Tamāra Abdirazakova

Graduation Paper

Adviser: the English language teacher Nataļja Dogureviča

Liepāja Academy of Pedagogy

Adult Education Centre

Foreign Language Department

Liepâja 2004


The Graduation Paper is devoted to using the topical project work “My Body” for developing all language skills in junior classes.

The aim of the research was to stimulate the interest in studying the language and to improve the skills and knowledge of pupils with the help of the topical project work “My Body”. To achieve the aim the author studied methodological literature on using project works for developing different skills. Then the project work was practically implemented in junior classes. Finally, the results of the case study were analyzed.

A case study was applied as a research method to investigate the sample consisting of 23 students at Jēkabpils Secondary School № 2 aged 10-12 in grade 4.

The research revealed the importance and usefulness of using the topical project work “My Body” at the English lessons. It also showed that the project work is an effective method of developing all language skills of young learners. With the help of the research the author realised that more students had arisen their interest in learning English and improved their practical skills in communication through English. This study proves also that the project work elevates the effectiveness of learning English. During the project work atmosphere in the class was very positive, friendly. The learners’ attitude to doing all types of tasks was positive and involved children to the learning process.

It can be concluded that much has been achieved on the way towards studying the project’s method, but the work on this issue should be continued.

The materials applied can be used in grades 5 –6.


Kvalifikācijas darbā tiek piedāvāta 4.d klases skolēnu iepazīšanās ar projektu “My Body” angļu valodas stundās.

Darba tēma: Lasīšanas, rakstīšanas, klausīšanās un runāšanas iemaņu attīstība, izmantojot projektu nedēļas tēmu “My Body” 4.klasē.

Autors: Tamāra Abdirazakova.

Zinātniskā vadītāja: angļu valodas skolotāja Nataļja Dogureviča.

Darba struktūra: ievads, teorētiskā daļa, eksperimentālā daļa, secinājumi, literatūras saraksts, pielikumi.

Pētījuma mērķis: apzināties projektu metodes īstenošanas principus, to ietekmi uz iemaņu attīstību angļu valodas stundās.

Pētījuma uzdevumi:

Pedagoģiskās un psiholoģiskās literatūras iepazīšana un analīze.

Izstrādāt un aprobēt projekta tēmu “My Body” 4.d klasē.

Apkopot un analizēt iegūtos datus.

Pētījuma hipotēze: skolēnu iemaņu attīstība norisinās veiksmīgāk, ja skolotājs savā darbā izmanto projekta tēmu “My Body” atbilstoši bērnu interesēm un vecumposmiem.

Projekti kā metode attīsta un pilnveido skolēnu prasmes. Projekta darbu angļu valodas stundās ievieš, lai stundas kļūtu interesantākas, daudzveidīgākas un ciešāk saistītas ar reālo dzīvi, ar skolēnu aktuālām problēmām.

First of al it is possible to say that the children are given basic knowledge in the elementary school. Listening, reading, writing and speaking in a foreign language is a difficult art and it has to be learned starting in junior classes.

The theme of Graduation Paper is Use of the Topical Project Work “My Body” for Developing all Language Skills in Form 4.

The aim of paper is to stimulate the interest in studying the English language and to improve the skills and knowledge of pupils with the help of project work “My Body”.

The hypothesis of the paper is that the effective use of the project work successfully develops all language skills of young learners.

Figure 1 shows the result of the questionnaire. So, refer to the Gardner’s table of the intelligences it is possible to conclude that the most part of the learners had linguistic, visual and socialiser intelligences.

The next teacher’s step was to complete a set of activities and tasks for the theme “My Body” according to the students types of intelligence.

Having studied the advantages and disadvantages of the project work and work in big classes it was decided to organise the class into pairs and groups.

Table 2 reflects the summary of the activities used for developing four language skills. This material was designed for young children.

Finally I want to show two activities:

Project work was begun with the song ”Head and Shoulders”. Children sang and touched the body parts mentioned in the song.

The game “Parts of the Body’.


Education is very important in our life. An educated person is one who knows a lot about many things. He always tries to learn, find out, discover more about the world around him. He gets knowledge from books, magazines, TV educational programs. The pupils can get deeper knowledge in different optional courses in different subjects and school offers these opportunities.

The result of the educative process is the capacity of further education. Nowadays students of secondary school have opportunities to continue their education by entering gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, universities. Children are given basic knowledge in the elementary school. But the road to learn is not easy. There is no royal road to learning. To be successful in studies one must work hard.

The role of foreign languages is also increasing today. To know foreign languages is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for being a good specialist. English is widely spoken in the world. It is the language of progressive science and technology, trade and cultural relations, commerce and business. It is also the major language of diplomacy. Listening, reading, speaking and writing in a foreign language is a difficult art and it has to be learned starting in junior classes.

The aim of the paper is to stimulate the interest in studying the language and to improve the skills and knowledge of pupils with the help of project work “My Body”.

The objectives of the work are:

to study the methodological and psychological literature on using project works;

2. to study the topical project work “My Body” in form 4;

3. to analyze the results of the topical project work in form 4.

The hypothesis of the paper is that the effective use of the project work successfully develops all language skills of young learners.

The research methods used are:

review and analysis of methodological and psychological literature;

questionnaires in order to study project work in form 4;

statistical analyses of development of all language skills;

observation and evaluation of project lessons.

Chapter 1 views the aspects of intellectual development of young learners. Chapter 2 describes importance of using pair work and group work at project lessons. Chapter 3 shows how to use project work for developing all language skills. Chapter 4 analyses the results of the questionnaire and implementation of the project work “My Body” in form 4.

Информация о работе «Use of the Topical Project Work “My Body” for Developing All Language Skills in Form 4»
Раздел: Иностранный язык
Количество знаков с пробелами: 40788
Количество таблиц: 3
Количество изображений: 3

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