2. Methods, approaches and receptions which can be applied while translating informal lexicon


2.1 Methods, receptions and approaches of translation

Fast development of information technologies and means of the communications allow to speak today about processes of globalization in the world community. It, on the one hand, results in unification and standardization of world cultures, and on the other hand, raises consciousness of some representatives of national cultures, deduces on the first place desire to keep specificity and features of the culture at respect for representatives of other cultures and clever acceptance of most these cultures.

The role of the translator of fiction – as link in amongcultural communications grows. On shoulders of the translator ложится the responsibility for adequate transfer of the art text. Art «to inform the author» to the reader consists now not only in skill to transfer the text without infringement of usual norms of language on which translation is carried out, but also at the maximal reflection of cultural (mental) features of language of the original.

Translators on the experience know, how it is hard to recreate precisely other time the semantic contents as separate word-combination and all idea.

Not casually, K. Chukovsky rebukes, which before to undertake translation of any foreign author, the translator should establish precisely for itself style of this author, system of his images [61, C.146]. Only in case of a correct choice of a way of translation, being based on the detailed analysis of stylistic receptions of the author in comparison to possible receptions in language of translation, the translator can more all exact transfer that degree of influence which feels the native speaker at reading the original text. Only in this case it is possible to speak about qualitative translation.

The estimation of translation quality can conduct with the greater or smaller degree of detailed elaboration, emphasizes V. Komysarov, speaking about types of translation in the work «The Theory of translation». In his{its} opinion, for a general characteristic of results of translational process it is necessary to use such terms as «adequate translation», «equivalent translation», «exact translation», «literal translation» and «free translation» [25, C.233].

Adequate translation, into V. Komysarova's idea, translation which provides pragmatically problems of the translational certificate on greatest possible for achievement of this purpose equal equivalence refers to, not supposing infringement of norms of the use of words and their forms which was fixed in language of translation, adhering to tasks – stylistic requirements to texts of the given type and answering socially – the recognized conventional norm of translation. In not strict use «adequate translation» is a «beautiful» translation which justifies expectation and hopes of the person which carries out an estimation of translation quality.

V. Komysarov's equivalent translation names translation which recreates the contents of the speaking another language original on one levels of equivalence. Under the contents of the original there is an information which is transferred, switching as subject – logic, and simple value of language units which make the text of the original, and also pragmatically potential of the text. By definition any adequate translation, counts V. Komysarov, should be equivalent (on this or that equal equivalence), but not any equivalent translation admits adequate, and what answers, except for norm of equivalence, and to other normative requirements which have been mentioned above.

The following kind of translation of V. Komysarov names exact translation, i.e. translation in which it is equivalent reproduced only subject – logic part of the maintenance{contents} of the original at possible{probable} deviations{rejections} from janr-stylistic norm and usual (usual) rules of the use of language of translation. Exact translation can be recognized adequate if the problem of translation is reduced to transfer of the actual information on the surrounding world. Equivalent translation always should be exact, and exact translation by definition only in part equivalent.

For exact transfer of informal lexicon of a subject – logic part of the text of the original some translators useslang and ephymysms, but thus reduce expressivety and abusiveness of phraseology. However doubtless plus of a similar way of translation is «adaptation» of the text for reading by different century groups or people which essentially do not read the literature which contains the reduced lexicon. At the same time a question on similar «advantage» of exact translation disputable. Among researchers there is an idea which through similar translational transformations the reader judges any more the product, and about its translation. So, K. Chukovsky wrote:» the Translator on the author gives out a self-made mask and this mask for its alive person " [61, C.19].

In some cases incompetence of the translator results in a literal translation of the reduced phraseology. V. Komisarov's literal translation names translation which recreates comunicative – formal elements of the original therefore or norms of language of the original text rise, or there is deformed (not handed) a valid contents of the original. «More often amusing examples of a literal translation meet at attempt to translate the text the help of electronic programs – translators» [25, C.235].

Bookwritter, as V. Krupnov rebukes, considers, that accuracy in translation is reached{achieved} due to literal transfer of all lexical and grammatic details of the text, it is frequent is declined before language of the original, forgetting about such psycholinguistic concepts, as norms of the use in language of these or those lexical units, idiomatic character of language (especially oral), language traditions which have developed during a history of development of any language [V. Krupnov http: // www.].

V. Komysarov names a principal cause of use of a literal translation desire to recreate semantic elements of higher level of equivalence, not having provided transfer of the contents at the previous levels. In such cases the literal translation can be accompanied by explanations or adequate translation which opens the sincere contents of the original.

But concerning informal lexicon to which a plenty slangs concerns, received by reconsideration of value of neutral lexicon, «literal» translation is caused to ignorances by the translator of slang word meaning more often:

Translation which is executed on lower equal equivalence refers to as free translation. Free translation can be recognized adequate if it meets other normative requirements of translation and not connected with the important losses in transfer of the contents of the original [25, C.235]. But here V. Komyarov, rebukes, which more serious deviations from the contents of the original make free translation nonequivalent and inadequate, transforming it in «retelling» or the independent statement on a theme of the original. And, as V. Krupnov in the work «In creative laboratory of the translator» rebukes, some separate translators who stand on positions of adherents of free translation, show attempts to ignore a gain of the translational theory and practice which, by V. Koptyova's entirely fair words, «all this V. Krupnov http: // www.] should result the translator in language negligence and slovenliness of style» [.

«Free translation, – writes V. Koptyov, – becomes the extremely aggressive and in the theory. Anything strange in it is not present. Theoretical reasons and requirements seem to new people which came in translation, any «sophistications crafty», attempts to throw лассо on a unrestrained mustang named Talent» [26].

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