Model 1. Initial period of the Barbarian-Nomadic SCS existence, surrounded by neighbours
not internally ready to integrate with it socio-culturally (from ansient times until I century AD)
Model 2. Establishing the buffer zone with Western SCS (I century - 375 AD)
Model 3. Socio-cultural integration of Barbarian-Nomadic and Western SCS.
Rise of the renewed Western SCS (from 375 until second half of the VII century AD)
Model 4. Creating the buffer zones between Barbarian-Nomadic SCS and all of its neighbouring SCS-s
(from the second half of theVII century until late XII century)
Model 5. Socio-cultural integration of Barbarian-Nomadic SCS with all the neighbouring, accessible to it SCS-s.
Socio-cultural assimilation of the Barbarian-Nomadic SCS territory and population into these SCS
(late XII century - 1380-s)
Model 6. Rise of the Barbarian-Nomadic SCS residual homeland and population.
Conflict of various neighbouring SCS-s for its socio-cultural assimilation, with the Barbarian-Nomadic SCS itself marionette participation in the process (1380-s - middle of the XX century)
Model 7. Establishing the Barbarian-Nomadic SCS residual homeland and population
on the borders of Russian and Chinese SCS-s as their external buffer zone
(from the second half of the XX century and for some future)
Model 8. Initial sporadic colonization of the homeland territory in the most ancient civilizations and
unknown old centres of inhabitance (XXX - VII centuries BC)
Conflict with Western SCS of its second stage for buffer spaces (750-s - 330-s BC)
(from 330-s BC until early VII century AD)
Model 12. Socio-cultural integration with Barbarian-Nomadic SCS. Further growth of the Muslim controlled spaces into the territories of Black African and Hindu SCS-s. Creating the military-political vassals and buffer zones
with all the neighbouring SCS-s (1258 - early XVIII century)
Model 13. Conflict for buffer spaces with various SCS-s. Loss of the military-political vassals and the alien socio-cultural systems permanent presence in the Muslim homeland. Diffusion of the Muslim communities outside
the Muslim homeland (early XVIII century - 1970-s)
Model 14. Liberation of the Muslim homeland and its internal buffer zones from the alien socio-cultural systems permanent presence. Political-geographical transformation of the Muslim SCS space based on its own socio-cultural standards. Conflict with other SCS-s for the external buffer zones (from 1970-s and for some future)
sion. It may border with an external socio-cultural buffer zone as well as an internal buffer zone of a neighbouring SCS. Organisation of an internal buffer zone is characterised by many distinctive qualities determined by the specific evolutionary process of the SCS this particular buffer zone belongs to. EXTERNAL SOCIO-CULTURAL BUFFER ZONE - type of the socio-cultural formations that evolves ...
... и безэквивалентные лексические единицы как ключ к пониманию специфики национальной концептосферы [Текст]/О.М. Смирнова // Вестник Нижегородского университета им. Н.И. Лобачевского, 2008. – №3. – С. 241–245. 21. Соловова, Е.Н. Социокультурные лакуны: типология, причины появления и способы заполнения при изучении иностранных языков [Текст]/ Е.Н. Соловова, Е.А. Кривцова // Иностранные языки в школе ...
... носит разговорный характер. Из эвфонических изобразительных средств в них встречается только аллитерация. Глава 2. ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЕ СИСТЕМЫ УПРАЖНЕНИЙ ДЛЯ ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ СОЦИОКУЛЬТУРНОЙ КОМПЕТЕНЦИИ НА СТАРШЕЙ СТУПЕНИ ОБУЧЕНИЯ 2.1 Этапы работы с пословицами и поговорками на уроке английского языка Прежде чем приступить к описанию технологии работы с пословицами и поговорками на уроке с целью ...
... для развития творческого потенциала (и, прежде всего, творческого мышления) для подрастающего поколения. Именно поэтому вопрос о проектировании познавательной среды для выпускников общеобразовательных школ в системе дополнительного образования является актуальным. С учетом выше изложенного, при проектировании познавательной среды необходимо учитывать и социокультурный контекст. Именно поэтому ...
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