18 December 1998



Dear Minister,

I am writing today to invite you to our 9th International Conference on Competition, which will be held on 10 and 11 May 1999 at the Hotel Inter­continental Berlin.

The subject of the 9th International Conference on Competition is:


I would be very pleased to welcome you to Berlin as a participant at our 9th International Conference on Competition. A simultaneous translation service will be available in German, English and French.

Yours sincerely,



Task III. Conversation on the topic of your thesis

аспирантура (канд. экз.)

Экзаменационный билет (на 2 листах) по дисциплине

английский язык

(специальность: гражданское право; предпринимательское право;
семейное право; мчп)

билет №10

Task I. Translate from English into Russian in writing using a dictionary. Your time is 45 minutes

Forms of and limits to SME co-operation

There are forms of co-operation among SME which do not in any way affect their scope of competitive action and parameters. In the absence of exclusivity arrangements, co-operation in the fields of training, common quality control or the sharing of transport does not necessarily involve restraints of competition. Such co-operation may often take the shape of cartel-free co-operation agreements.

Forms of co-operation whose sole purpose and intent is the restriction of competition are not to be exempt from a general ban on cartels. Therefore, no price agreements - not even among SME - should be permitted. Nor can co-operation among large firms only be permitted on the ground that the co­operation agreement is intended to benefit SME.

Problems do arise, however, when it comes to assessing anticompetitive effects of SME co­operation and weighing them against potential positive effects, or to defining the limits to co-operation and laying down suitable criteria.

Where to draw the line for a particular co-operation agreement in a specific market, however, can only be determined by an examination of every single case.

Inter-company co-operation which covers production, finance, management, administration, purchasing and/or selling as a rule involves diverse types of anticompetitive effects. In practice, the anticompetitive effects have to be weighed against the positive effects to see whether they are acceptable.

Nearly all forms of co-operation may enhance efficiency: conceivable are expansion of production, measures to improve the quality of products, extend the product range, shorten delivery channels and dates, reduce freight cost, share means of advertising or research facilities, streamlined purchasing or selling. Production shutdowns or closure, however, cannot be considered to enhance efficiency. Common purchasing or selling which involves exclusivity arrangements often results in a considerable restriction of the freedom of action and choice of the parties concerned or the opposite side of the market and may amount to a serious restraint of competition in a particular case which may outweigh the positive effects of the co-operation agreement and lead to prohibition.


SME Small and Medium Enterprises

Series Roundtables on Competition Policy. OECD, Paris, 1997

Task II. Translate the letter from English into Russian without a dictionary. Your time is 5-7 minutes

February 25, 2000

Mr. Alexander




Dear Mr. Zakharov:

Please find enclosed the draft Joint Statement on Technical Assistance which I received yesterday from the U.S. Trading Commission.

We understand that your office will undertake to forward this document to Chairman Parmenkov.

If the Russian Party finds the proposal acceptable, we should notify Ms. Corcoran of that fact.

We look forward to your future communications on this matter. Best regards.


Jeffrey A. Burt

Task III. Conversation on the topic of your thesis

аспирантура (канд. экз.)

Экзаменационный билет (на 2 листах) по дисциплине

английский язык

(специальность: уголовное право и криминология;
уголовно-исполнительное право)

билет №1

Task I. Translate from English into Russian in writing using a dictionary. Your time is 45 minutes


The downfall in January 1991 of President Siad Barre, the leader of Somalia for 21 years, resulted in a power struggle and clan clashes in many parts of the country. In November, intense fighting broke out in the capital, Mogadishu, between the faction supporting Interim President Ali Mahdi Mohamed and the faction supporting General Mohamed Farah Aidid, Chairman of the United Somali Congress.

Fighting spread to other regions of the country, with heavily armed elements controlling various parts of Somalia. Wide-spread death and destruction forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes. Almost 5 million people - over half the population - were threatened by hunger and disease. Nearly one million people sought refuge outside the country.

Despite the turmoil, the United Nations continued its humanitarian effort, and by March 1991 was fully engaged in the country, in cooperation with several non-governmental organizations. The Secretary-General also became increasingly involved with the political aspects of the conflict, in cooperation with the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the League of Arab States (LAS) and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).

In December, the Secretary-General dispatched an envoy to Somalia in an effort to restore peace. During that visit, all faction leaders expressed support for a United Nations role in bringing about national reconciliation.

On 23 January 1992, the Security Council imposed an arms embargo on Somalia and urged all parties to cease hostilities.

On 31 January, the Secretary-General invited Interim President Ali Mahdi and General Aidid, as well as the LAS, the OAU and the OIC, to send representatives to attend talks in February at United Nations Headquarters. The talks succeeded in getting the two factions to agree on a cease-fire, and to a visit by a delegation composed of the United Nations and the three regional organizations.

After intensive negotiations conducted by the delegation, the two parties signed in March an agreement on the implementation of the cease-fire. Further talks led to agreements on a cease-fire to be monitored by United Nations observers, and on the protection of humanitarian convoys by United Nations security personnel.

Task II. Translate the letter from English into Russian without a dictionary. Your time is 5-7 minutes

To: Ms Rodoula Ath. ZICCI

Deputy Minister

of National Economy

Информация о работе «Билеты для сдачи кандидатского минимума по английскому языку аспирантам специальностей правовед, бухгалтер, экономист, философ»
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