The ambitious woman who wants to make a career has to stick her neck out. If she's given a chance to take a job never before held by a woman, she grabs it. Would you behave like that under similar conditions? Explain why.
Write a definition to the word. You may use any
definition structure:
Give no less than five reasons to support the
Wild animals should not
be kept in captivity.
Give the Russian equivalent to the English
word combination:
to summarise a
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 16
The academic year begins in late summer, usually in September, and is divided into three terms, with holidays for Christmas, Easter and for the month of August, although the exact dates vary slightly from area to area. In addition each term there is normally a mid-term one-week holiday, known as ‘half-term’.
1. Write a naming definition of ‘half-term’.
2. Paraphrase the sentences using the words in brackets.
a. British children don’t attend school in August. (holidays)
b. The academic year begins in late summer. (end)
c. The exact dates vary from area to area. (different)
3. Write out an example of addition relationship and underline the marker of addition.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion. Out of sight, out of mind.
We on the committee have spent a lot of time and
effort on the question of hours. I mean, different people have
different opinions, obviously, and it doesn’t matter whether
you ask people here or outside, they all have their own opinions
about whether it’s a good idea or not. And since you get so
many different opinions, it’s not easy for a committee to come
to a final decision, but we have done what we think is right, and we
hope that if anybody is not completely happy, they won’t take
our ideas personally.
Since 1976 everybody in this firm has
worked 40 hours per week – previous to that the total was 44
hours for some people and 42,5 for others - and we have no intention
of changing the total. In any case, a change in the total number of
hours would only be possible after proper negotiations between
management and union representatives, and this is not the place to
anticipate any such negotiations in the near or distant future.
report concerns the feasibility of allowing members of staff to start
and stop work at the times that suit them best; the obvious proviso
is, of course, that everyone should still work a total of 40 hours
per week, as we do now. The suggestion of flexible working hours was
put forward to the directors by certain members of staff,
particularly those who have young children at school.
1. Identify
the controlling idea.
2. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.
The quality and quantity of the milk adjust automatically ________
the baby’s needs.
b. The milk comes ready-mixed, germ-free
and _______ the right temperature.
c. The milk builds up the
baby’s defences _______ disease.
3. Make an outline of the
Do you think the impact of a lecture is greater than that of a book? Why? Give your reasons to support your opinion.
Write a definition to the word. You may use any
definition structure:
a cockroach
Give no less than five reasons to support the
Living in an apartment
has many advantages for a student.
Give the Russian equivalent to the English word
to replace the words
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 17
English has become a world language because of its establishment as a mother tongue outside England, in all the continents of the world. This exporting of English began in the seventeenth century, with the first settlements in North America. Above all, it is the great growth of population in the United States, assisted by massive immigration in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, that has given the English language its present standing in the world.
1. Find and write out an example of cause/effect relationship and underline the marker of cause.
2. Note-taking. List the reasons why English has became a world language.
3. Write synonyms of the following words.
a. to facilitate
b. position
c. a native language
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion. He that is not with us is against us.
Living in an apartment many advantages. First, students can choose to
live in a quiet neighbourhood. A quiet neighbourhood is conductive to
studying. Away from the distractions of campus life, students can be
more serious about their studies. Second, apartment life allows
students to be more independent. For example, they can cook whatever
they want to eat and have their meals whenever they want them. Third,
students can often find apartments that are cheaper than the fee for
room and board in a dormitory.
1. Identify the topic and the
controlling idea.
2. What are the advantages listed concerned
with? Make an outline of the paragraph and give each group of
advantages a title.
3. “A quiet neighbourhood is conductive
to studying” is an opinion. Support it with an argument.
Writing is, for most, labourous and slow. The mind travels faster than the pen. Does this statement work in your case? How?
Write a definition to the word. You may use any
definition structure:
a teacher
Give no less than five reasons to support the
The problems of pollution
is growing more difficult every day.
Give the Russian equivalent to the English word
to complete the
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 18
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, to give it its formal title, is a highly centralised and unitary state, and its main component, England, has been so for almost a thousand years, longer than any other European country. As a political entity, however, Britain (as the United Kingdom is loosely called) is less than 300 years old, being the state which emerged from the union of the ancient kingdoms of Scotland and England in 1707.
1. Write out two examples of comparison / contrast sentences and underline the markers of comparison / contrast.
2. Write an expanded definition of Britain answering the question: What kind of state is it?
3. Find the false statement and correct it.
a) England has been a unitary state longer than other European countries.
b) The United Kingdom appeared as a result of the union of England and Ireland in 1707.
c) The official name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion. Eat to live, not live to eat.
Camping provides you with a real change from everyday living. You get
up earlier, go to bed earlier, develop a hearty appetite. You have
enormous opportunity to meet people of various nationalities and to
share your pleasures with them. People are so friendly when they are
relaxed. How remote the strained world of hotels seems when you are
camping! How cold and unfriendly the formal greetings that are
exchanged each day between the residents! For a few precious weeks in
the year, you really adopt a completely different way of life. And
that’s the essence of true recreation and real enjoyment.
Identify the controlling idea.
2. Fill in the gaps with
a. His way ________ life often surprises me.
b. I
really need a change ________ my usual routine.
c. I don’t
like sharing a room ________ a person I don’t know.
3. Put
the parts of the sentence in the correct order.
A. bitten to
B. it no longer
C. by mosquitoes
D. if you go
E. means that you will be
It's common knowledge that the revolution in science and technology today completely changes the nature and conditions of work and increasingly modifies all aspects of human activity. What educational problems arise in this connection?
Write a definition to the word. You may use any
definition structure:
a passport
Give no less than five reasons to support the
Not everybody can be a
good doctor.
Give the Russian equivalent to the English word
a formal definition
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 19
While Britain is instinctively thought of by many as ‘England’, so also the idea of England evokes images of the Queen, Parliament, Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London and the soft landscape of the southern counties of England. This is not so surprising since almost one quarter of the British people live within 25 miles of London’s Trafalgar Square. But it also reveals that England as well Britain is dominated by the south, and particularly the south east.
1. Find and write out two examples of comparison contrast relationship underline the markers of contrast and comparison.
2. Which of the words is the synonym of the underlined word?
This is not so surprising sinсe almost one quarter of the British people live within 25 miles of London’s Trafalgar Square.
... ситуации, 2 - создается картинка того, как конкретный человек, автор кейса относится к этой ситуации, и 3 – формируется собственное отношение. Становится возможным проговаривать разные решения по проблеме кейса. Я после этих занятий подумал, что было бы хорошо, если бы на нашем факультете появился курс, который также практически работал и с материалами наших курсовых и научных работ. Это очень ...
... классификации жанров и тщательного изучения её основных речевых характеристик. Данная классификация отражает все особенности, (отмеченные ранее) жанровой системы современных СМИ. Глава 3. Жанрово-речевая проблема студенческих печатных изданий. Газета «Петрозаводский университет» Современная российская пресса очень разнообразна: региональные издания, развлекательные газеты и журналы, « ...
... ФКиС. 17. Особенности менеджмента в различных физкультурно-спортивных организациях. 18.Технология выработки и принятия управленческого решения. 19.Принципы управления физической культурой и спортом. 20.Функции менеджмента в физической культуре и спорте: общая характеристика и основания классификации. 21.Методы управления физической культурой и спортом: общая характеристика и основания ...
... туроператору найти партнеров по сбыту в других странах и регионах, способных качественно и количественно удовлетворить требования туроператора по продажам. Поэтому реклама по форме и содержанию несет большую коммерческую нагрузку. 2 Разработка туристского продукта “День Рождения Царского Села” 2.1 Программа туристского продукта “День Рождения Царского Села” День 1 (воскресение) Встреча ...
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