10 класс. Form of the Game: Panel Discussion on TV

Subject of the Discussion: film "The Lord of the Rings",

released by New Line Cinema

Цели игры:

- коммуникативная- формирование иноязычного общения в ходе решения поставленной коммуникативной задачи.

- образовательная - расширение кругозора учащихся, обогащение содержания
страноведческих знаний;

- воспитательная - воспитание уваже­ния к культуре стран изучаемого языка и то­лерантного сознания, формирование куль­туры интеллектуального труда;

- развивающая - активизация речемыслительной деятельности и творческих спо­собностей учащихся.

Characters:The host - H.Peter Jackson (Producer) - P.J. Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn) - V.M. Elijah Wood (Frodo) - E.W. Orlando Bloom (Legolas) - O.B* John Rhys-Davies (Gimli) - J.R.-D. Ian McKellen (Gandalf) - LM. Liv Tyler (Arven) - L.T. Fans, journalists

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our studio Today in our "Everything about..." series we are going to talk about "The Lord of the Rings" which is consid­ered to be the film of the century! Meet the team which presented us such a miracle!

Ведущий представляет гостей.

H: We are waiting for questions from the audience and our viewers. Our contact phone number is 55-66-00. My first question is for Peter Jackson. How do you feel about the film?

P.J.: My idea about "The Lord of the Rings" is this: I'm sure that all events of the book took place in real life. I mean this feeling appears when you finish reading it. And that's why I consider these films more as histori­cal then as fantasy ones. I wouldn't have dared to create such a film, if it weren't "The Lord of the Rings", The world of the book is so wonderful, exciting and charming, that I think it is worth spending 3.5 years of my life on.

Н : Oh, we have a question from the audience.

J.: Peter, was it difficult for you to deal with young and inexperienced actors?

PJ.: First of all, I can't say they're inexperienced. Elijah, for example, has taken part in about 8 films and worked, with such masters as Kevin Costner and Mel Gibson. I remember that several days after the beginning we were shooting a scene where hobbits entered a city inhabited by humans. These creatures, no taller than a meter, found themselves among gigantic men and women. Elijah looked so frightened and stunned that I really believed he was a creature twice as short as normal people.

JE.W.1 Thanks, Peter. As for me, it was wonderful to work

Peter and the others. Peter was ready to listen to all Ideas and we had meetings where we discussed scenes and characters. Our ideas were taken into consideration and we felt a part of the process.

V.M.: I met a lot of friends here, and especially 1 found much in common with Sean Beano, Orlando Bloom. The members of our Fellowship even made a tattoo, it is an Elvish number "nine", and we were supposed to keep it secret, but someone let the cat from the bag. Actually, 1 suspect Frodo, he's a bit talkative.

E.W.: Oh, it wasn't me! Don't get at me, I'm a poor hobbit, and all these tall people...

O.B.: Well, and every time like this! As for me, it was a great honor to work together with such Masters as Sir Ian McKellen and Sir Ian Holm. It was the time of fantastic non-stop nightmare, we all were charmed by the book and turned into a crowd of Tolkien fans and it was wonderful.

Fan: My question is to Sir McKellen. You are considered to be a highbrow actor. How did you come to Holly­wood?

LIVL: Well, I've played a lot of parts in the theatre and on TV: Macbeth, King Lear, Adolf Hitler, poet John Keats, even Russian tsar Nicolas the Second, but Hollywood producers thought that I'm too great for their films! (Laughs) But sometimes they turned for help when they couldn't do themselves, for example, I took part in "Gods and Monsters1' and was even nominated for an Oscar! But they've spoilt me! Look, where Т am filming now: the X-men! (Laughs)

Fan: Do you mean you regret that you've played the part of Gandalt?

UV1: Oh never, not at all! It was a chance to try something new. I'm really fascinated with Gandalf's character: wise, strong-willed, kind, experienced.

J.: My question is to Orlando. Why did you decide to be an actor?

O.B.: I wanted to become an actor when Т was nine. At that time I was in love with a very pretty girl and I dreamed to fly and rescue her from something terrible. When I learned that Superman was an actor, my first thought was: "It is for me!" So I can say that I became an actor because of beautiful women.

H.: Well, about beautiful women. Peter, how did you man­age to find your Princess of Elves?

P.J.: Actually, it took us a long time to find an actress for this role. I said to myself: "I need an actress more beautiful and perfect than an ordinary woman". When I saw Liv, I understood that my dream had come true. I was looking for an actress with such a nature, who is able to understand the princess who fell in love with a mortal man and refused eternal life for the sake of love.

Fan: Liv, you are extremely beautiful!

UT.: Thanks!

Fan: You were the most popular girl at school, weren't | you?

L.T.:Oh, strange as it may seems but no! was considered to be the ugliest girl in my class. My class­mates teased me and called 'liver sausage'. 1 often: cried and my grand says that I came home all in tears.! All my family tried to console me but I was in de­spair. Actually, I don't like to remember my school life.

H.: Liv, you had to learn a lot of things for the film, didn't | you?

L.T.: Yes, 1 learnt to ride a horse, speak Elvish and fight with swords. It wasn't easy, but it was extremely interesting!

H.: Did you have any problems with communicating with your partners? Did you quarrel?

L.T.:Oh, of course, not! From this point of view the work was rather easy. But all of us were very tired,

V.M.: 1 agree, I got tired so much that I had some sort of hallucination. I really believed that Liv was the Prin­cess of Elves.

J.R.-D.: As for me, 1 think we would have done nothing with the film, if it weren't lor two people - Peter and Viggo.

E.W.: Viggo was a real source of inspiration for all of us, and an example of a real professional. Even when we had days off, he took a horse and went practicing. ( V.M. looks very confused}

V.M.: Thanks but actually I could have done nothing with­out you.

IL: John, and how do you feel about the film?

J.R.-D,: Well, it was great, but unfortunately, I had a lot of problems with make-up, a false beard and all that stuff. I had some sort of allergy and the skin on my face was badly hurt. I had to wait for 2-3 days before making the next shot.

H.: Unfortunately, dear guests, audience and viewers, the time of our program is over. Thank you for having been with us. Next time we are meeting with the Fa­mous Three: Daniel Radcliff, Emma Watson and Rupert Grant! Send your questions and welcome to our stu­dio! Watch us on Channel 5, on Saturday, 27, at 17.00. Bye and see you!

(Music sounds)

Джон Леннон, Джордж Харрисон, Ринго Стар, Пол Мак­картни - назовите их команду одним словом. (The Beatles)

Кто такие "beefeaters"? (стражники лондонского Тауэра)

Официальная резиденция британской королевы. (Букингемский дворец)

Автором какого произведения является известный английс­кий писатель Льюис Кэрролл? ("Алиса в стране чудес", "Алиса в Зазеркалье ")

Что такое "kilt"? (клетчатая шотландская юбка)

Кто написал Книгу Джунглей! (Р.Киплинг)

Где живет Лохнесское чудовище? (озеро Лох-Несс)

Денежная единица США? (доллар США)

Денежная единица ВБ? (фунт стерлингов)

Денежная единица Канады? (канадский доллар)

Как называют парк, где животных держат на воле, а посети­тели рассматривают их из машин? (сафари)

Старая крепость в Лондоне, которая когда-то была дворцом,
затем тюрьмой, сейчас - музей? (Тауэр)

Предместье Лондона, где проводятся знаменитые теннисные • турниры? (Уимблдон)

Что изобрел Грэхем Белл? (телефон)

Что можно делать в день Гая Фокса без опасения быть нака­занным? (жечь костры, устраивать фейерверки и т.д.)



Вопросы задаются на английском языке сразу обеим коман­дам. Ответ даётся по очереди командами, а затем сообща­ется правильный ответ. Баллы зарабатывают или нет обе команды.

1. What is the symbol of the UK?

a) a thistle b) a red rose c) a daffodil

Who helps schoolchildren to cross the street near their school?
a) a policeman b) a lollipop man c) a fireman

What's the name of the Queen of GB?

a) Maria b) Victoria c) Elizabeth

4. What's the nickname of New York?

a) Big Apple b) Big Pie c) Big City

5. Who is the President of the USA?

a) G.W. Bush b) Kennedy c) Clinton

6. Where is the statue of admiral Nelson?

a) London b) Paris c) Washington

7. Who was the first W. Disney character?

a) Micky Mouse b) Oswald Bunny c) Donald Duck

8. What is the largest city of the USA?

a ) New Orleans b) New York c) Chicago



На столе раскладываются карточки разных цве­тов, что означает разные группы вопросов, напри­мер: фиолетовые - лексические вопросы, белые -грамматические вопросы, жёлтые - задания на перевод слов и выражений...На лицевой стороне каждой карточки - количе­ство баллов, которые можно заработать. Чем сложнее задание - тем выше балл. Все команды за тот этап должны взять равное количество карточек одинакового цвета. Но ещё интереснее, если предоставить командам право брать карточки по желанию, тогда азартные игроки будут брать карточки с большим баллом, а осторожные - с меньшим, но выиграть-то хочется всем.

задания лексической группы: (5 баллов)


1. месяцы,I. дни недели,5. части тела,1. названия болезней,5. виды транспорта

3. школьные предметы,1. черты характера,I. цвета

Задания на перевод:

I. Догадайтесь о значении слова "grapefruit". (1 балл) I. Догадайтесь о значении слова "windsurfing". (1 балл)

5. Вспомните значение слова "magazine". (2 балла) I. Вспомните значение слова "firework". (2 балла) 5. Переведите фразу "Happy End". (2 балла) 5. Переведите фразу "Milky Way". (3 балла) ?. Переведите предложение "You should regularly

wash your face with cold water". (3 балла) 3. Переведите предложение "Sometimes we quarrel

with each other at school". (4 балла)

Задания грамматической группы.

I. Чего не хватает в предложении "Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle

lives in our town, she has dog Wag and a cat

Lightfoot"? (2 балла) l. Чего не хватает в предложении "Mercy and her

mother good friends, because they understand each

other"? (3 балла) 5. Найдите 2 ошибки. "Manx cat's got four leg, and no

tail. It eats meat and drinks milk." (4 балла) \. Найдите 2 ошибки. "Ted are very honest and

straight. All classmates like her." (4 балла)

Составьте предложение "Prehistoric/woman/on/legs/ - strong/walked/muscular/feet/flat/and". (4 балла)

Составьте предложение "If/have/you/a headache/ should/I/you/advise/drink/tea/herbal". (5 баллов)



Каждая команда представляет своё творчество — драматизацию, стихи, песни и т.п. Этот этап можно, но не обязательно оценивать. Но лучше, конечно, оценивать. Ведь дети готовились зара­нее и от степени их подготовки, ответственно­сти может зависеть исход игры. Жюри подво­дит итоги, объявляет победителей, вручает дип­ломы.

Комментарий: данное мероприятие занимает при­мерно 40 минут, а больше и не надо: дети уста­нут от обилия заданий и им станет неинтересно. Можно, конечно, и разнообразить конкурсы (осо­бенно, если иметь в виду 1-3 этапы). По опыту можно сказать, что такой вариант -оптимальный для такого возраста. Что касается "простоты " вопросов на заданий (как это может показаться), то учтём, что дети изучали английс­кий лишь один год.

Использование технологии обучения

в сотрудничестве при работе

над разными текстами - образцами монологических высказываний на совершенствования навыков иноязычного общения,

"English VII", Unit3, p. 60 ex. 16

Theme: "Great Britain: a Country of Traditions"


- образовательная - расширение круго­зора учащихся, обогащение содержания
страноведческих знаний;

-воспитательная - воспитание уваже­ния к культуре стран изучаемого языка и то­лерантного сознания, формирование куль­туры интеллектуального труда; развивать такие каче­ства, как сотрудничество, доброжелатель­ность, ответственность каждого и чувство коллективной ответственности, толерант­ности.

- развивающая - активизация речемыслительной деятельности и творческих спо­собностей учащихся.

- коммуникативная ~ формирование кросскультурной компетенции в рамках заявленной темы урока;

Каждый участник группы (home group) получает свой текст для чтения: "SPRING", "SUMMER", "AUTUMN" или "WINTER", - т.е. существует возможность диффе­ренциации сложности заданий в соответствии с уровнем языковой подготовки учащихся. Внутри одной группы дети работают над разными текстами. После прочтения текста учащиеся из разных групп, работавшие над одним и тем же материалом, встречаются и обмениваются ин­формацией (expert groups). Это так называемая "встре­ча 'экспертов". Затем они возвращаются в свои группы (home groups) и по очереди рассказывают о том, что уз­нали. Далее следует проверка понимания другими члена­ми группы прослушанной информации, для чего могут быть использованы вопросы как из учебника, так и пре­доставленные учителем, а также тестовые задания типа "True-False". "Сильным" ученикам можно предложить самостоятельно составить вопросы к тексту или разрабо­тать тестовые задания. В заключение учащиеся должны оценить работу всех членов "home group", записать ре­зультаты в лист контроля и сдать его учителю.

Great Britain: a Country of Traditions

Just like families have their own traditions, so do coun­tries. It's common knowledge that the British are lovers of traditions. Each season in Britain is connected with various colorful traditions, customs and festivals.


St. David's Day. March 1st is a very important day for Welsh people. It's St. David's Day. He is the "patron" or na­tional saint of Wales. On March 1st, the Welsh celebrate St. David's Day and wear daffodils in the buttonholes of their coats or jackets.

May Day. May 1st was an important day in the Middle Ages, the celebration of summer's beginning. For that day people decorated houses and streets with branches of trees and flowers. In the very early morning young girls went to the fields and washed their faces with dew. They believed this made them beautiful for a year after that. Also on May Day the young men of each village tried to win prizes with their bows and arrows. People put up a striped maypole decorated with flowers and danced round it. Some English villages still have maypole dancing on May 1st.


The Trooping of the Colour. The Queen is the only per­son in Britain with two birthdays. Her real birthday is on April 21st, but she has an "official" birthday, too. That's on the sec­ond Saturday in June. And on the Queen's official birthday, there is a traditional ceremony called the Trooping of the Col­our. It's a big parade with brass bands and hundreds of soldiers at Horse Guards' Parade in London. The Queen's soldiers, the Guards, march in front of her. At the front of the parade is the flag or "colour". The Guards are trooping the colour. Thou­sands of Londoners and visitors watch Horse Guards' Parade. And millions of people at home watch it on television.

Swan lapping. Here's a very different royal tradition. On the River Thames there are hundreds of swans. A lot of these beautiful white birds belong, traditionally, to the King or Queen. In July the young swans on the Thames are about two months old. Then the Queen's swan keeper goes, in a boat, frosty London Bridge to Henley. He looks at all the young swans and marks the royal ones. The name of this custom is Swan Upping.

Highland Games. In summer, Scottish people tradition­ally meet together for competitions called Highland Games. After Queen Victoria visited the games at Brae mar in 1848, the Brae mar games became the most famous tradition in Scotland. Today thousands of visitors come to see sports like tossing the caber (a tall pole is thrown into the air as a test of strength) or throwing the hammer. The games always include Scottish dancing and bagpipe music. Henley а town on the Thames to toss the caber бросать бревно (спортивное состязание)


The State Opening of Parliament. Parliament governs modern Britain. But traditionally the Queen opens Parliament every autumn. She travels from Buckingham Palace to the Houses of Parliament, in a gold carriage - the Irish State Coach. At the Houses of Parliament the Queen sits on a throne in the House of Lords. Then she reads the Queen's Speech. At the State Opening of Parliament the Queen wears a crown and crown jewels.

Guy Fawkes Day. November 5th is Guy Fawkes Day in Britain. AH over the country people build wood fires, or "bonfires", in their gardens. On top of each bonfire is a straw man. That is a figure of Guy Fawkes. He was one of a band of conspirators who wanted to blow up the Houses of Parlia­ment and kill King James I and his ministers. However, the plot failed, Fawkes was caught on the 5th of November 1605. The conspirators were executed and Britain has celebrated Guy Fawkes night since then. Before November 5th, children use their guys to make money. They stand in the street and shout "Penny for the guy". Then they spend the money on fireworks.


Up-Helly-Aa. The Shetlands are islands off the coast of Scotland. In the ninth century the Vikings from Norway came to the Shetlands. They came to Britain in ships and took away gold, animals and sometimes people.

Now, 1000 years later, people in the Shetlands remember the Vikings with the festival, which they call "Up-Helly-Aa". Every winter people of Zerwick, the capital of the Shetland Islands, make a model of a Viking long ship with the head of a dragon at the front. Then, on Up-Helly-Aa night in Janu­ary, the Shetlanders dress in Viking clothes and carry the ship through the town to the sea and burn it there. The festival is a party for the people of the Shetland Islands.

Carol Singing. Originally, carols were songs performed with dancing at Christmas and other festivals. They were of­ten sung outside houses by costumed actors called Mummers. Many of today's carols have been written since the 19th cen­tury as Christmas hymns celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

Make home groups. Read one of the texts carefully. Find out more information about British traditions.

Answer the questions individually.

Text 1. "SPRING"

What holiday is a very important day for Welsh people?

What flower do people wear on St. David's Day?

Is May Day an important celebration nowadays?

How did people celebrate May Day in the Middle Ages?

What is "maypole dancing"?

Text 2. "SUMMER"

What person has got two birthdays?

What ceremony is traditionally held on the Queen's of­ficial birthday?

How can you explain the word "color" in this text? 1)Does the Queen's swan keeper mark all the swans on the Thames?

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