Иностранный язык

Количество работ в разделе: 4598
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The history of Ancient Egypt
... reign in one publication and a fairly long in another. This impacts the absolute chronology, that is to say, Egyptian history using our year numbering. In The Ancient Egypt Site, some dates will be proposed but again, they should only be seen as approximations and not as absolutes. A discussion on ...
Dissociation of Benzene Molecule in a Strong Laser Field \eng\
... can be generalized to the multi-atomic molecules. This short paper contains the results of theoretical derivations for dissociation of benzene molecule C6H6 in the field of linearly polarized Ti:Sapphire laser. Data were taken from experimental results by Chin’s group, Ref. [4]. We use the atomic ...
Olympic games
... all the sports governing bodies and pointed out the significance of sports and its educational value. Two years later the first modern Olympic Games took place. Of course, the competitions were held in Greece to symbolize the continuation of the centuries-old tradition. In 1896 the International ...
Формы обращения в английском языке
... . Заметим, что вне семейных отношений обращения brother и sister употребляются чаще. Ласковые и дружественные формы обращения. Очень популярны в современном английском языке многочисленные формы обращения, выражающие положительное отношение говорящего к адресату. Среди них можно упомянуть baby, boy ...
"Социология" Дюркгейма /Укр./
... іда суспільної реальності, котра вивчає його поведінку, не залежно від волі цього індивіда. Спираючись на ці теоретико-методологічні передумови, Дюркгейм заперечував пояснення самогубства індивідуальними психологічними мотивами і стверджував, що це явище відбувається під впливом зовнішніх причин, ...
Пути интеграции Украины в мировое пространство. Политэкономия
аукове узагальнення , синтез існуючих теорій і концепцій та їх адаптація до потреб і реалій економіки України .  Об`єктивна необхідність вимагає поступового , але неухильного включення економіки України до системи міжнародного поділу праці (МПП) , світових інтеграційних процесів,треба враховувати ...
World Wide Web и HTML /Укр./
... - це спосіб засвоїти особливості створення документів в стандартизованій мові, використовуючи розширення, тільки коли це дійсно необхідно. HTML був ратифікований World Wide Web Consortium. Він підтримується декількома широко поширеними броузерами, і, можливо, стане основою майже всього програмного ...
Разработка модулей программы /Укр./
... глобальних типів; VAR оголошення скритих глобальних змінних; PROCEDURE(FUNCTION) тіла доступних та скритих процедур (функцій); Інілізаційна частина. BEGIN основний блок модуля. END. Індивідуальне завдання. Варіант №7. Скласти програму на мові Pascal розв’язку даної задачі та виконання її на ЕОМ. ...
Даты в истории Украины /Укр./
... угода про злуку ЗУНР та УНР 1918. 1 грудня------------------01.02.1918 13.          Українське повстання у Львові 1918, 1 листопада-------------01.11.1918 14.          Бій під Крутами 1918, 16 ...
Модуль "rg.exe" /Укр./
... за 3.30. Програма відкомпілювати в середовищі Windows'95 (MS DOS 4.00.950 ) під управлінням “Borland С++ 3.1 ”. 5. Додаток Лістинг програмного модуля #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <dos.h> #include <graphics.h> #include <string.h> #define ...
Биоэлемент кальций
... ів характерна постійність ступеня окислення і утворення іонів із завершеною електронною конфігурацією, подібної до оболонки інертних газів. Кальцій на зовнішньому електронному рівні має 2 валентних електрони, які він може легко віддавати, перетворюючись в іони з електронною конфігурацією аргону. ...
Ідейно-тематичний перегук поезії 20-х і 60-х років
... зіставлення його з вимріяним світом поетів-романтиків, який здавався таким досяжним в освітленні газетних передовиць. Тематично-стильова спорідненість поезії 20-х і 60-х років – явище закономірне, хоча б тому, що шістдесятники виявляли особливу зацікавленість творами Розтріляного Відродження. ...
The UK education system
... must accept pupils on the selective basis with reference to aptitude or ability.In the UK childern are accepted to school on non-selective basis but it is not correct to my mind: intelligent,good, bright pupils must study with lazy and silly ? No. Lets take the Soviet education system as example.The
... . It is noted for brilliant verse. He also wrote other long poems, including «Bronze Horseman» (1833), the finest collection of lyrics in Russian literature. Pushkin created also a number of masterpieces in drama and prose. «Little Tragedies» and «The Stone Guest» are among the best works in the ...
Входження Північного Причорномор’я Криму та Правобережної України до складу Росії \укр\
... підкорити „свавільний" край. Поразка ук­раїнського народу у Визвольній війні призвела до поступового відновлення на Правобережній Україні воєводсько-повітового поділу у складі Київського, Брацлавського, Волинського та Подільського воєводств. Найвищими за рангом урядовцями тут були воєво­ди. ...
cial services industry thus operates in a climate of fear, particularly since the MAS tends to deal swiftly and harshly with most i nfractions. "There i s such a history of strong control here that reducing it is di ffi cult," says one Singapore-based analyst. "They are determined to mana ge the ...
Волков Валентин Викторович (1881-1964)
... і інш.). Выкладаў у Веліжскай мастацкай школе (1919-1929), Віцебскім мастацкім тэхнікуме (1923-1929), у Беларускім тэатральна-мастацкім інстытуце (1953-1964). Адзін з першых беларускіх жывапісцаў стварыў вобраз У. І. Леніна (партрэт 1926). Аўтар малюнка герба БССР (1926 і 1938). У 1920-30-я гады ...
London's Villages
... an astonishing 950,000 just four years later. Not until the Green Belt legislation of 1938 and 1947 was London's suburban spread brought to a notable and controversial halt. Villages such as Harefield are still distinctly recognizable as such, and not too much imagination is needed to identify the ...
Human resource Management
... of overseas companies, we could consider the company culture in three aspects: Bureaucratic culture, technical culture and managerial culture Normally human resource management has the following dimensions – and each of them has to be considered on those three cultural aspects. The dimensions are: ...
Mortgage crediting
... the notary was informed of the fact of cancellation of prohibition on sale or transmission of the house. /9/ The limited combination of home experience of mortgage crediting of expenses for purchase of land before revolution with the practice of individual crediting of dwelling construction in the ...
Maximum-profit equilibrium: monopoly
... marks the maximum-possible loss, which is somewhat less desirable as an operating position.) 6. Figure 1 is too small to indicate quickly the precise Maximum-profit position. But even a glance is sufficient to indicate that this best-possible position is approximately i.45/65/85) units of output. ...
Adam Smith
... first great work in political economy. The Wealth of Nations is in fact a continuation of the philosophical theme begun in The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Smith’s analysis of the market as a self- correcting mechanism was impressive. But his purpose was more ambitious than to demonstrate the self- ...
Вавілонське царство
... Близько 1742 р. до н.е. касситський вождь Гандаш вторгається у Вавілонію і проголошує себе "царем чотирьох сторін світла". Однак захоплення Вавілонського царства касситами відбувся тільки після розгрому хетами Вавилона. При касситах у військовій справі стала активно використовуватися кіннота. У сі ...
Ассірійська держава
... силу - рабів. Ассирія часто переселяла цілі народи з місця на місце. Дуже багато народів платили Ассирії велику данину. Поступово, з часом, ассірійська держава стала по-суті жити з цих постійних грабежів. У прагненні захопити багатства Передньої Азії Ассирія не була самотня. Такі держави як Єгипет, ...
Антропологічні типи українців
... слов’ян, так і серед фіннів. Фінни наі сході і на півночі зберігають давнішу монголоїдну домішку. Сучасні антропологічні типи українців До складу сучасних українців входить сім антропологічних типів: 2 1) Дунайський (норікський) тип. Нащадки носіїв шнурокерамічних культур Західної України, Поді ...
Die Judenverfolgunfg im "Dritten Reich" (1941-1942)
... . Die Judenverfolgung in Polen beschränken sich natürlich nicht mit dem Zeitabschnitt von 1941 bis 1942. Sie haben eine lange Vorgeschichte. Historisch gesehen, die Beziehungen zwischen Bevölkerung Polens und Deutschlands waren immer gespannt. Davon zeugen zahlreiche lokale Konflikte, ...
Slaughterhouse Five
... . He bursts into tears after he tastes it. Chapter Eight. Summary: Howard Campbell, Jr., the American-turned-Nazi propagandist, visits the captives of Slaughterhouse Five. He wears an elaborate costume of his own design, a cross between cowboy outfit and a Nazi uniform. The POWs are tired and ...
The Sound and the Fury
... , in Macbeth's famous speech about the meaninglessness of life. He states that it is "a tale / Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, / signifying nothing." One could argue that Benjy is the "idiot" referred to in this speech, for indeed his section seems, at first reading, to "signify nothing." ...
The Streetcar Named ”Desire”
... by the Mexican woman's calls. Her tortured soliloquy mentions regrets, legacies, death, her dying parents, death and agony everywhere, desire as the opposite of death, the soldiers from the nearby camp who staggered drunkenly onto her lawn and called for her while her deaf mother slept. The polka ...
The Scarlet Letter
... , and energetic. Pearl is in touch with nature and with her mother’s feelings. Ever since she was born, Pearl had a fascination with the scarlet letter that is a constant reminder for Hester of her sin. Arthur Dimmesdale: The minister of the town that the people adore, Arthur was the secret lover ...
Long Day's Journey Into the Night
... are treated. Tyrone and Jamie discuss Mary's health, and Tyrone seems to be fooling himself into thinking that Mary is healthier than she really is. Jamie mentions that he heard her walking around the spare bedroom the night before, which may be a sign that she is taking morphine again. Tyrone says ...
Moby Dick
... Just as they are about to push off in boats, "five dusky phantoms" emerge around Ahab. Chapters 48-54 Summary These chapters return us to the action of Moby-Dick. We meet Fedallah for the first time, described as a dark, sinister figure with a Chinese jacket and turban made from coiling his own hair ...
The Great Gatsby
... of him with Dan Cody, his closest friend, on a yacht. As they leave, Carraway realizes that there must have been moments when Daisy disappointed Gatsby during the afternoon, for his dreams and illusions had been built up to such grandiose levels. Chapter Six: On a vague hunch, a reporter comes to ...
The Grapes of Wrath
... in the orchards are men of understanding who experiment with the seeds and crops to defend them against insects and disease. Yet the fruits become rotten and soft. The rotten grapes are still used for wine, even if contaminated with mildew and formic acid. The rationale is that it is good enough ...
A Farewell to Arms
... comrades leave him behind, where he prepares a last-minute resistance to his Nationalist pursuers.All of his life Hemingway was fascinated by war--in A Farewell to Arms he focused on its pointlessness, in For Whom the Bell Tolls on the comradeship it creates--and as World War II progressed he made ...
The Catcher in the Rye
... out the window, killing himself. However, he tells Phoebe that he likes Allie, and he likes talking to Phoebe right now. Holden tells Phoebe that he would like to be a catcher in the rye: he pictures a lot of children playing in a big field of rye around the edge of a cliff. Holden imagines that he ...
American Literature books summary
... Bascomb, will somehow avert the disastrous fate that the Compson blood seems to bring. This overwhelming sense of an inescapable family curse will resurface many times throughout the book. Summary of June Second, 1910: This section of the book details the events of the day of Quentin's suicide, ...
Kulma soja kriisid
ilmast, suletust ja vaenulikkust lääneriikide suhtes. Saksamaa lõhestumine Juba 1946. aasta suvel ilmnesid lääneriikide ja NSVL vahel põhimõttelised lahkhelid Saksamaa tulevikku puutuvais küsimustes. Kuigi väliselt rääkisid endised ...
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
... and Dauphin. With the Phelps, Twain contrasts the good side of Southern civilization with its bad side. Summary Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was finally published in 1885. Twain had begun the book years earlier, but the writing was done in spurts of inspiration interrupted by long periods during ...
Find the right sports program for your kids
... program that promotes mutal respect and encouragement. "In order to help develop and enhance positive self esteem, a youth sports program must make sure that every kid feels like he or she belongs on the team," Burnett says. "At the recreation level, the real value of sports is that everybody plays ...
London city - Capital of the United Kingdom
... hastened its transition to a centre of international trade and finance. Tourism and retail trade are other major sectors of the city's economy; and, because London is the nation's capital, government services are also an important sector. The City of London, about 1 square mile (2.7 square km) in ...
Big Ben England
... House. During the second world war in 1941, an incendiary bomb destroyed the Commons chamber of the Houses of Parliament, but the clock tower remained intact and Big Ben continued to keep time and strike away the hours, its unique sound was broadcast to the nation and around the world, a welcome ...
Harry Potter: Films, Books etc
... on the books. The involvement of a global media conglomerate led to more concerted efforts to maximise the value of the Harry Potter franchise. The first film, based on the first book, was released in 2001, and was accompanied by video games and other branded merchandise. The hype escalated with ...
Mars Planet
... Schiaparelli was referred to by him as canali, the Italian word meaning "channels" or "grooves." Percival Lowell, then a leading authority on Mars, created a long-lasting controversy by accepting these "canals" to be the work of intelligent beings. Under the best viewing conditions, however, these ...
Ottawa city.Capital of Canada
... Quebec city and Toronto and between Montreal and Kingston induced leaders to call upon Queen Victoria to designate a capital for United Canada. In 1855 Bytown was incorporated and rechristened Ottawa after the Indian tribe. It became the fastest growing metropolis in eastern Canada, a development ...
New York City. Capital of USA
... Island off Manhattan, has long stood as a symbol of refuge and opportunity. New York City is a centre of world trade and finance, communications, art and entertainment, and fashion. The city is the financial capital of the United States and holds the headquarters of many of the world's largest ...
Nature Protection
... obliged to remove factories and plants from cities, use modern technologies, redesign and modify purifying systems for cleaning and trapping harmful substances, protect and increase the greenery and broaden ecological education. These are the main practical measures, which must he taken in order to ...
Moscow city
... and ramparts once stood. Except for its historical core, Moscow was transformed into a sprawling, often drab, but well-planned modern city under the Soviets. Post-Soviet Moscow has seen renewed construction, including the Triumph-Palace (866 ft/264 m, 2003), which echoes Stalin's Gothic-influenced ...
American Literature: An Overview Of The Development From The 17th To The 20th Centu-ries
... 19th century, no type of writing was more experimental than a new drama that arose in rebellion against the glib commercial stage. In the early years of the 20th century, Americans traveling in Europe encountered a vital, flourishing theatre; returning home, some of them became active in founding ...
... has been a means of human expression since prehistoric times. The ancient cultures of Egypt and Mesopotamia produced an enormous number of sculptural masterworks, frequently monolithic, that had ritual significance beyond aesthetic considerations (see Egyptian art ; Assyrian art ; Sumerian and ...
Sydney city
... of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, the Australian Opera, dance and theatre companies, and a library. Rapid development of suburban Sydney and the absence of major highways that bypass the city have caused a persistent transport problem that is only partially mitigated by commuter ferry boats, an ...
... diluting agent. Among the various media used by artists are fresco , watercolor , oil, distemper, gouache, tempera , and encaustic . In addition to these, painting properly embraces many other techniques ordinarily associated with drawing , a term that is often used to refer to the linear aspects ...
St. Valentine's day
... gifts, usually from a man to a woman. Such gifts typically include roses and chocolates. Starting in the 1980s, the diamond industry began to promote Valentine's Day as an occasion for giving fine jewelry. In 1929 due to tensions between gangs in Chicago, members of a gang led by Al Capone killed ...
... carried on commercially. No whiskey can be released from bond in Great Britain until it has matured in wood at least three years, and in practice most whiskey is stored seven or eight years before marketing. In the United States bonded whiskey must stay a minimum of four years in bond before it can ...
Die Umweltverschmutzung
... verschwinden. Sie bleiben in der Erde; später kommt dieses Wasser in unseren Häuser, vieleicht. Es becinflust unsere Gesundheit. Die Umweltverschmutzung führt zu verschiedenen Krank heiten, die sehr schwer und gefährlich sind, verschwinden einige Tiere, Fögel und Fisch. Der ...
On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements
... commutator in (3) can be added to first one in (2). We get [y-1 , that is a product of three primitive elements. 4. A decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group of rank 2 as a product of primitive elements For further reasonings we need the following fact: any primitive element of a ...
Some problems of borrowing in the Russian language
... and others. 3. Conclusion So, I have tried to analyse spelling of foreign words from the business written language monument of the XVII century. Words in the Russian language are borrowed by translation, transplantation, transliteration and transphoning. There are three ways of reproducing foreign ...
St George’s Chapel
l ranks among the finest examples of Perpendicular Gothic, the late medieval style of English architecture. Unlike most of the other great churches ,St George’s Chapel has its principal or «show» front on the south , facing the Henry YIII gate and running almost the length of the Lower Ward. As ...
Westminster Abbey
... the daily services. The boys are educated at the Choir School attached to the Abbey ;mention of such a school is made in the fifteenth century and it may be even older in origin. For some centuries it was linked with Westminster School, but became independent in the mid-nineteenth century. The Organ ...
The Queen’s House
... a fluoroscope, which examines every piece of mail that arrives at the Palace. There is also a soldier who is responsible for making sure the Royal Standard is flying whenever The Queen is in residence, and to make sure it is taken down when she leaves. It is his job to watch for the moment when the ...
Buckingham Palace
ly just over two hundred and thirty years and a palace for much less; and its name, known the world over, is owed not to a monarch but to an English Duke. Buckingham House was built for John, first Duke of Buckingham, between 1702 and 1705. It was sold to the Crown in 1762. Surprisingly, since it ...
Matroid maps
... common panels of and , and the residues A and B lie on the opposite sides of the wall from the sets , , correspondingly. Доказательство. If is a matroid map then the satisfaction of conditions (1) and (2) is the main result of [2]. Assume now that satisfies the conditions (1) and (2). First we ...
Castles of England
... century. Thus for hundreds of years the Duke of Northumberland remained influential as much because of the soldiers he could muster as his personality. CASTLES OF ENGLAND Dover Location: Kent When William the Conqueror defeated Harold II at Hastings he headed towards Dover where the Angle-Saxons ...
Fedor Dostoevsky (1821-1881)
... in prison, he was sent as a private to a military station in Siberia. There in 1857 he met and married a widow named Marie Isaeva. In 1860 Dostoevski was back in St. Petersburg. The next year he began to publish a literary journal that was soon suppressed, though he had by now lost interest in ...
British theatres
nent staff in British theatres. Apply is rehearsed for a few weeks by a company of actors working together mostly for the first time and it is allowed to run as long as it draws the odious and pays it's way. Another peculiarity of the theatres in Great Britain is an follows: there are two kinds of ...
British Royal Ceremonies
... Blues and Royals). When the Queen is in London, an officer, a corporal of horse, 16 troopers and a trumpeter on a grey horse take part in the ceremony. The Royals can be identified by the red plumes on their helmets and by their blue uniforms. The Life Guards wear white plumes and red tunics. The ...
For the Beauty of the Earth
of all, to thee we raise (Господь всех, Тебе (thee = you) мы возносим) this our hymn of grateful praise. (этот (наш) гимн благодарной хвалы). For the beauty of each hour (За красоту каждого часа) of the day and of the night, (дня и ночи) hill and vale, and tree and flower, (холма и долины, дерева и ...
I heard a Fly buzz
... -- and then (А потом окна сдали – а потом; to fail – сдавать, терпеть крах) I could not see to see – (Я не могла видеть, чтобы видеть=понять). I heard a Fly buzz -- when I died -- The Stillness in the Room Was like the Stillness in the Air -- Between the Heaves of Storm -- The Eyes around -- had ...
Love Indestructible
... these passions of the Earth, (Земные эти страсти на Земле) They perish where they have their birth; (Они погибают там, где родились) But Love is indestructible. (Но Любовь неразрушима) Its holy flame for ever burneth, (Ее святое пламя горит (burneth=burns) вечно) From Heaven it came, to Heaven ...
Some problems of the russian spelling
... places because most of the appellatives sometimes had too individual ways of assimilation in the Russian language. Then guided by graphic and orthographical variants of the words I made some attemps to define a language-source and to restore a spelling form in it. It was restored 316 names of places ...
You are old, Father William
... clever: сообразительный, хитрый; проворный, ловкий; искусный, умелый; способный, талантливый; остроумный *** air: воздух, атмосфера внешний вид; airs – манерничание "You are old, Father William," the young man said, "And your hair has become very white; And yet you incessantly stand on your head – ...
English Painting and Art Galleries
... The Tretyakov Gallery The state Tretyakov Gallery is one of the best-known art galleries in Russia. Different genres of painting are exhibited there. It takes its name from its founder Pavel Tretyakov, a Moscow merchant and connoisseur. In the middle of the XIX th century Pavel Tretyakov ...
New trends in higher education
... institutions of higher learning did not cut down admission of students in 1994 or in 1995. Fearing public protests, the Government neither closed any higher educational establishment, nor reduced enrollment, though it was clear that federal budget funds would not be enough for both this number of ...
Is the nature of quantum chaos classical?
... to it. Since experimental manifestations of quantum chaos exist therefore one cannot ignore the question on the nature of quantum chaos and the description of it. ii) It undoubtedly that the intermediate quantum-classical region (QCR) exists between the QR and the CR, which must be possessed of ...
Dmitri Hvorostovsky
... . And overdramatizing is of no help to hide this coldness. But listen to his Onegin - and you will find the perfect one ever lived and probably will ever live, not to say that Hvorostovsky is now just 38, well, will be in a week, on October 16th. I would be surprised if he, even having such a grea
Vladimir Spivakov
... , Giulini. Maestro Spivakov started his music career as a student of Yuri Yankelevich at the Moscow Conservatory. While still in his 20-ties, Vladimir Spivakov won prizes in several competitions, as Gene Paganini Competition, Montreal International and Tchaikovsky Competition. In 1979, Soon after ...
Ludwig Van Beethoven
... compositions (Nine variations in C Minor). "If I ever become anybody," Beethoven wrote to Neefe in October, 26 1873, "I shall owe it to you". *** At thirteen his teacher got him a salaried job in the court orchestra, where Ludwig obtained his profound knowledge of instrumentation. At the age of 17 ...
Coronations in Westminster Abbey
... , replacements were made for the ceremony, and the clergy were robed in rich red copes - the same copes are still used in the Abbey George IY saw his coronation as an opportunity for a great theatrical spectacle and spent vast sums of money on it. He wore an auburn wig with ringlets, with a huge ...
Piotr Il'ich Tchaikovsky
... to bring one of the first serious work of his student to the attention of Johann Strauss. The performance of " Characteristic dances"***, incorporated later to Tchaikovsky's first opera "The Voevoda" was, indeed, the first public performance of any of his works. Before even graduating, Tchaikovsky ...
Russian composers
... Government". "I am quite indifferent" - answered Rachmaninov, but the attack hurt him more than he would say. He stopped composing after he left Russia, almost for the rest of his life. "I am a Russian composer, and the land of my birth has influenced my temperament and outlook". "The melody has g
Love means different things to different people
... that love has as many definitions as there are human beings on this planet. And it doesn’t necessarily mean that love no longer unites people. It just means that love has different dimensions, different sides that reflect our understanding of life. I’ve heard somebody say that “love is friendship ...
European Union
... laws with Council, to adopt the budget at the end, and control/supervise all institutions. It is elected every five year. Council of the European Union – This is the most influential institution in decision making process. The main functions of this institution is to exercise the issues related to ...
The Tretyakov gallery
... was designated one of the most important educational establishments of the country. It was also decreed that the name of its founder be retained in honour of Tretyakov’s great services to Russian culture. The Gallerie’s collection has grown considerably in the years since the Revolution. In 1893 it ...
The Hermitage
... of this varied work are published in the form of books, articles, periodicals, pamphlets, etc. Since 1949 a post-graduate school has been functioning at the Hermitage, specialists in art working here at their theses. An important aspect of the Museum’s research activities is the work of the annual ...
A museum
... people etc. All this helps us to better understand historical events, scientific discoveries, character and deeds of well-known personalities. I think museums somehow effect the formation of personality, his outlook. Every educated person is sure to understand the great significance of museums in ...
British school
... , John Opie, Henry Rdeburn, John Hoppner and John Russell, all marked by a vividness of expression and brilliance of execution typical of the British School of portrait painting in the days when it had achieved a national tradition. Highly important is Gainsborough’s superb «Portrait of the Duchess ...
The making of the collection
... of the Netherlandish school, and of the French school of the 19th and 20th centuries but to form a museum free from private taste , and made it possible to arrange the collections systematically. The accumulation of materials which had not been represented in the museum in the pre-Revolutionary per
Painting in our Life
... Thus, Cretan art became a bridge between Egyptian art, which emphasized death, and ancient Greek and Roman art, which dealt with life. Gree k painting. The ancient Greeks made greater achievements in architecture and sculpture than in painting. Nearly all surviving Greek paintings appear on pottery. ...
Rating system in Russia
spectators. It is necessary for successful development of cinema industry in our country. Categories: The best actor: -Vycheslav Galkin "The Long-range-drivers" -Serge Bezrukov"The Brigade" S.Bezrukov is recognized to be the best actor; The best actress: - Alona Hmelnitskaya "The Russian Amazons ...
Colonization and Development of Pennsylvania
here the history of the successful and tolerant colony begins. Pennsylvania played a very important role in development of what we know as United States of America now. Political history of Pennsylvania is very bright and controversial. There was a natural conflict between the proprietary and ...
Olympic games
... all the sports governing bodies and pointed out the significance of sports and its educational value. Two years later the first modern Olympic Games took place. Of course, the competitions were held in Greece to symbolize the continuation of the centuries-old tradition. In 1896 the International ...
Dissociation of Benzene Molecule in a Strong Laser Field \eng\
... can be generalized to the multi-atomic molecules. This short paper contains the results of theoretical derivations for dissociation of benzene molecule C6H6 in the field of linearly polarized Ti:Sapphire laser. Data were taken from experimental results by Chin’s group, Ref. [4]. We use the atomic ...
Атомна енергетика України і РПС
... виробництва електроенергії з розвитою сировинною і виробничою базою для подальшого розвитку галузі. Розділ I. Особливості і фактори розміщення атомної енергетики України На усе більш конкурентному і багатонаціональному глобальному енергетичному ринку ряд найважливіших чинників буде впливати не ті ...
Болонський процес – інтеграційна реформа вищої освіти на Європейському просторі
... для нашої держави в тому, що всі підписанти потенційно стають і учасниками Болонського процесу, започаткованого 29 країнами Європи у 1999 році. Саме таким чином поступово реалізовувались інтеграційні процеси у сфері вищої освіти європейських країн. Україна була і є активним учасником цих процесів. ...
Батьківська педагогіка. Сім’я та закон
... , що до батьків, особливо до матері, ми думкою звертаємося у важку хвилину життя. Разом з тим почуття, що офарблюють відносини дитини і батьків, — це особливі почуття, відмінні від інших емоційних зв’язків. Специфіка почуттів, що виникають між дітьми і батьками, визначається головним чином тим, що ...
Верховна Рада України в системі органів влади
... до розгляду на засіданнях Верховної Ради України; підписує акти, прийняті Верховною Радою України; представляє Верховну Раду України в зносинах з іншими органами державної влади України та органами влади інших держав; організовує роботу апарату Верховної Ради України. 3. Народний депутат України ...
Доля політичної нації в поліетнічному суспільстві.
... яких розглядатиметься структура та доля політичної нації є: саме поняття “нація”, “політична нація”, “поліетнічне суспільство” тощо. У політології існує постійна проблема взаємодії двох рівнів знання: теоретичного та емпіричного. Предметом вивчення методології аналізу якраз і виступає ця взаємод ...
Електронний уряд
... . Підсумки: В цьому розділі ми з’ясували, які саме зміни всередині урядових організацій, в їх структурі, функціях і методах роботи ініціює запровадження електронного уряду. А саме: відбувається перенесення акцентів з вертикальних на горизонтальні зв’язки всередині уряду, між різними його підрозді ...
Беларуская музыка
... . У пасляваенны перыяд беларуская сімфанічная музыка развівалася больш інтэнсіўна, чым за ўсе папярэднія гады. Уздым сімфанічнага жанру быў абумоўлены і прыходам у беларускую музыку новай групы таленавітых кампазітараў – Л.Абеліовіча, Г.Вагнера, Я.Глебава і іншых. У гэтыя гады яшчэ больш расшырыўся ...
Володимир Антонович
... матеріалів з історії України. Величезною є заслуга Антоновича у справі виховання когорти видатних українських істориків. Серед його численних учнів бачимо М.Грушевського, Д.Багалія, П.Голубовського, М.Довнар-Запольського, а також сина Володимира Боніфатійовича Дмитра — мистецтвознавця й культуролога ...
