3.3. Ability to create socio-cultural enclave-communities

Socio-cultural system (SCS)

Able to create stable enclave-communities within alien socio-cultural formations

Socio-cultural domain (SCD)

Able to create stable enclave-communities within alien socio-cultural formations

Socio-cultural buffer zone

Able to create temporary enclave-communities within alien socio-cultural formations during periods of excessive emigration, but with time these enclave-communities always become themselves assimilated into their foster socio-cultural formations

Mixed socio-cultural region

Able to create temporary enclave-communities within alien socio-cultural formations during periods of excessive emigration, but with time these enclave-communities always become themselves assimilated into their foster socio-cultural formations

3.4. Ability to establish colonies, military-political and economic vassals outside own homeland

Socio-cultural system (SCS)

If necessary, may generate such vassals and colonies alike, usually established to solve certain internal problems produced in the process of own socio-cultural evolution and other territories' transformation

Socio-cultural domain (SCD)

In case of necessity and as a result of a certain, advantageous external situation, SCD-s with stable homelands may generate colonies and vassals, but only for a very brief time. However, this never leads to socio-cultural transformation of neither stable SCD-s themselves nor peoples and territories temporarily subordinate to them. Sporadic SCD-s never establish neither vassals nor colonies

Socio-cultural buffer zone

May generate colonies and vassals of a second grade, with this permanently being itself a vassal of a certain neighbouring SCS. Space temporarily controlled by the buffer zone states never exceeds the limits of internal and external buffer zones themselves. Changes of the controlled areas are absolutely unstable and always external matters for a buffer zone itself

Mixed socio-cultural region

Mixed socio-cultural region is usually itself a colony and / or vassal of a certain SCS and subject to the various SCS-s struggle and socio-cultural competition

3.5. Ability to create naturally dependent vassals in a course of a socio-cultural transformation of other territories

Socio-cultural system (SCS)

Has the ability to create naturally dependent vassals in a course of socio-cultural transformation of other territories. This is the unique quality and indication of SCS

Socio-cultural domain (SCD)

Has no such ability. Military-political and economic vassals of a second grade never become naturally dependent ones. SCD-s themselves may, for some historical time, become vassals of a neighbouring SCS and then use such subordinate status to achieve own goals and gain some socio-cultural benefits

Socio-cultural buffer zone

Has no such ability. Buffer zones never form naturally dependent vassals and themselves are always vassals of a neighbouring SCS. Change of a dominating SCS is a routine and always external matter

Mixed socio-cultural region

Has no such ability. Mixed socio-cultural regions never form naturally dependent vassals and themselves are always vassals of various SCS-s that pretend to assimilate some territories within the region. Change of a dominating SCS is a routine and always external matter


4.1. Existence of a relatively large quantities of own population

Socio-cultural system (SCS)

Quantities of the SCS's population, compare to general numbers of currently inhabiting the Earth people, are always significant. Most of the World's population lives within SCS-s

Socio-cultural domain (SCD)

Quantities of the SCD-s' population, as a rule, are not comparable to those of SCS-s', but may be quite significant, especially in the case of SCD-s with stable homelands

Socio-cultural buffer zone

Quantity of the buffer zone's population may be quite large, but, as a rule, it's never comparable to that of any taken separately SCS. It maintains definite tendency to periodically reduce the numbers of own population, at the expense of various mechanical migrations of its considerable parts

Mixed socio-cultural region

Quantity of the mixed region's population may be quite large, but, as a rule, it's not comparable to that of SCS

4.2. Ability to conduct a successive socio-cultural assimilation of alien population, by including it into own structure together with the new territories

Socio-cultural system (SCS)

Able to socio-culturally assimilate alien population successively. This ability manifests itself during periods of creating the own homeland and internal buffer zones. This is the unique quality and indication of SCS

Socio-cultural domain (SCD)

Has no such ability. SCD's population is rigidly reserved and unable to assimilate alien population in principle. Isolation from the rest of the world is a strict standard of SCD as a specific socio-cultural formation

Socio-cultural buffer zone

Has no such ability. There is no isolation as in case of SCD, but there is no assimilation of alien population either

Mixed socio-cultural region

Within mixed socio-cultural regions, assimilation of alien population and territories by various SCS-s takes place. At the developed stages of a mixed region assimilation, it ceases to exist

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Раздел: Иностранный язык
Количество знаков с пробелами: 91703
Количество таблиц: 40
Количество изображений: 8

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