Do you agree or disagree with the following quotation? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion. True love is like ghosts which everybody talks about but few have seen.
What a relief it is to grow up. Suddenly you regain your balance; the
world opens up before you. You are free to choose; you have your own
place to live in and your own money to spend. You do not have to seek
constant approval for everything you do. You are no longer teased,
punished or ridiculed by heartless adults because you failed to come
up to some theoretical standard. And if on occasion you are teased,
you know how to deal with it. You can simply tell other adults to go
to hell: you are one yourself.
1. Write synonyms of the following
a. grown up
b. cruel
c. Appreciation
2. Fill in
the gaps with prepositions.
a. What are you going to be when you
grow _______?
b. I didn’t know how to deal ______ the
c. The play wasn’t ______ to my expectations.
Make an outline of the paragraph.
Working at a part-time job while studying at a university has many advantages and disadvantages. What is your opinion on this subject? Use specific examples to support your answer.
Write a definition to the word. You may use any
definition structure:
a painter
Give no less than five reasons to support the
People usually choose
friends who are similar to themselves.
Give the Russian equivalent to the English word
cause relationship
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 23
You don’t have to be a genius to spot them. The men of the species are often uncombed; their ties never knotted squarely beneath their collars. The women of the species always manage to smear lipstick on their faces as well as their lips; in one hand they carry handbags which are stuffed full of accumulated rubbish; with the other, they drag a horde of neglected children behind them. With a sort of happy unconcern, both the male and female species litter railway stations, streets, parks, etc., with sweet wrappings, banana-skins, egg-shells and cast-off shoes. Who are they? That great untidy band of people that make up about three-quarters of the human race. An unending trail of rubbish pursues them wherever they go.
1. Summarise the paragraph in one sentence.
2. What do the following words refer to? Answer in full sentences.
a. Lipstick
b. Egg-shells
c. Trail of rubbish
3. Complete the table. Characteristics of untidy people.
Do you agree or disagree with the following quotation? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion. There is one step from the sublime to the ridiculous.
CHILD PRODIGY Ruth Lawrence made history yesterday when she came a
clear first out of the 530 candidates who sat the entrance exam for
St. Hugh’s College, Oxford. The all-women’s college is
likely to other her a scholarship. Ruth sat three three-hour papers –
Algebra and Geometry; Calculus, Probability and Statistics; and
Maths, Pure and Applied. ‘I was happy with the first two’
she said yesterday, ‘but I wasn’t sure about the
1. Summarize the paragraph in one sentence.
Find and correct the false statement.
a. Ruth passed two exams but
failed the third.
b. There will be no male students in Ruth’s
c. All the exams were in writing.
3. Fill the gaps
with words of your choice to match the information in the
Ruth Lawrence, aged 10, has come ________ in a
mathematics examination out of 530 other students, all hoping to go
to St. Hugh’s College, Oxford. She has already __________ her
maths A-level, but admitted that she was a bit _________ to do so
well in the entrance exam. She will go to Oxford at the _________ of
12. The Principal of the college said ‘She is obviously
Words are symbols representing ideas and experiences, though the same word can mean different things to different people. Do you agree with this statement? Give your examples to support your opinion.
Write a definition to the word. You may use any
definition structure:
a pencil
Give no less than five reasons to support the
Playing games teaches us
about life.
Give the Russian equivalent to the English word
the markers of
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 24
People who speak English fall into one of three groups: those who have learned it as their native language; those who have learned it as a second language in a society that is mainly bilingual; and those who are forced to use it for a practical purpose – administrative, professional or educational. One person in seven of the world’s entire population belongs to one of these three groups. Incredibly enough, 75% of the world’s mail and 60% of the world’s telephone calls are in English.
1. Write a classification of English speakers.
2. Write a formal definition of a bilingual society.
3. Find and correct the false statement.
a. There are more letters in English than in any other language.
b. 1/7 of all the people in the world can speak English.
c. 1/7 of the worlds population speak English as their native language.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion. Better one small fish than an empty dish.
Camping has so much to offer. You enjoy absolute
freedom. You have none of the headaches of advance hotel booking or
driving round and round a city at midnight looking for a room. There
are no cold hotel breakfasts, no surly staff to tip. For a
ludicrously small sum, you can enjoy comforts which few hotels could
provide. Modern camping sites are well equipped with hot and cold
running water and even shops and dance floors! Low-cost holidays make
camping an attractive proposition. But above all, you enjoy
tremendous mobility. If you don’t like a place, or if it is too
crowded, you can simply get up and go. Conversely, you can stay as
long as you like. You’re the boss.
1. What
type of relationship do the underlined words express?
all, you enjoy tremendous mobility.
What is the message of the paragraph?
a. Camping is the ideal way
of spending a holiday.
b. Modern hotels are not up to people‘s
c. It‘s a waste of time and money to go on
holiday abroad.
... ситуации, 2 - создается картинка того, как конкретный человек, автор кейса относится к этой ситуации, и 3 – формируется собственное отношение. Становится возможным проговаривать разные решения по проблеме кейса. Я после этих занятий подумал, что было бы хорошо, если бы на нашем факультете появился курс, который также практически работал и с материалами наших курсовых и научных работ. Это очень ...
... классификации жанров и тщательного изучения её основных речевых характеристик. Данная классификация отражает все особенности, (отмеченные ранее) жанровой системы современных СМИ. Глава 3. Жанрово-речевая проблема студенческих печатных изданий. Газета «Петрозаводский университет» Современная российская пресса очень разнообразна: региональные издания, развлекательные газеты и журналы, « ...
... ФКиС. 17. Особенности менеджмента в различных физкультурно-спортивных организациях. 18.Технология выработки и принятия управленческого решения. 19.Принципы управления физической культурой и спортом. 20.Функции менеджмента в физической культуре и спорте: общая характеристика и основания классификации. 21.Методы управления физической культурой и спортом: общая характеристика и основания ...
... туроператору найти партнеров по сбыту в других странах и регионах, способных качественно и количественно удовлетворить требования туроператора по продажам. Поэтому реклама по форме и содержанию несет большую коммерческую нагрузку. 2 Разработка туристского продукта “День Рождения Царского Села” 2.1 Программа туристского продукта “День Рождения Царского Села” День 1 (воскресение) Встреча ...
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