4.7. Ability to maintain multinational structure of population, with various languages, within own socio-cultural formation
Socio-cultural system (SCS)
Possesses such ability. Can maintain whatever multinational structure of population and large numbers of languages, even representing different lingual groups. Unity and integrity of the SCS's spaces is determined by their respective assimilation. National and lingual diversity do not have an influence on SCS in principle. In this respect SCS-s may demonstrate staggering tolerance that grows substantially after completing the socio-cultural transformation of the respective territories
Socio-cultural domain (SCD)
Has no such ability. Within own homeland, consistent intolerance to different nationalities and their suppression develop. In case of SCD with own stable homeland, mono-national structure of population and singular language usually take place
Socio-cultural buffer zone
Has a multinational structure of population and big numbers of languages that are foreign relatively one another. They are united only by the neighbouring SCS-s' pressure that affects all the nations of a buffer zone. This pressure may be reflected differently on a different nations, and it naturally gives rise to inner problems within the buffer zone's population
Mixed socio-cultural region
Has a multinational structure of population and big numbers of languages that are foreign relatively one another. They are united only by the fact that pressure of the competing for the region SCS-s affects all its nations / population. This pressure may be reflected differently on a different nations, and it naturally gives rise to inner problems within the mixed region's population
5.1. Own specific world religion, or its own unique version
Socio-cultural system (SCS)
Always possesses own world religion or its own unique version. This is the unique quality and indication of SCS
Socio-cultural domain (SCD)
Has no own world religion. SCD's religions may be of a national character only and are bound to this particular SCD at most
Socio-cultural buffer zone
Has no own world religion. Some version of the neighbouring SCS's religion always dominates. Choice of the religion is determined by specific historical and often circumstantial factors; in general, it's completely regulated by correlation of the neighbouring SCS-s' positions in the area
Mixed socio-cultural region
Various world religions may peacefully co-exist there, with no obvious dominance of any one. Structure of religions represented in the region is determined in many respects by external factors
5.2. Ability to propagate and diffuse own version of religion outside own socio-cultural formation for the purpose of other territories transformation
Socio-cultural system (SCS)
Possesses such ability. This is the unique quality and indication of SCS: it promotes own version of religion in a process of assimilation of alien territories and population
Socio-cultural domain (SCD)
Has no such ability
Socio-cultural buffer zone
Has no such ability
Mixed socio-cultural region
Has no such ability
5.3. One or several dominant languages
Socio-cultural system (SCS)
Within lingual diversity, one or few languages obviously dominate. There may also exist substantial number of stable languages with limited circulation. Language isn't an absolute indicative distinction of the particular SCS from the rest of the socio-cultural formations. SCS's dominant language may widen its circulation quite independently from the SCS itself
Socio-cultural domain (SCD)
There is always one clearly dominating language that serves as a basis for singling out this particular socio-cultural formation from the rest of the world. This is an absolute indicative distinction of SCD-s from the rest of the socio-cultural formations
Socio-cultural buffer zone
Essence of this socio-cultural formation is such that considerable number of languages always co-exist there, in a proportion that is characteristic for population of some particular buffer zone. There are no and cannot be whatever dominant languages
Mixed socio-cultural region
Essence of this socio-cultural formation is such that considerable number of languages always co-exist there, in a proportion that is characteristic for population of some particular mixed region. There are no and cannot be whatever dominant languages
5.4. Ability to widen circulation of the own dominant language(-s) as a daily used one(-s) outside own socio-cultural formation
Socio-cultural system (SCS)
Able to widen a circulation of own language outside own homeland, and first of all - in the internal buffer zone and among the naturally dependent vassals. Such language begins being used there as a daily mean of communication that is an important element of the process of socio-cultural assimilation of territories and population. This is the unique quality and indication of SCS
Socio-cultural domain (SCD)
Has no such ability. Language is a unique attribute of the particular SCD's population and may only be diffused together with its bearers. Population of other socio-cultural formations never use this language as a mean of daily communication
Socio-cultural buffer zone
Has no such ability. Diffusion of a language(-s) may only accompany migrations of a buffer zone's population which, however, easily adopts language(-s) of either a more attractive or dominant SCS
Mixed socio-cultural region
Has no such ability. Diffusion of a language(-s) may only accompany migrations of a mixed region's population which, however, easily adopts language(-s) of either a more attractive or dominant SCS
... систем одного языка, так и для контрастивных исследований. При сопоставлении правовой терминологии английского и русского языков появляются другие классификационные признаки. Выводы по первой главе Рассмотрев теоретические предпосылки изучения терминологии в целом, и юридической терминологии в частности, можно сделать следующие выводы: 1. Существует множество определений понятия «термин», ...
... части. К первой относились избранные высшие слуги, прежде всего шотландцы Королевской Спальни, которым доставалась львиная доля королевской милости, ко второй – все остальные слуги, за счет которых проводилась экономия. Тем самым при яковитском дворе был создан почти непреодолимый социально-экономический барьер между слугами. 3.2.Некоторые особенности механизма получения придворных должностей, ...
... контакты", "Многоязычие в социологическом аспекте". Их исследованием занимаются социолингвистика (социальная лингвистика), возникшая на стыке языкознания и социологии, а также этнолингвистика, этнография речи, стилистика, риторика, прагматика, теория языкового общения, теория массовой коммуникации и т.д. Язык выполняет в обществе следующие социальные функции: коммуникативная / иформативная ( ...
... , характерные для диалогических реплик). 2.3. Лингвистический аспект логичности Несмотря на то, что в методике преподавания иностранного языка необходимость развития логичной речи является аксиомой, при исследовании проблемы обучения культуре иноязычного общения само понятие логичности нуждается в уточнении. Чаще всего под логичностью речи понимают последовательность выражения мысли, что ...
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