Macro Viruses


2.1.4 Macro Viruses

 Until recently, the macro languages included with most applications were not powerful or robust enough to support writing an effective virus. However, many of the more advanced applications that are being developed today include built-in programming capabilities that rival some of the larger development packages. This has recently been demonstrated by the various strains of Microsoft Word viruses, including the so-called Word Concept and Word Nuclear viruses. These viruses transport themselves through Microsoft Word documents. When opened in Word, they perform various actions, including spreading themselves into the user's installation of Word, thus preparing to infect all future documents on the system.

An additional concern is that macro viruses can be cross-platform. The Word Concept virus has the claim to fame of being the first prominent cross-platform virus, because it can infect both Windows and Macintosh systems.

Because most application macro languages support passing execution to an external shell, such as COMMAND.COM or CMD.EXE, the power of the macro virus is not limited to the constraints of the macro language itself[4].



2.2 Used operation system.

Any computer or net virus can infect files of one or more operation systems: DOS, Windows, OS/2, Linux, MacOS and others. It is a base of this way of classification. For example virus BOZA working with Windows only is classified as Windows virus, virus BLISS – as Linux virus.

2.3 Work algorithms.

Viruses can be differed by used algorithms making them danger and hard for catching.

Firstly viruses can be divided on resident and nonresident.

Resident virus having come in operation memory of computer doesn’t infect memory. They are capable of copying when they are started only. We can call any macro virus resident. They present in memory during application infected by them works.

Second viruses are visible and invisible. To be invisible means that users and antivirus programs can’t notice changes of infected file done by virus. Invisible virus catches all requires of operation system to read file and to record in file and shows uninfected version of file. So we can see only ‘clear’ programs during virus works. One of first invisible file infectors was FRODO and boot infector – BRAIN.

Almost any virus uses methods of self-coding or polymorphism to escape antivirus programs. It means that they can change itself. Changing itself helps virus to be able work.[5]



3. Conclusion  

In conclusion I would like to say few words about future of this classification. Nowadays computer technologies and all software develop very quickly. It helps new types of computer viruses to appear. Viruses are becoming more and more dangerous and ‘cleverer’. It means that viruses can be found more and more hard. But I think that this classification can be saved a long time thank for principles of work of computer. It means that this classification will be changed when computers work by principles that differ from principles of von Neiman. So this classification can be change by adding new subtypes of basic types if virus makers have created something new.

Buryat State University

The paper: Types of computer viruses

Presented by Nefyodov Yuri

Scientific advisor: Sodboyeva L.D.

Ulan-Ude 2003




This paper is about the classification of computer viruses. Firstly, the paper tells what a computer virus is, what viruses can do and what they can’t do. Then there are basic ways of classification: a place of situation, used operation system and work algorithms. In conclusion it’s said about future of classification.




Этот доклад посвящён классификации компьютерных вирусов. В начале рассказывается, что такое компьютерный вирус, что вирусы могут делать и что не могут. Далее здесь описаны три основных способа классификации: по среде обитания, используемой операционной системе и алгоритму работы. В заключении говорится о будущем классификации.


1. What is a computer virus?

2. Types of computer viruses.

2.1 a place of existence

2.1.1 file infectors

2.1.2 boot viruses

2.1.3 multi-partite viruses

2.1.4 macro viruses

2.2 used operation system

2.3 work algorithms

3. Conclusion.


1.           Могилёв, Хеннер, Пак «Информатика» Издательство «Академия» 2000г

2.           Журнал «Наука и жизнь» №7 2000 год

3.           сайт WWW.SEMANTEC.RU


[2] Наука и жизнь №7 2000 год стр. 100


[3] Могилёв, Пак ,Хеннер Информатика 2000 изд. «Академия»


[5] Наука и жизнь №7 2000 год стр. 101-102

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