальный уровень понимания составляет 72%.
Детальный уровень понимания составляет 56%.
Критический уровень понимания составляет 48%.
Таким образом полученные цифры доказывают эффективность предлагаемой методики. Так как уровень владения всеми видами речевой деятельности повысился соответственно:
1 ) Чтение.
Уровень глобального понимания повысился на 26%.
2) Устная диалогическая речь.
Уровень овладения учащимися новыми словами повысился на 38%.
3) Устная монологическая речь.
Уровень овладения учащимися новыми словами повысился на 5%.
4) Письмо.
Сократилось количество ошибок, из которых грамматических на 2 и орфографических на 4.
5) Аудирование.
Глобальный уровень понимания повысился на 42%.
Детальный уровень понимания повысился на 31%.
Критический уровень понимания повысился на 30%.
Из всего вышесказанного следует, что предлагаемая нами методика подтвердила свою эффективность. Учащиеся не только овладели умениями и навыками аудирования, но значительно улучшилось их владение другими видами речевой деятельности.
4. Выводы по 2 главе.Итак, в настоящее время методика преподавания аудированию включает в себя обучение этому виду речевой деятельности как цели обучения, и как средству овладения другими видами речевой деятельности. Поэтому для достижения желаемых результатов в обучении аудированию следует применять и специальные, и неспециальные речевые упражнения, а также, конечно же, и языковые (подготовительные).
Предлагаемая методика обучения аудированию, как доказал проведенный эксперимент, помогает сделать изучение иностранного языка для ребят более интересным, а также закрепить их умения и навыки в данном виде речевой деятельности. Наше методика способствовала тренировке слуховой памяти, которая содает более благоприятные условия для изучения иностранного языка.
Рациональная смена приемов обучения на одном и том же уроке способствует вовлечению в работу новых неутомленных участков
коры головного мозга, изменению раздражителей, так как длительное и однообразное раздражение корковой клетки ведет к развитию в ней процесса торможения, который сначала уменьшает, а затем и прекращает ее работу. Поэтому при построении урока мы ориентировались на различные виды памяти. Комбинированное воздействие на органы зрения (как, например, при чтении) с помощью аудиовизуальных средств, которые увеличивают коэффициенты раздражителей, воздействуют на долговременную
память и обеспечивают переработку и усвоение информации. Таким образом магнитофонная запись создает в памяти четкие слухо-
вые представления и обучает пониманию со слуха в условиях,
максимально приближенных к естественным.
На основе эксперимента нами было отмечено, что аудитивные средства обучения должны строиться на материале,
максимально приближенном к устной разговорной речи, опираться на
жизненную ситуацию и носить преимущественно диалогический или
диалого-монологический характер.
Также было замечено, что понимание на слух зависит от структурных особенностей материала. Основная идея сообщения может быть сформулирована в начале, в конце или не быть словесно оформлена, а вытекать из самого повествования.
С помощью эксперимента мы показали, что для обучения
восприятию на слух целесообразно сначала использовать речь учителя (беседа перед прослушиванием материала для аудирования),
так как в этом случае задействован фактор знакомого голоса, а также учитель может при недостаточном понимании пребегнуть к повторению, затем можно переходить к техническим источникам, для которых характерно однократное предъявление информации.
Увеличить время говорения можно путем паузирования, что дает
каждому ученику возможность для речевой реакции.
Итак, в данной дипломной работе был исследован сам процесс аудирования, способы обучения ему как одному из труднейших и важнейших видов речевой деятельности, пути преодоления трудностей, с которыми учащиеся сталкиваются. Также при использовании углубленного изучения методической и психолого-педагогической литературы был изучен и изложен интенсивная методика обучения аудированию на среднем этапе, который основывался на положении о возможности обучения аудированию, одновременно используя его и как цель и как средство. Данному положению было уделено особое внимание и указаны основные методы подходы к углубленному обучению аудированию.
Таким образом, владение аудированием как видом речевой деятельности, должно обеспечивать успешный процесс коммуникации, развивать умение учащихся говорить и понимать иностранный язык, а так как этот процесс сложный и трудный, то в школах надо уделять большее внимание данной процедуре. Очень важно повысить и мотивацию у учащихся к пониманию иностранной речи на слух. А ведь к совершенствованию процесса обучения аудированию есть все предпосылки: техника в современное время развивается высокими темпами, и у учителей появляется все больше возможностей использовать различные виды технических средств обучения.
Говорение и аудирование образуют вместе один акт устного общения. Оба эти процесса тесно связаны, но сравнительные границы знания иностранного языка для слушания и говорения неодинаковы. Графически мы могли бы это изобразить в виде двух окружностей, где внутренний круг представляет вокабуляр активного говорения, а внешний–понимание речи на слух, причем с увеличением объема изученного материала оба круга будут соответственно увеличиваться и внутренний будет приближаться к внешнему, но они никогда не совпадут. Внешний круг всегда будет больше. Таким образом по нашему мнению необходимо придерживаться тенденции сближения размеров внешнего и внутреннего кругов, т.е. приближать умение активно пользоваться языком к возможности понимать иностранную речь. Необходимо систематически давать учащимся слушать речь изучаемого иностранного языка, построенную на знакомом лексико-грамматическолм материале.
Мы наблюдали, что в процессе аудирования внимание учащихся напряжено, запоминание произвольное, ориентация на фиксацию запрашиваемой информации преимущественно в оперативной памяти, а фиксация в долгосрочной памяти увлекательной информации может быть велеколепной в связи с эмоциональным настроем. Процесс аудирования очень активный. Ему присуще напряженное, равномерно распределяемое внимание и произвольное запоминание.
Контрольный тест предваряющий экспериментально-опытную работу.
1)Задания к контрольному тесту по чтению:
· Диагностирование количества незнакомой лексики:
Read the following text and write down all unknown words.
THE SERENADE(by G. Bernard Shaw)
George Bernard Shaw, the famous English playwright, came from
a middle class family. He was born in Dublin, the capital of Ireland,
in 1856, and was proud of being an Irishman.
In 1876 he left his hometown for London, where he became a
journalist. In 1884 he joined the Fabian Society, a socialist organization of petty bourgeois intellectuals.
After a few unsuccessful attempts at writing novels, Shaw turned
to plays. His first play appeared in 1892. Later on he wrote a large
number of plays, all of which are known for their brilliant dialogue
and sharp political satire.
Bernard Shaw died in 1950 at the age of ninety-four.
I celebrated my fortieth birthday by putting on one of
the amateur theatrical performances for which my house at
Beckenham is famous.
The play, written by myself, was in three acts, and an
important feature was the sound of a horn in the second act.
I had engaged a horn player to blow the horn. He was
to place himself, not on the stage, but downstrairs in the
hall so as to make it sound distant.
The beautiful Linda Fitznightingale occupied the best seat. The next chair, which I had intended for myself, had been taken by Mr. Porcharlester, a young man of some musical talent.
As Linda loved music, Porsharlester's talent gave him
in her eyes an advantage over older and cleverer men.
I decided to break up their conversation as soon as I could.
After I had seen that everything was all right for the
performance, I hurried to Linda's side with an apology for my long absence. As I approached, Porcharlester rose, saying, "I'm going behind the stage if you don't mind."
"Boys will be boys," I said when he had gone. "But how
are your musical studies progressing?"
"I'm full of Schubert now. Oh, Colonel Green, do you
know Schubert's serenade?"
"Oh, a lovely thing. It's something like this, I think..."
"Yes, it is little like that. Does Mr Porcharlester sing it?"
I hated to hear her mention the name, so I said, "He
tries to sing it."
"But do you like it?" she asked.
"Hm, well the fact is..." I tried to avoid a straight
answer. "Do you like it?"
"I love it. I dream of it. I've lived on it for the last
three days."
"I hope to hear you sing it when the play's over."
"I sing it! Oh, I'd never dare. Ah, here is Mr. Porcharlester, I'll make him promise to sing it to us."
"Green," said Porcharlester, "I don't wish to bother you,
but the man who is to play the horn hasn't turned up."
"Dear me," I said, "I ordered him at exactly half-past
seven. If he fails to come in time, the play willl be spoilt."
I excused myself to Linda, and hurried to the hall. The
horn was there, on the table. But the man was nowhere to
be seen.
At the moment I heard the signal for the horn. I waited
for him, but he did not come. Had he mixed up the time?
I hurried to the dining room. There at the table he sat, fast
asleep. Before him were five bottles, empty. Where he had
got them from was beyond me. I shook him, but could not
wake him up.
I ran back to the hall promising myself to have him
shot for not obeying my orders. The signal came again.
They were waiting. I saw but one way to save the play
from failure.
I took up the instrument, put the smaller end into my
mouth and blew. Not a sound came from the thing.
The signal was given a third time.
Then I took the horn again, put it to my lips and blew
as hard as I could.
The result was terrible. My ears were deafened, the windows shook, the hats of my visitors rained from their pegs,and as I pressed my hands to my head, the horn playercame out, shaky on his feet, and looked at the guests, who
began to appear on the stairs...
For the next three months I studied horn-blowing. I did
not like my teacher and hated to hear him always saying
that the horn was more like the human voice than any other
instrument. But he was clever, and I worked hard without
a word of complaint. At last I asked him if he thought I
could play something in private to a friend.
"Well, Colonel," he said, "I'll tell you the truth: it
would be beyond your ability. You haven't the lip for it.
You blow too hard, and it spoils the impression. What were
you thinking of playing to your friend?"
"Something that you must teach me, Schubert's serenade."
He stared at me, and shook his head. "It isn't written
for the instrument, sir," he said, "you'll never play it." But
I insisted. "The first time I play it through without a
mistake, I'll give you five pounds," I said. So the man gave in.
· Уровень глобального понимания.
Answer the following questions, using the active vocabulary of the
1. What was one of the important features of the
2. What made Colonel Green think that Mr. Porcharlester
had an advantage over him in Linda's eyes?
3. What did Colonel Green do after making all the necessary arrangements?
4. Why didn't the horn player turn up at the appointed
time? Had he really mixed anything up?
5. Was it clear to Colonel Green how the horn player had
managed to get so drunk, or was it beyond him?
6. What did Colonel Green think was the only way to save
the play from failure?
7. Why did Colonel Green press his hands to his head after
blowing the horn?
8. What did Colonel Green hate to hear his teacher say?
9. Did Colonel Green complain that horn-blowing was hard
10. What did the teacher say about Colonel Green's ability
to play the horn?
11. What did Colonel Green wish to play in private to a
2)Задания к контрольному тесту по говорению:
· Make up a dialogue using the following vocabulary:
1 to avoid, to put down to, to mention, to guess, to turn out;
2 to rely on, to mix up, to complain (of), to be unfair, shameful;
3 private, to complain (of), to spoil, to apologize, to put up with,
4 to ask to put off, to insist on, urgent, (not) to give in, within;
5 to rely on, to fail, (not) to apologize, (not) to deal with, to mix up;
6 to have an advantage over, beyond one’s abilities, to put a lot of energy into, (not) to complain (of), as a result.
· Answer the following questions proving your statements and using the active vocabulary. Enlarge your answer.
1. Why did Colonel Green mention the place where the horn player was to sit?
2. Why did Colonel Green hate to hear Linda mention the young man’s name?
3. Why did Colonel Green try to avoid a straight answer to Linda’s question?
4. Why didn’t the horn player turn up at the appointed time?
5. What would the horn player’s absence mean for the success of the play?
6. Why did Colonel Green insist on being taught to play the serenade?
7. Why did the teacher stare at the Colonel on hearing that Colonel Green wanted to play the serenade?
8. Why did the teacher finally give in?
9. Was it clear to Colonel Green how the horn player had managed to get so drunk, or was it beyond him?
10. Had the horn player really mixed anything up?
11. Why Colonel Green didn't complain that horn-blowing was hard work?
12. Describe the main caracters of the story as you see them.
3)Задания к контрольному тесту по письму:
· Write a composition (100 words) based on the text “The Serenade”. Make up a follow-up for this story using as many of the new words as you can.
4) Задания к контрольному тесту по аудированию:
· Текст для аудирования.
The status of women in our world.
The concrete ceiling while women are up against it. Someone once observed that a glass ceiling blocks women rise to the top but it seems more like a concrete ceiling. The following could be what’s stopping us:
- Because boys are taken more seriously than girls at school.
- Because some female high achievers such as Margaret Thutcher often don’t promote other women.
- Because women have babies.
- Because men think women won’t be as committed to their job once they have a child.
- Because a woman is still judged on her looks.
- Because women think men won’t love them anymore if they are successful.
- Because women are busy doing housework when they could be training, impressing the boss and networking.
- Because women’s brains are smaller.
- Because working mothers are made to feel guilty.
- Because women are taught to start out as secretaries and good secretaries rarely get promoted.
- Because not enough women have the courage or confidence to speak out about inequality.
- Because women say-sorry, sorry, sorry all the time.
- Because women are either too tough or not tough enough.
- Because men fear and distrust powerful women.
- Because no one ever thinks of calling the father when a child is ill.
- Because a lot of men genuinely think of themselves as superior to women.
- Because some men just don’t listen to what women are saying.
- Just because…
· Уровень глобального (общего) понимания текста:
Listen to the following monologue about women’s position in the world and say
whether the statement is true or false.
1 A glass ceiling blocks women’s rise to the top.
2 Men think women will be as committed to their job once they have a child
3 A woman isn’t judged upon her looks.
4 Working mothers are made to feel guilty.
5 Women say-it’s your fault, all the time.
6 Men do not fear and distrust powerful women.
7 Some men just don’t listen to what women are saying.
· Уровень детального (полного) понимания текста:
Listen to the monologue and then complete the text.
The concrete ceiling while women …(1) up against it. Someone once …(2) that a glass ceiling blocks women …(3) to the top but it seems more like a …(4) ceiling. The following could be what’s stopping us:
- Because boys are taken more … (5) than girls at school.
- Because some…(6) high achievers such as Margaret Thutcher …(7) don’t promote other women.
- Because …(8) have babies.
- Because men …(9) women won’t be as …(10)to their job once they …(11) a child.
- Because a …(12) is still judged on her …(13).
- Because women think men won’t …(14) them anymore if they are successful.
- Because women are …(15) doing housework when they…(16) be training, impressing the …(17) and networking.
- Because women’s …(18) are smaller.
- Because working mothers … (19) made to feel guilty.
- Because women are …(20) to start out as …(21) and good secretaries rarely get ... (22).
- Because not enough women …(23) the courage or confidence to … (24) out about inequality.
- Because women …(25) -sorry, sorry, sorry all the ... (26).
- Because women are either too…(27) or not tough enough.
- Because… (28) fear and distrust powerful …(29).
- Because no one ever thinks of …(30) the father when a…(31) is ill.
- Because a lot…(32) men genuinely think of themselves…(33) superior to women.
- Because some …(34) just don’t listen to…(35) women are saying.
- Just because…
· Уровень критического понимания текста:
Listen to the cassette and answer these questions.
1 How could you explain the following: Someone once observed that a glass ceiling blocks women rise to the top but it seems more like a concrete ceiling?
2 Define the meaning of the following phrase “high achievers” and find examples in real life.
3 Why do you think women are judged on their looks?
4 How do you think a woman can impress her boss?
5 Why do you think secretaries rarely get promoted? Prove your statement.
6 Do you really think that men fear and distrust powerful women? Why?
7 Try to make a connection between the following phrase: “Some men just don’t listen to what women are saying.” and the real life situation.
Результаты контрольного теста:
ЧтениеТаблица №1
Фамилия | Кол-во правильных ответов | Уровень глобального понимания | Кол-во неизвестных слов | Незнакомая лексика в % |
Барацявичюс Виктор | 9 | 82% | 30 | 3.5% |
Войтенко Юлия | 9 | 82% | 27 | 3.2% |
Герасимов Владимир | 6 | 55% | 40 | 4.7% |
Колесникова Ирина | 8 | 73% | 31 | 3.7% |
Кромин Виктор | 10 | 91% | 18 | 2.1% |
Кудилова Татьяна | 5 | 46% | 51 | 6% |
Кудрявцев Юрий | 8 | 73% | 28 | 3.3% |
Кузнецов Евгений | 4 | 36% | 78 | 9.3% |
Латушкина Лилия | 8 | 73% | 36 | 4.3% |
Маринина Мария Палий Соня | 7 | 64% | 34 | 4% |
Палий Соня | 6 | 55% | 28 | 3.3% |
Пуцило Сергей | 10 | 91% | 21 | 2.5% |
Средний показатель | 7 | 64% | 35 | 4% |
Говорение: Диалог.Таблица №2
Фамилия | Количество новых слов | Новая лексика в % |
Барацявичюс Виктор | 2 | 40% |
Войтенко Юлия | 3 | 60% |
Герасимов Владимир | 2 | 40% |
Колесникова Ирина | 3 | 60% |
Кромин Виктор | 4 | 80% |
Кудилова Татьяна | 1 | 20% |
Кудрявцев Юрий | 2 | 40% |
Кузнецов Евгений | 1 | 20% |
Латушкина Лилия | 2 | 40% |
Маринина Мария Палий Соня | 1 | 20% |
Палий Соня | 1 | 20% |
Пуцило Сергей | 4 | 80% |
Средний показатель | 2 | 42% |
Фамилия | Количествоновых слов | Новая лексика в % | Количество слов в высказывании |
Барацявичюс Виктор | 6 | 10% | 60 |
Войтенко Юлия | 7 | 10% | 72 |
Герасимов Владимир | 3 | 6% | 52 |
Колесникова Ирина | 4 | 6% | 68 |
Кромин Виктор | 9 | 11% | 86 |
Кудилова Татьяна | 3 | 7% | 45 |
Кудрявцев Юрий | 5 | 9% | 55 |
Кузнецов Евгений | 1 | 5% | 20 |
Латушкина Лилия | 3 | 5% | 61 |
Маринина Мария Палий Соня | 2 | 5% | 39 |
Пуцило Сергей | 6 | 9% | 70 |
Палий Соня | 1 | 5% | 28 |
Средний показатель | 4 | 8% | 55 |
Фамилия | Количество новой лексики в единицах | Количество граматических ошибок высказывании | Количество орфографических ошибок |
Барацявичюс Виктор | 10 | 3 | 6 |
Войтенко Юлия | 11 | 2 | 5 |
Герасимов Владимир | 8 | 4 | 8 |
Колесникова Ирина | 9 | 1 | 6 |
Кромин Виктор | 15 | 0 | 4 |
Кудилова Татьяна | 6 | 5 | 10 |
Кудрявцев Юрий | 9 | 4 | 7 |
Кузнецов Евгений | 5 | 7 | 15 |
Латушкина Лилия | 9 | 4 | 9 |
Маринина Мария Палий Соня | 7 | 5 | 10 |
Палий Соня | 6 | 5 | 9 |
Пуцило Сергей | 12 | 2 | 5 |
Средний показатель | 8 | 3 | 7 |
Аудирование Таблица №5
Фамилия | Уровень глобального понимания | Уровень детального понимания | Уровень критического понимания | |||
Барацявичюс Виктор | 4 | 57% | 15 | 43% | 2 | 29% |
Войтенко Юлия | 4 | 57% | 17 | 48% | 3 | 42% |
Герасимов Владимир | 2 | 29% | 8 | 23% | 1 | 14% |
Колесникова Ирина | 2 | 29% | 10 | 28% | 1 | 14% |
Кромин Виктор | 5 | 71% | 22 | 63% | 4 | 57% |
Кудилова Татьяна | 1 | 14% | 4 | 11% | 0 | 0% |
Кудрявцев Юрий | 2 | 29% | 9 | 26% | 1 | 14% |
Кузнецов Евгений | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% |
Латушкина Лилия | 1 | 14% | 3 | 8% | 0 | 0% |
Маринина Мария Палий Соня | 1 | 14% | 2 | 6% | 0 | 0% |
Палий Соня | 1 | 14% | 5 | 9% | 0 | 0% |
Пуцило Сергей | 4 | 57% | 16 | 46% | 3 | 42% |
Средний показатель | 2 | 30% | 9 | 25% | 1.3 | 18% |
Тексты для аудирования экспериментально-опытной работы и задания к ним.
1. Тема: Film and television.
Урок 1.
· Before you listen and read the text, please answer the following questions.
1. What this text is about (take a look at the title)?
2. What programs do like to watch?
3. Do you like films? What kind of films do you prefer?
4. Does television have any effect on us?
· Listen and read simultaneously. It will be difficult for you to understand the following words so these are their meanings:
to commit (v.)-perform a crime;
copycat (n.)-imitation
violence (n.)-cruelty, fighting with force
screen (adj.)-showed on television
Film and television.
Society is getting more violent everyday. Young people are committing terrible crimes, which they didn’t dream of committing say 30 years ago. I think it’s because of television. When I was a little girl a few people were shot in unrealistic cowboy films now there are hours of realistic violence almost every night. After that terrible film “Natural Born Killers” there were a number of copycat murders. A teenager in America watched it ten times and then killed his mother and half-sister.
The problem is that children can’t really tell the difference between fantasy and real violence. On television dead people sometimes come back to life. Children think that real people can do the same.
Films have a powerful effect on all of us. They make you laugh, cry, get angry or feel happy. Films can cause you to buy certain things or even change you life style. So why shouldn’t they make you violent? This is not just my opinion. There are a number of scientific studies by psychologists, which suggest a link between screen violence and real life violence.
· Answer these questions. Prove your answer.
1. Do you agree in general with the opinion expressed in this text?
2. Do you agree that children cannot differentiate between the screen violence and the real life violence?
3. What can you say about the effect that television have on us?
· Fill in the blanks.
Society is getting more violent everyday. …(1) people are committing terrible crimes, which …(2) didn’t dream of committing say …(3) years ago. I think it’s …(4) television. When I was a little …(5) a few people were shot in …(6) cowboy films now there are hours …(7) realistic violence almost every night. After that …(8) film “Natural Born Killers” there …(9) a number of copycat murders. A …(10) in America watched it ten times …(11) then killed his mother and half-…(12).
The problem is that children …(13) really tell the difference between …(14) and real violence. On television dead …(15) sometimes come back to life. Children …(16) that real people can do the …(17).
Films have a powerful effect on …(18) of us. They make you laugh, …(19), get angry or feel happy. Films …(20) cause you to buy certain things or …(21) change you life style. So …(22) shouldn’t they make you violent? This is …(23) just my opinion. There are a …(24) of scientific studies by psychologists, which …(25) a link between screen violence and real life violence.
Урок 2.
· Before you listen and write down the text, please answer the following questions.
1. What this text is about (take a look at the title)?
2. Do you like to be an actor or a director?
3. Do you think to shoot a movie is a hard work or not?
· Listen and write down simultaneously. It will be difficult for you to understand the following words so these are their meanings:
Proper names: Charles Olsen, Steve Newman, Rachel Evans.
Sofa (n.)-couch;
To turn on (v.)-activate, switch on;
To start the camera-begin to shoot;
Shooting a movie.
Charles Olsen is a film director he is in the studio. He is with Steve Newman and Rachel Evans. Steve’s an actor, Rachel’s an actress. They are film stars.
- Everybody be quiet, please! OK. Steve, now open the door! Come in! Walk to the sofa! Walk, don’t run! OK. Sit down! Don’t move! Now take Rachel’s hand, look into her eyes! Don’t laugh! Smile! Rachel, smile at Steve! Look into his eyes! Don’t laugh! Now close your eyes! Steve, kiss her! That’s fine. Now, Steve, go to the door! Go out and close the door! OK. Turn the lights on! Turn the microphone on! Start the camera! Action!
· Now answer these questions. Enlarge your answers.
1. How do you think what this film is about?
1. Which title has this film?
2. Is this film going to be an interesting one or not?
3. What is you favorite film star? Tell us about him or her?
4. What is your favorite film?
Урок 3.
· Before you listen to the dialogue, please answer the following questions.
1. What this text is about (take a look at the title)?
2. Do you like watching television?
3. Do you often argue over the choice of programs with you family? Who wins usually?
· Listen to the dialogue. It will be difficult for you to understand the following words so these are their meanings:
ATV-a television channelAt your mother’s-in your mother’s house
Fight for the right to watch TV.
- Hallo, darling. I’m home.
- Hallo, John. Are you tired, dear?
- Yes, I am. What time is it?
- It’s six o’clock.
- Oh, what’s on television tonight?
- It’s a good program at quarter past eight. Paul McCartney in concert.
- Yes. And there’s a good film after the news.
- Oh, and “Mary in Love” at quarter to seven before “Police Story”.
- Oh, I can’t watch that. And there’s a football match on ATV at half past six.
- But, John, it’s my favorite program!
- Well, go and watch it at your mother’s!
· Say whether these statements are true or false.
1 John is not tired.
1 There are good programs tonight.
2 Tonight is “Paul McCartney in film”.
3 John does not like “Mary in Love”.
4 His wife does not like it too.
5 There isn’t a football match tonight.
· Please, answer these questions.
1. How does John feel himself?
2. What time is it?
3. What is on television at quarter past eight?
4. What is on television before “Police Story”?
5. What does John want to watch?
· Now listen to this dialogue once again and be ready to dramatize one of the parts during the pauses.
1) -Hallo, darling. I’m home.
- Yes, I am. What time is it?
- Oh, what’s on television tonight?
- Yes. And there’s a good film after the news.
- Oh, I can’t watch that. And there’s a football match on ATV at half past six.
- Well, go and watch it at your mother’s!
2) pause
- Hallo, John. Are you tired, dear?
- It’s six o’clock.
- It’s a good program at quarter past eight. Paul McCartney in concert.
- Oh, and “Mary in Love” at quarter to seven before “Police Story”.
- But, John, it’s my favorite program!
2. Тема: Different life styles.
Урок 1.
· Before you listen to the dialogue, please answer the following questions.
1. What this text is about (take a look at the title)?
2. Who do you like to be in the future?
3. Which professions do you respect most of all? Why?
· You will find difficult the following words so these are their meanings:
Rolls Royce-a car model
To be broke-to be out of money
Proper names: Gloria Gastow, Hollywood, Rolls Royce, Tom Atkins, Terry Archer, London, Oxford.
· Listen to the cassette. You will hear pieces of information about three quite different people. Be very attentive, some statements you will find useful to write down.
Life is bad and life is good.
- Hi, there! My name is Gloria Gastow. I am an actress. I’m from London. I’ve got a flat in London and a house in Hollywood with the swimming pool. I’ve got a new Rolls Royce and a lot of money in the bank. I’ve got a husband and three wonderful children in Hollywood. Life’s great! I’ve got everything!
- Hallo! My name is Tom Atkins. I’m from London too. I’m broke. I haven’t got a job or a house or a car. I haven’t got anything.
- Look at this man, his name is Terry Archer. He isn’t from London. He is from Oxford. He is a factory worker. He’s got a good job. He’s got a car. He hasn’t got a big house. He’s got a flat. He’s got a wife but he hasn’t got any children. Life’s alright!
· Choose the best answer for each question.
1 Gloria Gastow is a(an)…
2 She has got … children.
d- two
3 Tom Atkins is from …
4 He thinks that life is…
5 Terry Archer is from…
6 He has got a…a-flat
c-swimming pool
d-Rolls Royce
· Complete the gaps in the text.
- Hi, there! My name is …(1) Gastow. I am an actress. I’m …(2) London. I’ve got a flat …(3) London and a house in Hollywood …(4) the swimming pool. I’ve got a …(5) Rolls Royce and a lot of …(6) in the bank. I’ve got a …(7) and three wonderful children in Hollywood. …(8)’s great! I’ve got everything!
- Hallo! …(9) name is Tom Atkins. I’m …(10) London too. I’m broke. I haven’t …(11) a job or a house or a …(12). I haven’t got anything.
- Look …(13) this man, his name is Terry …(14). He isn’t from London. He …(15) from Oxford. He is a factory …(16). He’s got a good job. He’s …(17) a car. He hasn’t got a …(18) house. He’s got a flat. He’s got a …(19) but he hasn’t got any children. Life’s …(20)!
· Now all of you will comment on the following.
How do you think which fact is our success in life mostly depend on?
Урок 2.
· Before you listen to the dialogue, please answer the following questions.
1. What this text is about (take a look at the title)?
2. Do you have a day timer of your own?
3. Do you think everything should be planned for a day?
· Listen and simultaneously complete the form. It will be difficult for you to understand the following words so these are their meanings:
Duchess-wife of a dukeThe Times-an English newspaper
Proper names: Robin Nite, Duchess of Wessex, The Times, Phillip.
A day timer of a duchess.
Robin Nite the television reporter is interviewing the Duchess of Wessex for the program “The English at Home”.
- Now, Duchess, tell us about an ordinary day of your life.
- Well, I wake up at seven o’clock.
- Really? Do you get up then?
- No, of cause, I don’t get up at that time. I have breakfast at bed and I read “The Times”.
- What time do you get up?
- I get up at ten.
- What do you do then?
- I read my letters and dictate the replies to my secretary.
- And then?
- At eleven I walk in the garden with Phillip.
- Oh, who is Phillip?
- Phillip is my dog.
- What time do you have lunch?
- I have lunch at twelve thirty.
- And after lunch?
- Oh, I rest until six o’clock.
- And at six, what do you do at six?
- I dress to dinner.
- We have dinner at eight o’clock.
- What time do you go to bed?
- Well, I have a bath at nine thirty and I go to bed at ten.
- Thank you, Duchess. You certainly have a busy and interesting life.
What does Duchess do at this time?
· Answer the following questions. Prove and enlarge your answer.
1. How do you think is it a spoof (parody) of a day of a real Duchess?
2. What does real Duchess do during her day?
3. Do you find this dialogue funny? Why?
Урок 3.
· Before you listen to the text, please answer the following questions.
1. What this text is about (take a look at the title)?
2. Do you like riddles? Why?
3. Would you like to take part in a quiz show?
· Listen and simultaneously complete the form choosing between Yes or No (cross out the right answer). It will be difficult for you to understand the following words so these are their meanings:
Competitor-a person who takes part in a competition
Uniform- special identifying set of clothes for the members of an organization, such as soldiers
Diploma (diplomas plural form)-document confirming qualification and education
Proper names: Moore, Jessica Gale, Ken Carter.
What’s my job?- Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to “What’s my job?”! here’s our first competitor. We’ve got three famous people here: professor Moore the scientist, Jessica Gale the film star and Ken Carter the pop singer. They are going to ask the questions. First-professor Moore!
- Do you work outside?
- No, I don’t.
- Do you wear a uniform?
- No, I don’t.
- I see. Do you work in an office?
- No, I don’t.
- Next-Jessica Gale!
- Oh, is your job important?
- Yes, it is.
- Do you got any special diplomas?
- Yes, I have.
- Thank you, Jessica. And now Ken Carter.
- Hallo! Do you work with you hands?
- Yes, I do.
- Do you work at weekends?
- No, I don’t
- You travel.
- No, I don’t.
- That’s the ninth question. Now you’re going to ask one last question.
- Oh, are you a doctor?
- No, I am a dentist.
Does he work outside? | Yes/No |
Does he wear a uniform? | Yes/No |
Does he work in an office? | Yes/No |
Is his job important? | Yes/No |
Does he get a big salary? | Yes/No |
Has he got any special diplomas? | Yes/No |
Does he work with his hands? | Yes/No |
Does he work at weekends? | Yes/No |
Does he travel? | Yes/No |
Is he a doctor? | Yes/No |
· Now try to guess his job according to the form you have. Prove your answer.
· Answer the following questions. Find examples in the real life situation.
1. What profession is the most important in your opinion?
2. Do you think a dentist is an important job?
3. Were you afraid to visit a doctor when you were a child? And now?
4. Why do you think it is so significant to find an occupation for yourself?
Урок 4.
· Before you listen and complete the form, please answer the following questions.
1. What this text is about (take a look at the title)?
2. What does a career mean to you?
3. Can crime be called a career? Why?
· Listen and simultaneously complete the form (write down the suitable information for each of the year). It will be difficult for you to understand the following words so these are their meanings:
Jaguar-a car model
To rob-to steal
To escape-to run away
Luxury- comfortable, enjoyable
Yacht-large boat used for racing or pleasure cruising
Proper names: Herbert Berg, James Stevens, Mary Foot, Charlie Fillips, Jaguar, pacific island, Australia.
Herbert Berg, James Stevens, Mary Foot and Charlie Fillips all went to the same school. They left school at 1960 and they had very different careers.
1. Herbert Berg became a politician ten years ago. He is very successful. He bought a country house five years ago and bought a Jaguar at the same time. He’s been a Member of Parliament for ten years. He’s had his house and car for five years.
2. James Stevens is a criminal. He robbed the bank in 1971 and escaped to a pacific island. He bought a luxury yacht the same year. He’s still on the island. He’s been there since 1971. He’s had a yacht since 1971.
3. Mary Foot and Charlie Fillips fell in love at school. He gave her a ring when they left school. She wears it every day and she’s never taken it off. They’ve got married in 1963 and they are still in love. They moved to Australia in 1968.
1960- Herbert Berg, James Stevens, Mary Foot and Charlie Fillips…
10 years ago- Herbert Berg …
5 years ago- Herbert Berg…
1971- James Stevens…
1971- James Stevens …
1971- James Stevens…
1963- Mary Foot and Charlie Fillips …
1968- Mary Foot and Charlie Fillips…
· Answer these questions. Prove your answer.
1. Do you think this piece of information about James Stevens is a bit ironic?
2. Can you remember some examples from the real life similar to Mary Foot and Charlie Fillips?
3. What qualities do you think need a good politician as Herbert Berg?
3. Тема: Chats.
Урок 1.
· Before you listen to the dialogue, please answer the following questions.
1. What this text is about (take a look at the title)?
2. Do you like to visit bars, cafes or restaurants?
3. What is your favorite food?
4. What is a menu?
5. Which vegetables do you prefer potatoes or peas?
· Listening to the dialogue you will find difficult the following words so these are their meanings:
Row steak-a piece of meat which is not properly roasted;
Well done steak-a piece of meat which is properly roasted;
Medium steak- roasted piece of meat between row and well done.
-Waiter, I’d like the menu, please.
- I’d like some soup.
- Tomato soup.
- Yes, please. And I’d like a steak.
- Row, medium or well done.
- Medium, please.
- Which vegetables would you like?
- I’d like some potatoes, some peas and a salad, please.
- Certainly, sir.
- And I’d like some wine.
- Which wine would you like, sir?
- A bottle of red wine, please.
· Say whether the statement true or false.
1. The client wants some soup.
2. He wants fried fish.
3. He wants some tomatoes and cucumbers.
4. He wants a salad.
5. He wants a bottle of white wine.
· Now answer these questions.
1. What did the client order first?
2. Which steak would he like to eat?
3. Which vegetables did he order?
4. Which wine would he like to drink?
· Now listen to this dialogue once again and be ready to dramatize one of the parts during the pauses. There are some words used for naming food that you will need for replacing:
Cucumber fish juice
Rice eggs mineral water
Carrot beef coffee
Cabbage chicken tea
Pasta pork ice-cream
1) pause
- Tomato soup.
- Row, medium or well done.
- Which vegetables would you like?
- Certainly, sir.
Which wine would you like, sir?
2) -Waiter, I’d like the menu, please.
- I’d like some soup.
- Yes, please. And I’d like a steak.
- Medium, please.
- I’d like some potatoes, some peas and a salad, please.
- And I’d like some wine.
- A bottle of red wine, please.
Урок 2.
· Before you listen to the dialogues, please answer the following questions.
1. What these texts are about (take a look at the titles)?
2. Do you like funny stories?
3. Do you know the meanings of all the words in the world?
4. Would you like to perfect your English, that is to make it better?
5. What can be the results if something is freshly painted?
· Listening to the dialogue you will find difficult the following words so these are their meanings:
Foreigner-stranger, immigrant;
Deaf-unable to hear;
To brush-to clean.
Lost pen.- Oh, dear! What’s wrong?
- I can’t find my pen.
- Really?! (laughs)
- Oh, you mustn’t laugh. It isn’t funny.
- Oh yes, it is.
- Is it? Why?
- It’s in your hand.
- Oh, yes.
A foreigner.
- Are you a foreigner?
- Pardon?
- Are you a foreigner?
- You needn’t shout. I’m not deaf.
- Oh, I’m sorry.
- That’s all right. I just didn’t understand.
- What does foreigner mean?
The door is painted.
- Be careful!
- Why?
- I’ve just painted the door.
- It’s all right. I haven’t touched it.
- Haven’t you? What’s that on your arm?
Perfect your English!
- I’m bored.
- Well, do something!
- What for example?
- Wash your hair!
- I have already washed it.
- Brush your shoes!
- I’ve already brushed them.
- Why don’t you clean your room?
- I’ve already cleaned it.
- Well, perfect your English!
- Hmm…
· Choose the best answer for each question.
1. (first dialogue) A man cannot find a…
2. (second dialogue) A woman cannot understand the word …
3. (third dialogue) A man has painted a…
d- door
4. (fourth dialogue) A woman has washed…
a-her hair
b-her clothes
c-her hands
5. (fourth dialogue) A woman has brushed…
6. (fourth dialogue) A woman advises to perfect her…
a- English
d- living
· Now fill in the blanks, please.
Lost pen.- Oh, dear! What’s wrong?
- I…(1)’t find my pen.
- Really?! (laughs)
- Oh, you …(2)’t laugh. It isn’t …(3).
- Oh yes, it is.
- Is it? Why?
- It’s …(4) your hand.
- Oh, yes.
A foreigner.
- Are you a foreigner?
- …(1)?
- Are you a foreigner?
- You …(2) shout. I’m not deaf.
- Oh, I’m …(3).
- That’s all right. I …(4) didn’t understand.
- What does foreigner …(5)?
The door is painted.
- Be careful!
- Why?
- I’ve just …(1) the door.
- It’s all …(2). I haven’t touched …(3).
- Haven’t you? What’s that …(4) your arm?
Perfect your English!- I’m bored.
- Well, do…(1)!
- What for example?
- …(2) your hair!
- I have …(3) washed it.
- Brush your shoes!
- I’ve already …(4) them.
- Why don’t you …(5) your room?
- I’ve already cleaned …(6).
- Well, perfect …(7) English!
- Hmm…
· Now answer the following questions. Prove your answer.
1. Why do you think the first dialogue is so funny?
2. How could you define the word “foreigner”?
3. Have you ever touched a newly painted door or something else?
4. What do you usually do when you are bored?
5. How do you think it is possible to perfect your English? (Give examples.)
4. Тема: Serious issues.
Урок 1.
· Before you listen and read the text, please answer the following questions.
1. What this text is about (take a look at the title)?
2. Why do you think our environment needs to be protected?
3. What do you know about the rain forests?
· Listen and read simultaneously. It will be difficult for you to understand the following words so these are their meanings:
Canopy-umbrella, cover made of leaves;
Species-kind, class of animals or plants
Cancer, AIDS -deadly diseases;
Lungs-organs that allow us to breathe;
Carbon dioxide-gas mixture mainly because of fumes;
Oxygen-an important part of the air we breathe.
Green Issues.
I have just spent two months in rain forest of Brazil. It is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Simply because there are so much life in there if you climb to the canopy, to the tops of the trees, you see birds, insects, snakes, tree frogs, lizards, monkeys. It’s incredible! Like nowhere else in the world!
Did you know that nearly half of the world’s animal and plant species live in rain forests? Over one thousand types of tree, most of the plants have never been properly studied. And many important medicines come from tropical plants. A treatment for cancer or AIDS may be hidden here just waiting to be discovered or destroyed.
It is tragic that the world’s rain forests are being destroyed since 1945. We have lost more than 50% of them. We must stop now or it’ll be too late.
The forests are the lungs of the earth. They breathe in the carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen and water. We have to save them. Otherwise there will be a catastrophic change in the whole world’s climate.
· Answer these questions. Prove your answer.
1. Why rain forests are so important for our planet?
2. How could we save them?
3. Why do rain forests so rapidly extinct?
4. What can ordinary people do for the environment?
5. Which so to say “green” organizations do you know? Say a few words about them.
· Now complete the gaps.
I have just spent two months …(1) rain forest of Brazil. It is …(2) of the most beautiful places on …(3). Simply because there are so much …(4) in there if you climb to the …(5), to the tops of the trees, …(6) see birds, insects, snakes, tree frogs, …(7), monkeys. It’s incredible! Like nowhere …(8) in the world!
Did you know …(9) nearly half of the world’s …(10) and plant species live in rain …(11)? Over one thousand types of tree, …(12) of the plants have never been …(13) studied. And many important medicines come …(14) tropical plants. A treatment for cancer or …(15) may be hidden here just waiting to …(16) discovered or destroyed.
It is …(17) that the world’s rain forests …(18) being destroyed since 1945. We have …(19) more than 50% of them. We …(20) stop now or it’ll be too …(21).
The forests are the lungs of the …(22). They breathe in the carbon dioxide and …(23) out oxygen and water. We have to …(24) them. Otherwise there will be a …(25) change in the whole world’s …(26).
Урок 2.
· Before you listen and read the text, please answer the following questions.
1. What this text is about (take a look at the title)?
2. How did the computers change human life some 30 years ago?
3. Can you operate a computer?
4. Do you think computers are really so helpful for us or not? Why?
· Listen and read simultaneously. It will be difficult for you to understand the following words so these are their meanings:
Word processing-typing, preparing reports, handling correspondence, keeping records;
New technology.
Today computers play an important part in our lives. Because of computers our lives are easier and better in so many ways. Take, for example, computer systems in super markets. They make the whole operation quicker and cheaper it’s easier for the shop and for the customer.
Another example is word processing, these days anybody can type documents, make copies, keep them safe and easy to find, send them by fax and so on. At the same time we use less paper and we send fewer documents by post so there is less pollution.
Look at CD-ROMs you can get incredible quantities of information on one little CD. It can replace a big heavy 24-volume encyclopedia and it’s easier to find things on a CD-ROM.
Think about industry, robots controlled by computer are making all sorts of things from watchers to cars. They are more accurate and cheaper than human workers and they don’t get tired.
Today we are only at the very beginning. Just imagine what computers will be able to do in a hundred years from now.
· Now answer these questions. Prove your answer.
1. Can your imagine what computers will be able to do in a hundred years from now?
2. What do you know about artificial intelligence?
3. Can you play computer games? Which one do your prefer?
4. Is it good or bad to spend a whole day at the computer?
· Fill in the blanks.
Today computers play an important …(1) in our lives. Because of computers …(2) lives are easier and better in so …(3) ways. Take, for example, computer systems in …(4) markets. They make the whole operation …(5) and cheaper it’s easier for the …(6) and for the customer.
Another example is …(7) processing, these days anybody can type …(8), make copies, keep them safe and …(9) to find, send them by …(10) and so on. At the same …(11) we use less paper and we …(12) fewer documents by post so there is less …(13).
Look at CD-ROMs you can get …(14) quantities of information on one little …(15). It can replace a big heavy 24-volume …(16) and it’s easier to find things …(17) a CD-ROM.
Think about industry, robots …(18) by computer are making all sorts …(19) things from watchers to cars. They are …(20) accurate and cheaper than human …(21) and they don’t get tired.
…(22) we are only at the very beginning. Just …(23) what computers will be able to …(24) in a hundred years from …(25).
5. Тема: Travel.
Урок 1.
· Before you listen to the dialogue, please answer the following questions.
1. What this text is about (take a look at the title)?
2. Do you know what a customs office is?
3. Do you know that some goods are restricted or even forbidden to transport? What do you know about it?
· Listening to the dialogue you will find difficult the following words so these are their meanings:
To declare-to state officially the goods;
Whiskey-alcoholic drink;
At the customs office.
- Good morning! Can I see your passport?
- Certainly. Here it is.
- Yes. That’s all right. Have you got anything to declare?
- Yes, I have.
- And what have you got?
- I’ve got some whiskey and some cigarettes.
- How much whiskey have you got?
- A liter.
- That’s all right. And how many cigarettes have you got?
- Two hundred.
- Fine. What about perfume? Have you got any perfume?
- No, I haven’t.
- Good. Open your case, please.
- Pardon?
- Open your case, please. Open it now. Oh, dear! Look at this! You’ve got three bottles of whiskey, four hundred cigarettes and a lot of perfume. Hmm…
· Now say whether the statement is true or false.
1. A passenger has something to declare.
2. He has got a liter of whiskey.
3. He has not got any perfume.
4. He has four hundred cigarettes.
· Answer these questions.
1. What does a customs officer want to see at first?
2. How many bottles of whiskey does a passenger have?
3. How many cigarettes does the passenger have?
4. What does the officer ask the passenger to do with the case?
5. What is the end of this story?
· Now listen to this dialogue once again and be ready to dramatize one of the parts during the pauses.
1) -Good morning! Can I see your passport?
- Yes. That’s all right. Have you got anything to declare?
- And what have you got?
- How much whiskey have you got?
- That’s all right. And how many cigarettes have you got?
- Fine. What about perfume? Have you got any perfume?
- Good. Open your case, please.
- Open your case, please. Open it now. Oh, dear! Look at this! You’ve got three bottles of whiskey, four hundred cigarettes and a lot of perfume.
2) pause
- Certainly. Here it is.
- Yes, I have.
- I’ve got some whiskey and some cigarettes.
- A liter.
- Two hundred.
- No, I haven’t.
- Pardon?
Урок 2.
· Before you listen to the dialogue, please answer the following questions.
1. What this text is about (take a look at the title)?
2. Do you like to travel?
3. Have you ever been abroad?
4. Do you like to travel by train or by plane?
5. Which exotic or interesting places have you been to?
· Listening to the dialogue you will find difficult the following words so these are their meanings:
Souvenir-remembrance of the place or event;
Roll of film-film for taking photographs;
Proper names: Elmer, Prague, Paris, Vienna, Texas.
An American in Europe.
- Hallo, Elmer! Is that you?
- Yes, mama.
- Where are you now, Elmer?
- I’ve just arrived in Prague, mama.
- You haven’t sent me any postcard yet?
- Yes, I have. I’ve sent one from every city.
- Have you been to Paris yet, Elmer?
- Yes, I have.
- Have you been to Vienna yet?
- No, I haven’t. We’re going to Vienna tomorrow.
- Elmer, are you still there?
- Yes, mama.
- How many countries have you seen now, Elmer?
- Well, this is the eighth day so I’ve already seen eight countries.
- Have you spent much money, Elmer?
- Yes, mama. I’ve bought a lot of souvenirs and I want to buy some more. Can you send me a thousand dollars?
- All right, Elmer. Elmer, are you listening to me?
- Yes, mama.
- Have you taken many photographs, Elmer?
- Yes, mama. I’ve taken a lot. I’ve used three rolls of film.
- Have you met any nice girl yet, Elmer?
- Oh yes, mama. There’s a girl from Texas on the tour. We’ve done everything together.
- Elmer? Elmer? Are you still there, Elmer?
· Choose the right answer for each question.
1. Elmer has just arrived in…
2. He have sent from every city…
3. He have seen … countries.
b- four
d- eight
4. He wants his mother to send him … dollars.
a-5 thousand
b-a thousand
c-2 thousand
d-a hundred
5 He has used three rolls of…
c- paper
6. He has met a girl from…
· Now complete the gaps.
- Hallo, Elmer! Is that you?
- Yes, …(1).
- Where are you now, Elmer?
- I’ve just …(2) in Prague, mama.
- You haven’t …(3) me any postcard yet?
- Yes, I …(4). I’ve sent one from every …(5).
- Have you been to …(6) yet, Elmer?
- Yes, I have.
- Have you …(7) to Vienna yet?
- No, I haven’t. We’re going to Vienna …(8).
- Elmer, are you still there?
- Yes, …(9).
- How many countries have you seen …(10), Elmer?
- Well, this is the eighth …(11) so I’ve already seen eight …(12).
- Have you spent much money, Elmer?
- …(13), mama. I’ve bought a lot of …(14) and I want to buy some …(15). Can you send me a thousand …(16)?
- All right, Elmer. Elmer, are you …(17) to me?
- Yes, mama.
- Have you …(18) many photographs, Elmer?
- Yes, mama. I’ve taken a …(19). I’ve used three rolls of …(20).
- Have you met any nice girl …(21), Elmer?
- Oh yes, mama. There’s a …(22) from Texas on the tour. We’ve done …(23) together.
- Elmer? Elmer? Are you still …(24), Elmer?
· Now answer the questions. Enlarge your answer.
1. How do you think Elmer likes his mother?
2. Does his tour seem interesting for you?
3. Tell us where do you like to travel, how and why?
6. Тема: Family life.
Урок 1.
· Before you listen to the dialogue, please answer the following questions.
1. What this text is about (take a look at the title)?
2. Is marriage a serious challenge?
3. What tasks on your opinion has to obtain a wife and a husband?
· Listening to the dialogue you will find difficult the following words so these are their meanings:
A drink-a quantity of alcohol;
A pub-a bar in Great Britain;
The butcher’s- a shop where meat is sold;
The baker’s- a shop where bread is sold;
A roll-a kind of scrolled bread;
Family quarrel.
Every Saturday Mr. Brown goes to town. He went to town last Saturday. He usually has a drink in the pub with his friends. Last Saturday he had four or five drinks. After the pub he usually goes to the super market and gets the food for his wife. He got the food last Saturday. He usually comes home on foot. Last Saturday he came home by taxi. His wife was very angry.
John, is that you?
- Yes, dear. I’m back.
- Did you come home by taxi?
- Yes, dear, the bags were very heavy.
- Did you get everything?
- Yes, dear. I’ve got everything. Nearly everything.
- Nearly everything?
- Yes, dear. I went to the butcher’s but they didn’t have any steak.
- They didn’t have any steak!
- No, dear. So I’ve got some hamburgers.
- Did you go to the baker’s?
- Yes, dear. But I didn’t get any bread. So I’ve got some rolls.
- How many rolls did you get?
- I can’t remember, dear.
- John?
- Yes, dear.
- Did you go to the pub again?
- Yes, dear.
- How many drinks did you have?
- Only four or five, dear. Small ones.
· Now say whether the statement is true or false.
1. Mr. Brown goes to town every Sunday.
2. His wife was happy.
3. He usually has a drink in the pub.
4. He gets food for his mother.
5. Last Saturday he came home by bus.
6. He has got some hamburgers.
7. He has bought some bread.
· Answer these questions. Prove your answer by the text.
1. Where does Mr. Brown go every Saturday?
2. With whom does he usually have his drinks in the pub?
3. Where does he usually go after the pub? Why?
4. Why did he come home by taxi last Saturday?
5. What has he got from the butcher’s?
6. What has he got from the baker’s?
7. How many drinks did he have?
· Now continue after the actor. (Retell the dialogue in your own words.)
Every Saturday Mr. Brown goes to town. He went to town last Saturday. He usually has a drink in the pub with his friends. Last Saturday he had four or five drinks. After the pub he usually goes to the super market and gets the food for his wife. He got the food last Saturday. He usually comes home on foot. Last Saturday he came home by taxi. His wife was very angry.
Заключительный контрольный тест после опытно-экспериментальной работы.
1)Задания к контрольному тесту по чтению:
· Диагностирование количества незнакомой лексики:
Read the following text and write down all unknown words.
(By Nigel Balchin)
Among the passengers travelling home by train from
Florence there was a certain Miss Bradley.
I only noticed her when passing down the corridor,
because of her really remarkable plainness. She was rather
a large, awkward woman of about thirty-five with a big, red nose, and large spectacles.
Later on, when I went to the dining car, Miss Bradley
was already seated, and the attendant placed me opposite
I think we may have exchanged half a dozen words at
dinner, when passing one another the sugar or the bread.
But they were certainly all we exchanged, and after we
left the dining-car, I did not see Miss Bradley again until
we reached Calais Maritime.
And then our acquaintance really began, and it began
entirely on my initiative. There were plenty of porters, and
I called one without difficulty from the window of the train.
But as I got off, I saw Miss Bradley standing on the platform
with two large very old suit-cases. The porters were passing
her by.
I am quite sure that had she been an even slightly attracive woman, I should not have gone up to her, but she was
so ugly and looked so helpless that I approached her, and
"My porter has a barrow. Would you like him to put your
cases on it too?" Miss Bradley turned and looked at me.
"Oh — thank you. It is very kind of you."
My porter, without great enthusiasm, added her luggage
to mine; and in a few minutes we found ourselves on board
the Channel ferry.1
Before the boat had been under way for ten minutes, I
realized that Miss Bradley was a remarkable bore. Shyly
and hesitantly she kept on talking about nothing, and made
no remark worth taking notice of.
I learned that she had been in Italy a fortnight, visiting
her sister who was married to an Italian. She had never been
out of England before.
I did not look forward to travelling to London with her
for another four hours, so excusing myself I went along to
the booking-office on board the boat and booked myself a
seat on the Golden Arrow.
Miss Bradley was travelling by the ordinary boat train,
so this would mean that we should part at Dover.
At Dover I hired one of the crew to carry our luggage.
Normally, passengers for the Golden Arrow are dealt
with by the customs first, as the train leaves twenty minutes
before the ordinary boat train. When the boy asked if we were
going on the Golden Arrow, I hesitated and then said
It was too difficult to explain that one of us was and one
of us wasn't, and then it would get Miss Bradley through the
customs quickly.
As we went towards the Customs Hall, I explained care-
fully to her that my train left before hers, but that I would
see her through the customs; the boy would then take the
luggage to our trains, and she could sit comfortably in hers
till it left. Miss Bradley said, "Oh, thank you very much."
The boy, of course, had put our suit-cases together on the
counter, and Miss Bradley and I went and stood before them.
In due course the customs examiner reached us, looked at
the four suit-cases in that human X-ray manner which customs examiners must practise night and morning, and said,
"This is all yours?"
I was not quite sure whether he was speaking to me, or me
and Miss Bradley. So I replied, "Well — mine and this lady's".
The examiner said, "But you're together?"
"For the moment," I said rather foolishly, smiling at Miss
"Yes," said the customs man patiently. "But are you travelling together? Is this your joint luggage?"
"Well, no. Not exactly. We're just sharing a porter."
I pointed my cases out. I had nothing to declare, and
declared it. Without asking me to open them, the examiner
chalked the cases and then, instead of moving to my left
and dealing with Miss Bradley, moved to the right, and began X-raying somebody else's luggage.
The boy took my cases off the counter. I hesitated for a
moment, but then decided it was no use waiting for Miss
Bradley since we were about to part, so I said:
"Well, I'll say good-bye now, and go and find my train.
I expect the examiner'll come back and do you next. The
porter will stay and bring our luggage up to the trains
when you're through. Good-bye."
Miss Bradley said, "Oh... good-bye and thank you so
much." We shook hands and I left.
I found my seat in the Golden Arrow and began to read.
It must have been about twenty minutes later that I suddenly realized the train was due to leave in five minutes and
that the porter had not yet brought my luggage. I was just
going to look for him when he appeared, breathing heavily,
with my suit-cases. I asked him rather what he had
been doing.
"The lady is still there," said the boy, "and will be for so-
me time, I think. They are going through her things properly.'
"But why?"
"Well, they'd found forty watches when I came away, and
that was only the start, so I thought maybe you wouldn't
want me to wait."
I have often wondered whether, when Miss Bradley stood
so helplessly on the platform at Calais, she had already chosen me as the person to come to her rescue, or whether she
was just sure that somebody would.
Looking back, I think she must have chosen me. I am
fairly sure of that though exactly how, I have never been
clear. I am quite sure she never made the slightest effort
to make my acquaintance.
· Уровень глобального понимания.
Answer the following questions, using the active vocabulary of the lesson.
1. From which town was travelling the train?
2. Describe the appereance of Miss Bradley.
3. How did the acquaitance between Miss Bradley and the author begin?
4. How did Miss Bradley look?
5. Why did Miss Bradley stay in Italy?
6. By which was travelling the author and by which Miss Bradley?
7. Through which did the customs officer examine the luggage?
8. What did the author declare?
9. How long did the author waited for his luggage?
10. What did the customs officers find in Miss Bradley luggage?
11.What did the customs officers find in Miss Bradley luggage?
12.What had the author often wondered about Miss Bradley?
2)Задания к контрольному тесту по говорению:
· Make up a dialogue using the following vocabulary:
1. an accident, to break one’s leg, a difficult (serious) case; to treat, to have a slight pain;
2. to seem ordinary, to bore, to attract one’s attention, to get very interestedin, to prove to be;
3. to have plenty of, to wait patiently, to be due, to get through the customs, to have something (nothing) to declare;
4. to be due, patiently, to share, joint luggage, to get through;
5. to share one’s opinion, to go through the customs, to be under way, plenty of, to declare;
6. to declare, not to examine, properly, to pay duty on, to fill in a declaration form.
· Answer the following questions proving your statements and using the active vocabulary. Enlarge your answer.
1. Do you agree with the author that he was specially chosen
by Miss Bradley at Calais Maritime to get her through
the customs? Was it a happy choice?
2. Do you think it was the first time Miss Bradley was doing
that kind of thing?
3. What would you have done if you had found yourself
in the author's place?
4. Why is the story called "A Custom House Inci-
5. Have you read or heard of any similar incidents? Describe
6. What should devoted friends share?
7. Can you remember an important event? Why did you pay attention to it?
8. Do you usually feel calm of do you get slightly impatient on the day of your departure? Give examples.
9. What would you call a happy (sad) occasion. Give examples from your own life.
10. What would you do to attract the attention of a person standing at a distance from you?
11. How are you getting on with your English? Can you make practical use of it?
12. Can you describe a case when the result was worth the effort?
3)Задания к контрольному тесту по письму:
· Write a composition (100 words). Try to imagine why there were watches in Miss Bradley luggage.
4) Задания к контрольному тесту по aудированию:
· Текст для аудирования.
Honesty as the readers demonstrated by leaving eighteen wallets containing ₤ 30 around the country is both absent and alive in the most surprising places. The poor like Glasgow student Andrew Pride who had only had ₤ 10 to spend on food that week often found it in themselves to return the wallet. While those who are obviously much better off sometimes “trouser” the money without second thought.
Trouser is the right word here because it seems that women are far more likely to be honest than men. Two thirds of women who found a wallet handed it in compare to little more than half of men.
Imagination often seems to separate people in experiment. The Glasgow student wondered if the wallet might have sentimental value while an unemployed man in Baseldon speculated that it might have been dropped by someone else who was unemployed.
What would you do in the following situations:
1) You find a ₤ 5 note lying in the street. Do you:
a) Hand it in to the police?
b) Pocket it and thank your good fortune?
c) Give it to charity or the next homeless person you meet?
2) You have filled in a ₤ 5 national lottery ticket for a friend who has asked you to choose his numbers. And at the same time you have completed your own ticket. Three days later you discover that one of the tickets has come up with five numbers but you can’t be absolutely certain whether it is your ticket or your friend’s. A prize of more than ₤ 100.000 is involved. Do you:
a) Suggest that you’ll split the prize?
b) Make the claim yourself and keep the whole amount?
c) Insist that your friend take the whole amount?
· Уровень глобального (общего) понимания текста:
Listen to the following monologue about women’s position in the world and say
whether the statement is true or false.
1. There were left 18 wallets.
2. Andrew Pride studies in Glasgow.
3. He had only ₤ 10 to spend on food.
4. Women are far more likely to be honest than men.
5. Little more than half of men handed a wallet in.
6. Imagination often seems to separate people in experiment.
7. The Glasgow student wondered if the wallet might have historical value.
· Уровень детального (полного) понимания текста:
Listen to the monologue and then complete the text.
Honesty as the readers demonstrated …(1) leaving eighteen wallets containing ₤ …(2) around the country is both …(3) and alive in the most …(4) places. The poor like Glasgow …(5) Andrew Pride who had only …(6) ₤ 10 to spend on …(7) that week often found it …(8) themselves to return the wallet. …(9) those who are obviously much …(10) off sometimes “trouser” the money …(11) second thought.
Trouser is the right word …(12) because it seems that women …(13) far more likely to be …(14) than men. Two thirds of …(15) who found a wallet handed …(16) in compare to little more …(17) half of men.
Imagination often …(18) to separate people in experiment. …(19) Glasgow student wondered if the …(20) might have sentimental value while …(21) unemployed man in Baseldon speculated …(22) it might have been dropped …(23) someone else who was unemployed.
…(24) would you do in the …(25) situations:
1) You find a ₤ …(26) note lying in the street. …(27) you:
a) Hand it in to the …(28)?
b) Pocket it and thank your …(29) fortune?
c) Give it to charity …(30) the next homeless person you …(31)?
2) You have filled in a ₤ …(32) national lottery ticket for a …(33) who has asked you to …(34) his numbers. And at the …(35) time you have completed your …(36) ticket. Three days later you …(37) that one of the tickets …(38) come up with five numbers …(39) you can’t be absolutely …(40) whether it is your ticket or …(41) friend’s. A prize of …(42) than ₤ 100.000 is involved. Do you:
a) …(43) that you’ll split the prize?
b) …(44) the claim yourself and keep the …(45) amount?
c) Insist that your friend …(46) the whole amount?
· Уровень критического понимания текста:
Listen to the cassette and answer these questions.
1. Say would you do in the first situation presented in the text. Why?
2. Say would you do in the second situation presented in the text. Why?
3. What do you think about honesty in general?
4. Who are honest people? Why do you think so?
5. Why some people feel better to trouser the money than to hand it in?
6. Why do you think women are more honest than men?
7. Is it possible to justify dishonesty in some cases? In which cases and why?
Результаты заключительного контрольного теста:
Чтение Таблица №1
Фамилия | Кол-во правильных ответов | Уровень глобального понимания | Кол-во неизвестных слов | Незнакомая лексика в % |
Барацявичюс Виктор | 11 | 100% | 10 | 1% |
Войтенко Юлия | 11 | 100% | 11 | 1.2% |
Герасимов Владимир | 10 | 91% | 20 | 2.1% |
Колесникова Ирина | 11 | 100% | 13 | 1.3% |
Кромин Виктор | 11 | 100% | 6 | 0.6% |
Кудилова Татьяна | 9 | 82% | 25 | 2.6% |
Кудрявцев Юрий | 11 | 100% | 16 | 1.7% |
Кузнецов Евгений | 8 | 73% | 30 | 3.1% |
Латушкина Лилия | 11 | 100% | 18 | 1.8% |
Маринина Мария Палий Соня | 10 | 91% | 20 | 2.1% |
Палий Соня | 9 | 82% | 27 | 3% |
Пуцило Сергей | 11 | 100% | 9 | 0.9% |
Средний показатель | 10 | 90% | 17 | 1.8% |
Говорение: Диалог.Таблица №2
Фамилия | Количество новых слов | Новая лексика в % |
Барацявичюс Виктор | 5 | 100% |
Войтенко Юлия | 5 | 100% |
Герасимов Владимир | 3 | 60% |
Колесникова Ирина | 5 | 100% |
Кромин Виктор | 5 | 100% |
Кудилова Татьяна | 3 | 60% |
Кудрявцев Юрий | 4 | 80% |
Кузнецов Евгений | 3 | 60% |
Латушкина Лилия | 5 | 100% |
Маринина Мария Палий Соня | 3 | 60% |
Палий Соня | 3 | 60% |
Пуцило Сергей | 5 | 100% |
Средний показатель | 4 | 80% |
Говорение: монолог Таблица №3
Фамилия | Количествоновых слов | Новая лексика в % | Количество слов в высказывании |
Барацявичюс Виктор | 10 | 13% | 78 |
Войтенко Юлия | 9 | 12% | 76 |
Герасимов Владимир | 8 | 12% | 65 |
Колесникова Ирина | 8 | 11% | 75 |
Кромин Виктор | 12 | 13% | 90 |
Кудилова Татьяна | 6 | 10% | 60 |
Кудрявцев Юрий | 9 | 13% | 69 |
Кузнецов Евгений | 4 | 10% | 40 |
Латушкина Лилия | 8 | 11% | 70 |
Маринина Мария Палий Соня | 7 | 10% | 67 |
Палий Соня | 5 | 9% | 51 |
Пуцило Сергей | 10 | 13% | 80 |
Средний показатель | 8 | 13% | 68 |
Фамилия | Количество новой лексики в единицах | Количество граматических ошибок высказывании | Количество орфoграфических ошибок |
Барацявичюс Виктор | 12 | 1 | 2 |
Войтенко Юлия | 14 | 0 | 1 |
Герасимов Владимир | 11 | 2 | 4 |
Колесникова Ирина | 12 | 0 | 2 |
Кромин Виктор | 18 | 0 | 0 |
Кудилова Татьяна | 8 | 3 | 5 |
Кудрявцев Юрий | 10 | 1 | 1 |
Кузнецов Евгений | 7 | 5 | 7 |
Латушкина Лилия | 11 | 2 | 2 |
Маринина Мария Палий Соня | 9 | 3 | 5 |
Палий Соня | 8 | 3 | 6 |
Пуцило Сергей | 15 | 0 | 1 |
Средний показатель | 11 | 1 | 3 |
Фамилия | Уровень глобального понимания | Уровень детального понимания | Уровень критического понимания | |||
Барацявичюс Виктор | 7 | 100% | 35 | 76% | 5 | 71% |
Войтенко Юлия | 7 | 100% | 37 | 80% | 5 | 71% |
Герасимов Владимир | 5 | 71% | 26 | 56% | 3 | 43% |
Колесникова Ирина | 6 | 86% | 30 | 65% | 4 | 57% |
Кромин Виктор | 7 | 100% | 42 | 91% | 6 | 86% |
Кудилова Татьяна | 4 | 57% | 20 | 43% | 2 | 29% |
Кудрявцев Юрий | 6 | 86% | 24 | 52% | 3 | 43% |
Кузнецов Евгений | 2 | 29% | 12 | 26% | 1 | 14% |
Латушкина Лилия | 6 | 86% | 25 | 54% | 3 | 43% |
Маринина Мария Палий Соня | 4 | 57% | 22 | 48% | 2 | 29% |
Палий Соня | 3 | 42% | 15 | 32% | 2 | 29% |
Пуцило Сергей | 7 | 100% | 40 | 87% | 6 | 86% |
Средний показатель | 5 | 72% | 26 | 56% | 3.5 | 48% |
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... во время работы с письменными упражнениями; знать пути и средства формирования иноязычной письменной речи. Глава 2. Использование творческих заданий при обучении письму на уроках английского языка на основе УМК Кузовлева В.П. 2.1 Творческие задания как средство развития письменной речи То, что каждому возрасту соответствует свой уровень физического, психического и социального развития, ...
... работу, на наш взгляд, станут существенным резервом оптимизации и положительной мотивации учебного процесса. Отдавая должное использованию ТСО в организации самостоятельной работы. Далее предлагаются задания без использования ТСО. Эти задания учащиеся могут выполнять на начальном или среднем этапе обучения, как на уроке, так и во внеурочное время. Все они предполагают прежде всего парную работу ...
... . Для этого необходимы учебно-методические пособия, которые помогут учащимся наилучшим образом подготовиться к сдаче раздела «Аудирование» в ЕГЭ по английскому языку. В настоящее время обозначенная проблема является актуальной. Глава ІI. Технология подготовки учащихся старших классов средней общеобразовательной школы к успешному выполнению заданий раздела «Аудирование» ЕГЭ 2.1 Анализ УМК « ...
... или иному факту или персонажу. Начинать следует с упражнений, не требующих ответа или высказываний на иностранном языке. 3. Практическая часть 3.1 Анализ послетекстовых упражнений при обучении аудированию в УМК в 5 классе В 5 - 6 классах общеобразовательных школ в России в основном на уроках немецкого языка используются УМК Бим И.Л. В некоторых школах работают по УМК Гальсковой Н.Д., ...
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