2. City

Of course, Cambridge - is primarily a university, but do not forget that he is also a city. Its population is 110,400 people. And although most of its attractions are concentrated still in college at the University, the city itself is not deprived of any churches or museums, or notable facilities. Cambridge Museum of Classical Archaeology is famous for one of the world's largest collections of Greek and Roman statues. In an era of Victorian townspeople called it his "archeological laboratory. Collection of the Zoological Museum began to take shape as early as 1814, many of its artifacts were collected and donated to the museum by Charles Darwin. Museum of the History of Science, located in a building built in the early XVII century, contains a unique collection of scientific instruments and models from the Middle Ages to the present day. Fittsvilyam museum is rich in artistic masterpieces of Western European paintings (XII - XX centuries.), Its antique collection, as well as collections of ancient samples of ceramics, glass, coins and medals. Cambridge Churches have long and rich history, since some of them were built here long before both on campus began to appear first chapel. This city is famous so large that at present title of Cambridge are about 30 localities throughout the world.

3. Colleges

Thirty-three in one (College, University of Cambridge). Not so easy to understand at a glance that Cambridge - is not only a university but a great city. Even harder to realize that thirty-one college, located in Cambridge and its surroundings - it is the university itself. History of the creation of colleges rather bizarre - sometimes the reason to base the new college was just a whim of those in power, sometimes - a vow or other honor their commitments, sometimes - the imperative of our time, or even "social order" ... The first College Cambridge - Peterhouse - was founded in 1284 by Hugh de Balshamom, Bishop Or. The oldest of the university's buildings badly rebuilt in the XIX century, but still bears the traits of those distant days. He has a fun feature - from the window of one of the student bedrooms are constantly hanging rope. This tradition stems from the fact that the poet Thomas Gray, a former student of this college, so afraid of fire, which is always kept at the ready, this escape route. Current students belong to a quirk with sympathetic humor and contemporaries so mercilessly teased poor guy that he had to flee - to transfer to Pembroke College. Trinity Hall College was founded in 1350 by the Bishop of Norwich Beytmanom specifically to grow within the walls of canon law experts - to replace the seven hundred priests who had died during the Great Plague. College continued to specialize in the jurisdiction, and is still known as "lawyer". College of St.. Catherine opened a couple of him in 1473, when Trinity Hall no longer cope with growing up the flow of students - especially for already ordained priests, who could study there theology, philosophy and ancient languages. In 1441 at age 19, King Henry VI laid the foundation stone of King's College. For its construction was destroyed by a big chunk of the medieval city. College and "town" with its built nearly three hundred years, the game is worth it - here was created by one of the architectural masterpieces of world fame - the Chapel of the Holy Virgin. Sir Christopher Wren, famous architect, saw the vaulted ceiling of the chapel, said that he could create the same - but only if someone told him where to lay the first stone ... Trinity College merged from Miklehouse and Kingsholla at the behest of Henry VIII just six weeks before his death. The royal family of Great Britain is the official patron of the college. At the main gate of his coat of arms placed by Edward III, in a niche above it stands a statue of Henry VIII. With all due deference to the royal family, as a result of student pranks the statue disappeared one day and a scepter in his stead was inserted into a chair leg ... The great Trinity House, built in 1604, are portraits of the most famous teachers and college students - and of its walls came a lot of intellectuals scientists, politicians, writers and poets ... It is in the walls of this institution, Lord Byron "chip" their eccentric jokes with manual bear and a dip in the fountain, Milne wrote, "Children's folly" in the form of fairy tales about beast (later the protagonist of his books have become a teddy bear his son). And the apple tree near the main gate, the college, as is known, is a descendant of that very tree that dropped the apple that inspired Isaac Newton to formulate the law of attraction ... Two of the youngest college spirit born of the changing times. First Women's College was founded in 1873 in the nearby village of Cambridge, Girton. Students were taught there only in the presence of companions older age (usually relatives). Lecturers have been specially come to Girton in Cambridge. In 1875 was opened Nyunam Women's College, students who (also accompanied by a mentor) have visited a total of male students lecture. In 1881, women were allowed to pass the final examinations, but only in 1948 have made the assignment of degrees. Between 1972 and 1988, one after the other colleges became mixed, and women now occupy about a third of student places at Cambridge. The last men-only college at Cambridge was a College of St.. Magdalena. In connection with this event, students and professors, so long persist in our liberated age, the month wore on their sleeves black crape, and the flag of the college was half-mast in half. We have to think, however, that they move not misogyny, but the desire of originality ... Colleges difficult to "rank" - and how they compare on what grounds? According to the glory of graduates? According to legend? According to the treasures of libraries? The architectural monuments? Pembroke has a chapel - the first work of Christopher Wren, later shook the world with their cathedrals. Queens College stores the solar-lunar clock XVII century wooden bridge - a copy of "Mathematical Bridge, built in 1749 without any kind of Railways parts. One of the balls lovely Clare College bridge missing segment - think it's personal signature enraged architect Thomas Grambolda, which paid for the work ... all three shillings! Plaque in the chapel of Sidney Sussex College notes the burial place of the head of his most famous student - Oliver Cromwell. Gonville And Keyes College he is known for three gates symbolizing the academic stage in the life of a student: he enters the Gates of Humility, passes through the Gate of Virtue and goes through the Gate of Honor ... There is no reason to believe one college over another. And it is not so easy to believe that the university itself is not "above" all of them. Indeed, in some sense, a separate University of Cambridge does not exist. University - is thirty-one his college ...

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