How can a student avoid a last-minute rush or late-night sitting before the exam? Which approach do you prefer? Why?
Write a definition to the word. You may use any
definition structure:
a name
Give no less than five reasons to support the
Students should not wear
Give the Russian equivalent to the English word
to disagree with one’s
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Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 7
Doing regular exercise can be dangerous, _________ if you are over 40. ________ it is a very good idea to see your doctor __________ starting if you think you are not very fit. Some people try to exercise too vigorously too soon, and __________ they cause themselves injuries __________ can take a long time to heal.
_________, it is not only older people who should take care. Doctors report many injuries __________ backaches, sprained ankles and pulled muscles, which can all be avoided _______ a little care is taken. If you do injure yourself, rest for a while ________ allow your body to recover naturally. _________, don’t push yourself because you think it is doing you good. ______, you could do yourself permanent damage.
1. Fill in the gaps in the paragraph with the following linking words.
as a result /above all/ which /before/ especially /however/ this is why / such as /on the contrary/ if / to
2. Distribute the linking words in 1 into the following groups:
a. effect d. example g. condition
b. contrast e. time
c. purpose f. addition
Which of the words doesn’t belong to any of the groups?
3. Note-taking. List the steps one should take to take up regular exercise.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion. A cat in gloves catches no mice.
First, the fast-food restaurant is good for people who must have a
quick bite because of a busy schedule. Second, the food is
inexpensive yet tasty. A person can eat an enjoyable meal out and
stay within a limited budget. Finally, the food is usually
consistent. For example, a cheeseburger from a well-known fast-food
restaurant looks and tastes about the same no matter where in the
world it is purchased. Consequently, buyers know exactly what they
are getting.
1. Write a topic sentence for the paragraph.
Find and write out an example of effect relationship and underline
the marker of effect.
3. Write out the adjectives which
characterize fast-food restaurant concerning:
a. food
c. service
Good teachers should have certain qualities. They should be knowledgeable, patient and understanding. What other qualities can you add? Give your reasoning.
Write a definition to the word. You may use any
definition structure:
a house
Give no less than five reasons to support the
Physical exercise should
be a required part of every school day.
Give the Russian equivalent to the English word
an outline of the
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 8
It is a fallacy to suppose that all men are equal and that society will be levelled out if you provide every body with the same educational opportunities. (It is debatable whether you can ever provide everyone with the same educational opportunities, but that is another question.) The fact is that nature dispenses brains and ability with a total disregard for the principle of equality. The old rules of the jungle, ‘survival of the fittest’, and ‘might is right’ are still with us. The spread of education has destroyed the old class system and created a new one. Rewards are based on merit. For ‘aristocracy’ read ‘meritocracy’; in other respects, society remains unaltered: the class system is rigidly maintained.
1. Find and write out an example of condition relationship. Underline the marker of condition.
2. Translate into Russian.
a. Nature dispenses brains and ability with a total disregard for the principle of equality.
b. It is debatable whether you can ever provide everyone with the same educational opportunities.
3. Write the words to match the definitions.
a. Government by persons selected according to their results in competition.
b. To distribute among a number of people.
c. The same in size, value, degree, rank etc.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
When you plant a tree, you are helping your
environment in many ways. Your tree will provide a home and food for
other creatures. It will hold the soil in place. In will provide
shade in the summer. You can watch it grow and someday show your
children or even grandchildren the tree you planted.
1. Answer the
questions and add details to the paragraph.
A. What kind of home
would the tree provide?
B. What kind of food would the tree
C. What kind of creatures might use the tree?
D. Why
is holding the soil in place important?
E. Why is shade
2. Who and what can you help if you plant a tree?
Write the English
во многих
посадить дерево
One sometimes hears the argument that higher employment and lower wages for women are not really serious problems for women work only because they want to. Nothing could be further from the truth. What is your opinion on this subject and why?
Write a definition to the word. You may use any
definition structure:
a law
Give no less than five reasons to support the
School children should
wear uniforms.
Give the Russian equivalent to the English word
to support one’s
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 9
Being so traditionally-minded, the British are less fashion-conscious than other Europeans. The majority dress conservatively rather than fashionably. For example, the upper and upper middle classes tend to dress ‘safely’ in the well tried styles of the past fifty years or so. During the 1980s this style appealed to a wider clientele which, inspired by the romance of the upper classes, particularly by the Royal Wedding (Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer) in 1981, began to imitate them. For all its simplicity, this old-fashioned style of the upper and upper middle class is distinctively exclusive.
1. Write out an example of comparison / contrast relationship and underline the marker of comparison / contrast.
2. Note-taking. Characterize the way the British upper and upper middle classes dress.
3. Which of the words is synonymic to the word “for” in the sentence:
For all its simplicity, this old-fashioned style of upper and upper middle class is distinctively exclusive.
Words: because, although, despite, however, due.
Which of these two approaches do you agree with? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion. Poverty is no sin. The more you have, the more you want.
This is one of the chief functions of satire and
irony. Human pain and suffering are so grim; we hover so often on the
brink of war; political realities are usually enough to plunge us
into total despair. In such circumstances, cartoons and satirical
accounts of sombre political events redress the balance. They take
the wind out of pompous and arrogant politicians who have lost their
sense of proportion. They enable us to see that many of our most
profound actions are merely comic or absurd. We laugh when a great
satirist like Swift writes about war in Gulliver’s
Travels. The Lilliputians and their
neighbours attack each other because they can’t agree which end
to break an egg. We laugh because we are meant to laugh; but we are
meant to weep too. It is no wonder that in totalitarian regimes any
satire against the Establishment is wholly banned. It is too powerful
a weapon to be allowed to flourish.
1. Identify the controlling
2. Is the following an example of argumentation? Carry out
the for /so test.
Political fanatics lock humour. If they could
see the funny side, they would never make the mistake of taking
themselves too seriously.
3. Find and correct the false
a. There is much grimness in the world.
b. The
problem of politicians is that they have lost their sense of time.
Satire against Establishment is banned if totalitarian regimes.
Many students say they are happier when they feel free to work when the mood takes them. What about you? Explain why.
Write a definition to the word. You may use any
definition structure:
a supermarket
Give no less than five reasons to support the
Studying in another
country is advantageous.
Give the Russian equivalent to the English word
to match the
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 10
Old people are always saying that the young are not what were. The same comment is make from generation to generation and it is always true. It has never been truer than it is today. The young are better educated. They have a lot more money to spend and enjoy more freedom. They grow up more quickly and are not so dependent on their parents. They think more for themselves and do not blindly accept the ideals of their elders. Events which the older generation remembers vividly are nothing more than past history. This is as it should be. Every new generation is different from the one that preceded it. Today the difference is very marked indeed.
1. Write the opposites.
a. the same.
b. false.
c. to follow.
2. Write the words to match the definitions.
a. The whole body of people born at the same time.
b. An important thing that once happened.
c. Personal liberty and independence.
... ситуации, 2 - создается картинка того, как конкретный человек, автор кейса относится к этой ситуации, и 3 – формируется собственное отношение. Становится возможным проговаривать разные решения по проблеме кейса. Я после этих занятий подумал, что было бы хорошо, если бы на нашем факультете появился курс, который также практически работал и с материалами наших курсовых и научных работ. Это очень ...
... классификации жанров и тщательного изучения её основных речевых характеристик. Данная классификация отражает все особенности, (отмеченные ранее) жанровой системы современных СМИ. Глава 3. Жанрово-речевая проблема студенческих печатных изданий. Газета «Петрозаводский университет» Современная российская пресса очень разнообразна: региональные издания, развлекательные газеты и журналы, « ...
... ФКиС. 17. Особенности менеджмента в различных физкультурно-спортивных организациях. 18.Технология выработки и принятия управленческого решения. 19.Принципы управления физической культурой и спортом. 20.Функции менеджмента в физической культуре и спорте: общая характеристика и основания классификации. 21.Методы управления физической культурой и спортом: общая характеристика и основания ...
... туроператору найти партнеров по сбыту в других странах и регионах, способных качественно и количественно удовлетворить требования туроператора по продажам. Поэтому реклама по форме и содержанию несет большую коммерческую нагрузку. 2 Разработка туристского продукта “День Рождения Царского Села” 2.1 Программа туристского продукта “День Рождения Царского Села” День 1 (воскресение) Встреча ...
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