7.1. Eurasia

We have already noted that Eurasia, of course, has the most bright and impressive history. Abstracting from the formal civilizational differences, we define the contours of epochal cycles for Asia and Europe. First of all, the analogies with contrasts of the historical development of the West and the East arise in this context. From the point of view of relatively big cycles, «the Asian model» is universal and the Western one is unique hereat, however, on the boundary of the third millennium under the influence of the global process of westernization, everything is presented vice versa. We emphasize that the roots of the Ancient Greek civilization, traditionally considered to be an ancestor of the European civilization, are in the heritage of the Mycenaean culture (2900-1470 BC), which in fact is the symbiosis of the interaction between nations of the Mediterranean ecumene and nations of the Asia Minor.

The most ancient early state formations of China, Mesopotamia, and India (Mohenjo-Daro) (4000-3000 BC) emerged under conditions of the Neolithic revolution. Thereby, the first stage of the first epochal cycle begins, in fact, for both Europe and Asia. The second stage of the cycle – involutionary one – is connected with the development of traditional agricultural civilizations in Mesopotamia (The Old Babylonian kingdom – near 1900-1600 BC), China, and India.

The co-evolutionary stage of the cycle is related to certain changes. China: near 1766 BC – the victory of the union of tribes Shan over Sa. Interfluve. The strengthening of the Hittites. 1750 BC – the Law of Hammurabi. Crete: 1700-1400 BC – the period of new palaces. Mynos.

The end of the first epochal cycle in Eurasia is identified with the evolutionary stage. The development of the Achaean civilization in Greece and Middle Assyrian Kingdom in Asia Minor (1500-1100 BC).

The second epochal cycle for Eurasia begins with the revolutionary stage of emergence of the polis system in Greece (13-12th centuries BC) that created the fundamental sociocultural distinctions between the «West» and the «East».

The involutionary stage of the second epochal cycle is connected with traditionalism of the Shan-In period in Ancient China (XIII-XII centuries BC), and the co-evolutionary stage began with events of the Trojan War (1190-1180 BC). The second epochal cycle in Eurasia finished with the evolutionary stage, with the following events-beacons: IV Babylonian dynasty (1204-1072 BC) the new kingdom of Hittites (1400-1300 BC). Italy: the peak of the Etruscan culture. Greece: Homer, Hesiode.

The revolutionary stage started the third epochal cycle for Eurasia. Greece: 776 BC. The Olympic Era. The beginning of the ephor list in Sparta. 753 BC – the traditional date of foundation of Rome. China: IV-V centuries BC. Lao Tzu. Taoism. Persia: Zoroastrianism. Avesta. India: IX-VI centuries BC. Upanishads. 583-488 BC. Buddha. 551-479 BC. Confucius.

The involutionary stage of the epochal cycle: Assyria and Persia: «the world powers» (VII-VI centuries BC).

The co-evolutionary stage is connected with the following historical events: Rome: 510 BC – the republican government. 500-449 BC – the wars between the Greeks and Persians. The rise of Athens, the «West» repulses the pressure of the «East», having defended its unique way of development. 444-429 BC – Pericles – the strategist of the Athenian democracy. 481-221 BC. China: the war for the hegemony between the largest seven kingdoms.

The third epochal cycle of historical development of Eurasia is completed by the evolutionary stage, which is identified with the following events of particular importance. Greece: 434-404 BC – The Peloponnessian war between Athens and the «totalitarian» Sparta. 427-348 BC – Platon. The Romans defeated the Etruscans and adapted their cultural tradition. China: near 400 BC – the beginning of creation of the Great Chinese wall. India – the Empire of Maurya. 378-338 BC – the Second Athenian naval union. «The Gold Autumn» of Athens. 384-322 BC – Aristotle. 356-323 BC Alexander the Great. The campaigns to the East. The first attempt of the «West» to create the universal empire by subordinating the East.

The fourth Eurasian epochal cycle is started by the revolutionary stage: 323-281 BC – the Diadochian wars. The emergence of the system of Hellenistic states, countervailing Rome in the Mediterranean region. India: 268-231 BC – Asoka. Buddhism – the official religion.

The involutionary stage of the fourth cycle: near 200 BC – Ecclesiast: «What took place is taking place now, what will take place has already taken place». Rome: 201 BC – the victory over Carthage. 196 BC – Rome politically subordinated Greece, though the conquerors were conquered by the Greek culture, which favored the process of consolidation of the European civilization.

The co-evolutionary stage of the mentioned epochal cycle is identified with the beginning of the crisis of the Roman Republic – 133-131 BC – the Civil wars. 153-121 BC – Gaius Gracchus – an attempt of the agricultural reform. 101-44 BC – Gaius Julius Caesar. The incursions of Germanic tribes.

The conclusion of the fourth epochal cycle is connected with the submission of Hellenistic states to Rome in 66-62 BC. Pompey – the campaign to the East. The submission of Judaea to Rome.

The fifth Eurasian epochal cycle may be schematically presented in the following way. The revolutionary stage of the cycle began with the Rome’s transformation into the «world superpower». 374 BC Herod I – the governor of Judaea. The beginning of the Christian calendar. 18-29 AD – China: The revolt of the «Red brows». 68 AD – Apostle Peter is executed. The persecution of the Christians in the Roman Empire.

The involutionary stage of the mentioned cycle is identified approximately with three centuries, approximately since the rule of Emperor Trajan (98-117 AD), when the Roman Empire reached the peak of its power and had regular trade contacts with China.

The egression of Eurasia from the normative condition of development and the beginning of the co-evolutionary stage is connected with the peripetias of «the Great migration of nations». 375 AD – the incursion of Huns into Europe. 395 AD – the Western Roman Empire and Byzantine Empire. 445 the campaigns of Attila (died in 453 AD). 449 AD the beginning of invasion of the British Isles by the Anglo-Saxons. Byzantine Empire: 482-565 AD – the rule of Justinian. 481-511 AD – Chlodwig, the king of Franks. Besides the Great migration of nations, the most important events of this stage of the cycle are connected with the entrance of a new world religion, Islam, to the historical stage (570-632 AD – Mohammed, the 20th of September, 622 – the beginning of Islamic Chronology) and with the «awakening» of the Slavs (623-658 – the state of Samo on the territory of the contemporary Czechia and Moravia in the struggle against the Avar khanate). 661-750 – the Caliphate of Omayyads. (The control over the territory from Central Asia to Spain). 618-906 – China: the Dynasty of T’ang. 645-858 – Japan: the emperorship. 726-843 Byzantine Empire: iconomachy.

The evolutionary stage of the fifth Eurasian epochal cycle is identified with the rule of Carolus Magnus (768-814), who was the virtual emperor of Western Europe since 800. 756 – the papal States (Vatican) were created. Rus: 862-879 Rurik. The influence of the Varangians. 863 AD – Cyril and Methodius, the creation of the Slavic writing. 864 AD – Bulgaria accepted the Christianity. 843 AD – Verdun: the division of the Empire of Carolus Magnus (France, Italy, Germany). 966 AD – Poland: Latin Christianity, 988 AD – Rus – Byzantine Christianity. 1054 AD – Pope Leo IX and Constantinopolitan patriarch Michael Cerullary laid anathema upon each other. The split: the Catholic and the Orthodox. 1071 AD – the defeat of Byzantine Empire in the battle with Turks-Seljucks near Manazkert. 1077 AD – Canossa. Henry IV – Gregorius VII – the war between the civil and the spiritual authorities for the investiture.

The evolutionary stage of the fifth epochal cycle comprises eight crusades (1096-1270) that culturally lifted European monarchies to the level of development of West Asian nations and, at the same time, spiritually prepared West Europeans to the period of the Great colonial seizures of XVII-XIX centuries. In the Asian part of Eurasia, the evolutionary stage of the epochal cycle is connected with the rise and decline of the Mongol domination.

1155-1227 – Temuchin (Chingiskhan).

1237-1240 – Mongol campaigns to Russia.

1274 – Khublai: the attempt to invade Japan.

1279-1368 – China: the Mongol Empire Yuan.

1206-1526 – the Delhi Sultanate.

1250-1517 – the Mamelukes: Egypt, Syria.

The sixth Eurasian epochal cycle began with the Early Renaissance in Italy: 1304-1374 – Francesco Petrarca; 1313-1375 – Jiovanni Boccaccio. 1378-1449 – the great split in the Catholic Church. 1380 – the Kulikovo battle. The beginning of the growth of the Moscowian czardom. The Hundred Years’ war between England and France. 1410-1431 – Joan of Arc. 1453 – the fall of Constantinople. 1440 – Johann Gutenberg: the technology of printing. 1371-1415 – Jan Hus. The beginning of the Reformation in Europe. 1492 – the «discovery» of America by Columbus. 1517 – Luther – theses. 1541 – the victory of Calvin in Geneva. 1556-1598 – Philip II the Spanish. 1581 – the independence of the Netherlands (1648). 1520-1566 – Suleyman I Kanuni.

The blossom of the Ottoman Empire. The involutionary phase of the cycle comprises practically the 17th century, when Europe changed the rhythm of historical development of numerous nations of Asia, Africa, America by its colonial seizures. 1618-1648 – the Thirty Year’s war between the Catholic and the Protestant unions in Europe. The genesis of the system of the European balance. 1683 – the defeat of the Turks near Vienna. The beginning of a decline of the Ottoman Empire (till 1918). The transition from the normative to transitive condition at the co-evolutionary stage of the cycle is connected with the European epoch of Enlightenment. 1700-1721 – the Northern War. The transformation of Russia to the Eurasian empire. 1756-1763 – the Seven Years’ War that spread from Europe to the British and French colonies. 1789-1794 – the Great French Revolution. 1848-1849 – bourgeois-democratic revolutions in Europe. 1868 – the Meiji» reforms in Japan. 1908 – the Young Turkish revolution. 1911 – Sin-Hai Revolution in China. 1917-1921 – Revolution in Russia.

The evolutionary stage of the sixth Eurasian epochal cycle is connected with the process of «globalization» and «modernization» of the entire Eurasian area. 1914-1918 – the First World War. 1929-1933 – the Great Depression. 1939-1945 – the Second World War. 1949-1989 – «the cold war». 1958 – the creation of the European Economic Community. 1978 – reforms in the People’s Republic of China. 1985-1991 – the «perestroika» in the USSR. 1979 – the Islamic revolution in Iran. 1990-1991 – the disintegration of the USSR and Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 1999 – the operation of the NATO in Kosovo.

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