7.2. America

Unlike Eurasia, America has no such number of epochal cycles. The beginning of the first of them is connected with the ancient state formations in South America (1800-1500 BC – Peru). The revolutionary phase of the cycle is identified with the migration of nations on the continent (near 1100 BC). Maya. 1200 BC – 400 BC – the Chovine culture in Peru. 4th century BC – 8th century AD – the culture of Nasca (Peru).

The involutionary phase of the cycle on the boundary of our era is connected with the immanent development of the civilization of Maya (Northern Yucatan). The middle of the X century – the struggle between the Maya and Toltec. 1000 AD – the Vikings in Greenland, near 1200 AD – the Cusco valley. The overcoming of the normative condition is connected with the discovery of America by Columbus. The co-evolutionary stage started since 1492. 1438-1463 – Sapa Inca. 1490 – intestine feuds between the Incans: Uaskar against Ataualpa. 1500 – the discovery of Brazil by Cobral. 1519-1521 – the invasion of Mexico by Cortes. 1531-1533 – Pizarro defeated the Incans. 1535 – Canada – the property of France. 1570 – the North American Iroquois league. 1607 – Virginia: Puritans.

The evolutionary stage of the cycle is ended with the colonization of North America by the Englishmen and Frenchmen, and South America – by the Spaniards and the Portuguese. For America, the first epochal cycle came to its end in the middle of the 18th century.

The second epochal cycle began with the revolutionary events. 1775-1783 – the War of Independence of the USA. 1810-1822 – the independence of the South American states from Spain. 1783-1730 – Simon Bolivar. 1823 – the Monroe doctrine. 1861–1865 – the Civil War in the USA. 1898 – the war of the USA against Spain. The establishment of the US hegemony in South and Central America.

The involutionary stage of the cycle lasts till the middle of the 20th century and is characterized by the domination of the military regimes in most South American countries. The period of 1900-1945 is connected with the immanent preparation of the USA to playing the role of «the single superpower».

The co-evolutionary stage of the second epochal cycle began with the revolution in Cuba (1959), 1973-1989 – the rule of Pinochet in Chile, 1979 – the revolution in Nicaragua. For South and Central America, the end of the 20th century is connected with a gradual democratization of political regimes and integrational processes. 1995 – MERCOSUR: Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay. 1993 – NAFTA: USA, Canada, Mexico. The free trade area from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego is planned to be created by 2005. On December 31, 1999, the USA quitted the Panama Canal Zone (1914). In fact, America entered the evolutionary stage of the cycle.

7.3. Africa

Africa was the cradle of the man. The most ancient state formations belong to the Egyptian civilization. The revolutionary stage of the first epochal cycle began practically with the emergence of the Old Egyptian Kingdom (3000-2800 BC) and the period of building the Pyramids.

The involutionary stage of the cycle is identified with the division of Egyptian nomes along the stream of Nile (near 1750 BC). It comprises about 1200 years substantially connected with the peak of might of the Ancient Egypt.

The co-evolutionary stage of the first African epochal cycle is connected with the history of the Late Egyptian kingdom (664-525 BC) and, in fact, ends with the war between Carthage and Rome for domination over the Mediterranean region and with the emergence of the Hellenistic Egypt near 200 BC. This event became the beginning of the evolutionary stage of the cycle that ended in the 7th century with the process of Islamization of Egypt.

The second African epochal cycle is connected with the history of the Negro-Australoid race (which consists of three subraces: Negritic, Negrilic, Bushman) and the transitional Ethiopian subrace.

The revolutionary stage of the cycle began on the boundary of Anno Domini with the emergence of the first state formations. West Africa: Ghana (III-XIII centuries AD), Mali (XIII-XVII centuries AD), the Songhai (Ghao) Empire (XIII-XVI centuries AD), Kanem-Bornu (VII-XVII centuries AD). Central Africa: Congo (X-XIII centuries AD), North-East Africa: the Acsum kingdom (III-IV centuries AD). Acsum embraced the Monophysite Christianity in the 4th century, which allowed Ethiopia to defend its independence in the colonial epoch. The 13th century – the peak of the might of Ethiopia.

The involutionary stage of the cycle is characterized by the beginning of the colonial seizures of Europeans (XV-XVI centuries). The export of Negro slaves to America delivered the blow upon the social relations of the African nations, which limited the possibilities of progressive development. In fact, the 300-400 years of colonial dependence deepened the external dependence of Africa by preserving the archaic social structure.

The co-evolutionary stage of the cycle is connected with the beginning of the process of decolonization. 1833 – the abolition of slavery in the British Empire. 1847 – the independence of Liberia (ex-American Negro slaves), 1858 – the Republic of South Africa. 1808-1830 – the reforms of Mohammed Ali in Egypt. 1869 – the opening of the Suez Canal.

The evolutionary stage of the second African epochal cycle began in the 1960’s with the establishment of independence of African countries and will last about one century.

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