3. Make an outline of the paragraph.

We are often told that technological know-how, acquired in attempting to get us into orbit, will be utilised to make life better on earth. But what has the space race done to relieve the suffering of the earth’s starving millions? In what way has it raised the standard of living of any one of us? As far as the layman is concerned, the practical results of all this expenditure of money and effort are negligible. Thanks to space research, we can now see television pictures transmitted live half-way across the globe and the housewife can use non-stick frying-pans in the kitchen. The whole thing becomes utterly absurd when you think that no matter what problems man overcomes, it is unlikely that he will ever be able to travel even to the nearest star.
1. Write a topic sentence for the paragraph. The controlling idea is: results.
2. Find and correct the false statement.
a. Satellite TV is a product of space research.
b. People are unlikely to travel even to the nearest star.
c. Space research has raised everybody’s living standard.
3. Find and write out an example of cause / effect relationship and underline the marker of cause / effect.

Some countries, like Britain, have already abandoned peace-time conscription. Unfortunately, they haven’t done so far idealistic reasons, but from a simple recognition of the fact that modern warfare is a highly professional business. In the old days, large armies were essential. There was strength in numbers; ordinary soldiers were cannon fodder. But in these days of inter-continental ballistic missiles, of push-button warfare and escalation, unskilled manpower has become redundant. In a mere two years or so, you can’t hope to train conscripts in the requirements and conditions of modern warfare. So why bother? Leave it to the professionals!
1. Identify the controlling idea.
2. Write the words to match the definitions.
a. compulsory enlistment for military service
b. state of war
c. to be no longer needed
3. Complete the table.

Camping has so much to offer. You enjoy absolute freedom. You have none of the headaches of advance hotel booking or driving round and round a city at midnight looking for a room. There are no cold hotel breakfasts, no surly staff to tip. For a ludicrously small sum, you can enjoy comforts which few hotels could provide. Modern camping sites are well equipped with hot and cold running water and even shops and dance floors! Low-cost holidays make camping an attractive proposition. But above all, you enjoy tremendous mobility. If you don’t like a place, or if it is too crowded, you can simply get up and go. Conversely, you can stay as long as you like. You’re the boss.
1. What type of relationship do the underlined words express?
Above all, you enjoy tremendous mobility.
2. What is the message of the paragraph?
a. Camping is the ideal way of spending a holiday.
b. Modern hotels are not up to people‘s requirements.
c. It‘s a waste of time and money to go on holiday abroad.
3. List the advantages of a camping holiday.

Camping provides you with a real change from everyday living. You get up earlier, go to bed earlier, develop a hearty appetite. You have enormous opportunity to meet people of various nationalities and to share your pleasures with them. People are so friendly when they are relaxed. How remote the strained world of hotels seems when you are camping! How cold and unfriendly the formal greetings that are exchanged each day between the residents! For a few precious weeks in the year, you really adopt a completely different way of life. And that’s the essence of true recreation and real enjoyment.
1. Identify the controlling idea.
2. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.
a. His way ________ life often surprises me.
b. I really need a change ________ my usual routine.
c. I don’t like sharing a room ________ a person I don’t know.
3. Put the parts of the sentence in the correct order.
A. bitten to death
B. it no longer
C. by mosquitoes
D. if you go camping
E. means that you will be

First, the fast-food restaurant is good for people who must have a quick bite because of a busy schedule. Second, the food is inexpensive yet tasty. A person can eat an enjoyable meal out and stay within a limited budget. Finally, the food is usually consistent. For example, a cheeseburger from a well-known fast-food restaurant looks and tastes about the same no matter where in the world it is purchased. Consequently, buyers know exactly what they are getting.
1. Write a topic sentence for the paragraph.
2. Find and write out an example of effect relationship and underline the marker of effect.
3. Write out the adjectives which characterize fast-food restaurant concerning:
a. food
b. clients
c. service

Although seat belts have been shown to save lives, people give a number of reasons for not using them. First, many people think they are a nuisance. They say the belt is uncomfortable and inhibits freedom of movement. Second, many people are lazy. For them it is too much trouble to put on and adjust a seat belt, especially if they are only going a short distance. Third, some people don’t believe they will have an accident because they are careful and experienced drivers. They think they will be able to respond quickly to avoid a crash. Finally, some people are afraid the seat belt will trap them in their car. If they have an accident, they might not be able to get out of a car that is burning, or they might be unconscious and another person won’t be able to get them out. All these reasons seem inadequate, since statistics show that wearing seat belts saves lives and prevents serious injuries.
1. Identify the topic and the controlling idea.
2. Put questions to the underlined parts of the paragraph.

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