8. SEN - school for the child- invalids and for the laggards in the studies

In January 2000 in England and on Wales of 1.71 mln. studying schools they were qualified as being studied with the special educational requirements (special of educational of needs- SEN)). To it is so accepted name in England those children, who experience special difficulties in the studies in the comparison with the majority of their contemporaries, including because of the problems with the health, and also various deviations in the development. 60% of students this category instruction to basic schools is passed; however, to these children is manifested special attention, they are right to design for additional aid from the side of instructors and for the special procedure of instruction. To public schools is prescribed the need of developing the special “policy” for the children of SEN. For them it is also necessary to inform about this policy of students and their parents.

40% OF SEN are trained in special school, intended for a similar contingent.

Solution about the need for the determination child into the special school it is right to carry out the local organs of formation. However, if parents are not agreeable with the similar solution or with the selection for their child of this concrete school, they right to be handled the appeal of the solution in SEN - tribunal, which is occupied by the study of similar problems. The verdict of this tribunal is considered final in resolution of debatable questions concerning that, where and as will be trained child with the special educational requirements.

In 1998 government promulgated activity plan for the purpose to improve formation conditions and to create maximally advantageous conditions for the studies in schools and VUZ (Institute of Higher Education), and also for further career of those, who pass on the category SEN. For the implementation of this program were isolated 35 mln. of pounds sterling in 1999 - 2000 yr. and 20 mln. in 2000 - 2001 g. in addition to of 1900 of the usual charter schools of England obtained in last two years 30 mln. pounds in order to create the improved conditions for the studies child- invalids and children with the weakened sight, the rumor and the disrupted speech.

9. Training program in the schools

The objects, taught to the students of British public schools at the age from 5 to 16 years, at basis their are determined by general national school program. This program is subdivided into 4 key stages. First stage (stage 1) - for the studying at the age 5-7 years (1 2- e classes); the second stage (stage 2) - for the students of 7-11 years (3-6- e classes); the third stage (stage 3) - for studying at the age 11-14 years (7-9- e classes); the fourth stage (stage 4) - for the students of 14-16 years (10-11- e classes). The objects, which are considered basic, teach for each of four stages: English and literature (on Wales - also Welsh language), mathematics, the objects of the natural science (they they are united in Britain in the united object, named Science and including biology, chemistry, physics), technology, gymnastics and religion. History, geography, depictive skill and the music they are the required objects, included in the early stages of school program. Foreign language appears in the school timetable at stages 3 and 4. An essential difference in the school of British from the school Russian is the presence in its program besides the objects, required for the study, also those disciplines, which are selected by students according to their interests and inclinations. All public schools are obligated to ensure the possibility to study religion with student. Local organs formations bear responsibility for the development of these programs for the subordinate by it schools. In the programs of religious formation must be present the study of Christianity, but also other basic religions, which confess the citizens living in the territory of the United Kingdom. Nevertheless the study of religion is not required, and at will parents their children can be freed from the visit of these lessons. In the state charter schools it is provided the sexual formation for all students, within the framework which they are studied besides other disease, transferred through sex. Special attention is paid in this case to AIDS. Parents are right to require so that their children would be freed from the study of objects on the sexual formation - with exception of those, which bear required nature.

10. GSCE, or certificate about completion of secondary school

The certificate, which testifies about obtaining of compulsory education, it is in England and on Wales so-called GSCE - General Of certificate of Of secondary Of education. For obtaining this certificate, or in English, certificate, with the reaching by the students of 16 years and the end of 11 classes of charter school, it is necessary to return final examinations. The special qualification committees deal with the development of examination programs (Qualification and Curriculum Of authority), that are appeared are independent by the government agencies. The ministry of formation of the country asserts these programs.

In contrast to Russia in Britain it is accepted to enter estimations not by numbers and by letters. In the British school there is a force-eight system of estimations. As the successful result are considered obtaining such estimations as “[A]*”, “A”, “in”, “[s]”. Therefore the degree of the success of one or other school or another in the formation is measured by the number of students, who received according to the results examinations GSCE five or is more than the marks between “[A]*” and “[s]”. In all on GSCE are surrendered eight examinations on eight objects.

In the case of the unsuccessful delivery of examinations the student is right in year to retake them. For those, who will intend to retake examinations, school provides for special annual course - he so he is called: the course of preparation for peresdachi of examinations GSCE.

After returning examinations on GSCE and after obtaining certificate about the completion of required instruction, to leave school to 16-year youth or to the girl it is not necessary. At will being studied, successfully returned examinations on GSCE, it can continue instruction all in the same general education public school in order, after passing its highest steps, to return the examinations, which open to it university education, or to reach the specific professional preparation. Obtaining certificate about the completion compulsory education (GSCE) right to the entering into the higher educational institution does not ensure. In order to obtain this right, it is must to return the examinations of another level, so-called level “A” (A -levels) on several objects (as a rule, on two-three). The study of these objects is passed to the classes of the highest step of charter school or in the college. These classes are named the 12th and 13th classes. At the end the 12th class students pass intermediate examinations A -levels on the studied objects. At the end of the 13th class are surrendered the examinations exhaust, they entrance. Thus, the classes of level “A”, or A -levels, they are “highest echelon of school instruction” with the preparation in the university.

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