4 Use your imagination to complete the following sentences.
Example: Working in a coal mine is dangerous, but well-paid.
a. Finding a good job these days ................................................................................................
b. Living in a big city ..................................................................................................................
c. Taking regular exercise ............................................................................................................
d. Travelling by air .......................................................................................................................
e. Being self-employed ...............................................................................................................
f. Learning a foreign language ....................................................................................................
5 Complete the following sentences using infinitives.
Example: It is easy to find cheap places to eat.
a. How do you do. Pleased to .....................................................................................................
b. When you’re old, it can be difficult to ....................................................................................
c. I was surprised to ....................................................................................................................
d. If you haven’t got much money, it’s impossible to .................................................................
e. It can be expensive to ..............................................................................................................
f. When you travel abroad, it’s important to ..............................................................................
6 There are many expressions with go + gerund which are concerned with activities, sports, and physical recreation.
go dancing / go skiing / go running
Complete these sentences with go + a suitable gerund.
a. I __________ yesterday, but I didn’t buy anything.
b. I __________ by the river tomorrow, but I’m sure I won’t catch anything.
c. Whenever there’s enough snow, we __________ every weekend.
d. If I had enough money, I’d buy a yacht and __________ in the Mediterranean.
e. We had a lovely holiday. We __________ every day. The water was lovely.
7 Fill the gaps with one of the verbs which follow the passage, in either the gerund or infinitive form.
Jane’s a nurse, but she’s trying (1)__________ a new job. Although she enjoys (2)__________ people, nursing is not very well paid, and she cannot afford (3)__________ all her bills. She finds it impossible to live on such a low salary without (4)__________ her account at the bank. Her flat needs (5)__________ , and she would like (6)__________ a car. She managed (7)__________ enough last year for a short holiday by (8)__________ some extra money in her spare time, and this year, she’s hoping (9)___________ some friends in France. She has stopped (10)__________ to the theatre, which used to be one of her greatest pleasures. She’s thinking of (11)__________ in America, where she could earn a higher salary in a private hospital, but would prefer (12)__________ in this country if possible. She likes (13)__________ to see her parents whenever she wants to. A friend of hers went to America after (14)__________ university, but began (15)__________ her friends so badly that she had to come back.
look after
be able to
8 Gap filling
Complete the following story. The lines show the number of words missing. The words are not always gerunds or infinitives.
Example: He tried to find a job.
I’d like you to help me.
John Bradley was surprised (a) __________ __________ a letter waiting for him on his desk when he arrived at work. Before (b) __________ it, he hung up his coat and took out his glasses.
‘Dear Mr Bradley,’ he read, ‘We are sorry (c) __________ __________ you that your services are no longer required …’
He couldn’t believe it. After (d) __________ for the company for thirty years, he had been made redundant, one Monday morning, without (e) __________ warned in any way at all. There was no point (f) __________ __________ the letter. The ending was obvious. ‘Thank you for your loyalty and dedication over the years, and we hope you will enjoy (g)__________ more time to spend …’
The company wanted (h) __________ to go away quietly and enjoy his premature retirement. He was fifty-two. How could he (i) __________ __________ find another job at this age? He knew that firms were not interested (j) __________ __________ people over forty-five, let alone over fifty. Could he still afford (k) __________ __________ his daughters to their expensive school?
He sat back in his chair and looked out of the window, wondering (l) __________ __________ __________ next. He decided (m) __________ ___________ the office as soon as possible. He did not want (n) ___________ to see him while he left so depressed. So he put on his coat and for the last time closed the office door behind him. He stopped (o)__________ __________ ‘goodbye’ to the telephonist, whom he had known for years, and left the building.
Out in the street, it had begun (p) __________ __________ . He had forgotten (q)__________ __________ his umbrella that morning, so he turned up his overcoat collar and walked towards the station (r) __________ __________ his train home. He didn’t know what (s) __________ __________ to his wife. The thought of breaking the news to her (t)__________ __________ feel sick.
... лексического значения слова. Приведите примеры. 20. Дайте определение «энантиосемия». Приведите примеры. Зав. кафедрой -------------------------------------------------- Экзаменационный билет по предмету ГРАММАТИКА И ЛЕКСИКОЛОГИЯ РУССКОГО ЯЗЫКА . Билет № 4 21. Опишите грамматическую концепцию Г. Штейнталя. 22. Охарактеризуйте античные теории частей речи в целом. 23. ...
... включить в TG новых таблиц, так что это три LL(2)- таблицы образуют множество соответствующее грамматике. TA,{aa} TA,{ba} u правило множества u правило множества ba A ® b - ba A ® e - aa A ® e - aa A ® b - Теперь дадим алгоритм, которым можно построить ...
... полагаем M[TA,L,u]=(x0TB1,Y1...TBm,Ymxm,i). M[a,av]=выброс для всех vОE*(k-1). M[$,e]=допуск. В остальных случаях M[X,u]=ошибка TS,{e} - начальная таблица. ПРМ: Построим управляющую таблицу для LL(2)- грамматики S®aAaa S®bAba A®b A®e используя соответствующее ей множество LL(2)-таблиц, найденное в предыдущем примере. Алгоритм должен выдать таблицу: aa ab a ba bb b e T0 aT1aa,1 aT1aa ...
... крупные ученые: И. А. Бодуэн де Куртенэ, Л. Блумфилд, Ч. Хоккетт и др., часто судившие о ней из вторых рук. К этому времени эмпирическая база общего языкознания сильно расширилась, и "Грамматика Пор-Рояля" стала восприниматься как слишком явно смешивающая универсальные свойства языка с особенностями романских языков. Новый интерес к книге возник в 60-е гг. XX в. Во многом здесь сыграл роль Н. ...
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