2.1 Some aspects of economic interaction Kazakhstan and Russia
For adjustment and intensive development of mutually advantageous two-sided ratios within the framework of CIS Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation have necessary objective premises. Russia and Kazakhstan make a basis of huge Eurasian region, in which historically there were steady geopolitical, economic, ethnic and cultural links of two countries and peoples. In many vital spheres the national interests of two countries are close or coincide, both countries hold on to course on saving of common defensive, humanitarian and information space and the stability and prosperity of two countries, further democratic of a society and success of market transformations are equally interested in hardening safety.
The interaction of Kazakhstan with Russia is a priority in external policy, external economic and military-strategic course of republic. A complex of the reasons conditions and factors having not tactical, but basic essence and long-time character stipulates it.
Today common balance of mutual relation between Kazakhstan and Russia has positive character, as consider each other as the strategic partners and it establishes the important premise for their mutual cooperating in the field of policy, economy, science, engineering and other spheres.
Kazakhstan-Russian economic partnership belongs to the most advanced regions of two-sided ratios between two states, as for this purpose both countries have premises for rapprochement. It in many respects defines character, both mutual relation, and other economic links, folding in the European direction, of Kazakhstan.
On today there are favorable and unfavorable factors inherent in Kazakhstan on a path to economic cooperating to Russia.
Alongside with the favorable factors of a development of two-sided economic ratioes exist as well unfavorable or constraining moment. The overcoming of economic barriers by means of restoring cooperation links will allow introducing the operations in frameworks EAEU (Euro-Asian Economic Union).
2.2 The factors of economic interaction of Kazakhstan and Russia
a) Presence in Kazakhstan of large mineral operational lives.
b) Transit potential and favorable geopolitical position of Kazakhstan at the center of the Eurasian continent: on a crossroads of trade and transport paths from Europe in Asia: through China on Far East ports, Pacific Ocean of the state; through Iran and Turkey in the Mediterranean pool.
c) Determination of Kazakhstan and Russia as basic trade partners on export and import.
d) Retention of Kazakhstan in the majority large international architectures UN, Architecture of Economic Cooperating, Economic union Central Asian of the countries (together with Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan) and Central-Asian Bank of Cooperating and Development (CABCD); Great five Republic of Kazakhstan in frameworks of CIS (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan).
e) The large region with the common boundary (more than 6.000 kms) with Russia, that has for two countries a serious value in matter of hardening of their national and collective safety.
f) The residing in republic of the large ethnic interlayer of the European origin (Russian, Ukraine, Germany) is one of the factors of rapprochement of Kazakhstan with the European civilization and culture.
a) A close arrangement of Kazakhstan to the inconsistent states Central Asian of region.
b) Support by Kazakhstan of multifactor policy in a ratio of transportation of the Caspian oil.
c) The boundaries Central Asian of the states from a point of view of international law properly not democratic of Republic of Kazakhstan; Kazakhstan has appeared as a matter of fact cut off from Western Europe
d) Increase of ecological crisis, that weakens its positions in region and world, narrows down opportunities of fast industrial growth.
e) Absence in Kazakhstan of a direct exit to World Ocean, exterior warm seas, that hampers links with the largest centers of a modern civilization.
f) Support by the countries of trade wars (introduction of limitation on import of the goods, policy of an ascertaining dumping in relation to the exported goods, raw interdependence of the countries etc.).
In the beginning 1990s. It seemed, that the revived democratic states within the framework of their new statuses would be and further dynamically to explicate the ratios, filling their contents, adequate to a new position. However it has not taken place and in basic for past years of two-way communications were characterized defined inertia.
As displays the analysis, the policy of Russia in a ratio of the states of Commonwealth for flowing out five years did not differ by a sequence.
There was a natural process of comprehension of key national-state interests attended by searching for new, as it seemed, more perspective partners.
Certainly, the today's level of economic integration does not answer necessities national economic of Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation. Available on it is necessary to evaluate the today facts of economic interaction between two countries as insufficient and requiring in serious adjusting. The priority of a development of the Kazakhstan-Russian economic links is possible to support with existing numerous perspective directions of a development, it:
· Trade-economic cooperating of Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation;
Frontier cooperating Republic Of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation; Development of industrial-cooperation links in machine-building and chemical complexes, by means of creation of share financial and industrial groups; Cooperating and development fuel and energy of complexes of Russia and Kazakhstan; Cooperating in sphere of transport;· Cooperating of Kazakhstan and Russia in mastering vehicle launching of Baikonur;
Cooperating in mastering natural riches of the Caspian sea; Scientific - technological cooperating; Cooperating in the market of agricultural production.The historically folded trade ratios of the countries of the Eurasian region, including Russia and Kazakhstan from times “Silk road” - allow to hope for success in a development of economic cooperating in modern conditions.
At the same time it is necessary to mark the common tendencies, natural for the new independent countries. The orientation to the market of long-distance foreign countries makes production of raw in branches of the countries rarely for them raw refined in branches, as last valid by considerably lower, than world, efficiency of the manufacture can not acquire production first on world or close to world prices. Stronger links with the world market of branches of the states of Commonwealth inevitably preclude with their demand for production domestic resource refinery of branches by virtue of its non-competitiveness in the world market. It inevitably reduces different branches to of an economic development resource producers and resource refinery of branches in the countries of CIS.
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