4. Elementary schools
Required instruction begins for the British children in so called of praymeri of schools, i.e., in the elementary schools. First five-year children go into the Infant- departments (children's subdivisions) of these schools, and at the age of seven years they pass within the framework the same school into the junior- departments, or into the individual junior- schools. At the age of 11 years the children are transferred from praymeri in secondary of schools (i.e., from elementary schools - to secondary schools). In Scotland law about compulsory education stipulated, that the initial instruction is intended for the children, who did not reach 12-year age. The elementary schools of Scotland are organized to the classes of different steps depending on the age of students - from the first class to the seventh. Thus, attending to 12 years in Scotland the seventh class student still it remains in the elementary school. All classes of the elementary schools of Scotland mixed - there learn both boys and girls (in |Of England there is much Schools with separate training), are not present allocation of classes or streams on progress or abilities of pupils that is why all pupils with achievement of the certain age automatically are translated in a class following on a serial number.
In Northern Ireland after execution it starts to study in the child of four years in the first class initial. Schools. Training at this school lasts seven years then in the age of 11 years children are translated in high school. At will before translation in high school.
The graduate of an elementary school can pass special "translation" testing.
In elementary schools of the country the British educational authorities consider as the major parameter of quality of formation the size of classes that is quantity of pupils in one class. Especially serious influence on training, in opinion of experts, renders this factor in classes of a younger step of an elementary school. Measures on reduction of number of pupils in similar classes are designated among priority in programs Educational reforms of the ruling labour government. According to operating specifications local educational bodies in England and on the Wales are obliged to distribute children of younger age in elementary schools so that number of five, шести-, and seven-year pupils did not exceed 30 in one class.
5. Secondary schools
It is more than 87% all studying state secondary schools in England and 100% of studying state secondary schools of Wales attend so those called of comprehensive of schools, which is transferred as average charter schools. In them on the reaching by the students of 16 years concludes obtaining compulsory education. In their overwhelming majority these schools assume students from the elementary schools without the testing, without the characteristics and the references to progress or behavior, providing thus possibility to all children, who live in this region, obtaining compulsory secondary education. British general education secondary schools in their majority bear no specialization in the sciences studied by them. All objects are studied in each state secondary school for one and the same program.
In Scotland general education secondary schools also assume students on the general bases without the selection. Then in North Ireland the secondary school it is organized according to the principle of electivity depending on the quality of knowledge and abilities of students. Successfully pasts testing on the English, mathematics, chemistry and biology can be enrolled into gremmer of skulz (grammar of schools) - so there are secondary schools for the gifted children, which were preserved in North Ireland. Rest continue required instruction in the usual average charter schools. Percentage of studying in the North of Ireland, attending gremmer of school, in 1999-2000 it composed 40 from the total number of students of secondary schools.
6. Specialized schools
Special school occupies inadmissibly modest place according to the thinking of present reformers today in the system of secondary education. In England were by September 2000 counted in all 530 special schools, which include 312 technical colleges, 99 lingual colleges, 67 sport colleges even 57 colleges of skill. Programs for the special schools appeared in England only very recently - in 1993. These programs provide for the intensified study of special objects together with the study of the general education program of secondary schools. All these schools are also state. Among the outlined reforms in the system of public education, the specialization of schools is registered first and foremost. Half of all charter schools of the country the Labor Government is intended to make specialized, with the intensified study of one or several related objects. By 2006 7500 the schools, which train today according to the general routine, they will become the specialized colleges, which prepare personnel for different regions of British industry. The creation of the special schools of the business, where they will prepare future owners, is provided, all this, in addition within the framework of compulsory secondary education. In a word, the present system of the state charter schools, which train the raznosposobnykh and raznoodarennykh children according to one and the same levelling individual program, it will undergo radical reconstruction: abilities and inclinations of student will be set as the chief concern free compulsory education.
... . The pronunciation may seem rough and harsh, but is the same as that used by the forefathers; consequently it must not be considered barbarous. The other countries of England differ from the vernacular by a depraved pronunciation. Awareness of regional variation in England is evident from the fourteenth century, seen in the observation of such writers as Higden/Trevisa or William Caxton and in ...
... way he interprets words like income, onlooker, outhouse qualifying them as compounds with locative particles as first elements. R. S. Ginzburg[24] states there are about 51 prefixes in the system of Modern English word-formation. Unlike suffixation, which is usually more closely bound up with the paradigm of a certain part of speech, prefixation is considered to be more neutral in this ...
... озвончения в середине слова после безударного гласного в словах французского происхождения. Зав. кафедрой -------------------------------------------------- Экзаменационный билет по предмету ИСТОРИЯ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА И ВВЕДЕНИЕ В СПЕЦФИЛОЛОГИЮ Билет № 12 Дайте лингвистическую характеристику "Младшей Эдды". Проанализируйте общественные условия национальной жизни Англии, ...
... . 6. The Scandinavian element in the English vocabulary. 7. The Norman-French element in the English vocabulary. 8. Various other elements in the vocabulary of the English and Ukrainian languages. 9. False etymology. 10.Types of borrowings. 1. The Native Element and Borrowed Words The most characteristic feature of English is usually said to be its mixed character. Many linguists ...
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