3. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1)  Dear Sirs, let me introduce Mrs. Vane, the Managing Director of our firm.

2)  I'm glad to meet you in person at last.

3)  I studied the advertising material and the draft contract
prepared by your specialists.

4)  Do you have any objections as regards the contract?

5)  Have you adapted the equipment to our uses?

6)  We haven't discussed the delivery date.

7)  Where is the complete set of documents concerning this
business transaction?

8)  I studied thoroughly the requirements of the market.

9)  I think we'll come to terms about the prices and advance

8. Fill in the gaps in the outline draft contract choosing from the words given below.

terms (умови, строки — условия, сроки)

arbitration (арбітраж — арбитраж)

payment (плата — оплата)

reclaim (рекламація — рекламация)

freight / loading (фрахт)

late (пізно — поздно)

specification (специфікація — спецификация)

charges (витрати, видатки — затраты, расходы)

penalty (штраф)

delivery ( поставка)

substandard (нижчий від стандартної якості; ниже качества, установленного стандартом)

letter of credit (акредитив; аккредитив)

invoke (викликати до суду, звертатися — вызывать в суд, обращаться) parties (сторони — стороны)

Draft Contract

between Valeo Ltd, hereinafter referred to as "the Seller", and Mercury, hereinafter referred to as "the Buyer"

The Seller undertakes to supply the Buyer with 12 000 computers to

765 and to pay all and insurance

The terms of........ and immediate payment of

charges by confirmed and irrevocable are to be


A........ clause will be included in the contract. It will be

against the Buyer for payment.

In the event of non-payment, the Seller shall be entitled to

the goods.

In case of a dispute between the to the contract the

matter will be taken to independent....... All the of

the contract must be complied with by both parties.

9. You want to make an order to purchase spare parts from the factory. Use the scheme provided below.

Coliseum Motors

1 rue des Bagndes 75023 Paris, France

To: Camford Spares Ltd.......................... Purchase order No

Oxbridge House


Avon XL82 95 AG Date: 6th March 1999


Your ref: CM/JS/76 Our ref: CS/L/87

Please supply the following

Quantity Catalog /item No Description Unit cost Total cost

5 931 A fan motor 199.99 999.95
100 1052 С radiators 45.00 4500.00
25 193N front fog 6.50 162.50


Total: 7,612.455

Less discounts 5% for orders over 1,000; 380.62 2,5% for settlement within 30 days 190.31570.93

Total: 7,041.52 Date required: June 1, 1999

Packing: 5 cartons Marks:CMX 1-5

Delivery address: Authorized signature:

Coliseum Motors 1 rue des Bagndes 75023 Paris, France

10. You have to write the text of the draft contract for the negotiations. The topic: purchasing contract, goods - technical equipment for processing plant; you are the representative of the Buyer. Use the scheme provided below.



Manchester February 24, 1998

GreenGlass Ltd, hereinafter referred as: "Seller", with residence in Manchester, U.K., represented by Managing Director Mr.Goldsmith, and

Food plant "Ukrhlib", hereinafter referred to as: "Buyer" with residence in Kyiv, Ukraine, represented by General Director Mr.Vodas.

Both parties recognising plenipotentiary representatives of the firms agreed in concluding and signing the contract which involves the following provisions:

1. Subject of the contract

The Seller shall sell and the Buyer shall purchase the new technological line for food processing industry, Model ZX245.

2. Terms of delivery and payment

The Seller is obliged to deliver the new processing line, Model ZX 245 within 30 working days after the signing of the contract if the payment was realised by the Buyer in the form of irrevocable, confirmed, indivisible letter of credit, to the account of the Seller not later than in 10 banking days after the contract was signed to the amount stipulated in the Supplement to the Contract.

3. Transportation

The line shall be shipped and delivered on FOB conditions to the port indicated by the Buyer. The Seller shall be in charge to pay all the expenses connected with transportation up to the frontier, and then the Buyer shall undertake all the taxes and duties existing on the territory of Ukraine.


4. Insurance

The line is insured by the Seller to the amount of 1 000 000.-- USD. In case of any damage during the transportation the losses shall be refunded to the Buyer.

The Seller shall provide the Buyer with 1 year guarantee for the line and all the necessary technical documentation. In the case of break down the specialist of the Seller shall be ready to assist to the Buyer free of charge within 2 years after the date of purchase.

5. Penalty

In the case if the Seller couldn't deliver the line in the mentioned above terms without any particular reason, the Seller should indemnify the Buyer all possible losses including 0,5 % penalty every day of the shipment delay, and the Contract should be considered annulled..

In the case the Buyer failed to pay the contract within the term stipulated by the Contract, the Buyer should indemnify the Seller all the possible losses including 0,5 % penalty every day for the delay of payment.

6. Arbitration

All disputable questions if any, should be presented to the Arbitrage Court of Great Britain or Ukraine by the agreement of the Seller and the Buyer.

7. Force major

In the case of the war, earthquake, flood or changes in the legislation or any other reasons which arise in the countries and couldn't be overcome by the parties because they are force major and last more than 30 days the parties have the right to inform each other about these conditions and not to fulfil their obligations under the Contract.

The Contract was done in duplicate. Both copies have equal juridical validity.

158. Juridical addresses of the parties -Seller Buyer

Account Account
Signatures On behalf of the Seller On behalf of the Buyer


Before writing your own contract read the lexical commentaries for better comprehension.

hereinafter referred to as — що далі називається — называемый в дальнейшем

represented by sb — представлений кимось — представленный кем-л., в лице кого-л.

with residence — що знаходиться — с местонахождением

agree in concluding and signing the contract — домовитись про укладання та підписання контракту — договориться о заключении и подписании контракта

plenipotentiary representative — повноважний представник — полномочный представитель

involve provision — містити положення — содержать положение

be obliged to deliver — бути зобов'язаним поставити — быть обязанным поставить

ship — відвантажити — отгрузить

supplement — додаток — дополнение

FOB conditions — ФОБ умови — ФОБ условия

undertake taxes and duties — брати на себе сплату податків та зборів — брать на себя оплату налогов и сборов

insure — страхувати — страховать

damage — збиток — ущерб


efund losses — відшкодувати збитки — возместить убытки

indemnify losses — відшкодувати збитки — возместить убытки

delay of payment- — затримка платежу — задержка платежа

disputable questions — спірні питання — спорные вопросы

Arbitrage Court — арбітражний суд — арбитражный суд

force major — форс мажор — форс мажор

earthquake — землетрус — землетрясение

flood — повінь — наводнение

overcome — перебороти — преодолеть

fulfil obligations — виконувати зобов'язання — выполнять обязательства

duplicate — у двох примірниках — в двух экземплярах

equal juridical validity — однакова юридична сила — одинаковая юридическая сила

on behalf of — від імені — от имени

2. You work as an Estate Agent. You have to write the Rental Agreement for your client. Topic: Renting a two-storied building for the term of 10 years. You represent the owner of the building.

Use the scheme provided below.


Kyiv 3 January 1998

CBN Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") conducting its activity under the Statute in the person of Richard Brooks on the one part and Splain Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Owner") on the other part have agreed upon as follows:

General Provisions

The Owner shall give in rent and the Company shall rent the apartment with 3 rooms located at the address: Zmiyevs'ka 23, Living space of the apartment is 100 m2, total space is 140 m2. .


Obligations of the parties

The Owner shall rent the apartment to the Company in a satisfactory condition with furniture and other valuables being listed in the Appendix 1 to this Agreement which shall be deemed as an integral part to it.

The Company shall guarantee to the Owner to keep the said apartment safe and in the condition similar to that before the validity date of this Agreement unless otherwise stipulated herein. The Company shall guarantee to the Owner safety of the furniture and other valuables listed in the Appendix 1 to the Agreement herein. The Company shall guarantee to the Owner timely payments of the apartment rent price.

The Owner shall undertake to cover the corresponding costs for using utilities.

The Company shall undertake to cover costs for all long-distance telephone calls being made through the telephone at the apartment.


The Owner shall fix the rental for the apartment in the amount

of US dollars.

The said rental shall be effected prior to the end of each month. The Owner can not terminate this Agreement during the term should the corresponding rental be effected. Should the Owner terminate the Agreement within 12 months after the Agreement effectiveness the Owner shall reimburse costs for refurbishing of the apartment to the Company.

The Company shall undertake to notify the Owner about its decision to terminate this Agreement 2 months prior to the date from which the termination comes into force.

Juridical Addresses of the parties
Company Owner

Account.... Account.................


Company Owner

Before writing your own agreement read the lexical commentaries for better comprehension.

conduct activity under the Statute — діяти за Статутом — действовать по Уставу

agree upon the following — домовитися про таке — договориться о следующем

give in rent — здавати в оренду — сдавать в аренду

rent — орендувати — арендовать

living space — житлова площа — жилая площадь

satisfactory condition — задовільний стан — удовлетворительное состояние valuables — цінності — ценности

list in the Appendix — перелічити у Додатку — перечислить в Приложении

be deemed as integral part to sth — вважатися невід'ємною частиною — считаться неотъемлемой частью

guarantee safety — гарантувати цілість — гарантировать сохранность

timely payment — вчасна сплата — своевременная оплата cover costs — сплачувати вартість — оплачивать стоимость

fix the rental — установлювати орендну плату — устанавливать арендную плату

effect the payment — здійснювати платіж — осуществлять платеж terminate the Agreement — закінчувати дію Договору — заканчивать действие Договора

reimburse costs — відшкодувати вартість — возместить стоимость

refurbish — ремонтувати повторно — ремонтировать повторно

13. You work as an Advertising Agent. You have to draw up the text of the Contract for one year advertising activity in mass media with a famous Chemical Company. Use the scheme provided below.

Terms and Conditions of Business

These terms and conditions of business constitute the entire Contract ("the Contract"), between the Company and the Advertiser in relation to the publication of the Advertisement and shall be valid and binding the parties to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions.

Publication of the Advertisement

The Company shall arrange for the publication of the Advertisement in the format and on the publication date specified in the Supplement 1. Notwithstanding the above, it is agreed that all publication dates are subjected to confirmation by the Company, and may, accordingly, be changed without notice to the Advertiser due to the requirements of the Company or any other technical reason beyond the control of the Company.

Terms of Payment

Payment for the Advertisement will be made in USD for the amount, by the method and within the period specified in the Supplement 1.

Should payment not be made within the period agreed in Supplement 1, the Advertiser shall pay to the Company interest on the amount outstanding at a rate of 0,5 % per day from the due date of payment to the date when payment is actually received by the Company.

If the Contract is cancelled the Company will refund any payment made by the Advertiser within 60 days of the date of such cancellation without interest.

Preparation of the Advertisement

The Company will prepare the Advertisement in accordance with the material supplied by the Advertiser provided that such material is delivered to the Company within 15 days of the date of the Contract.


Responsibility of the Advertiser

The Advertiser shall be solely responsible for the contents of the Advertisement and agrees to indemnify and keep the Company indemnified from and against all costs, claims, demands and liabilities whatsoever paid, suffered or incurred by the Company as a result of the contents of the Advertisement. The Advertiser undertakes to the Company that the contents of the Advertisement will not in any way infringe any copyright or other intellectual property right or include any scandalous or unlawful material.

Responsibility of the Company

The Company shall be responsible for the composition and layout of the Advertisement. Any errors or omissions in the Advertisement must be brought to the Company's attention by notice in writing within 15 days of the date of publication of the Advertisement.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of United States of America.

Juridical addresses

Company Advertiser

Bank Account........................... Bank Account


Company Advertiser


Before writing your own contract look through the lexical commentaries for better comprehension.

constitute — складати — составлять

entire — повний — полный, целый

advertiser — рекламодавець — рекламодатель

be valid — бути дійсним — быть действительным

bind the parties — зобов'язувати сторони — обязывать стороны

arrange for the publication — домовитися про публікацію — договориться о публикации

specify — уточнювати — уточнять

notwithstanding the above — не беручи до уваги вищезгадане — не принимая во внимание вышесказанное

be subject to confirmation by sb — потребувати підтвердження кимось — требовать подтверждения кем-либо

beyond the control — поза контролем — вне контроля

pay interest — сплачувати відсоток — платить процент

at a rate — у розмірі — в размере

due date of payment — очікувана дата платежу — ожидаемая дата платежа

cancel the Contract — анулювати контракт — аннулировать контракт

solely — тільки — только

liability — відповідальність — ответственность

incur — призвести до чогось, спричинитися до чогось — привести к чему-л., быть причиной чего-л.

infringe copyright — порушувати авторське право — нарушать авторское право

intellectual property right — право на інтелектуальну власність — право на интеллектуальную собственность

unlawful material — протизаконний матеріал — противозаконный материал

error — помилка — ошибка

omission — пропуск, упущення — пропуск, упущение

by notice — за повідомленням — по уведомлению

14. You work at a big firm and are responsible for presenting the Minutes (Protocol) of the last meeting. Topic: The relations with the new clients. Prospects of development. Use the scheme provided below.


Present: Mr.John (Chairman), Ms.Perkins (Finance Department), Ms.Carson (Sales Department), Mr.Smith (Product Manager Manager), Ms.Trueman (Secretary)

Apologies: Ms.Green and Mr.Brown were unable to attend and

sent their apologies.

Membership of the Committee

It was agreed that the Product Manager should be invited to

become a member of this Committee.



Carried unanimously.

1998-1999: Development of European markets:

A team is to be set up to consider ways in which the company can meet the challenge. Members should be drawn from the Sales, Finance and Marketing Departments; Mr. Jones will be the chairman of this.

Other developments: After some discussion, it was agreed that Mr.Smith should look into the possibilities of moving some manufacturing operations to Kenya.

Proposen: Mr Jones Seconder: Ms. Carson

Carried without objections

Next year promotional budget.The Heads of the Design, Promotion, Sales and Marketing Departments are to form a group to work on this.

The group will be chaired by Mr.Jones and he will notify the people concerned.


Proposen: Mr.Smith

Any other business:

Since there was nothing further, the meeting was adjourned.

Date of the next meeting: The next meeting will be held on 12 March.

Read the lexical commentaries for better comprehension:

chaired — під головуванням — под председательством

proposer — той, хто вносить пропозицію — вносящий предложение

seconder — той, хто підтримує пропозицію — поддерживающий предложение

apology — вибачення — извинения

to carry unanimously — прийняти одноголосно — принять единогласно

set up — засновувати, організовувати — основывать, организовывать

meet the challenge — вжити заходів на випадок претензій — принять меры на случай претензий

notify — повідомляти — уведомлять

adjourn — припинити (збори) — прекратить (собрание)

Topics for further discussion.

1)  Is it necessary to prepare for negotiations?

2)  Do you know how to hold the negotiations successfully?

3)  What qualities do the people need to hold negotiations?

4)  What does a good text of the contract mean for a busi

5)  Is it useful to know how to write an agreement, a protocol?

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