3.2. Clans and tartans
The Scottish Highlander considers himself the “true” Scot and he wears his national dress, the “kilt”, with pride. Kilts, the pleated skirts made of the material with a squared, colored design called a tartan, probably derive from the costume of the Roman conquerors. Each Scottish clan (a Gaelic word for “tribe” or “family”) has its own tartan with specific colors and design and only members of that clan are entitled to wear it. Clans, the traditional keystone of Scottish society, are no longer powerful. Originally, the clan, a grouping of an entire family with one head, or laird, was also important as a fighting unit. The solidarity associated with clan membership has been expanded into a strong national pride. The Black Watch tartan and the Royal Stewart tartan are the most popular tartans. They are more popular with tourists than with the Scots. If your name is Mac-something you probably descend from clansmen. “Mac” is part of a great many Scottish surnames, and its meaning is “son”. It is sometimes spelt “M” or “Mc”, but it is pronounced just the same as “Mac”. In some places “son” is used instead of “Mac”: MacDonald, Donaldson. The clan MacDonald is one of the oldest, it dates back to the 13th century.
3.3. Customs and traditions
They say, Scots are stingy and unfriendly people. It is true, but we can understand them, after all during all their history, they had numerous wars for liberty. Like other peoples, Scots severely stick to their traditions. The important part of their house is a fire-place, which gives comfort and quietness to house. As a necessary attribution in each home must be a checked fabric, maybe a table-cloth, or a plaid on a sofa, or blinds on the wall.
Almost in every house on the wall there is a knife, which has on the hilt the engraving of a thistle and set a topaz. Scots had the older tradition – wearing a knife over the right stocking. If a man put a knife out on inner side of leg that it means he declared the war. Peaceful people used to wear a knife on the right outside.
Scots very like plants. There are many plants in their rooms. Behind house there is a small garden. Owners carefully look after all plants, that’s why Scots have good and splendid gardens. In good weather people like spending a lot of time in fresh air, in their gardens.
Before the XVII century Scottish national dress was as follow a white linen shirt and a 8 meter long plaid, which was fringed over one’s shoulder, a fastened brooch, and clasped it around the waist. In the fighting days to poron helped to soldiers – it’s a big fur bag. The bag was decorated with head of animal – fox or badger – and long fringe.
Really, only people, who lived beside hills, wore a kilt. Inhabitants of plain preferred trousers. Highlanders wore a kilt and gaiters. Mainly because, it was a comfortable.
Earlier Scots were divided into: cattle – breeders and land people. The most of bright pagan celebrations for grain farmers was a Midsummer’s Day (June 21st). On that day there is a fire going, around that there are rituals. Sheep-breeders celebrated their holiday in June – they celebrated the end of washing, shearing and branded sheep.
That day the hostess makes a special pie from barley or oat flour and shares it with children, who must raise and care for sheep.
Chapter IV: The Practical part
4.1. The research on Scottish and Russian traditions
As a practical part I chose a comparison Russia and Scotland. This comparison with not many aspects, can give us a chance to understand the difference between countries. To my mind these countries were united due to thing only one – the origin of ancient traditions. But even in such a conservative country as Scotland, some traditions are forgotten or lost their meanings. For example we can take into consideration the present Scottish religion.
You can see that nowadays Scotland has many religions, that’s why instead of old traditions, new different sects have appeared. So to know the present situation of Scotland, you must open all secrets of history of Scotland and then, may be you will see that their customs are distinctive.
Today Scotland is very popular. Tourists can see and do so much: high hills to walk on, old castles to visit, mysterious lakes to cross by boat and… legendary monsters to look out for! Scotland is famous for people from all over the world come there to admire it.
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2. Колодянная Л. Great Britain. – М.: Айрис Пресс, 1998. с.31-50.
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... recognized Scottish independence. 1603 James VI became James I of England. 1638 Scottish rebellion against England. 1651 Cromwell conquered Scotland. 1689 Jacobites were defeated at Killiecrankie. 1707 Act of Union with England. 1715, 1745 Failed Jacobites risings against Britain. ...
... use of a five-tone, or pentatonic, scale. Folk tunes are not standardized, and a single song may have hundreds of variations in lyrics and music. Government Scotland is governed as an integral part of Great Britain. It is represented by 72 members in the House of Commons and by 16 Scottish peers in the House of Lords. Central Government ...
... denomination, is the official state church. The Roman Catholic church is second in importance. Other leading denominations are the Episcopal Church in Scotland, Congregationalist, Baptist, Methodist, and Unitarian. Jews are a small minority. English is generally spoken; fewer than 100,000 Scots (mainly inhabitants of the Highlands and island groups) also speak the Scottish form of Gaelic. ...
... John Balliol to be the king of Scotland, but people of the country were against. They did not want Edward to be their overlord and began to fight for their independence. Their leader was William Wallace. The English sent an army to Scotland but Wallace destroyed it. Then Edward came with his army, defeated Wallace and killed him. The Scots found a new leader Robert Bruce. He became the king of ...
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