Spot is very popular in Britain


2. Spot is very popular in Britain.

A lot is sport games are popular in Great Britain, but the most popular is football. There are 2 rinds of football in Great Britain Association Football and rugby football.

Moreover, hockey is popular both among men and women.

In the more individual sports, tennis probably takes 1st place in public favour. Saturday afternoons and Sundays many tennis courts of England are occupied by people of any age.

II. My sister’s book – книга моей сестры

Nick’s room – комната Ника

Mr. Brown’s farm – ферма мистера Брауна

Our teacher’s bag – сумка нашего учителя

Mike’s sister – сестра Майка

My brother’s house – дом моего брата

His children skates – коньки его детей

Their parents` garden – сад их родителей

The teachers` room – учительская

The woman’s hat – женская шляпа

My friends` books – книги моих друзей

Today’s newspaper – сегодняшняя газета

III. Lives – a life, men – a man, heroes – a hero, feet – a foot, cities – a city, children – a child, wolves – a wolf, shelves – a shelf, knives – a knife, benches – a bench, boxes – a box, stories – a story, eyes – an eye, games – a game.

A flat – flats, a sofa – sofas, a bench – benches, a bed – beds, a wolf – wolfs, a shelf – shelves, a woman – women, a tooth – teeth, a glass – glasses, a page – pages, an office – offices, a box – boxes, a knife – knives, a family – families,

a child – children, a dress – dresses, a man – men, a foot – feet, a lady – ladies,

a study – studies, a story – stories, a hero – heroes, a chair – chairs, a window – windows, a house – houses, a room – rooms, a life – lives, a wife – wives.

IV. 1. Our institute is in the center of the city.– Наш институт находится в центре города.

2. He lives in a nine – storeyed building.– Он живет в девятиэтажном доме.

3. Their flat is on the second floor. – Их квартира находится на третьем этаже.

4. The windows of my friends` room open into the garden. – Окна комнаты моих друзей выходят в сад.

5. The television set is in the corner of the room. – Телевизор находится в углу комнаты.

6. Is there a sports ground near your house? – Около твоего дома есть спортплощадка?

7. What is there in the middle of the room? – Что находится в середине комнаты?

8. Are the toothbrushes on the shelf in the bathroom? – Зубные щетки на полке в ванной?

V. Лучшая комната в гостинице была на третьем этаже. Твоя книга интересней моей. Волга – это самая длинная река в Европе. Он слушал последние новости по радио. Сегодня он играл хуже, чем вчера. Ты должен много читать, чтобы знать больше.

VI. 1. Were are you going now? – I’m going to the institute.

2. It was raining when the film ended.

3. We were lying in the sun from 11 till 12.

4. Every day he plays tennis and I play basketball.

5. They were doing many different exercises when their teacher came.

6. Usually his mother helps him with his music.

VII. 1. Are the boys playing football at the new stadium?

2. Haven’t you met him since last month?

3. Will Smirnov be going to the Black Sea at this time tomorrow?

4. Do you have time to rewrite this article?

 5. Did you forget to post these letters?

VIII. 1. – Hello, Nick!

- Hello, Olga. How are you?

- I’m fine, thank you. And you?

- Fine, thanks. How is your mother?

- She’s o.k. She is in Moscow now. Sorry, I’m lating! Bye!

2. – Do you have a sister?

- Yes, I do.

- What is her name?

- I have 2 sisters – Ann and Olga.

- How many persons are in your family?

- There are 5 of us in the family: My dad, My mum, 2 sisters and I.

3. - Is your sister Olga married?

- No, she is a schoolgirl. She is 15. Ann is married.

- Is her family large?

- No, it isn’t. A husband and a little son.

- What does she do?

- She is a cook. And her husband is a hairdresser.

4. – Do you have a new bag?

- Do you mean this one? No, it’s not mine, it’s My brother’s.

- And what about this case? Is it his too?

- No, the case isn’t his, it’s mine.

5. – Whose book is it?

- It scems to me, it is Ann’s.

- And is this your book?

- No, my one is on a table.

6. – Do you have a new flat?

- Yes, we do.

- Is this good?

- Yes, it`s very good. There are 2 rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a

entrance hall there.

- Is your flat on the ground floor?

- No, it`s on the 7th  floor.

- Is your flat in a 12 – storeyed building?

- No, it`s in a 9 – storeyed one.

- Do you have all conveniences?

- Yes, we have all modern conveniences, such as central heating, gas,

hot ------nning water, telephone.

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