2. Skilled strategy

Foremost it should be said, that skilled strategy is based only on general strategy of development of company and no time can not to her contradict. In addition, she must answer a mission and values of company. If a mission and values is not, then the first point in strategy of department from a personnel - to create or prescribe them, and also work out and confirm the standards of work and intercourse in a company.

Skilled strategy must consist of next divisions:

·  Selection, reception on work and planning of personnel according to the necessities of company.

·  Adaptation of personnel - how adaptation will be new personnel which will come in a company.

·  Studies and development of personnel are studies of new and present workers, and also creation of charts of development of talented workers.

·  An estimation of personnel is a construction of individual criteria of estimation of personnel in accordance with the specific of company and every vacancy in particular.

·  Creation of skilled reserve (especially in relation to key positions for a company) and work is with skilled reserve.

·  Creation of the system of motivation - both material and non-material.

·  Internal PR of company, increase of loyalty of workers, improvement of communications into a company.

·  External PR is presentation of company at the market of labour, producing an image of positive employer.

After creation and statement skilled strategy necessarily it follows to present to the workers, to find out, and for what a manager is nevertheless needed from a personnel which will change with his arrival in a company. And if at the beginning the public functions of this man were wired for sound only, then now workers can familiarize with concrete measures which will be used for a year.


Thus a manager from a personnel is strong important position in every company and to the selection of such specialist it is needed to walk up carefully. It is important not only correctly to take away a worker but also prepare other personnel to introduction of such position. And even after appearance in a company a manager can not at once actively inculcate the purchased experience and skills from other companies. Extraordinarily important is to analyse a situation which was folded in a company, understand that it costs and that it does not cost to apply for an effective construction works with a personnel. Advices to the managers on a personnel.

Most leaders of new generation perfectly understand the differences of manager on a personnel from usual before skilled agent. And not by chance. One of the last researches showed that to 80% barriers on the way of development of market relations as or it is differently related exactly to the problems of personnel.

Here and resistance to the innovations, and unwillingness to be taught again, and lack of ability to work newly, and internal alienation from the aims of organization. All these 80% problems first of all brought down on the head of managers, responsible for a personnel. Clearly, that knowledge and abilities of such specialist must strikingly differ from ability in good time to shift the personal files from one place to other. Although it would be unfair not to do justice to кадровикам of old structure, at which documents were in the order, and people they hired perfectly.

What must know and able modern manager on a personnel? 3 - 4 back his basic task was a selection of personnel. It is not casual. The number of firms grew, as mushrooms after a rain. With not less frequency they scattered or transformed. On long and successive work into organization there simply was not time. A general situation some changed now. From one side, she is more stable. On the other hand, even those organizational changes which take place, realized othergates.

Many commercial organizations passed the first phases of the development, verifications of skill of the employees a long ago. Many collectives are more or less stable, possess sufficient human potential. And often this stability is included in contradiction with the dynamics of market, when a sharp turn is required in accordance with the changing state of affairs. Yesterday a firm traded mainly, an accommodation costs today, and tomorrow can be книгопроизводством will engage. Many leaders prefer even at such changing of general line however to save the kernel of organization, consisting of people well known and tested. New direction of activity requires new abilities from employees. Consequently, they are necessary to be regularly taught again.

Teaching in the workplace

On our eyes the new function of manager grows and gets strong on work with a personnel is a teaching function. From questioning of managers conducted by us it is necessary on a personnel, that many of them considerable time is spared to development and realization of own educational courses and training. We approach such state of organizations, which in textbooks on an organizational conduct is named "By student organizations", gradually.

Teaching to the teaching methods

Variety dictates teaching those new requirements to preparation of managers on a personnel. It would be unreasonable to prepare them separately under every theme of teaching. Much more effective to teach our managers to the generalized going near preparation of the own programs. And beginning is here necessary not at all from an on-line tutorial. A starting point is a theory of organizations. It is important to distinguish what can teach, from that must be inculcated in life of organization not educational, and by other methods.

"Steps" are in preparation of the teaching program

The chart of steps of preparation and realization of on-line tutorial offered below, certainly, is not only faithful. She only specifies on that an on-line tutorial is not completed with completion of teaching and closely related to the functions, drawings together positions of manager on a personnel and administrative consultant.

Chart of steps :

1) Diagnostics of organization

2) Function, compensated by training. A manager on a personnel distinguishes the group of workplaces, where training can be conducted on one program.

3) Description of aims and actions.

4) Description of basic problems.

5) Description of basic contradictions.

6) Translation of aims, contradictions, positions, operating on the language of on-line tutorial.

7) Choice of style of realization of training.

8) Preparation of educational materials.

9) Preparation of plan-chart of course.

10) Realization of teaching.

To the manager on a personnel useful to know that student organizations arise up only wherein there are student managers. Therefore our opinion is the most essential quality of manager on a personnel is his openness new and reflection position in relation to all aspects of life of organization.

Example of preparation of exercise Reflection in instruction to exercise of contradiction between the participants of co-operation.

At teaching of managers on a personnel both the ready are used and created by the listeners of тренинговые situation. The example of тренинговых instructions, worked out by listeners is here presented.

So, in the process of work it turned out with organization, that one of problem points of his activity was on co-operating with the employees of рекрутинговых agencies. Naturally, what a manager on a personnel and manager of рекрутного agency present different interests which under certain circumstances can enter into contradiction with each other. On the base of the real situation, discussed in one of groups, we worked out exercise for тренигового employment.

You signed a contract about the selection of manager. On this contract you must close a vacancy to December, 30. During current negotiations the term of испол-нения work is carried on January, 20. For this period the first candidate was ratified. However, doing some work three days, he retired. Until now a vacancy is not closed by you. On the terms of contract the return of 100% pre-pay is needed.

To it Your agency did not have a situation, entailing the back of moneys to the customer.

A new candidate appeared for you, which can come on interview to the client of January, 22. Today on January, 19. Responsibility for a failure to observe of terms of contract to a full degree will lie down on you.

You are a manager on the personnel of large firm. An employee is required Firm - Sales -менеджер. you appealed to the agency on the selection of personnel, contracted with him with within December, 31, stipulating description of workplace and requirement to the candidate. However, a contract was made by not you, and you him did not see.

One candidate was accepted on work and for him money is paid. Through extremely short time on good reason this employee retired. According to the terms of contract an agency is under an obligation to give other candidate (valid for one occasion replacement) to January, 20. Today on January, 19 and to all appearances an agency can not give other deserving candidate.

You must obtain returning of pre-pay in full, not violating business contacts with this agency.

If you will not settle this situation, for you there can be troubles from the side of guidance.

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