24. Actual division of the sent.

The actual division of the sent. exposes its informative perspective showing what immediate semantic contribution the sent. parts make to total inf-tion conveyed by the sent. From the point of view of the actual division the sent. can be divided into 2 sections: thematic (theme) & rhematic (rheme). The theme expresses the starting point of communication; it means that it denotes an object or a phenomenon about which smth is reported. The rheme expresses the basic informative part of the com­munication, emphasizing its contextually relevant centre. Between the theme & the rheme intermediary, transitional parts of the actu­al division can be placed, also known under the term "transition". Transitional parts of the sent. are characterized by diff. de­grees of their informative value. The theory of actual division has proved fruitful in the study of the comm-tive properties of sent.s. In particular, it has been demonstrated that each comm-tive type is distinguished by fea­tures which are revealed first & foremost in the nature of the rheme. As a declarative sent. immediately expresses a proposition, its actual division pattern has a complete form, its rheme making up the centre of some statement. As an imperative sent. does not directly express a proposi­tion, its rheme represents the informative nucleus not of an explicit proposition, but of an inducement in which the thematic subject is usually zeroed. If the inducement is emphatically addressed to the listener, or to the speaker himself, or to the third person, thematic subjects have an explicit form.

The diff.ial feature of the actual division pattern of an inter­rogative sent. is determined by the fact that its rheme is inf-tionally open because this type of sent. expresses an inquiry about inf-tion which the speaker does not possess. The function of the rheme in an interrogative sent. consists in marking the rhematic position in a response sent., thus programming its content. Diff. types of ?s are characterized by diff. types of rhemes.

The analysis of the actual division of comm-tive sent. types gives an add-al proof of the "non-comm-tive" nature of the so-called purely exclamatory sent.s (e.g. "Oh, I say!"): it shows that interjectional utterances of the type don't make up grammatically predicated sent.s with their own informative per­spective; in other words, they remain mere signals of emotions.

1Communicative types of s-ces

3 cardinal s-ce types:declarative,


expr-s a statement(affir-ve/neg)

Im-ve - inducement(aff/neg),-

request/command. Int-ve -

request for infor-n.

Ch.Fries: classed them acc-g

to responses they elict. In this

system utter-ce is chosen as a

universal speech unit.

1)situation ut-s2) response ut-s.

1)were dividedinto 3 groups:

a)ut followed by oral responses

(greetings, calls,questions. hello!

dad!) b)ut-s eliciting action res-s

(requests/commands). c)ut-s

eliciting conventional signals

of attention to continuous

discours(statements). Also

exist non-commun-ve ut-s

(charact-c of surprise,anger,

pain-Oh!,Darn!). Another type

is recognized-exclamatory s-ce.

1 Each of cardinal com-ve s-ces

can be repres-ed in 2 variants:

excl-ry/non-exc. What a nice

dog! It's a very nice dog.Then

why in God's name did you come

?Why did you come?In the

light of of theory of actual

division: each comm-ve type

is distin-ed by spec. act-al div-n

features,which are revealed in the

nature of rheme. Dec-ve s-s espr-s certain proposition.Rheme makes up centre os statement-the next instant she had recogn-ed him.- rheme. Imp-ve s-s exp-s an urge to do smth/not to do. Rheme exp-s inform-ve nucleus of inducement. Its thematic subject is zeroed. Don't try to sidetrack me! Inter-ve s-s

expr-s inquiry about inf-n.Rheme is informat-ly opened. Purely excl-ry s-s -interjectional exlamations (Good Lord!)

2The simple s-ce and its parts

This is s-ce in which only 1 pred

-ve line is expr-ed. The nominative

parts are subj, pred-te,obj,adverbial,

attr-te,parenthetical enclosure,

adressing enc-re,interjectional enc-re.

The parts are arranged in hierarchy,

all perfom modifying roles. Subj-

person-modifier of subj-person.

Obj-substance-mod-ierof a processu

al part.Adve-l, attr-te are quality

mod-iers,pareth enc-speaker

bound mod-er,adr-g enc-re-mod-er

of destination,interj. enc-speaker

bound emotional mod. The idea

of verbal valency-principle of

dividing s-ce parts into obligatory

and optional.We disting-sh

between unexpanded simple

s-s(monopredic-ve s-s formed

only by oblig-ry notional

2 parts and expended s. s-s( mopr.

s. which includes oblig. parts+

optional parts, suplementive

mod-iers which don't constituate

pred-ve enlargement of the s-ce.

The tall trees by the island

shore were shaking violently in the gusty wind.-exp-ed. Acc-g to

presence of both members s-s

are classed into 2-member/1m.

1-axis constructions(who will

meet us?-Mary).Free 1-axis s-s -

elliptical. Reflecting the cat-es of

Subj:s-s are divided into personal/im# Pred-te:s-sare div-ed into process featuring(verbal) and substance # Subj-obj rel-s:s-s are subjective(J lives in London) /objective(J reads a book and neutral(John reads).

3The concept of Parad-tic Syntax

In contemprorary ling-cs paradig-c

approach provides theoretical ground

for treating the s-ce as a meaningful

linqual unit existing in a pattern form.

Paradigma-cs finds its essential expr-n

in system of oppositions. Syntactic

opp-ns are realized correlated s-ce

patterns the observable relations

between which can be described by

transformations, as transitions from 1

pattern of certain notional parts to

another pattern. So some patterns

should be approached as base patterns

and others as their transforms. Question

is is produced from statement, negation

from affirmation.

11 elementsthat relate given s to 1 that precedes it and semantically complete. On basis of funct-l nature of connc-rs cumulation is

divided into 1)conjunctive(then,


besides) 2)correlative a)substitutional connection(Mary woke me. She said..) b)representativeI went home. She accepted my departure indifferantly.

Elementary unit-segment of text

Can be built by a cumeleme or a single s. This unit is called dicteme. In written sp it’s pes-d by paragraph. P-s are conn-ed within frame work of larger elements of text.P groupings compose chapters of other compositional divisions.

4The Kernel Sentence

The initial basic element of

syntactic derivation,unit serving

as sen-ce-root and providing

objective ground for identifying

syntactic categorial oppositions.

The pattern of KS. is interpreted

as forming the base of paradig-c

derivation. Derivation isn't change

1 s into another. It's production

of more complex pattern const-s

out of kernel pattern const-s as

their structural bases. I saw him

come=I saw him+he came.

K.S. is an elementary s-ce which

is non-inter-ve,non-imper-ve,


4 Procedures of derivation:

1)morphological arrangement

(morph.changes expressing synt

actically relevant categories:

tense, aspect,voice)John+start=

J starts.2)usesof functional words

he understood me-he seemed to#

3)substitution The boys played-

they played.4)Deletion Would

you like a cup of tea?-a cup of tea? 5)intonational arrag-t we must go- we must go?6)positional arr-nt the man is here Is the man here?

5Syntactic Nominalization

Kernel s-s expand base s-s undergo

derivation changes into clauses and

phrases.Transformation of base s

into clause-clausalization.By way

of it s is charged into subordinate or

coordinate clausein the process of

subordinative or coordinative com

bination of s-s.This procedure includes

use of conjunctive words.They arrived+

I was relieved of my fears=When they

arrieved I was...Transformation of

base s into a phrase-phrasalization.

By it s is tras-ed into a semi-predic-ve

construction or a nominal phrase.

5 Nominal phrases are produced by the process of nominalization. It may be complete(consisting in completely depriving the s of its predic-ve aspect)

or partial(Partly depriving of it).

Partial nom-n produces infinitive and gerundial phrases. The resulting constr-s produced by application of these procedures in the process of derivational

combination of base s-s will be both simple expanded s-s(in case of complete nom-n_ and semi-composite s-s(in case

of partial nom-n).

6Syntactic Paradigm of predi-ve Func-s

As a part of predi-ve system kernel s-s

undergo such structural modifications as

immediately express the pred-ve functions of a s-ce, fun-s relating nominative meanings

of the s to reality. Pred-ve func-s are

divided into 1)lower fun-s(include expre

ssion of morph-l categ-s as tenses

and aspects) 2)higher fun-s(evaluative

.express functional semantics of relati

ng the nominative content of s to reality)

The principle pred-ve fun-s expr-ed by

6 syntactic categ-l oppos-s are the following: 1)?opposed to statement2)negation to

aff-n3)inducement to statement

4)unreality to reality5)probability to fact 6)modal identity to fact7)modal subject-

action relations to fact8)special actual subject action to fact9)phase of action

to fact 10)passive action to active

11)specialized actual division to non- specialized#12)emotiveness to un#.

7Composite s, structure,derivation

Is formed by 2 or more predi-ve lines

Expr-ses a complicated act of thought

Each pred-ve unit in a comp s makes

up a clause in it.The use of comp s-s

is s a special char-c of written speech.

Comp s display 2 types of construc


parataxis(coordination).Sub-n and

coord-n are main types of connect

ion of clauses. Sub-n-clauses are

arranged as units of equal rank.Co-n-

as units of unequal rank, dominated

by the other.The means combining

clauses are syndetic(conjuncti-al)

/asyndetic(non-#).Composite s-s

7 are classed into compound s-s

(coord-ing their clauses) and

complex (subord-ing#).

Cumulation -kind of syntactic

connection placing the sequential

clause in a sintactically detached

positin.-He was sent for,as I have

told you,very suddenly this morning.

There exist constr-ns where 1 pred-ve

line is combined with another 1, the

latter not being expr-ed comletely.

He ignored the question and remained


8Complex sentence

Is a polyper-ve constr-n built up

on the principle of subordination.

It's derived from 1 or more base

s-s 1 of which performs the role of

a matrix in relation to the others,

insert s-s.The matrix s becomes

principle clause,insert s-s-subor-te

clauses.The principle cl dominates

sub-te cl.Sub-te cl is joined to prin-l

cl by a subordinator or asyndatically.

How do you know he left the room?

Classif-n of sub-te cl-s:1)funct-l

clas-n 2)categorial cla-n1)Sub cl are

classed on the analogy of the posi

tional parts of simple s.2)are classed

by their nominal prop-s irrespective

of their positional relations in the s.

From point of v. of their nomin-ve

features they sub cl are divided into

a)cl naming event or fact-substantive

8 nominal.He knew what was right.

b)qualification-nominal(give char-c)

The man who came in the morning

left a letter.c)adverbial (gives quality

of descriptios)Describe it as you see it.

Connective word: 1)those that

occupy notional position in the der

ived cl-Positional subordinators:

conjunctive substitutes-who,what,


subord-rs-pure conjunctions:since,

because,though,however,than,as if.

All sub-te cl-s are divided into 1)cl

of primary nominal positions

(subject,pred-ve,obj.cl-s).2)of 2nd-ry

nominal positions(attributive)3)cl

of adverbial positions.(include cl

of time/place,manner/comparison,

of different circums-al semant-cs:

of condition,reason,result,cause,

concession, ,purpose.

9Compound sentence

Is a copposite s built on principle

of coordination.Coord-n can be

expr-ed syndatically(by means of

connections) or asyndatically.The

main semantic relations between cl-s

are copulative,adversative,disjunctive


Comp s is derived from 2 or more

base s-s connected on the principle

of coord-n syndet-lly or asyn-ly.

Base s-s lose their independ status

and become coord-te cl-s, parts of

a composite unity.1st cl is leading,

successive cl-s are sequential.

Coordinative connec-s are divided

9 into1)conjunctions proper(and,but,

neither,nor,for,either.and semi-

functional clausal connectors of ad

verbial character(then,yet,so,thus,


from semantico-syntactic point of v.

connection is analysed into 2 types:

1)unmarked coord-ve connection

2)marked #1)is realized by conj and

and also asyndetically.2)is effected

by pure and adverbial coordinators

(but,still,however etc.).

10 Semi-composite sentence

Is a s with 1 or more pred-ve lines

which are expr-ed in fusion.1 of

these lines is dominant, others-

make semi-pred-ve expansion of

the s. Semi-predi-ve line is either

wholly fused with dominant pred

-ve line of construction or parti

ally fused with it.Semi-composite

s displays intermediary syntactic

character between copmposite s

and simple s.According to ranking

structure of semi-cop. s-s there

exist semi-complex and s-comp

ound. S-complex is built up on

principle of subordination. It's

derived from minimum 2 base s-s


division based on char-r of pred

fusion-1)effected by process of

positional sharing:a)subject

sharing-The moon rose+the

m was red=the moon rose red.

b)object sharing we asw him+

he approached us=we saw him

10 approach us.2)linear expansion

a)attributive complication I came

late for supper+supper was served

in the dining room.b)adverbial

complic-nWindows were closed

+ she didn't hear noise=windows

being closed,she#.c)nominal-

phrase complicationTom's com

ing late annoyed his mother.

S-compound s is built up on

principle of coordination.

composed of 2 base s-s having

identical element sharing it in

coordinative fusion.By the number

of bases joined:1)2base2)multi-b

The connection types of 2) are:

a)syndetic a1)homosyndatic-

You saw flash,then heard crack,

then saw smoke. a2)heterosyndetic-

A woman came and looked at

them, but vanished when they

adressed her. b)asyndetic c)mixed

11 The Syntactic Structure of Text

S-s in continual speech aren’t used in isolation.They’re interconnected both

Semantically and syntactically. S-s come under broad grammatical arraagement They

May or may not build coherent sequence,

Depending on aim of speaker. Text can be interpreted as lingual enity with its 2 features:

Semantic unity, semantico-syntactic cohesion.

Division of s sequences in speech is based on communicative direction of their component

s-s.:1)monologue sequences2)dialoque s

1)s-s are directed from 1 speaker to his listeners-1-direction sequence. 2) s-s are directed to meet 1 another- 2direction seq-s.

1direction seq. Is based on syntactic cumulation of s-s. So the supra-segmental

construction of 1 direction commu-ve type is

11 Called cumulative sequence, a cumuleme. Formation of 2direct-n seq is based on sent-s being positioned to meet each other. Supra-segm. Const-n

-occurseme. Occ-me occupies place above cum-me.Cum-me is contrasted

by 2 or more s-s joined by cumul-n.

Occ-me contrasted by 2 or more cum-s. The supro-proposemic level is

Divided into1)lower level at which

Cumulemic connection os s-s are identified, and higher l at which occursemic #. S-s in cumulative seq

Can be connected prospectively

(prospective connector signals continuation of speech-I tell you, 1

or 2 things must happen). Or retrospectively (is effected by con-ve

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