31. Read the text and answer the questions.
The Spartans lived in that part of southern Greece called Laconia. Sometimes people called them Spartans and sometimes Laconians. Those people were very brave and their way of life was very simple. One of their rules was that they should always speak very briefly (кратко) using no more words than were necessary. To this day we often call a short answer laconic; that is, such an answer as a Laconian might give.
There was in northern Greece a land called Macedonia, ruled over by a king, Philip by name. Philip wanted to become head of all Greece. He had a great army and conquered state after state. But although his strength was so great, Laconia remained free. When Philip reached Laconia, he sent a letter to the brave Spartans saying, “If I conquer your country, I will level your great city to the ground.” In a few days he saw the answer brought to him. Upon opening the letter he found only one word written in it. That word was “If”.
1. Why did Laconians speak very briefly?
2. What do we call a short answer?
3. Why did Philip attack Laconia?
4. Why did Spartans answer Philip’s letter in one word?
5. Do you always speak laconically? When do you speak laconically?
32. Read the text and answer the questions.
Robin Hood fought against those who oppressed people. Robin Hood took money from the oppressors and gave it to the poor people. The Sheriff tried to arrest him but could not do it. At last the Sheriff decided to organise a shooting contest where he could arrest Robin Hood. He knew that Robin Hood could shoot quite well. The appointed prize was a golden arrow. On the day of the contest the Sheriff was looking everywhere for Robin Hood but did not see him.
Suddenly, a man in red appeared in the village. There were several companions with him, too. He won the contest and recieved the prize. When he was leaving the town, an idea came to his mind. He shot an arrow into the Sheriff’s open window. There was a paper attached to it with the following words: “Robin Hood thanks the honourable Sheriff for the Golden Arrow.”
1. What did Robin Hood do?
2. Why did the Sheriff want to catch Robin Hood?
3. Why did the Sheriff organise the shooting contest?
4. Why did Robin Hood decide shoot an arrow into the Sheriff’s window?
5. Was the Sheriff glad to get an arrow in the window? Why do you think so?
33. Read the text. Choose the best answer to each question.
Children and Work
England could be growing richer using the workforce of schoolchildren who are working too young. Perhaps England has about a million children workers.
A national study that will be organised by specialist Chris Pond, will find out if employers are making young people do difficult work for a child’s wages.
Mr. Pond says the aim of the study is not to stop children’s work. He thinks many young people enjoy working - and they especially enjoy the pocket money they earn. However, they may also be paid less money. They risk being in danger and they miss school very often.
Six weeks ago the Government started a campaign against children missing classes, with a plan to punish parents who allow their children not to go to school regularly. Politicians were shocked by a new report which showed as many a seven out of 10 children who don’t got to school at least once a month.
Through his study, Mr. Pond also hopes to find out what children spend their money on. ‘I don’t expect to find that they are working to help their families- although some might be. Most are likely to be spending money on compact discs and sporting clothes for themselves,’ he said.
1. What becomes clear from this part of the text?
In England
A. children who have a job earn a lot of money.
B. many children who are not old enough have jobs.
C. parents often force their children to take on jobs.
2. What will Chris Pond try to find out?
A. What kind of work children ususally do.
B. Whether working children are paid too little.
C. Why so many children have jobs.
3. What does this part of the text make clear?
A. Children should not be allowed to work for money.
B. Young people often know the disadvanges of jobs very well.
C. Working not only has positive but also negative sides for children.
4. What sort of campaign did the Government start six weeks ago?
A campaign against
A. children behaving badly to teachers.
B. children having all kinds of jobs.
C. children staying away from school a lot.
5. What does Mr. Pond want to find out?
A. How much money working children have to give to their parents.
B. On what things children spend the money they have earned.
C. With what kind of work children earn most.
... основой, как бы ни была она элементарна, для реализации образовательной, воспитательной и развивающей функций в обучении английскому языку уже на начальном этапе. 1.6. Формирование коммуникативных навыков на начальном этапе обучения Формирование навыков общения на иностранном языке начинается с понимания. Затем происходит усвоение нужной лексики и умение использовать ее в нужной речевой ...
... и развивает способности к анализу и обобщению. Заключение Изучение научной и методической литературы по проблеме позволило сделать вывод о том, что использование технических средств обучения на уроках иностранного языка дает возможность изложить материал наглядно, способствует повышению качества обучения и уменьшения утомляемости учащихся. Технические средства обучения помогают учителю в ...
... работы с видеоматериалами и их задачи Одной из основных задач обучения английскому языку является развитие навыков говорения, поэтому главной целью в обучении английскому языку с использованием видеоматериалов является обучение устной и письменной речи. Демонстрация любого видеоматериала методисты разбивают на этапы. Так, Ю.А. Комарова рассматривает функционирование видеофрагментов в учебном ...
... начинается в I классе. В X-XI классах вводятся интегративные модульные курсы и преподавание отдельных предметов на иностранном языке. На изучение иностранного языка выделяется не менее 46 часов в I-XI классах. Очевидно, что возможности использования дополнительного материала, каковыми являются информационные ресурсы Интернета, в каждой из указанных моделей разные. Однако и учащиеся в каждом типе ...
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