Creation of control system by a personnel : how to begin with a zero
1. Managers are from a personnel
2. Skilled strategy
3. Basic processes which must exist in a company, from the point of view of management human capitals
PERSONNEL is a personnel, establishments, enterprises or part of this composition, being a group of for professional or to another signs.
PERSONNEL -(Personnel) - in includes itself all partners and the professional state of employees, brought over to public accountant activity of firm.
PERSONNEL OF ORGANIZATIONS- aggregate of physical persons, being with organization as legal entity in relations, by the managed contract of найма, and possessing certain by high-quality descriptions (capabilities, motivation, business and personality internalss), allowing to provide achievement of aims.
Subsystems of management a personnel :
1) Terms of labour: implementation of terms of psychology, ergonomics and technical aesthetics of labor; labor and technician of safety protection; guard of environment.
2) Labor relations: analysis and adjusting of group and personal mutual relations; relations of guidance; management conflict situations; social psychological diagnostics; co-operating of leaders is with trade unions.
3) Registrations and account of shots: registration and account of acceptance, liberation and translation; informative providing; professional orientation; providing of employment.
4) Marketing, prognostication and planning of personnel: development of strategy of management a personnel; market of labor analysis; prognostication of necessity; connection is with outsourcing of providing; estimation of personnel
5) Development of labor potential: techno-economics providing; in-plant training; work is with skilled reserve; planning of business career; adaptation of new workers
6) Stimulation of labor: setting of norms and trifling of labor; development of the system of payment and moral encouragement of labor; application of forms of participating is in an income and capital; management labor motivation
7) Grant of legal services: decision of legal questions of labor relations; legal adjusting of economic activity; a concordance of prescriptive documents is from a management a personnel
8) Creations of necessary social infrastructure: organization of public food consumption; management service; providing of the proper terms of health protection and rest and others like that.
9) Choices and application of organizational structures of management: analysis of existing and planning of most suitable for this enterprise of organizational structure management; development of manning table.
10) Most success of ménage (to activity) is arrived at then, when all functional subsystems of management a personnel are concerted in time and space and used simultaneously.
Practical application of proper control system by a personnel must lean against modern conception and corresponding strategy of management. One of important implementation of chosen control system by a personnel phases there is practical realization of set of necessary to the firm categories of workers.
1. Managers are from a personnel
However, every company has specific requirements to such resource, as a personnel, and only answering these requirements, workers can provide success of company. What it depends "on what does form these requirements? Such question appears automatically. Answers enormous amount: from position of company at the market, from her stage of development, from strategy of activity, from a corporate spirit and created corporate culture and others like that. But all these factors prove that presently for the successful functioning of company very important is competent work with a personnel. Want to mark that exactly work with a personnel, but not only his selection, as yet until now counts most leaders and top-managers.
Large transnational companies already a long ago realized ponder ability of these arguments and in each there is a department which works with a personnel such company. Here already a long ago there are the individually worked out and prescribed processes which touch work of personnel and with a personnel. Managers from a personnel only control them correct implementation. But there are considerably less companies, in which the questions of personnel decide chaotically enough and often even there is not an individual which them would coordinate. What to do in such situation? Most leaders realize well, that work with a personnel can considerably increase the incomes of their firm, that is why begin to search a man which would help to work out these problems, or at presence of money at once create departments from a personnel. When does a leader make decision to create a department from a personnel or even to enter in the state the companies of one manager from a personnel, a question appears: "And from what to begin"? In my opinion, it costs to begin with the search of manager or, if it is a department, then director from a personnel.
Manager from a personnel as nobody other must divide values and visions of company. Even if these things are not prescribed and not witnessed documentarily, in every company however there are the unwritten values and strategies of development. That more workers divide them and defend, then more concerted and effective will be work of company. And as a future personnel will come in a company through a manager from a personnel, it is important, that he realized position of company clearly. In fact we want it or not a gold rule always operates: we accept to itself to work of those people which divide our perception of the world up to a point. And even trying to be maximally objective, this effect it is difficult to avoid.
Activity is inalienable part of work of manager, he must constantly be in the course of matters of company and design the activity depending on changes in the process of her development and forming of new necessities.
It is a man which knows enormous confidential information content, that is why a leader must trust a manager which works with a personnel.
There is another nuance: taking a manager from a personnel, a company can choose two ways: at first, to take a young perspective worker with minimum experience, but such man needs great while for adaptation, additional studies and on the first pores clear pointing from the side of guidance. Secondly, it is possible to take a skilled specialist what will give ideas to guidance, to create and realize skilled strategies. A leader in such case will examine and assert already the prepared charts of work with a personnel which considerably will decrease him sentinel expenses, but such specialist has a considerably higher price at the market of labour.
I led as an example now, mainly, personality descriptions of desirable candidate. Although, clear business, it costs to take into account other socialdemographic factors: age, sex, experience, special skills. But these criteria every leader determines on the discretion.
It costs to pay attention to also that, how correctly to enter position of manager from a personnel in a company. I mean not legal party businesses, but human factor, in fact exactly he from practical experience creates most misunderstanding. If company the protracted period did exist without a man which it is centralized decided skilled questions, and suddenly unexpectedly for workers a manager appears from a personnel, in all a question appears: "why"? If in time not to give correct information, then all without an exception workers will pull out supposition independently, that exactly planned guidance. In the corridors conversations, scuttle-butts and rumours, will spread. These processes are very quickly started, badly controlled and them it is almost impossible to stop. It like snow to whom or playing the broken telephone. Sufficiently to express some innocent supposition someone and to the end of day in a company a rumour will spread about the global restructuring, mass liberations and others like that. Why so? Все simply is property of our psyche, we always with fear perceive something a new, and especially, if it is accompanied by the shortage of information. At that rate we quickly fill this shortage own guess-work, and mostly calling to own fears.
What to do, to avoid it? It is needed in good time to tell to the workers, that it is planned to enter such man in the state, as a manager from a personnel, shortly to describe, for what it is done and which will be him basic functions. In the first day of work of manager it is necessary to acquaint him with all collective and once again to mark his basic promises. Access of workers to the manager from a personnel must be maximally open, certainly, depending on the structure of company. Every worker must have a right to put a question to the new specialist.
When a manager from a personnel comes in a company, he must at first to over look soil, and then undertake to business. That do I mean exactly? From own experience know that every company does not look like other - it as different countries in which all live on different laws, although they are similar on the face of it. Therefore governed and strategies of one company can be nonviable in other. Exactly for this purpose at first it costs to every manager from a personnel to understand, where he got. It is needed to understand on what stage of development company, what provision with a personnel, who before even episodically decided current skilled questions which are the primary purpose of activity of company and many other. For such sounding it costs to use different methods: from the analysis of normative and regulation documents which exist in a company, to private conversations after the cup of coffee both with leaders and with a personnel.
Yet it is extremely important for any manager from a personnel to understand the organizational structure of company (from what departments folded, who who submits, who answers for what). If such structure is not prescribed on a paper, then it and will become the first official task of new worker. In fact without her it is difficult to understand processes which take place in companies, the more so, that at every level there are nuances with which afterwards it will be to work to the manager.
It is possible to organize official diagnostics of personnel by means of the specially created questionnaire. That at once not to frighten a personnel, this questionnaire must not touch the concrete estimation of personnel, but only to diagnose moods which dominate in a company. For him it costs to bring in a question about satisfaction or dissatisfaction work in a company, thus important is both a level of hygienically and personality factors, questions which determine loyalty to the company and also necessarily suggestions in relation to the improvement of work with a personnel from a personnel. The last, by the way, is important yet and because in any case a manager from a personnel is a new man in a company and he is difficult at once to catch, and that it is exactly necessary to change, that it became better, and workers which work long time in a company can offer from own experience. Many ideas can be even very rational, that is why them it costs to make reality of. And if workers will see that their ideas, their vision guidance considers valuable and makes reality of it will promote loyalty of workers and their efficiency considerably.
Acquainting to the stage the spread of learning’s of manager provides for also. Every specialist from a personnel, before to accept certain decisions, must familiarize with the specific of work and activity of company. He must understand essence of work of her specialists. For example, our company carries out transport-expeditionary activity. Certainly, I do not need to know all nuances in relation to transportation of loads, but essence of work of managers of company, most widespread difficulties and features what this activity is marked, I obliged to know. The best method for such studies - to conduct a few days in the "heart" of company. That I mean: if it is an expeditionary company, then to sit in the department of managers which carry out transportation directly, and to look after their activity, if it is a retail business - then to conduct a few days in the trading floor of shops between salespeople-consultants and others like that.
A next step will be a study of geographical location of offices of company and specific each of regions. From own experience can say, that every region has the specific and speech goes not only about East and Western Ukraine. If you have branches in the different areas of Ukraine, it follows necessarily personally to visit each of them, to put right copulas with skilled and by agencies, to associate with potential candidates, analyse the local press and other sources of search of candidates. In every region these sources can be different, and their priority will change for potential candidates. If you are interested by young specialists, then it costs to put right activity with local by towers, in an ideal to agree about short presentation of company before students. It will help to form the attractive image of company as an employer.
In addition, it does not follow to forget competitors about monitoring. Competitors can be both small local enterprises which are well developed in a concrete region and large national companies. All depends on the segment of market, which the directed organization is on. Us, first of all, direct not activity of such companies, but their suggestions, will interest to the potential workers, specialists in this sphere, and more precisely, level of payment, system of payment (rate, rate plus percents, percents or other) compensative package et cetera.
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