Иностранный язык

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Гендер і сучасна ідеологія та політика.
... показывают, что чтение книг, в содержании которых прослеживается половая стереотипизация, приводит к увеличению доли поло-типичного поведения в детских играх. Хотя недавние исследования показали, что описания гендера в книгах изданных после 1980г. в достаточной степени изменились, но библиотеки все ...
История Украины (2)
... Б. Грінченку, авторові чотиритомного «Словника української мови». Друкуються перші праці з національної історії — «Історія України-Руси» М. Аркаса, «История украинского народа» О. Єфименко та ін. Найвизначнішу роль у становленні й розвитку української історичної науки відіграли в цей час роботи М. ...
Der Bundesrat
... folgende Rechte: 1) Er kann beim Bundestag Gesetzvorlagen einbringen; 2) Er kann gegen Gesetzbeschlüsse des Bundestages Einspruch erheben. Wenn der Bundesrat Einspruch erhebt, geht das Gesetz nochmals an den Bundestag zurück. 3) Seiner Zustimmung bedurfen verfassungsändernde und ...
До питання еволюції взаємин лікаря і пацієнта у вітчизняній системі охорони здоров'я
... ість відносин продавця і покупця між основними суб'єктами медицини в сьогоднішній дійсності й у радянський період . На твердження, що в сучасній вітчизняній охороні здоров'я відносини лікаря і пацієнта придбали суть відносин продавця і покупця ствердно відповіли 66% пацієнтів і 49% медиків. П'ята ...
Виникнення Ольвії. Поселенці
... в центрі котрого з'являється ще один теменос - з культом Апполона Дельфінія. На обох ділянках будують алтарі. Поява цих двох теменосів - призвело до виникнення своєї, сугубо місцевої бронзової монети у формі дельфінів, вага котрих інді сягала 100г і більше. До другої половини 6 ст. до н.е. центром ...
Час і причини появи козацтва
ські мові, слово “козак” поступово набуло в українського народу значення особисто вільної, мужньої й хороброї людини, незалежної від офіційних властей. Поява козацтва мала під собою два основних взаємопов’язаних чинники: приролдне прагнення людей до особистої, політичної, господарської й духовної ...
Why the crystal structure of the element is such lattice but not another?
... the conclusions of Payerls. A relationship is also seen between the conductivity electrons (Z) and valency electrons (Z kernel) stipulating the crystal structure. The phase transition of the element from one lattice to another can be explained by the transfer of one of the external electrons of the ...
Reading for me
... teachers set me. At first there were Ivan Turgenev, Anton Chekhov, Alexandr Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov. I cryed very much when I read Mumu written by famous author Ivan Turgenev. I terribly sorried for main hero deaf-and-dumb Herasim and his small dog. This sad story made a great impression for ...
Model of the nucleus of atom and the table of elements
... in volume of a nucleus all weaken radial forces of pushing away of protons more strongly. If weight of a nucleus to accept initial, and chemical properties of atom secondary in the table of elements atomic weight should change monotonously as across and on a vertical. Having constructed the table ...
Simeon Denis Poisson
... les questions de méchanique was a direct consequence of developments in Lagrange's method of variation of arbitrary constants which had been inspired by Poisson's 1808 paper. In addition he published a new edition of Clairaut's Théorie de la figure de la terre in 1808. The work had ...
Eratosthenes of Cyrene
... also receive the sceptre at thy hands. Thus may it be, and let any one who sees this offering say "This is the gift of Eratosthenes of Cyrene". Eratosthenes also worked on prime numbers. He is remembered for his prime number sieve, the 'Sieve of Eratosthenes' which, in modified form, is ...
Claudius Ptolemy
... mirrors of various shapes. Toomer comments in:- The establishment of theory by experiment, frequently by constructing special apparatus, is the most striking feature of Ptolemy's "Optics". Whether the subject matter is largely derived or original, "The Optics" is an impressive ...
Nicolaus Mercator
... well known series, sometimes called Mercator's series, ln(1+x) = x - x2/2 + x3/3 - x4/4 + ... He published this in Logarithmotechnia 1668. This series was also investigated by Mengoli. There is some reason to confuse Nicolaus Mercator with Gerardus Mercator since Nicolaus also worked on Ger
Tycho Brahe
... and the director something like the status of the head of a university. It also stated that succession to the headship would give preference to "Tycho Brahe's own". Perhaps surprisingly, since the state was attempting to stop the acceptance of common law wives, Tycho's patent was accepted ...
Johann(II) Bernoulli
... the Paris Academy on no less than four separate occasions. On the strength of this he was appointed to his father's chair in Basel when Johann Bernoulli died. However, quoting:- ... thereafter his mathematical production dwindled to occasional academic papers and a treatise, although he lived to ...
Luca Pacioli
... the theorems of Euclid which relate to this ratio, and it also studies regular and semiregular polygons (see in particular for a discussion of Pacioli's work on regular polygons). Clearly the interest of Leonardo in this aesthetically satisfying ratio both from a mathematical and artistic point of ...
Carl Louis Ferdinand von Lindemann
... and later that year he was appointed as extraordinary professor at the University of Freiburg. He was promoted to ordinary professor at Freiburg in 1879. Lindemann became professor at the University of Königsberg in 1883. Hurwitz and Hilbert both joined the staff at Königsberg while he ...
Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
... he put forward the views of the Society of Auxerre he has done nothing blameworthy... This incident was to have serious consequences but after it Fourier returned to Auxerre and continued to work on the revolutionary committee and continued to teach at the College. In July 1794 he was arrested, ...
Johann (III) Bernoulli
... well suited. His health had never been particularly good and his qualities as an astronomical observer were relatively poor. Johann(III) Bernoulli wrote a number of works on astronomy, reporting on astronomical observations and calculations, but these are of little importance. Strangely his most ...
Charles Augustin de Coulomb
... and repulsion, the electric point charges, magnetic poles, distribution of electricity on the surface of charged bodies and others. The importance of Coulomb's law for the development of electromagnetism is examined and discussed. In these he developed a theory of attraction and repulsion between ...
Pierre-Simon Laplace
... relationships, that he is led to discover these laws... In view of modern theories of impacts of comets on the Earth it is particularly interesting to see Laplace's remarkably modern view of this:- ... the small probability of collision of the Earth and a comet can become very great in adding ...
... the Academy and his idea of what constitutes an educated person. He also contributed to logic and legal philosophy, including rhetoric. Although Plato made no important mathematical discoveries himself, his belief that mathematics provides the finest training for the mind was extremely important ...
Albrecht Durer
... , musical instruments, and mechanical devices. Here are portraits of Agnes. The marriage seems to have been more the idea of the parents of Agnes and Albrecht, and the pair were married on 7 July 1494. It was a marriage which helped raise Dürer's status in Nürnberg, as well as provide ...
Hermann Minkowski
... non-euclidean spave. He considered space and time, which were formerly thought to be independent, to be coupled together in a four-dimensional 'space-time continuum'. Minkowski worked out a four-dimensional treatment of electrodynamics. His major works in this area are Raum und Zeit (1907) and Zwei ...
Joseph-Louis Lagrange
... Lagrange finally accepted. Leaving Turin in August, he visited d'Alembert in Paris, then Caraccioli in London before arriving in Berlin in October. Lagrange succeeded Euler as Director of Mathematics at the Berlin Academy of Science on 6 November 1766. Lagrange was greeted warmly by most members ...
Archimedes of Syracuse
... a treatise by Archimedes about mirrors. Evidence for further lost works are discussed in but the evidence is not totally convincing. Archimedes was killed in 212 BC during the capture of Syracuse by the Romans in the Second Punic War after all his efforts to keep the Romans at bay with his ...
Blaise Pascal
... Vacuums which led to disputes with a number of scientists who, like Descartes, did not believe in a vacuum.  Étienne Pascal died in September 1651 and following this Blaise wrote to one of his sisters giving a deeply Christian meaning to death in general and his father's death in ...
Leonhard Euler
... of finite differences. The work makes a thorough investigation of how differentiation behaves under substitutions. In Institutiones calculi integralis (1768-70) Euler made a thorough investigation of integrals which can be expressed in terms of elementary functions. He also studied beta and gamma ...
Pierre de Fermat
... particular for Fermat's Last Theorem. This theorem states that xn + yn = zn has no non-zero integer solutions for x, y and z when n > 2. Fermat wrote, in the margin of Bachet's translation of Diophantus's Arithmetica I have discovered a truly remarkable proof which this margin is too small ...
Euclid of Alexandria
... who first gave this information. In fact there was a Euclid of Megara, who was a philosopher who lived about 100 years before the mathematician Euclid of Alexandria. It is not quite the coincidence that it might seem that there were two learned men called Euclid. In fact Euclid was a very common ...
Sir Isaac Newton
... him to Euclid's Elements which he was well capable of teaching (although there is evidence mentioned below that Newton did not read Euclid before 1663). Anecdotes abound about a mechanical ability which Isaac displayed at the school and stories are told of his skill in making models of machines, in ...
... in mathematics, he is important in the development of mathematics. As Heath explains in :- The importance of a proper understanding of the mathematics in Aristotle lies principally in the fact that most of his illustrations of scientific method are taken from mathematics. Clearly Aristotle had ...
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
... view. He served as secretary to the Nuremberg alchemical society for a while (see [188]) then he met Baron Johann Christian von Boineburg. By November 1667 Leibniz was living in Frankfurt, employed by Boineburg. During the next few years Leibniz undertook a variety of different projects, scientific, ...
Jacob (Jacques) Bernoulli
... achieved more had they continued their initial collaboration, it is impossible to say. We shall now examine some of the major contributions made by Jacob Bernoulli at an important stage in the development of mathematics following Leibniz's work on the calculus. Jacob Bernoulli's first important ...
Rene Descartes
... show that my Méthod is better than the vulgar, and in my Géométrie to have demonstrated it. The work describes what Descartes considers is a more satisfactory means of acquiring knowledge than that presented by Aristotle's logic. Only mathematics, Descartes feels, is certain, ...
David Hilbert
... 'proof theory', a direct check for the consistency of mathematics. Gödel's paper of 1931 showed that this aim is impossible. Hilbert contributed to many branches of mathematics, including invariants, algebraic number fields, functional analysis, integral equations, mathematical physics, and ...
Henry More
... be vouchsafed me) strive to reintroduce Him. And this infinite and immobile extension appears to be not only real but divine. One other thing about Henry More which we should discuss is his relation to Newton. Newton was born close to Grantham and attended the Free School in Grantham. In fact he ...
Nicolaus Copernicus
... to Johann Schöner on the Books of the Revolutions of the learned gentleman and distinguished mathematician, the Reverend Doctor Nicolaus Copernicus of Torun, Canon of Warmia, by a certain youth devoted to mathematics. The publication of this work encouraged Copernicus to publish the full ...
Johannes Kepler
... him much pain, but despite his (by then) relatively high social standing, as Imperial Mathematician, he never succeeded in getting the ban lifted. Kepler's first cosmological model (1596) Instead of the seven planets in standard geocentric astronomy the Copernican system had only six, the Moon ...
Proclus Diadochus
... and Syrianus (a pupil of Plutarch). He progressed from being a student at the Academy to teaching there then, on the death of Syrianus, Proclus became head of the Academy. The title Diadochus was given to him at this time, the meaning of the word being successor. At the Academy Proclus appears to ...
I Go to School
... tanned, taller, healthier.  There was a trumpet call, some brass band music, speeches and then, the young students accompanied by boys and girls in their last year, went solemnly into school to which they would probably go until they, too, finally finished 10 years later. Список литературы Для по
My flat
... central heating, electricity, cold and hot running water and a telephone. There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony in it. The largest room in my flat is the living room. My family uses it as a sitting room. There is a sofa, two armchairs, a coffee table, a TV set and a VCR (video) ...
My school
... a small garden with beautiful flower beds. Here on the sportsground pupils have their classes in physical training when the weather is fine. When you enter the school you'll see a large gymnasium, work-shops and a canteen on the left. On the right there is a Headmaster's office. The cloak-room is ...
Sport in our life
... to support health and prevents from illness. Sport makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities. We've always paid great attention to sport in our schools, colleges and universities. You can hardly find a school without a gym or a sports ground. Every city and town ...
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
... of the population is urban. About 80 percent of people live in numerous towns and cities. More then seven million people live in London area. Very often the inhabitants of The United Kingdom and Northern Ireland are called English. The surface of the British Isles varies very mach. There are many ...
At the Doctors
... me much. She wanted to give me some aspirin tablets too, but there weren't any in our house. My mother told me to stay in bed, then she called for a doctor. The doctor came, remove his coat and put on his white gown. The doctor asked me to strip to the waist. He examined my lungs, felt my pulse ...
... Now Moscow is one of the largest cities in Europe. Its total area is about nine hundred square kilometers. Population of the city is over 8 million. Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The heart of the Moscow is Red Square. It is more historic associations than any other place ...
orn in 1711 in Arhangelsk province. He liked to spend his time fishing with his father. He began to read him self then he was a little boy. He wanted to study and then he was 19 he went on foot to Moscow. He decided to enter the Slavic-Greek-Lateen academy. He entered it and six ears later in ...
9 сочинений для 9 класса /english/
... wall newspaper. It is done by the pupils of our school and has a lot of interesting things to read. I learned different subjects at school: Russian, English, maths, physics, chemistry, geography, history and some others. My favorite subjects were Russian and English. I also liked literature. I was ...
Темы на английском /english/
... of dogs' competitions. They do all they can to make animals feel well in their home and outside their homes too. There were photographs in English newspapers of a mother duck and her young family, crossing slowly the road from Hyde Park to Kensington Garden. All traffic around was stopped to let ...
At the Theatre
... to the theatre long before the perfomance began. A sign at the entrance of the theatre said that "house full". Many people were standing at the entrace of the theatre asking if we had an extra ticket. We left our coats in the cloak-room and bought a program from the usher to see what the ...
The Ecological Crisis: A Myth or Reality
... can be easily faced to too many people. That is why many western scientists say that our world is going through an ecological crisis which will mean the gradual destruction of the human race. Our scientists are not that pessimistic, although they do think that man's increased tampering with the ...
7 топиков по иностранному языку /english/
... USA in 1958. The total area of the country is 9000 square kilometers. The population is more then 200 million people. Washington is the capital of USA. English is the official language. The flag of the USA known as the “Stars and Stripes”. The Rocky Mountains extend from Alaska through the USA to ...
American and British Schools
... " school, and then go on to "secondary" school.  In Britain there are "state" schools, which are free, and private schools for which parents pay, Many British private schools are "boarding" schools. The children stay at school all the time, and only come home in ...
7 топиков по иностранному языку /english/
... USA in 1958. The total area of the country is 9000 square kilometers. The population is more then 200 million people. Washington is the capital of USA. English is the official language. The flag of the USA known as the “Stars and Stripes”. The Rocky Mountains extend from Alaska through the USA to ...
9 сочинений для 9 класса /english/
... wall newspaper. It is done by the pupils of our school and has a lot of interesting things to read. I learned different subjects at school: Russian, English, maths, physics, chemistry, geography, history and some others. My favorite subjects were Russian and English. I also liked literature. I was ...
Holidays in Great Britain
... 26 of December, Boxing Day are an extra holiday after Xmas. This is the time to meet friends or sit at home and watch TV. New years day is less popular in Britain then Xmas. Besides public holidays there are some special holidays in Britain. One of them takes place on the 5 of November. On that ...
My School-Day
... into the playground with my friends. We play football there. After lunch we have a history lesson. The history teacher tells us many interesting things. After school my friends and I usually go for a walk. I come home very late, and my mother is very angry. In the evening I do my homework. Now I ...
9 сочинений для 9 класса /english/
... wall newspaper. It is done by the pupils of our school and has a lot of interesting things to read. I learned different subjects at school: Russian, English, maths, physics, chemistry, geography, history and some others. My favorite subjects were Russian and English. I also liked literature. I was ...
9 сочинений для 9 класса /english/
... wall newspaper. It is done by the pupils of our school and has a lot of interesting things to read. I learned different subjects at school: Russian, English, maths, physics, chemistry, geography, history and some others. My favorite subjects were Russian and English. I also liked literature. I was ...
Happy New Year
... of goodwill and plenty. Parties are arranged a drink flow freely. In Spain it is a custom to eat , ^ grapes at midnight and toast the new year in champagne. at family gatherings. Groups of friends visit restaurants in Turkey intending to spend the night in celebrations which include present giving. ...
9 сочинений для 9 класса /english/
... wall newspaper. It is done by the pupils of our school and has a lot of interesting things to read. I learned different subjects at school: Russian, English, maths, physics, chemistry, geography, history and some others. My favorite subjects were Russian and English. I also liked literature. I was ...
Television and advertisement
... his family suddenly found that they had much more time to do things. The most important thing which is really criticizing is poor quality of the programs and its harmful effect on children. For example the film "Natural Born Killers" teaches children to kill and there was one accident in ...
My school
... had some out-of-class activities.our social and cultural life was well-organized. For example, we had a choir and literature club. At school we had classes in Russian, literature, mathematics, English, history and so on. My favourite subjects were English, History and Russian. On Russian we had a ...
... , the first Russian imperial crown of Catherine the Second and many other historical items are exhibited there. There are more than 80 museums in Moscow. The Historical Museum, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, the Tretyakov State Picture Gallery are world famous and the largest. Moscow is famous ...
Темы на английском /english/
... of dogs' competitions. They do all they can to make animals feel well in their home and outside their homes too. There were photographs in English newspapers of a mother duck and her young family, crossing slowly the road from Hyde Park to Kensington Garden. All traffic around was stopped to let ...
My Favourite Writer
... relief. The next ten years were very hard on him. He learned the terrible difficulties of making a living by writing. But he survived. He became a famous writer. He never regretted the five years he had spent at the hospital. They taught him pretty well all he knew about human nature. The novel & ...
Сочинения по США
47th Street. Manhattan is also divided , wuth less exactnes, into Lower (Downtown), Midtown and Upper (Up-town) Manhattan. As you go North, or uptown, the street numbers get higher. Lower Manhatta refers to street numbers below 14th Street and Central Park, and Upper Manhattan to the renaming, ...
3 сочинения на новогоднюю тему /english/
... . The bells chime at midnight. The people join crossed hands, and sing "Auld lang syne", a song of remembrance. On New Year's day all English schoolchildren make New Year resolutions. They make up lists of shortcomings which they intend to correct. The chil' dren. their mothers and fathers, and ...
7 топиков по иностранному языку /english/
... USA in 1958. The total area of the country is 9000 square kilometers. The population is more then 200 million people. Washington is the capital of USA. English is the official language. The flag of the USA known as the “Stars and Stripes”. The Rocky Mountains extend from Alaska through the USA to ...
Environmental problems
... threat are nuclear power stations. We all know how tragic the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster are. People are beginning to realize that environmental problems are not somebody else's. They join and support various international organizations and green parties. If governments wake up to what ...
... are sent a huge fir tree from Norway which stands in Trafalgar Square, in the centre of London, shining down on all the people who gather on Christmas Eve.  In pre-Christian times evergreens, trees that remain green throughout the year. were worshiped in Northern Europe as symbols of eternal life. ...
Топики на английском /english/
... to the next phrase. This ability to see words on either side of the point at which your eyes focus is called peripheral vision. As a foreign student of English, you may feel, that it is impossible to recognize so many words at a single glance. It is difficult for many native speakers, but it can be ...
The Weather and Climate Fluctuations
... . So we go to the experts, who tells us, in language appropriate to the subject, what happened yesterday, what is happening today, and what might happen in the next few years. Weather and climate specialists all over the world have amassed a vast quantity of information. They can describe what is ...
Holidays, Travel and Tourism
... opportunity of doing something exciting and I will. If I win the prize of 20,000 dollars, I will spend it in the world round trip. To travel round the world has long been my dream and with this sum of money behind me this dream is likely to be realized. I am going to take a trip round the world. I ...
Business Trips
... help guests to book train or steamer tickets and rent a car. They are also ready to give all necessary information. Nowadays people who go on business mostly travel by air as it is the fastest means of travelling. Passengers are requested to arrive at the airport 2 hours before departure time on ...
Билеты по английскому языку за 11 класс
... .our социальную и культурную жизнь из-класса, был хорошо-организован. Например, мы имели хор и литературный клуб. В школе мы имели классы(занятия) по-русски, литературу, математику, Английский язык, история и так далее. Мои любимые предметы были Английские, История и Русский. На Русском мы хорошо ...
Топики для сдачи экзаменов по английскому языку /english/
... had a lot to do and it took me several hours. I sometimes had to sit up to write a composition, to prepare a report, to translate an article from English to Russian or to learn a poem by heart. After classes we usually had some out-of-class activities. Our social and cultural life was well-organised ...
Топики на английском /english/
... to the next phrase. This ability to see words on either side of the point at which your eyes focus is called peripheral vision. As a foreign student of English, you may feel, that it is impossible to recognize so many words at a single glance. It is difficult for many native speakers, but it can be ...
of their own, but play in halls rented from local authorities or private companies. There are 2 big concert halls in London. The Old Royal Albert Hall and the New Royal Festival Hall, which is one of the most modern concert halls in the world. Theatrical performances are given by theatre companies ...
London - the capital of Great Britain
... West End where the University of London is centred with Bloomsbury as London's student quarter. The Port of London is to the east of the City. Here. today are kilometres and kilometres of docks, and the great industrial areas that depend upon shipping. This is the East End of London, unattractive ...
The Book I've Just Read
... rid of his terrible dreams. He commits suicide. His antagonist suddenly dies too. The newspaper wrote that his death was supposed to be due to natural reason but we know that his death was supernaturally conditioned by Lord Mountdrago's tragic end. In conclusion we come to after having read that s
Темы на английском /english/
... of dogs' competitions. They do all they can to make animals feel well in their home and outside their homes too. There were photographs in English newspapers of a mother duck and her young family, crossing slowly the road from Hyde Park to Kensington Garden. All traffic around was stopped to let ...
London - the capital of Great Britain
... West End where the University of London is centred with Bloomsbury as London's student quarter. The Port of London is to the east of the City. Here. today are kilometres and kilometres of docks, and the great industrial areas that depend upon shipping. This is the East End of London, unattractive ...
London - the capital of Great Britain
... West End where the University of London is centred with Bloomsbury as London's student quarter. The Port of London is to the east of the City. Here. today are kilometres and kilometres of docks, and the great industrial areas that depend upon shipping. This is the East End of London, unattractive ...
ccurred during the twenties and thirties, in 1931 work began to develop the Master Reconstruction Plan of Moscow, a plan which many people abroad considered to be vain dream.  The city grew and changed, the streets and squares became wider, the wooden houses at the former outskirts disappeared. But ...
My daily programme
and answer questions and do all sorts of exercises. We do not write many exercises. We usually write exercises at home. We speak English at the lessons. We speak English a little now, but we want to speak English well. At about 1 o'clock I generally have dinner at the canteen. I come home at about ...
London - the capital of Great Britain
... West End where the University of London is centred with Bloomsbury as London's student quarter. The Port of London is to the east of the City. Here. today are kilometres and kilometres of docks, and the great industrial areas that depend upon shipping. This is the East End of London, unattractive ...
... and airways but it is also the port of five seas (the Baltic, the White, the Caspian, the Black and the Sea of Asov). Nowadays Rostov-on-Don as many other cities and villages in Russia is undergone the process of economical changes. Factories and plants can hardly survive in the conditions of deep ...
English traditions
... Britain they have fire-places and though their bedrooms are awfully cold, the English people do not want to have central heating because they do not want to have changes. Therefore the Yeomen-Warders are dressed in traditional medieval clothes and the traditional dress of the Horse Guards regiment ...
Топик по иностранному языку /english/
s of 20 and 23 but many marriages end in divorce. This means that both countries have a large number of "single parent families", one father or mother looking after their children alone.    The typical British family has a car, a colour TV set, a washing machine, and a cat or ...
My school
... year the school leavers come here to meet their teachers and classmates. Such meetings are very touching and interesting. I'll never forget my school, my favourite teachers and my classmates. It is my childhood and it is the happiest period in one's life, to my mind. My first friends, my first ...
10 сочинений по иностранному языку /english/
... all his talents. Though there is a difference between our ages, we have much in common. He is among my best friends. By the way, my friend knows English rather well (he finished school #13). It helps him a lot as every year various foreign delegations come to their office. These delegations change ...
William Blake
... Revolution took place and he supported it. Over in England a different sort of change was taking place, which is called "The Industrial Revolution". Blake was horrified at the way life was being changed, with people young and old obliged to work in "those dark satanic mills". ...
... scientific centre of Russia housing the Russian Academy of Sciences, 78 higher educational institutions and many scientific and research establishments. Moscow is the venue of important congresses and conferences, scientific symposiums, art exhibitions, festivals and sport competitions. Moscow is ...
My family
... years old. He is a pensioner too. My brother and sister are students (pupils). There names are ... They are older (younger) than me. We are a very good family. We love each other very much. In the evenings, when all the members of our family get together after work and study, we like to watch TV, ...
The commonwealth of Australia
... of the country. Today there are about fifteen million people in Australia, most of them are of British origin. There are now only 40000 full aborigines in the country. The Commonwealth of Australia is a self-governing federal state. Formally the head of the state is the King or Queen of England ...
2 топика по иностранному языку /english/
... newspaper. The first issue of it came out in October 5. 1930. Its circulation is about 50,000 copies. The newspaper is printed both in Russian and in English. It informs the readers of the life in our country, the most important events in foreign states.    On the first page you will ...
10 сочинений по иностранному языку /english/
... all his talents. Though there is a difference between our ages, we have much in common. He is among my best friends. By the way, my friend knows English rather well (he finished school #13). It helps him a lot as every year various foreign delegations come to their office. These delegations change ...
English schools
... , geography, nature study, swimming, music, art, religious instruction and organised games. Towards the end of their fourth year in the junior school English schoolchildren have to write their Eleven Plus Examinations, on the result of which they will go the following September to a secondary ...
