1.6. Ability to independently generate one or several stable states within own socio-cultural space

Socio-cultural system (SCS)

Possesses the ability to independently generate one or several stable states. Number of states depends on a period of the SCS evolution and may vary greatly (from one state occupying the whole SCS's territory, and up to several dozens)

Socio-cultural domain (SCD)

This ability manifests itself depending on the SCD's type:

* Stable SCD with stable population and stable homeland, as a rule, generates one stable state;

* Sporadic SCD with homeland where its population may be absent for centuries, generates one state that however exists only from time to time

Socio-cultural buffer zone

Never independently generates stable states. Buffer states constantly change their boundaries and, in general, greatly vary in their sizes and configurations. Subject to (conflicting) interests and state / conditions of competing neighbouring SCS-s, they may be represented either by one or several states. Any buffer states are extremely unstable and always greatly depend on external factors (inter-relations of neighbouring SCS-s, in particular)

Mixed socio-cultural region

Never independently generates stable states, though areas inhabited by certain population - but never states - may be quite stable. May have both one or several states as well as no states at all: everything depends on positions of SCS-s participating in the region's assimilation, and the evolutionary age of the mixed region itself

1.7. Concentration of the considerable reserves of vitally important natural resources within own socio-cultural space

Socio-cultural system (SCS)

Usually possesses considerable reserves of vitally important natural resources. Their structure differs significantly and, of course, depends on previous geological history of the SCS's territory, but in general available resources allow the SCS's economy to exist, in practice, autonomously

Socio-cultural domain (SCD)

SCD's territory, as a rule, isn't considerable in itself, and most often reserves of vitally important natural resources are not contained there. In case of Northern SCD, their independent exploitation is in fact impossible due to primitive level of this SCD's general progress

Socio-cultural buffer zone

As a rule, there are no considerable reserves of vitally important natural resources within socio-cultural buffer zones. And if such resources are found, then unstable space of a buffer zone becomes an object for the next re-partition by competing neighbouring SCS-s, and buffer zone itself is again left without an important natural resource

Mixed socio-cultural region

Considerable reserves of vitally important natural resources may be found, but their exploitation is completely determined by various SCS-s participating in a mixed region's assimilation, and is an external business for the particular mixed region itself

1.8. Ability to generate ecological crises as a steps in assimilating own socio-cultural space

Socio-cultural system (SCS)

Possesses the ability to generate ecological crises within local spaces during process of their assimilation, in order to move then further, to new territories with better natural and living conditions - in order to generate ecological crises there afresh. Such is, as a matter of fact, strategy of an initial socio-cultural assimilation of territories within utmost possible limits. After the boundaries of the socio-culturally assimilated spaces are defined, ecological crises lose their socio-cultural meaning and are not being generated any more

Socio-cultural domain (SCD)

There is no such ability. SCD-s do not generate ecological crises as a step in a space assimilation, and are adapted to their natural environment with maximum correctness. The reason is not so much their highly-developed culture, but mainly their inability to expand own socio-culturally assimilated space

Socio-cultural buffer zone

Socio-culturally oriented ecological crises may take place in a buffer zones, but they are never aimed to expand their own socio-cultural space and / or assimilate alien territories, and are results of periodic fluctuations of a buffer zone's territory influenced by neighbouring SCS-s. The reason for such ecological crises may be, for instance, next in turn replacement of a dominating SCS. Similar ecological crises are generated not by buffer zone itself, but by one of neighbouring SCS-s within a buffer zone's space - as a sort of socio-cultural provocation aimed at achieving certain purposes of a certain SCS

Mixed socio-cultural region

Socio-culturally oriented ecological crises may take place in a mixed regions, but they are never aimed at expanding their own socio-cultural space and assimilating alien territories, and are results of periodic changes in the SCS-s' power arrangements in the region. The reason for such ecological crisis may be, for instance, next in turn replacement of a dominant in the region

Информация о работе «Терминология и используемые концепции english»
Раздел: Иностранный язык
Количество знаков с пробелами: 91703
Количество таблиц: 40
Количество изображений: 8

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