6. You are a Treasurer of a Stockholding Company. Fill in the gaps in the shares of your company using words and phrases given below
Authorized: unlimited shares
This Certifies that...................... is the
registered holder of...................... Shares
transferable only on the books of the Corporation by the holder hereof in person or by Attorney upon surrender of this Certificate properly endorsed.
In Witness Whereof the said Corporation has caused this Certificate to be signed by its duly authorized officers and its Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed
this........ day of.............. A.D. 19...
Authorized Officer Authorized Officer
For Value Received hereby sell, assign and transfer unto
represented by the within Certificate, and do hereby irrevocably
constitute and appoint................... Attorney
to transfer the said Shares on the books of the within named Corporation with full power of substitution in the premises.
Dated............. 19.......
In the presence of
Read the lexical commentaries for better comprehension.
certify — свідчити — свидетельствовать registered holder — зареєстрований власник —
зарегистрированный владелец attorney — адвокат surrender — передача be properly endorsed — з відповідним надписом про
передачу — с соответствующей надписью о передаче witness — свідоцтво, доказ — свидетельство,
доказательство duly authorized officer — повноважний представник —
полномочный представитель corporate seal — печатка корпорації —
печать корпорации assign — асигнувати — ассигновать full power of substitution in the premises — з повним правом
заміни у власності, що повинна бути передана — с
полным правом замены в собственности, которая
должна быть передана
7. Act as an interpreter representing Samsung Electronics at a briefing with journalists
Mrs. Fedotova, journalist, "Komsomolskaya Pravda":
Містер Лі Кун Xi, Самсунг Електронікс є концерном чи акціонерним товариством? друге запитання: як розподіляється акціонерний капітал у Самсунг Груп? Мистер Ли Кун Хи, является ли Самсунг Электронике концерном или акционерным обществом? И второй вопрос: как распределяется акционерный капитал в Самсунг Груп?
The Chairman of Samsung Group, Mr. Lee Кип Нее: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is a stockholding company. 55,45 % of the shares belong to the private investors; 22,85% — to financial institutions and funds; 15,25 % — to affiliated companies; 4,45 % — to me and my family, 2 % — to my employees.
7. Topics for further discussion.
1) Computers in our everyday life: advantages and
2) Do you use a computer in your studies at the University?
3) Is it necessary for a contemporary person to know how
the computer works and how to use it?
4) In what cases is it more efficient to use a computer than
to do the job without using it?
5) Can computers substitute teachers in school studies?
6) What possibilities will open to you while using computers?
SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCEYou want to participate in the work of international conference or congress or to organize its work, but you don't know how to do it. What's the procedure? How to obtain information about it? Look through the set of documents necessary for it. Make up your own conclusions.
1997 European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, Stockholm, Sweden September, 7-11 Preliminary Program
Welcome address
On behalf of the European Respiratory Society it is an honour for us to welcome you and to be your host in Stockholm during the annual ERS congress for 1998.
The ERS annual congress will for the first time be held in Scandinavia and it is a pleasure for us not only to invite you to a conference of the highest scientific standard but also to present Stockholm, and, if you wish, other exciting places in Sweden.
The scientific planning of the congress had resulted in a most exciting program with more than 40 major and assembly symposia not counting the numerous free communication sessions. The official program will cover all aspects of modern lung medicine from basic science including advanced treatment such as lung transplantation.
You are further invited to attend an opening ceremony where the City of Stockholm is our generous host treating all delegates to food and drinks. We are also happy to have arranged a concert to which the delegates are invited to enjoy a party with perfect music.
Jacob Вое Kjell Larsson
Chairman Vice-chairman
7. You have got a confirmation about your abstract acceptance. Now you should fill in the Reservation form for your hotel accommodation. Do it in the form provided below
Reservation Form
(Hotel Accommodation, Sightseeing Tours, Social Events, and Post Congress Tour)
Please write your name in block letters
Family name........... First name...............
Mailing address:......................................
Country............. tel:.............. fax...........
Name of accompanying person...............
Accommodation: arrival.. departure.......
Hotel price category Number of rooms
Single room Double roomincl. breakfast incl. breakfastA 200-25250-300
В 150-200 200-250
Hotel deposit
Price category А В
per room 100 75
Administration fee 150
Taxi Voucher 30
Social events 100
Sightseeing tour 200
Payment should be made in USD , payable to Stockholm
Convention Bureau
Banker's Draft. Eurocard/Mastercard....
Diners Club...... American Express.........
Bank account..............................
Charge my card No................... with expiry
Total USD:...............
Date.................... Signature...................
8. You have to prepare a speech about your scientific research. Do it using the following phrases and word combinations
I would like to begin with......
The key thing I'd like to start with is..
The subject of my speech is
I'm going to deal with......
I'd like to fix(draw) your attention on (to) the following questions
Assume that........
These assumptions call attention to......
On the other hand..
It is safe to say that..
In order to go more thoroughly into this problem
It is essential for....
In addition to..
As mentioned above......
It is necessary to determine here......
It should be stressed here.
Here is an illustrative explanation of...........
Previous investigations show................
From the viewpoint of............
Perhaps it will be polemic to.........
In this sense I would like to emphasize........
I would like to raise some questions related to
Thus,we come to the following conclusion..
Thank you for attention............................
... insurance, no disability insurance, no sick leave, no vacation pay, and so on. These benefits may add up to 30% or more of a worker’s income. 6. Limited growth. If the owner becomes incapacitated, the business often comes to a standstill. Furthermore, a sole proprietorship relies on its owner for most of its funding. Therefore expansion often is slow and there are serious limits to how much one ...
... by cable, 1000 tons of ore. The Sellers have sold and the Buyers have bought on the terms and conditions set forth and subject to General Conditions on Sale endorsed… Exclusive – it’s important in contracts. English is vast and its usage creates difficulties in many cases. Exclusivity as a term means that somebody is bored from dealing with another one in a specified area. In the lexicon of ...
... , Conclusion and Appendix. Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylay Khan Chair of LexicologyE. Gadyukova Group 406 English Teaching DepartmentThe Linguistic Background of Business Correspondence(Diploma Paper)Scientific Supervisor Associated Professor Bulatova S. M.Almaty, 2001 Part I The Basic Forms Of Communication As David Glass is well aware, ...
... новую песню?) Yes, I will (да, приду, да, буду, да сделаю). Не то чтобы will сдавал позиции. Просто come и gonna отвоевывают позиции под лучами англоязычного солнца. Конечно, об активном разговорном American English — языке общаг, кухонь, "Макдональдсов", спортивных площадок, колледжей и казарм — можно говорить еще и еще, но, как выражаются американцы: next time — как-нибудь в следующий раз. ...
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