Chapter I: Scotland as an original country
1.1. Some words about General information
1.2. Tragic history of Scotland
1.3. Symbol of Scotland
Chapter II: Scotland pride
2.1. The main Scotland cities
2.2. World history is full of Scottish names
Chapter III: The Scots
3.1. Peculiarities of Scottish character
3.2. Clans and tartans
3.3. Customs and traditions
Chapter IV: The Practical part
4.1. The research on Scottish and Russian traditions
You know that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consist of four parts, of four countries. There are four different nations: the English, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish. Every nation has its own unique culture, history, literature and even languages. These people have different customs and traditions and even food changes from region to region.
Having studied makes English-speaking countries rather deeply we became interested in culture of not so large country but also very rich of its traditions is Scotland. The knowledge about it is not full enough among Russian pupils. That’s why the theme of this research is the following: “Scotland. Its customs and traditions”
The object: The research of Scottish customs and traditions, their way of life.
The subject: The discovery of influence of knowledge about customs and traditions of one of the countries on the formation of respect to other nations.
The aim: To search and to systematize the material about Scottish character and traditions of this country.
Coming from the aim, object and subject we put forward the hypothesis:
If the knowledge about culture, history, customs and traditions of the country are systematized we can achieve:
· The formation of deep understanding of the nation’s character
· The improvement of mutual understanding between different nations
· The increasing of the cultural level
Our aim can be achieved and the hypothesis can be checked up by using the following methods of research:
· Analysis of information from different sources
· Abstraction
· Compilation the charts
Practical significance:
· The collected materials make it possible to increase the interest of studying English at school, to broaden the outlook, to understand the peculiarities of Scottish character
Chapter I: Scotland as an original country
1.1. Some words about General information
He who has not seen Scotland
does not really know Great Britain
Scotland is a land of paradox. A small nation, its presence is felt all over the world. It is a country of preachers and poets, warriors and dreamers, inventors and explorers. This is the land of tartans and fine whisky, of romantic castles and the melodies of bagpipes. Scotland also has a rich cultural heritage. The appeals of Scotland are undoubtedly unique and the hospitality of the Scottish people will make your visit one to be remembered. Scotland is a country in the United Kingdom to the north of England. Its symbol is a thistle, its patron saint is St. Andrew. The country is consisting of the Highland – a northern area with a harsh climate and the Lowlands – an industrial region with about three quarters of population.
1.2. Tragic history of Scotland
The unification of England and Scotland showed that religious differences were now more important than old national ones. England and Scotland remained separate during the seventeenth century, except for a period under Oliver Cromwell. In 1707, both countries agreed on a single parliament for Great Britain. Scotland retained its own system of law and the church.
Some facts from Scottish History.
Scotland was united with England and Welsh although it kept its own parliament.
England and Scotland were joined by an Act of Union
1715 and 1745
Rebellions by “Jacobites” who wanted a Catholic King. In 1745 the Jacobite hope was Prince Charles Edward Stuart “Bonny Prince Charlie”
My Bonny
A folk song
1. My Bonny is over the ocean,
my Bonny is over the sea.
My Bonny is over the ocean.
Oh, bring back my Bonny to me.
Chorus: Bring back, bring back,
Bring back my Bonny to me, to me.
2. Oh, blow ye winds over the ocean,
Oh, blow ye winds over the sea,
Oh, blow ye winds over the ocean,
Oh, bring back my Bonny to me.
3. Last night as I lay on my pillow,
Last night as I lay in my bed.
Last night as I lay on my pillow,
I dreamed that my Bonny was dead.
4. The winds have blown over the ocean,
The winds have blown over the sea,
The winds have blown over the ocean,
And brought back my Bonny to me.
Prince Charles was finally defeated and the people of the Highlands were forced to emigrate.
... recognized Scottish independence. 1603 James VI became James I of England. 1638 Scottish rebellion against England. 1651 Cromwell conquered Scotland. 1689 Jacobites were defeated at Killiecrankie. 1707 Act of Union with England. 1715, 1745 Failed Jacobites risings against Britain. ...
... use of a five-tone, or pentatonic, scale. Folk tunes are not standardized, and a single song may have hundreds of variations in lyrics and music. Government Scotland is governed as an integral part of Great Britain. It is represented by 72 members in the House of Commons and by 16 Scottish peers in the House of Lords. Central Government ...
... denomination, is the official state church. The Roman Catholic church is second in importance. Other leading denominations are the Episcopal Church in Scotland, Congregationalist, Baptist, Methodist, and Unitarian. Jews are a small minority. English is generally spoken; fewer than 100,000 Scots (mainly inhabitants of the Highlands and island groups) also speak the Scottish form of Gaelic. ...
... John Balliol to be the king of Scotland, but people of the country were against. They did not want Edward to be their overlord and began to fight for their independence. Their leader was William Wallace. The English sent an army to Scotland but Wallace destroyed it. Then Edward came with his army, defeated Wallace and killed him. The Scots found a new leader Robert Bruce. He became the king of ...
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