3.3 Idioms with place names

Analyzing the idioms with proper names we have found 23 idioms with place names. That is 25 % of all researched idioms. We have discovered that all the place names mentioned in idioms were real. In spite of that some of them were mentioned in the Bible, for example, Road to Damascus – if someone has a great and sudden change in their ideas or beliefs, then this is a road to Damascus change, after the conversion of Saint Paul to Christianity while heading to Damascus to persecute Christians, place Damascus is real. The most common place name used in idioms is Rome. For example:

·  All roads lead to Rome – This means that there can be many different ways of doing something (www.usingenglish.com).

·  Fiddle while Rome burns – used when you disapprove because someone is spending too much time or attention on unimportant matters instead of trying to solve bigger and more important problems (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:288).

·  Rome was not built in a day – this idiom means that many things cannot be done instantly, and require time and patience (www.usingenglish.com).

Idioms with personal names are more frequently used than idioms with place names.


4. Groups of the personal names

In our research we have distinguished 6 main groups of the origin of the personal names used in idioms. The distinguished groups are the following ones:

Names derived from mythology:

1.  A sword of Damocles – something bad that may affect your situation at any time and make it much worse (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:335).

2.  A Pyrrich victory – used about a situation in which you are successful, but you suffer so much that it was not worth winning(Longman Idioms Dictionary:1999:368).

3.  Achilles' heel – a weakness of someone’s character that causes them problems, or the weak part of a place, system, argument where it can easily be attacked or criticized (www.usingengllish.com).

4.  Before you can say Jack Robinson – used in order to say that something happens very quickly (www.usingenglish.com).

5.  Between Scylla and Charybdis – in a situation in which there two possible choices or actions both of which are equally bad (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:297).

6.  Cut the Gordian cut – to solve a very complex problem in a simple way (www.dictionary.com).

7.  Davey Jones' locker – Davey Jones' locker is the bottom of the sea or resting place of drowned sailors (www.usingenglish.com).

8.  Midas touch –the ability to earn money very easily (www.usingenglish.com).

9.  Pandora's box – If you open a Pandora's Box, something you do causes all sorts of trouble that you hadn't anticipated (www.dictionary.com).

10.Peeping Tom – A peeping Tom is someone who tries to look through other people's windows without being seen in order to spy on people in their homes (www.usingenglish.com).

Names derived from religion:

1.  Not know somebody from Adam – used in order to say that you do not know someone at all, or have never seen them before (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:2).

2.  Adam's apple – the Adam's apple is a bulge in the throat, mostly seen in men (www.usingenglish.com).

3.  Be hand of God – very good luck, or a bit of cheating that helps someone to succeed, especially in a game of football (www.dictionary.com).

4.  For Pete's sake – this is used as an exclamation to show exasperation or irritation (www.usingenglish.com).

5.  God willing and the creek don’t rise – a humorous expression used in order to say that you hope you will not have problems doing something (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:139).

6.  God’s gift to – if someone thinks they are God’s gift to a group of people or an activity, they behave in an annoying way that shows they think they are more important to that group or activity than they really are (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:139).

7.  Is Saul also among the prophets? – It's a biblical idiom used when somebody known for something bad appears all of a sudden to be doing something very good (www.usingenglish.com).

8.  Jumping Judas! – An expression of surprise or shock (www.usingenglish.com).

9.  Mohammed must go to the mountain – used in order to say that if someone you want to see, especially someone important, will not or can not come to you, you have to make effort to see them, even if it is difficult (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:236).

10.Painted Jezebel – a scheming woman (www.usingenglish.com).

11.Patience of Job – If something requires the patience of Job, it requires great patience (www.dictionary.com).

12.Put the fear of God into somebody – to make someone feel frightened of doing something wrong by making them realize the bad things that could happen if they do (www.dictionary.com).

13.Raise Cain – to complain a lot about something in an angry or noisy way because are determined to get what you want (www.usingenglish.com).

14.So help me God – used in order to emphasize that you really mean what you are saying or promising (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:139).

15.Work all the hours God sends – used in order to say that someone spends all their time working very hard (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:139).

Names derived from real persons:

1.  50 million Elvis fans can’t be wrong – used to say that something must be true because so many people think so (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:103).

2.  Bob’s your uncle – said after you tell someone how to do something, in order to emphasize that it will be simple and will definitely achieve the result they want (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:33).

3.  Freudian Slip – if someone makes a Freudian slip, they accidentally use the wrong word, but in doing so reveal what they are really thinking rather than what they think the other person wants to hear (www.usingenglish.com).

4.  Happy as Larry – very happy (www.dictionary.com).

5.  Heath Robinson – used to say about a system, machine etc that does something ordinary in a way that is very complicated and not at all practical (www.dictioanry.com).

6.  Hobson's choice – a situation in which there is only one thing you can possibly do, unless you do nothing (www.usingenglish.com).

7.  In like Flynn – refers to Errol Flynn's popularity with women in the 40's. His ability to attract women was well known throughout the world (www.usingenglish.com).

8.  Look a right Charlie – to look very strange or stupid, so that people laugh at you, or feel that people are going to laugh at you (www.dictionary.com).

9.  Murphy’s law – used to say that the worst possible thing always seems to happen at a time when it is most annoying, preventing you from doing what you are trying to do (Longman Idioms Dictioanry:1999:58).

10.Real McCoy – used in order to say that something is real, and not a copy. (www.usingenglish.com).

11.Rich as Croesus – very rich (www.usingenglish.com).

12.Rube Goldberg – used about a system, machine etc that does something ordinary in a way that is very complicated and not at all practical (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:291).

13.Smart Alec – A smart Alec is a conceited person who likes to show off how clever and knowledgeable they are (www.usingenglish.com).

Names derived from folk etymology:

1.  Any Tom, Dick or Harry – an expression meaning everyone, used especially when you disapprove because there is no limit on who can do a particular activity (www.usingenglish.com).

2.  Be robbing Peter to pay Paul – to take money from one part of a system or organization that needs it and use it for another part of the system or organization, so that you deal with one difficulty but still have problems (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:261).

3.  Benjamin of the family – the Benjamin of the family is the youngest child (www.usingenglish.com). .

4.  For the love of Pete – usually used in exasperation, as in 'Oh, for the love of Pete!' (www.usingenglish.com).

5.  Great Scott – an exclamation of surprise (www.usingenglish.com).

6.  Home, James – (UK) this is a clichйd way of telling the driver of a vehicle to start driving (www.usingenglish.com). .

7.  Jack-of-all-trades – -trades is someone that can do many different jobs (www.usingenglish.com).

8.  Jane Doe – Jane Doe is a name given to an unidentified female who may be party to legal proceedings, or to an unidentified person in hospital, or dead. John Doe is the male equivalent (www.usingenglish.com).

9.  Joe Bloggs – a name used to represent all ordinary people and their thoughts, feelings and situation (www.dictionary.com)

10.Johnny on the spot – A person who is always available; ready, willing, and able to do what needs to be done (www.usingenglish.com). .

11.Uncle Sam – the government of the USA (www.usingenglish.com).

Names based on characters of the books, films, cartoons:

1.  An Aladdin’s cave of something – a place where a lot of particular type of thing can be found, especially something interesting or unusual (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:56).

2.  Aunt Sally – used about someone or something that is often blamed or criticized by a particular group of people, even when there is no reason (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:10).

3.  Be like Darby and Joan – used to talk about old husband and wife who live very happily together (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:78).

4.  Brahms and Liszt – drunk (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:40).

5.  Do a Lord Lucan – (UK) if someone disappears without a trace or runs off (Lord Lucan disappeared after a murder) (www.usingenglish.com).

6.  Even Stevens – if everything is equal between people, they are even Stevens (www.usingenglish.com).

7.  I’m all right Jack – used in order to show disapproval when someone’s attitude shows that they do not care about a problem that other people are having, because it does not affect them (www.dictionary.com).

8.  Jekyll and Hyde – used about someone who has two totally different parts to their character, one very good and the other bad (www.usingenglish.com).

9.  Keep up with Joneses – to try to have all the things that your friends and neighbors have, and do all the things that they do (www.dictionary.com).

10.Live a life of Riley – used in order to say that someone has a very comfortable, easy life without having to work hard or worry about money (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:210).

11.Mickey Mouse – something that is intellectually trivial or not of a very high standard (www.usingenglish.com).

12.Rip van Winkle – Rip van Winkle is a character in a story who slept for twenty years, so if someone is a Rip van Winkle, they are behind the times and out of touch with what's happening now (www.usingenglish.com).

13.Smile like a Cheshire cat – to have a big smile on your face, so that you look silly or too pleased with yourself (www.dictionary.com)

14.Take the Mickey – to you tease someone (www.usingenglish.com).

15.Vicar of Bray – (UK) A person who changes their beliefs and principles to stay popular with people above them (www.usingenglish.com).

Other names:

1.  A doubting Thomas – used about someone who does not believe that something is true, or says that it has not been proved to them (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:347).

2.  Barkus is willing – this idiom means that someone is willing to get married (www.usingenglish.com).

3.  Be whistling Dixie – to be saying that something is untrue (www.dictionary.com)

4.  Buggles' turn – when someone gets promotion through length of service rather than ability, especially in the British civil service (www.usingenglish.com).

5.  Clever Dick – used about someone who is annoying because they are always right or always think they are right (www.dictionary.com).

6.  Going Jesse – (USA) if something is a going Jesse, it's a viable, successful project or enterprise (www.usingenglish.com).

7.  Jack the Lad – A confident and not very serious young man who behaves as he wants to without thinking about other people is a Jack the Lad (www. usingenglish.com).

8.  John Q Public – (USA) John Q Public is the typical, average person (www.usingenglish.com).

9.  Nervous Nellie – Someone excessively worried or apprehensive is a nervous Nellie (or Nelly) (www.usingenglish.com).

10.Not known whether you are Arthur or Martha-to feel very confused, especially because you have too much to do (www.dictionary.com).

4.1 Idioms with place names


1.  All roads lead to Rome – This means that there can be many different ways of doing something (www.usingenglish.com).

2.  Big Easy – (USA) The Big Easy is New Orleans, Louisiana (www. usingenglish.com).

3.  Coals to Newcastle – (UK) Taking, bringing, or carrying coals to Newcastle is doing something that is completely unnecessary (www.usingenglish.com).

4.  Crossing the Rubicon – When you are crossing the Rubicon, you are passing a point of no return. After you do this thing, there is no way of turning around. The only way left is forward (www.usingenglish.com).

5.  Dunkirk spirit – (UK) Dunkirk spirit is when people pull together to get through a very difficult time (www.dictionary.com).

6.  Fiddle while Rome burns – used when you disapprove because someone is spending too much time or attention on unimportant matters instead of trying to solve bigger and more important problems (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:288).

7.  From Missouri – (USA) If someone is from Missouri, then they require clear proof before they will believe something (www.usingenglish.com).

8.  Himalayan blunder – a Himalayan blunder is a very serious mistake or error (www.usingenglish.com).

9.  Lie back and think of England – a humorous expression used when someone has sex without wanting it or enjoying it, and often used when someone has to do another activity or job that they do not want to (Longman Idioms Dictionary:1999:106).

10.Man on the Clapham omnibus – (UK) The man on the Clapham omnibus is the ordinary person in the street (www.usingenglish.com).

11.More front than Brighton – (UK) If you have more front than Brighton, you are very self-confident, possibly excessively so (www.usingenglish.com).

12.New York minute – (USA) If something happens in a New York minute, it happens very fast (www.usingenglish.com).

13.Not for all tea in China – used in order to emphasize that you do not want to do something, and no reward would be big enough to make you to do i (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:340).

14.On Carey Street – (UK) If someone is on Carey Street, they are heavily in debt or have gone bankrupt (www.usingenglish.com).

15.Road to Damascus – If someone has a great and sudden change in their ideas or beliefs, then this is a road to Damascus change, after the conversion of Saint Paul to Christianity while heading to Damascus to persecute Christians (www.usingenglish.com).

16.Rome was not built in a day – This idiom means that many things cannot be done instantly, and require time and patience (www.usingenglish.com).

17.Saigon moment – (USA) A Saigon moment is when people realize that something has gone wrong and that they will lose or fail (www.usingenglish.com).

18.Somebody met his/her Waterloo – used in order to say that someone has finally met a person or thing that can defeat them (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:373).

19.Send someone to Coventry – (UK) If you send someone to Coventry, you refuse to talk to them or co-operate with them (www.usingenglish.com).

20.Set the Thames on fire – If you do something remarkable, you set the Thames on fire, though this expression is used in the negative; someone who is dull or undistinguished will never set the Thames on fire (www.usingenglish.com).

21.Shipshape and Bristol fashion – If things are shipshape and Bristol fashion, they are in perfect working order (www.dictionary.com).

22.The black hole of Calcutta – used about a place that is very dark and very hot and too full of people or things (www.dictionary.com).

23.When in Rome, do as the Romans do – This idiom means that when you are visiting a different place or culture, you should try to follow their customs and practices (www.usingenglish.com).

24._____ for England – a humorous way of saying that someone does a lot or too much of a particular activity (Longman Idioms Dictionary: 1999:106).



The analyses presented in this study are an answer that proper names are quite often used in English idioms. We have analyzed 97 idioms: 73 with personal names and 24 with place names. The origin of personal and place names in English idioms are of different types. In spite of this we identified the following six groups of the origin of personal names:

·  Mythical

·  Derived from religion

·  Based on characters of the films, books, cartoons.

·  The real persons.

·  Folk etymology.

·  Others.

The analysis showed that idioms with personal names are used in English language more frequently that idioms with place names.

Almost all the place names are authentic, not made-up. Among personal names the most frequent were names derived from religion and characters of books, films etc. Number of idioms with personal names that derived from mythology was the smallest one.



1. English Dictionary for Speakers of Lithuania. (2000).

2. Everaert M. (1995). Idioms. Structural and psychological perspectives. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

3. Ifill T. (2002) Seeking the Nature of Idioms: A Study in Idiomatic Structure. Haverford College.

4. Locke J. (1869) An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding.

5. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (2003).

6. Longman idioms dictionary (1999). Longman.

7. Makkai, A. (1972). Idiom Structure in English. The Hague: Mouton.

8. Mill J. S. (1843) A System of Logic.

9. Moreno R. Relevance Theory and the construction of idiom meaning ()

10. Oxford Talking Dictionary.

11. Pulman S. (1986) The recognition and interpretation of idioms. University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.

12. Saeed, J. I. (2003), Semantics. Oxford: Blackwell.

13. Strдssler J. (1982). Idioms in English – a pragmatic analysis. Gunter Narr Verlag.

14. Valeika L. (2003) Introductory course in theoretical English grammar. Vilnius pedagogical university.

15. http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/idioms/cat/

16. http://www.dictionary.com (Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.)

17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiom

18. http://www.idiomconnection.com/mostfrequent.html#A

19. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/User:EncycloPetey/English_proper_nouns

20. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-toponym.htm

21. http://en.18dao.net/Idiom_Dictionary/Person's_name

22. http://wiki.name.com/en/Name_idioms

23. http://users.tinyonline.co.uk/gswithenbank/eponyms.htm

24. http://www.english-sayings.com/going-jesse/6744

25. http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/raising-cain.html

26. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Freudian%20slip

27. http://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-bob1.htm

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