1. Опять весна стучит в окно
Капелью звонкой и хрустальной.
Я так устала быть печальной,
Счастливой быть хочу давно.
Ещё хочу хотя бы раз
Побыть прекрасною принцессой
И главной героиней пьесы
Играть божественно для вас.
Хочу, чтобы пылали свечи,
Чтоб тихо музыка плыла,
И чтоб счастливой в этот вечер
Я не казалась, а была!
Букет мимозы в хрустале,
Бурлит шампанское в бокал ел
Хочу, чтоб мне сейчас сказали:
«Вы всех прекрасней на земле...
Горит в моей крови огонь,
Опять мечтаю я упрямо.
Жак рыцарь у прекрасной дамы,
Целуешь ты мою ладонь.
И мне подарков дорогих
Ты не дари, мой друг, не надо,
А лучше спой мне серенаду
О голубых глазах моих.
Ещё хочу, чтоб никогда
Прекрасный вечер не кончался
И чтобы ты таким остался,
Шепча доверчивое «да».
Какая веская причина,
Вам в день святого Валентина
Всё о любви своей сказать.
Друзья, смелее, не стесняйтесь,
Скорей в любви своей признайтесь,
Не надо чувств своих скрывать!
(Проводится конкурс на лучшее признание в любви, выбирается несколько пар, и каждый из участников должен признаться в любви своему партнёру. Победители получают приз)
Любви все возрасты покорны,
Сказал великий драматург.
И стрелы, несмотря на возраст,
Пускает озорной Амур.
(Исполняется интермедия «Любви все возрасты покорны». Автор - Л. Гриненко. У скамейки встречаются две старушки)
Здравствуй, милая кума.
Здравствуй, что-то ты грустна?
У меня такое горе,
Третий день уже без сна.
Что стряслось, скажи, куме?
Мой старик сошёл с ума!
Третий день «Люблю» твердит,
Не брюзжит и не ворчит,
Позабыл, скажи на милость,
Даже про радикулит!
1. Тема: «Россия»
2. Главная цель мероприятия: Развить у учащихся навыки монологической, дилогической речи, используя слова и выражения по пройденной теме.
3. Сопутствующие задачи: Развитие навыков устной, диалогической речи с опорой на образец, развитие умения и навыков аудирования, закрепление навыка употребления общего и специальных вопросов.
4. Образовательная цель: Развитие языковой догадки, начальных навыков перевода.
5. Воспитательная цель: Развитие у учащихся умения работать в команде, прислушиваться к мнению окружающих, принимать решения, делать выбор.
6. Реквизит: Репродукции, картины, открытки, декорации, маски героев спектакля.
Учитель: Посмотрите, ребята, кто к нам пришел на урок? (Незнайка, Знайка). Сегодня на уроке они помогут нам познакомиться с нашей страной и расскажут о ней много интересного.
Neznaika: Where is Russia occupies?
Znaika: Russia occupies a large territory. It stretch almost 10 000 kilometers from east to west and nearly 5 000 kilometers from north to south. Its population is 150 000 000 million people.
From spring till autumn the sun never sets over Russia: in Kaliningrad people see it sitting in the Baltic, while in Kamchatka it rises out of the Pacific Ocean at the some time. People in our country see the New Year in eleven times in one night.
If you begin to travel in the Far East by air and fly 8 000 kilometers towards the west, you will land in Moscow on the same hour same day that you left the Far East.
Siberia covers millions of square kilometers. You fly over mountain, endless forests, large and small rivers, railways, motorways. You leave behind the lights of young and small towns, plants and factories. Siberia is a region of untold riches.
Father West are the Ural Mountains the border between Asia and Europe. The Urals are riche in different minerals.
The country's European part covers the territory from Urals to the Baltic Sea. The largest cities of the Russia are situated between the Black Sea in the south and the Black Sea in the north. There is no over countries in which the climate differs so much from one part to another. When it is still winter in the northern regions of our country the first warm days arrive in the south. In the central regions show storms and cold are still in power, while in the south people begin to think of spring crops. In the same season nature looks different in different parts of our country.
Neznaika: Oh, what the capital of Russia?
Znaika: Moscow is a capital of Russia, it’s political, economic, commercial and cultural center. It was founded 8 centuries age by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Gradually the city becomes more and more powerful. In the 16th century Ivan the Terrible Moscow becomes the capital of the new united state.
Now Moscow is one of the largest cities in Europe. Its total area is about nine hundred square kilometers. Population of the city is over 8 million. Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The heart of the Moscow is Red Square. It is more historic associations than any other place in Moscow. The main Kremlin tower, the Spasskaya Tower, has become a symbol of the country. On the territory of the Kremlin you can see old cathedrals, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Grate, the Palace of Congress, the Tzar-Cannon and the Tzar-Bell, the biggest cannon and bell in the world. There are a lot of beautiful places, cathedrals, churches and monuments in Moscow. There are more then 80 museums in Moscow. The largest museums are Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow is famous for its theaters. The best-known is Bolshoi Opera House. Drama theaters and studios are also very popular. Moscow is a city of the students. There are over 80 higher educational institutions in it.
Neznaika: I think, Russia is the best country.
Znaika: Yes, I think so. Now say me, what’s new did you know about Moscow?
Neznaika: Well, Moscow is the capital of Russia, centre of the Moscow region. Moscow is located at 55.55'of northern latitude and 37.37' to the east of the Greenwich's meridian, in the centre of the East-European plain in the zone of mixed forests. It's intersected by the Moscow river, which takes a number of tributaries between the Oka and the Volga. The largest of the tributaries are the Yausa and Setun'.
Moscow is one of the world biggest megapolis. Its population was equal to 8,011,000 people in January, 1979. The territory of Moscow was 878,7 square kilometres. The boundary of Moscow (since 1960) corresponds to the Moscow ring road that is situated at 17-21 kilometres from a city centre.
Local authorities are, since 1991, Moscow Mairia and Moscow government.
In terms of urban ecology, Moscow was advertised as a very clean city during the stagnation period, but recently, with positive political changes the real situation became known: air and water pollution by chemicals is rather heavy, in the southern and south-eastern parts of the town, specifically. This is explained by the pattern of enterprises and by the predominant winds. Moreover, information on radioactive pollution is now available, and separate strongly polluted sites have been discovered. Unfortunately, they are dispersed all over the territory of the town including its public gardens and densely populated blocks («sleeping regions»).
Moscow is located at 55.55'of northern latitude and 37.37' to the east of the Greenwich's meridian, in the centre of the East-European plain.
There is a folk saying about seven hills supporting Moscow. In reality, hilly are only some parts of former Moscow area, and the highest is the south-western part of the town. Geographically, it is defined as Teplostanskaya upland; the central and eastern parts of the town's area are more flat and low, and its major part is occupied by the valley of Moskva river with its tributaries.
The Moscow climate is moderately continental, although it is more then in other European cities. Temperature amplitude is 28 C. The cool period of the year starts in September, 29 and ends in May,10. Normally, the rainfall ranges within 540...650mm per year. The rainy period lasts from April to October. The duration of the severe snow period is estimated thus: November, 26 - April,
11. The height of the snow cover reaches 35 cm in the end of winter. Atmospheric pressure, that doesn't strongly change during the year, is 747mm. Winds in Moscow may blow in any direction, but during periods of warm weather the north-western ones prevail, while the south-western winds are proper to cool seasons.
Weather is rather unstable in Moscow, and the weather forecast service is the most common object for jokes. One of possible reasons justifying not quite reliable forecasts is a considerable temperature amplitude between parts of Moscow, it may reach 10¸C in spring or autumn.
The heart of the Moscow is Red Square. It is more historic associations than any other place in Moscow. The main Kremlin tower, the Spasskaya Tower, has become a symbol of the country. On the territory of the Kremlin you can see old cathedrals, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Grate, the Palace of Congress, the Tzar-Cannon and the Tzar-Bell, the biggest cannon and bell in the world. There are a lot of beautiful places, cathedrals, churches and monuments in Moscow. There are more then 80 museums in Moscow. The largest museums are Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow is famous for its theaters. The best-known is Bolshoi Opera House. Drama theaters and studios are also very popular. Moscow is a city of the students. There are over 80 higher educational institutions in it.
Now Moscow is one of the largest cities in Europe. Its total area is about nine hundred square kilometers. Population of the city is over 8 million. Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Znaika: Well done, Neznaika, now you and pupils know a lot of interesting about Russia and Moscow.
Психолого-педагогическая характеристика личности школьника... игр при формировании знаний и умений по обогащению английского вокабуляра на уроках английского языка, и их эффективность. Базой ПП эксперимента, проводимого нами в рамках исследования по проблеме формирования знаний и умений учащихся пятого класса, послужило Муниципальное образовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа № 1, г. Лабытнанги, Ямало-Ненецкий автономный округ, 5 «а» и 5 ...
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... , огромным чувством ответственности должен обладать педагог, обучая нынешнее поколение. Глава II Практические рекомендации по анализу и планированию урока иностранного языка 2.1 Методические рекомендации по анализу урока английского языка средней общеобразовательной школы С помощью психолого-педагогических критериев определяются следующие параметры урока. 1. Воспитательная ценность урока ...
... во время работы с письменными упражнениями; знать пути и средства формирования иноязычной письменной речи. Глава 2. Использование творческих заданий при обучении письму на уроках английского языка на основе УМК Кузовлева В.П. 2.1 Творческие задания как средство развития письменной речи То, что каждому возрасту соответствует свой уровень физического, психического и социального развития, ...
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