1.3 Linguistic peculiarities of publicistic headlines
The role of newspaper in the nowadays life and its influence on the modern society is generally recognized. The printed media remains one of the oldest a most effective way to communicate the freshness news. Newspaper has the following basic features: brief news items, advertisements and announcements, the editorial and the headline. This paper investigates only one element of the newspaper- the headline.
By the pragmatic effect of application of play on words in this title arising up as a result of combination of frock’n’roll, that is paradoxical on character and owns a fully certain estimating plan is something amusing and unusual. Appropriately to assume that speech in the article will go about the place of woman in modern music. A question is this serious, however estimating a plan, formed the element of frock that is brought in a title complex bring in the tint of sarcasm in the supposed interpretation of problem the author of the article.
The following title gives the very dim picture of Te, what theme of the article:
Ugly noises from Los Angeles mayor’s nest
An author orients a reader in the value of attitude toward the described facts, them marks and uses a play on words: mayor’s nest omonimichno mare’s nest – to expression, that a “senseless device” means, and the question is about machinations on selections, thus one of candidates – mer city Los-Angeles. A pun in dannomu case carries expressively stylistic information which represents author emotionally evaluation attitude toward an object, or expressively cognitive setting of this linguistic registration of idea. Negative attitude of author is here traced toward a situation which was folded on elections, and a pun specifies on personality which to a certain extent is herein guilty, and characterizes her. Except for it, a pun is directed on Te, to come into notice of reader to the described events and compel him not only to laugh above them but change their motion. [11, p.52]
The short and capacious form of this pun is based on the vivid use of languages. Exactly an associative vivid component adds maintenance a reception convincing and bright character which predetermines him attractive function. In spite of trouble of information which is stopped up in a title, a reader gets certain aesthetically beautiful pleasure at his reading.
Attention is attracted the satiric orientation of title, reader will want to read a note. The example of pun, beaten element based on etymologyzation is the English title:
Sweetest Tattoo
The article is about creation of artist I. Isupova, which attained extraordinary trade in art of tattoo.
In a stylistic relation this case is imposition: simultaneous actualization and beating of auditive and etymologic values of word “tattoo” takes place- 1) tattoo; 2) prohibition [11, p.772]. Connection of metaphoric-metonymy appears between LSV: overt associations (tattoo –that it is forbidden) and transferences for contiguity (prohibition as subject action and tattoo is as a result of this prohibition), and epithet of “sweetest” – the “sweet” contains illusion on biblical really a fruit is forbidden. Tempting and beauty of tattoo is in a great deal conditioned exactly the prohibition imposed on her. The use in the title of English dissemination has, cleanly linguistic base: the semantic structure of the English noun of “tattoo”, unlike proper him loan-word in Russian (what has one only, visual value), enables to express in one entrance both LSV of this unit. In the considered example is very brightly expressed marked researchers pragmatic a meaningful feature of pun is aspiring to most semantic capacity at the use of the least of means of languages.
The article about plagiarism of sings of commodities is published under a title: Sony against Soni. The article of beating and mean of creation of visual effect is exactly different graphic design components of pun at community of their sounding.
1.4 On the applicability of publicistic headlines
The publicistic style has its spoken variety – the radio and TV
Commentaries and the oratorical sub – style. The written sub – styles are the essay and journalistic articles in newspapers, magazines and journals. The basic aim of the publicistic style is to exert an influence on public opinion, to convince the reader or the listener that the interpretation given by the writer or the speaker is correct and to make them accept his or her views though logical argumentation and emotional appeal. [13.p.159] The development of the radio and television has brought into a new spoken variety namely the radio commentary. The other two are the essay (moral, social, economic) in newspapers and magazines. The general aim as we have said is to exert a constant and deep influence on public opinion. Publicistic style is also characterized by brevity of expression. In some varieties of this style it becomes a leading feature and important linguistic means. In essays brevity sometimes becomes epigrammatic. [14.p.824] The most characteristic language features of the essay remain:
- Brevity of expression
- The use of the first person singular which justified a personal approach treated.
- The use of emotive words.
- The use of similes and metaphors.
Some essay depending on the writer’s individuality is written in a highly emotional manner resembling the style of emotive prose. Others resemble scientific prose. The essay in our days is often biographical: persons; facts and events are taken from life. These essays differ from those of previous centuries, their vocabulary is simpler.
... materials based on electric devices manuals are studied. In the next chapter lexical and grammatical peculiarities have been reviewed. 2. Lexical and grammatical peculiarities of scientific-technical texts In any scientific and technical text, irrespective of its contents and character, can be completely precisely translated from one language to other, even if in an artwork such branch of ...
of promoting a morpheme is its repetition. Both root and affixational morphemes can be emphasized through repetition. Especially vividly it is observed in the repetition of affixational morphemes which normally carry the main weight of the structural and not of the denotational significance. When repeated, they come into the focus of attention and stress either their logical meaning (e.g. that of ...
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