Departures: 4 June to Aug ‘03

Island cruises is s join venture between Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and First Choice offering you a new style in cruisingll it’s a more relaxed, informal and innovative style of cruising. The new concept is «ad-lib» dining – where you are able to sit where you like and dine at a time that suits you! Still, there is an la carte restaurant on board, if you’d prefer to reserve your dining for those special occasions. When it’s time to dine you can dress up as much or as you like with the ‘smart casual’ atmosphere onboard.

Attractions onboard the 40.000 tons Island Escape Include a gym and the health club, swimming pool with sunbathing decks, 6 bars, 3 restaurants, duty-free shopping, cuser0center, plus a whole range of activities and entertainment including the onboard nightclub and casino. All cabins provide a high standard of comfort.

Both cruises offer two journey of discovery – a chance to visit a variety of the best destinations in the Mediterranean coupled with numerous shore excursions.


Учебно–методический комплекс по обучению различным видам чтения

Skimming Scanning Intensive
Asking/answering questions Asking/answering questions Asking/answering questions Multiple Choice
Categorizing Categorizing Categorizing Note taking
Correction Correction Close Picture completion
Labeling Finding differences/similarities Completing Predicting
Matching Gap-filling Correction Quiz
Multiple-choice Matching Finding differences/similarities Reordering
Outlining Multiple choice Gap-filling T/F statements
Paragraphing Note taking Information transfer Table-filling
Reordering Picture completion Jig-Saw Translation
Summarising Quiz Listing
T/F statements T/F statements Matching
Table-filling Mind-mapping


Обучение поисковому чтению

Текст 1.

The policeman on the beat moved up the avenue impressively. The impressiveness was habitual and not for now, for spectators were few. The time was barely 10 o’clock at night. But chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain to them had well nigh developed the streets.

Trying doors as he went, twirling his club with many intricate and artful movements, turning now and then to it’s his watchful eye down the pacific thoroughfare, the officer, with his stalwart from and slight swagger, made a one picture of a guardian of the peace. The vicinity was one that kept early hours. Now and then you might see slights of a cigar store of an all-night lunch counter: but the majority of the doors belonged to business places that had long since been closed.

When about midway of a certain block the policeman suddenly slowed his walk. In the doorway of a darkened hardware store a man leaned, with an unlighted cigar in his mouth.

As the policeman walked up to him, the man spoke up quickly.

«It’s all right, officer, » he said reassuringly. «I’m just waiting for a friend. It’s an appointment made twenty years ago. Sounds a little funny to you, doesn’t it? Well, I’ll explain if you’d like to make certain it’s all straight. About that long ago there used to be a restaurant where this store stands – «Big Joe» Brady’s restaurant».

«Until five years ago, » said the policeman. «It was torn down then. »

The man in the doorway struck a match and lit his cigar. The light showed a pale, square-jawed face with keen eyes, and a little white scar near his right eyebrow. His scarfpin was a large diamond, oddly set.

«Twenty years ago to-night, » said the man, «I dined here at « Big Joe» Brady’s with Jimmy Wells, my best chum, and the finest chap in the…etc. »

(From O. Henry’s Short stories.)


Facts Opinions

·           The time was barely 10 o’clock at night.

·           It was dark.

·           There were two men in the street – a stranger and a policeman.

·           Etc.

·           The policeman moved impressively.

·           Chilly gusts of wind.

·           His scarfpin was a large diamond, oddly set.

·           Etc.


Упражнение для закрепления новой лексики на послетекстовом этапе.

Текст 1.


Our cats were first tamed in Egypt.

There_____ many kinds of cats: white cats; black cats, _____ cats, red cats; cats with long tails, cats _____ bushy tails, cats with no tails at all. _____ are clean and pretty. They are very wise, _____ can find their way anywhere. You can make _____ friends with cats, but they are not so _____ as dogs. They are more and independent. _____ cats has a nice coat. It is made _____ fur, and the fur is very thick and _____. The cat’s feet have sharp claws. It can _____ them in, then its paws are soft. The _____ eyes are green and yellow. It can see _____ the dark and in the light. The light _____ the day is too strong for its eyes, _____ often shuts them. But at night, when _____ is only a little light, it opens its _____ very wide. When the cat happy, it _____. It says, «Purr, purr. »

Key: are, grey with, cats, and, great, loving, the, of, and, there, eyes, sings.


Примерный образец текста для обучения чтению с полным пониманием содержания

Magician breaks up bank robbery

An Amateur stage magician broke up a bank robbery when he waved his «magic» handkerchief – and made the bandit’s pistol disappear. But incredibly, the exconvict arrested for the attempted robbery walked out of court as a free man – because neither the police nor the magician were able to recover the missing weapon. Ten people saw the gunman pull a 38-caliber automatic end point it at a magician, but without the weapon as evidence the judge tossed the case out of the court. A police detective was frustrated. Oscar Gomes, 19, performed in nightclubs in and around Sao Paulo. He was held as a hero after a man standing in line just ahead of him stepped up to a teller’s window at the Banco National dos Trabalhadores de Sao Paulo, Brazil, and pulled a gun. Gomes tapped the gunman on the shoulder, waved a bright red handkerchief at him – and the weapon vanished. Then the heroic teenager helped an elderly guard overpower the stunned thief. Unfortunately, the young man reached to the emergency from instinct, and he was unable to recall exactly how he performed the feat of magic. So he couldn’t reverse the trick to retrieve the gun, and now a very dangerous criminal is back on the streets.


1. An Amateur stage magician…

2. Ten people saw…

3. Oscar Gomes, 19, performed…

4. Then the heroic teenager helped…

5. Unfortunately, the young man reached…


Организация обучения просмотровому чтению

В качестве примера организации обучения просмотровому чтению проводим серию заданий к тексту 2 (уровень – intermediate and above).

Предтекстовый этап.

Task: Look at the titles of these leaflets and say what sort of advertisements we are going to read today.

Key: Advertisements about summer holidays, resorts, cruises.

Текстовый этап.

Task: Look through the advertisements of different resorts and fill in the table if the information is provided.

The name of the place Swimming pool (put «+» if any) Health club/center, sporting, activities (put «+» if any) Number of restaurants Casino (put «+» if any) Price
1 Summer Cruising
2 Sandals _ _
3 Canary Island _ _
4 Cruises to Spain £49 pp


The name of the place Swimming pool (put «+» if any) Health club/center, sporting, activities (put «+» if any) Number of restaurants Casino (put «+» if any) Price
1 Summer Cruising + + 1 + £649 pp
2 Sandals _ _ _ _ _
3 Canary Island _ _ _ _ £699 pp
4 Cruises to Spain + _ 3 + £49 pp

Послетекстовый этап.

Task: Role-play – act out a situation.

Student A.

You are a travel agent. You have received a call from one of the clients. Give the info he/she asks for. Try your best to persuade the client to travel with your company.


Student B

You are a traveler. You have looked through the ads of different resorts and have chosen one of them, which you’d like to visit. You telephone the travel agent to confirm the information about the price, duration and recreation activities.




Asking/ Answering Question – вопросо-ответные упражнения – предполагают запрашивание и предоставление необходимой информации.

Cotegorising – деление на категории – группировка языковых или смысловых элементов согласно обозначенным категориям или определение этих категорий.

Close – восстановление/ заполнение пропусков – прием работы со связным текстом, в котором преднамеренно пропущено каждое n-е слово (n колеблется от 5 до 10). Задача учащихся – восстановить деформированный текст, подобрать пропущенные слова по смыслу, исходя из контекста или привычной сочетаемости слов.

Completing – упражнение на дополнение – прием работы, основанный на отрывке текста или ряда незаконченных предложений, которые необходимо закончить, используя информацию, полученную из прочитанного текста.

Correction – исправление – отделение и корректировка языковых или содержательных нарушений в тексте.

Finding differences/ similarities – сопоставление/ нахождение сходств и различий – прием работы, основанный на сравнении двух или более объектов, например: картинок, слов, текстов и так далее.

Gap-filling – заполнение пробелов/ пропусков – прием работы, в основе которого лежит методика дополнения или восстановления недостающих языковых элементов.

Information Transfer – перекодирование информации – прием работы, заключающийся в переносе информации из одной формы ее представления в другую, например: трансформация вербальной информации (текст, предложение, слово) в невербальную (картинка, жест, прочее) или наоборот.

Jig-saw reading (listening) – «мозаика» - прием работы, основанный на разделении «банка информации», то есть текста для чтения или аудирования. После ознакомления с определенной частью информации учащиеся обмениваются ею и восстанавливают общее содержание текста.

Labelling – называние – прием работы, основанный на присвоении имени анализируемому материалу (картине, диаграмме, тексту и прочее).

Listing – составление списка – прием работы, заключающийся в перечислении объектов или идей, связанных с определенной темой/ ситуацией.

Matching – соотнесение/ сопоставление 0 прием работы, заключающийся в распознавании соотносящихся друг с другом вербальных и невербальных элементов, например, между картиной и предложением, словом и его определением, началом и концом предложения и так далее.

Mind-mapping – составление семантической карты – представление основных понятий обсуждаемой темы/ проблемы в графически упорядоченном и логически связанном виде.

Multiple Choice – множественный выбор – выбор правильного ответа из предложенных вариантов.

Note-taking – конспектирование/ составление кратких записей – прием работы, направленный на развитие умения записать кратко в форме заметок содержание прочитанного или прослушанного текста с целью зафиксировать необходимую информацию для дальнейшего использования.

Outlining (making a plan) – составление плана – сокращение информации текста до основных идей, записанных в форме плана, то есть по пунктам.

Paragraphing – деление текста на параграфы – деление сплошного текста на части, согласно основной идее, содержащейся в каждой из них.

Picture-completion – дополнение рисунка/ картины – прием работы, заключающийся в выполнении недостающих частей, объектов на картине.

Predicting – предвосхищение/ прогнозирование – прием работы, направленный на развитие умения предвосхищать содержание/ языковое оформление текста.

Quiz – викторина – опрос-соревнование или опрос-игра, в которой участники отвечают на фактические вопросы общекультурного содержания.

Reordering (Sequencing) – логическая перегруппировка/ восстановление последовательности – перераспределение предлагаемого материала в логической последовательности или согласно плану. Результатом работы является воссозданный связный текст, серия картинок, и так далее.

Table filling – заполнение таблицы – прием работы, основанный на внесении в таблицу необходимой информации.

Translation – перевод – выражение идеи на другом языке. При этом учащиеся должны принимать во внимание лингвистические и культурные особенности языка, на который делается перевод. Перевод может быть устным и письменным.

True/ False Statements – верные/ неверные утверждения – содержательный и смысловой выбор ответов или суждений, который осуществляется путем соотнесения предлагаемых высказываний с содержанием прочитанного или прослушанного текста.


Урок английского языка в 7 классе на тему «THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA»

Цели и задачи урока: воспитывать познавательный интерес к предмету, расширить знания по страноведению – познакомить учащихся с некоторыми президентами США; научить выделять главное, составлять связное высказывание по теме; формировать умения и навыки в устной речи.


¾        Портреты президентов США: Дж. Вашингтона, А.Линкольна, Т. Джефферсона, Ф. Рузвельта, Джорджа Буша.

¾        Портрет Д.А. Медведева – Президента России.

¾        Видеофильм «Гора Рашмор. США» из серии «Великие творения людей».

¾        Аудиозапись текста :Washington. D.C. » («Happy English – 2», с. 210-211).

¾        «Wave the Flag, Mr. President» (журнал «Speak Out», 2004, №5, р. 19-19).

¾        Аудиозапись мелодии «America the Beautiful».

¾        Книга для чтения по страноведению «США. Стран и люди» (Баграмова Н.В., Воронцова Т.И. – СПб.: Союз, 1999. – С. 36-40).

Ход урока

I. Введение в сюжет урока.

(Звучит мелодия песни «America the Beautiful»).

Teacher (T):

Oh beautiful, for patriot dream

That sees beyond the years,

Thine alabaster cities gleam

Undimmed by human tears1

America! America!

God mend thine every flaw;

Confirm thy soul in self-control

Thy liberty in law!

Прекрасна патриотами,

Ты – зеркало их грез

О городах сверкающих,

Где горя нет и слез!

Америка! Америка!

Господь благослови

От берега до берега

Жизнь в братстве и любви.

These are the words from the patriotic song «America the Beautiful». Americans like to read and hear about the heroes of American history. They enjoy patriotic songs like «America the Beautiful». They are proud of their country, its achievements. And they are proud of their presidents as well as their country.

And today we shall speak about the presidents of the USA.

II Аудирование текста «Washington D.C. »

To begin with we shall listen to the text about the hometown of the President of the United States - Washington D.C. I want you to open your books. Let’s look through the new words. Repeat after me.

(учащиеся повторяют слова за учителем)

Now, do it yourself. One, two, three.

(учащиеся хором читают слова)

Listen to the tape recorder.

(учащиеся слушают аудиозапись текста)

T: I want you to answer my questions.

1)   What does ‘D.C.’ stand for?

2)   Who was the first president of the USA?

3)   Where was G. Washington born?

4)   What did he especially like?

5)   Who was the third President of the USA?

6)   What was written by Thomas Jefferson?

7)   Which president taught himself how to read and to write?

8)   What did Lincoln write?

III. Сообщения учащихся о президентах США. Проверка домашнего задания.

(Выполнение упражнения 2 на с.38 в рабочей тетради – 2, где даны факты из жизни президентов США. Учащимся надо было распределить эти факты по колонкам в зависимости от того, к кому относятся они, сделать сообщение об американских президентах.)

Your homework was to make reports about presidents.

Let’s listen to your reports.

George Washington

G. Washington was the first president of the USA. He was born in Virginia. He went to school for about eight years. His favorite subject was mathematics. E also liked to study history. He grew up on a large farm. Washington led the American army in many battles during the War for Independence. He was an outstanding politician.

Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln became the sixteenth President of the USA in 1861. He was an outstanding politician. He is the author of the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed the blacks in the South from slavery. There is memorial to Abraham. A. Lincoln taught himself how to read and write. Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the USA. He is the author of the Declaration of Independence. He was an outstanding politician. The Thomas Memorial is in Washington.

IV. Просмотр видеофильма «Гора Рашмор. США» из серии «Великие творения людей».

T: Now we shall watch a film about a mountain, which attracts many people. It’s a granite mountain. Four faces are carved on the mountain. The faces are sixty feet high. is an interesting place to visit. It is in South Dakota, USA. Many people come to visit this place every year. There is a great view from Mount Rushmore.

First look at the blackboard and read the questions. Be ready to answer these questions after watching the film.

1)         Where is the Memorial to four famous presidents located?

2)         Who was the sculptor of this Memorial?

3)         In whose honour was the Memorial on Mount Rushmore built?

4)         When did Borglan start to build it?

5)         How long did it take to build Mount Rushmore Memorial?

6)         When did Borglan die?

7)         Who continue his work?

8)         When was the Memorial officially opened?

V. Беседа по просмотренному фильму. Ответы на вопросы. Краткое содержание фильма.

VI. Беседа о президенте Америки Джордже Буше.

T: Children, who is the President of the USA now? When was he elected? Let’s do a quick quiz about George W. Bush.

1)         In which state was George W. Bush born?

a) Texas b) Ohio c) Indiana

2) Which university did he graduate from?

a) Harvard b) Yale c) George Washington

3) What is Mrs. Bush’s name?

a) Linda b) Lena c) Laura

4) What are the names of his twin daughters?

a) Barbara and Jenna

b) Sarah and Suzanne

c) Julia and Pamela

5) What kind of dog does he have?

a) Labrador

b) Scottish Terrier

c) Corgi

6) When was George W. Bush first elected?

a) 1999 b) 2000 c) 2002

(Answers: 1a, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5b, 6b.)

T: Children, I want you to read the text «How to become a US President».

According to the US Constitution, a president must be elected every four years. To become a US president, you must…

·          Be 35 or older.

·          Be a US citizen born in the USA.

·          Have lived in the USA at least 14 years.

You can only serve two terms. This means you can only president twice. This became law in 1951. Before that, the law was different. In fact, Franklin D. Roosevelt became president in 1933 and was still president when he died in 1945.

The US president is not the only person with power. The US government is divided into three parts: the President, the Supreme Court, and the Congress. There are two houses of Congress: the Senate, which has 100 members called ‘senators’, and the House of Representatives, which has 435 members.

VII. Чтение и перевод Конституции РФ. Статья 81.

T: What about this country? Who is the President of Russia?

Listen to article 81 of the RF Constitution and explain how to become a RF President.

¾        Президент Российской Федерации избирается на каждые четыре года гражданами Российской Федерации на основе всеобщего равного и прямого избирательного права при тайном голосовании.

¾        Президентом Российской Федерации может быть избран гражданин Российской Федерации не моложе 35 лет, постоянно проживавший в Российской Федерации не менее 10 лет.

¾        Одно и то же лицо не может занимать должность Президента Российской Федерации более двух сроков подряд.

VIII. Заключительный этап урока.

T: Now you know many interesting facts about the president of the USA. You’ve got some information about the US Constitution. Compare the US Constitution with the RF Constitution. Complete the Link List.

In Russia In the USA In Bashkortostan
To become a president you must be (age)
To become a president you must have lived in the country
You can serve (terms)

IX. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание.

T: Your homework is to make a report about the President of our Republic Bashkortostan Murtasa Gubaidulovich Rakhimov. Complete the previous Link List about the Bashkortostan Constitution.

Информация о работе «Специфические особенности и роль лингвострановедческого материала в процессе обучения чтению на уроках английского языка в 7-х классах»
Раздел: Педагогика
Количество знаков с пробелами: 104231
Количество таблиц: 6
Количество изображений: 6

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